Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 75: Championship Battle

"Welcome to the finals championship battle. The five-year All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to come to an end. After three months of pursuit from hundreds of advanced soul master academies across the continent, the champion is about to be born."

"Hey! Although there are hundreds of advanced academy teams participating in the competition, there is only one champion. It can be said to be very cruel, but we have also seen many amazing soul masters."

"The biggest surprise of this session is that three soul kings appeared in the Wuhun Team of the Wuhun Hall. This is the highest record of soul power level since the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was held. They are worthy of being the guide of the soul master world."

"Okay, first of all, please welcome the host Xingluo Royal Academy team. Although they lost to the three soul kings of the Wuhun team in the top three individual competitions, the finals are a team competition, and they still have a chance to win the championship of this year's elite competition."

At 1 pm, the finals finally started. The big fighting soul field was crowded with people. In addition to the audience seats, even the human-shaped passages, corridors, and places where they could stand were not spared.

The host passionately explained the game loudly and introduced the competition from the preliminaries to the finals. After the opening remarks, he immediately announced that the Xingluo Royal Academy team would go on stage.

However, Duan Yufan discovered that the Xingluo Royal Academy team had four new faces. Not only Duan Yufan, but also the audience who watched the game from beginning to end noticed it.

"Emperor Dai Huang, the Xingluo team has new faces. I didn't expect that they still retain their strength." Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun narrowed his eyes and smiled at the Xingluo Emperor with a meaningful look.

"Haha, Bishop Ma, this is the finals, so we can't keep it anymore." The Xingluo Emperor laughed and didn't care about the look of Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun.

"That's great, Dai Huang, how confident are you against this Wuhun team after the change of players?" Prince Xuexing asked with interest.

"Hey! Although we have changed people, we can only play 30% against the Wuhun team. The main reason is that the three soul kings of the Wuhun team are too strong. This is a big gap." The Xingluo Emperor did not speak arrogantly, and accidentally said something that boosted others' ambitions and destroyed his own prestige.

"Haha, that's really good." Bishop Platinum did not care.

"Our Xingluo Royal Academy team has replaced four new faces. Is this the strongest lineup of the Xingluo Royal Academy team? Let's wait and see what kind of performance will be after the newcomers."

"Next, please invite our biggest dark horse, the team with soul kings, the Wuhun Team of the Wuhun Hall to play." The host explained very professionally.

Duan Yufan decided to play, so he replaced Xu Yu. After all, it was the last game, and Duan Yufan didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Duan Yufan led the members of the Wuhun team into the arena.

"Haha, Emperor Daihuang, I'm afraid your 30% budget is gone." Bishop Platinum Matthewton saw Duan Yufan actually on the stage and said bluntly to the Xingluo Emperor.

"Oh! Who is this person that makes you, Bishop Ma, so confident?" Xing Luo looked carefully at the Wuhun team and found that they had replaced the only auxiliary, who was also a new face, and couldn't help asking.

"Emperor Dai, you will know after watching the game." Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun pretended to be mysterious and did not answer.

"Is it another soul king? It's impossible. This person looks no better than his second prince at most." Seeing that Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun did not answer, Emperor Xing Luo looked at the arena and guessed secretly.

"Haha, the Xing Luo Royal Academy team has a new face, and the Wuhun team also has a new face, replacing the auxiliary soul master in the team, but as far as I know, this newcomer in the Wuhun team is not simple. I don't know if you have heard of him, but I have heard a rumor about this newcomer and was fortunate to meet him once."

The host's unexpected commentary made the audience a little excited, and they hurriedly asked who the host was.

"I don't know if you have heard of the incident three years ago when villagers near Wuhun City were poisoned by an unknown poison." The host reminded.

"I've heard of it. It just so happened that I was also near Wuhun City three years ago. I was the Holy Son of the Wuhun Hall with auxiliary abilities. After a year, I heard that I never missed a day and detoxified the villagers every day."

"What, Holy Son, I also remembered that the reputation of the Holy Son of the Wuhun Hall in Wuhun City is extremely high, second only to His Holiness the Pope."

"I've heard of it, Holy Son."

"Holy Son..." Duan Yufan caused a noise from the audience again.

"That's right, it's the Holy Son of the Wuhun Hall, but I don't know what the level of the Holy Son's soul power is. Let's look forward to it together." The host immediately confirmed Duan Yufan's identity to the audience.

"Holy Son of the Wuhun Hall?" Xingluo Emperor said softly. Xingluo Emperor naturally heard about this matter, but he didn't know the specific age. Now he saw that he was a little younger than he expected.

"Uh!" Duan Yufan looked at the host. Unexpectedly, he recognized him. At the same time, he also saw several people on the stage of the jury.

In addition to the three judges, there was a boy with short blond hair and heterochromic eyes standing next to the Emperor of Xingluo, who was about the same age as him. A little further down, he also saw Zhu Zhuqing, whom he had met once, and there was a middle-aged man sitting in front of her.

As for the boy with short blond hair and heterochromic eyes, Duan Yufan already had an answer in his mind, and it must be Dai Mubai, one of the Shrek Seven Devils.

"Junior brother, not bad! Famous." Hu Liena couldn't help but say to Duan Yufan.

"Haha, it's just a nickname, calm down." Duan Yufan said calmly.

"Okay, the explanation is almost over, let's start today's theme, the championship competition." The host immediately returned to the topic.

"The last game of the All-Continental High-Level Soul Master Elite Competition, the game officially begins." Seeing that both sides were almost ready, the host immediately announced the game.

"Martial Soul Possession! Zhuyun." The members of the Xingluo Royal Academy team have released their martial souls, and Davis said to the woman next to him.


"Oh, it appeared, the Xingluo Empire's symbol, the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Soul Fusion Technique." The host looked at Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's martial soul fusion skills and immediately explained.

Duan Yufan and the others did not interrupt the two people's martial soul fusion skills. When they were completed, Duan Yufan also summoned his martial soul, and followed with the soul ring.

"What! The soul power level of the Son of God, and the soul ring configuration are unprecedented, it is yellow, purple, purple, black, black and red 57th level soul king, it's hard to imagine, how did this happen." The host saw Duan Yufan's soul ring and immediately introduced it in shock.

Emperor Xingluo and Prince Xuexing looked at Duan Yufan in disbelief, and the expressions on their faces could not hide their inner shock.

"Oh, Grandpa, is the Holy Son so strong? And how many tens of thousands of years is this black and red spirit ring?" Dugu Yan was also surprised, and his mouth was wide open.

"Uh, Yan'er, I don't know, but the strength of the Holy Son cannot be viewed with common sense."

Dugu Bo was also lacking in knowledge, because as far as he knew, even if it was a spirit ring of 99,000 and 900 years, black was black, there was no spirit ring with red in black, it was either black or red.

Here it comes, hey, I have to be busy again,

Thank you all for your follow-up reading, my update speed makes you work hard!!

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