Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 74 Hu Liena's Pressure

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had set. After Hu Liena was treated by Duan Yufan, it took about two hours before she woke up faintly.

Hu Liena's impression before coma was that she only saw a flash of bright light, and then her vision went dark and she fell into darkness. She had no idea what happened next.

Hu Liena sat up and shook her head. It still felt a little heavy. Hu Liena looked around and found that she was lying in a bedroom.

He got up and walked around, walked into the living room, and saw Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue who were sitting cross-legged and meditating to restore their soul power.

Qian Renxue still maintained her true form and did not transform back into Xue Qinghe. Hu Liena saw that both of them were recovering their soul power. Although she didn’t know what happened next, she still quietly left the room without disturbing them. Bit.

When he opened the door, he found that the two elders, Snake Spear and Abyssinus, were still guarding outside.

"Hello, two elders!" Hu Liena said hello quickly after seeing the two of them, even though she had never seen the two titled Douluo, Snake Spear and Acornfish before.

But when Hu Liena was being protected before, she also saw the nine soul rings of the two people. The thoughtful Hu Liena also knew that these two people were members of the Elder Hall and were sent by the Qiandaoliu Grand Priest to protect Qian Renxue.

Because someone who has the Elder Order does not necessarily mean he is a titled Douluo, but if he has the strength of a titled Douluo, he must be an Elder of the Spirit Hall. Hu Liena still knows this.

"Hmm!" The two Douluo, Snake Spear and Agony, just responded to Hu Liena without saying anything.

Because the Qiandaoliu Grand Enshrined Elder Hall faction did not recognize her, Bibi Dong designated Hu Liena as a saint, except for the saint Duan Yufan.

There is only one saint in the Elders' Hall who has Qian Renxue in mind, so the two elders Snake Spear and Porcupine will naturally not call Hu Liena a saint.

"Two elders! How long have I been unconscious? What happened before? How come both of them are recovering their soul power." Hu Liena didn't care about the attitudes of the snake spear and the dolphin. Hu Liena also thought it was normal. After all, she was just A little soul king.

"Speaking of this, when the Holy Son and the Young Master were fighting, they accidentally completed martial soul fusion skills on each other, and then their soul power was drained, so you were knocked unconscious. Well, you still can't do it until now. He's been unconscious for two hours." That's what Snake Spear Douluo said when he returned to Hu Liena.

Although he would not call Hu Liena a saint, he did not explain that he was indifferent to Hu Liena. Snake Spear and Arkfish also knew that this was the talent of another Titled Douluo. What is the concept of a 15-year-old Soul King? Snake Spear and Acornfish The two titled Douluo also know that their future achievements will definitely be higher than their own, and they may even have the chance to reach the point of being enshrined in the Qiandaoliu Great Enshrinement.

"That's it! I'm going back to those two elders first."


After Hu Liena said that, she turned around and walked towards her room. Hu Liena only felt a lot of pressure. She felt that her junior brother was about to be robbed. His talent was not as good as others, and he was not as good-looking as others.

Returning to the courtyard where the Wuhundian team rested, Hu Liena saw Xie Yue and Yan chatting.

"Nana, you're back. Where did you and Xiaofan go? We didn't see you when we came back." Xie Yue asked doubtfully.

"Yes! Did you see a huge sun rising outside the city two hours ago? Everyone who saw it in the city said that this scene was very exaggerated." Yan also said.

"A sun rises outside the city?" Hu Liena didn't react for a moment.

But then he thought about the appearance of Duan Yufan's fifth soul skill, Holy Light Apocalypse, and Qian Renxue's sixth soul skill, Angel's Roar.

It was as if they were two suns. In addition to what the two elders Snake Spear and Ayurveda had just said, Hu Liena had already speculated that it might be the masterpiece of Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue.

"No! Xiaofan and I have been meditating and practicing in the same room in the Xingluo Temple. We just woke up." Hu Liena did not tell the two of her guesses.

Hu Liena also guessed and knew that Bibi Dong wanted to prevent others from knowing about Qian Renxue's existence, so no one except the Elder Hall knew about it.

"Hey! In the same room?" Xie Yue and Yan were obviously more interested in why they were meditating in the same room as Duan Yufan.

"What are you thinking! It's none of your business, huh!" Hu Liena ignored these two rough guys and returned to her room.

"Uh!" Xie Yue and Yan were stunned for a while. They didn't expect that the conversation would be so good, and their expressions would change at every turn.

On the other side, Emperor Xingluo reacted and led people outside the city, but Duan Yufan and others had already left.

All that was seen was a desolate land. The original lush weeds and a small patch of woods were gone. Emperor Xingluo had someone check it out. They found that everything within a thousand meters was almost the same. People who didn't know it thought that this was how it was originally. Bare nothing exists.

"Who did it? I've never heard of anyone with such ability near Star Luo City."

Emperor Xingluo checked to no avail and had to withdraw his team. He sighed. He originally wanted to come here to recruit such a master.

After another three hours of meditation to restore his soul power, Duan Yufan almost recovered and woke up.

Not long after, Qian Renxue also woke up.

"How's it going? Is it okay?" Duan Yufan asked Qian Renxue first.

"It's almost time. Let's go back to the hotel first. After tonight, we can return to our peak state." Qian Renxue replied calmly.

"Then you go back. It's getting late. After all, you still have the status of the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire." Duan Yufan showed no regrets.

"It's really time to go back." Qian Renxue stood up, turned and walked towards the door.

"But I will definitely defeat you, hum!" Qian Renxue stopped at the door, turned around and said proudly, then opened the door and walked out.

"Tsk! I am the one who will inherit the God King, I am afraid of a little angel like you." Duan Yufan didn't take Qian Renxue's words to heart.

"Young Master! You are awake." Snake Spear and Thorn Porpoise watched Qian Renxue open the door and walked out, and immediately surrounded her and said.

"Let's go! Let's go back to the hotel first."

The three of them quickly left the Xingluo Temple and came to a dark alley on the street. Qian Renxue flashed and turned into Xue Qinghe. The three of them appeared on the street and went back to the Xingluo Hotel openly.

Duan Yufan also left the room of Platinum Bishop Matthewton and returned to his room, which was next to Hu Liena's room.

In the next few days of chasing, the final championship battle kicked off, with the Wuhun Hall team against the Xingluo Royal Academy team.

And the Tiandou Royal Academy team won the third place.

Duan Yufan did not play in the past few games, but watched in the rest area of ​​the Wuhun Hall team.

Qian Renxue also returned to the Tiandou Empire area to continue playing Xue Qinghe. The change in her personality is really like two different people. No wonder no one noticed the abnormality after lurking for so many years.

Hu Liena also learned from Duan Yufan what happened in the grove when Duan Yufan came back from the room of Platinum Bishop Matthewton that night.

Then she returned to her room and secretly decided to work harder.

Qian Renxue's appearance made Hu Liena feel the crisis, especially with the ability of Wuhun Fusion.

After the passion, there is always such a dull moment.

So I watered down a chapter.

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