Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 4 Seraph Martial Spirit Talent Ability

There was only one woman standing in front of Duan Yufan in the hall. She was about 1.75 meters tall, with a purple-gold crown on her head and long gray-purple hair with a little bend in the middle.

She had a nearly perfect appearance, fair skin, and wore a golden long dress that fit her body from the body to the feet. There were three colors of gems on the dress, red, gold, and blue, flashing.

The whole person exuded a noble, sacred and majestic aura, dignified and elegant. Duan Yufan couldn't describe this woman at all. He just looked at her from time to time, and was shocked and guessed in his heart. In Wuhun City, besides her, who else has this kind of dress and temperament.

"Hmm! What a magical ability. I can suppress the residual energy left by my Rakshasa Divine Power Assessment by being around this child, making me more advanced and compatible." Pope Bibi Dong looked at Duan Yufan quietly and thought to himself.

"Child, what's your name!" Bibi Dong asked Duan Yufan's name lightly.

"Sister, my name is Duan Yufan. Where is this place? I haven't tested my innate soul power yet." Duan Yufan came back to his senses and pretended not to know her.

"This is the Pope's Hall. I am the Pope of the Wuhun Hall. If you can, you can call me teacher." Bibi Dong looked at Duan Yufan and her mouth slightly raised. Bibi Dong was very happy now, the happiest time in decades.

"But let's test your innate soul power first." Bibi Dong took out a crystal ball for testing innate soul power and handed it to Duan Yufan.

Duan Yufan stretched out his left hand and placed it on the crystal ball. It shone brightly in an instant, and then the crystal ball broke.

"Uh! Sister, I broke the crystal ball, sorry!" Duan Yufan was secretly shocked when he saw this, and then said apologetically.

"Well! It's okay, this thing is not worth mentioning. I'll change you a bigger crystal ball, and you continue to test." Bibi Dong took out another crystal ball that was a little bigger than before.

Duan Yufan continued to put his hand on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball instantly shone brightly, but this time the crystal ball did not break.

"Innate soul power level 20!"

A voice came from behind Duan Yufan. Turning around, he saw a white-haired old man wearing golden clothes. At the same time, Duan Yufan also found that three people came in from the gate behind the white-haired old man.

"What! Innate soul power level 20! Isn't that the same as the lady! Uh." A charming androgynous voice sounded, but he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing because he saw two eyes shooting at him.

"I'm sorry! Lord High Priest, His Holiness the Pope, I said the wrong thing." He immediately lowered his head to admit his mistake.

"High Priest! Qian Daoliu, actually alarmed him, no wonder, the light attribute of the Seraphim should be similar to the angel god attribute he worshipped for generations." Although Duan Yufan had guessed it, he was still very surprised.

"In that case, you take this child to the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt soul rings, and remember to find soul beasts with light attributes." The High Priest Qian Daoliu instructed Ju Douluo.

"Child, can you tell me about your martial soul!" Then the High Priest Qian Daoliu asked Duan Yufan kindly.

"Uh! My martial soul seems to be called Seraphim, but now I can only show the weapon cross that symbolizes Seraphim, which seems to be the ability to heal injuries." Duan Yufan introduced Seraphim and pretended to understand and told everyone.

"No more? It shouldn't be, so mediocre, can a child summon his own martial soul?" The great priest Qian Daoliu blinked and said.

"Okay! I'll try." Duan Yufan immediately summoned a white cross with light. Duan Yufan was shocked because he immediately felt the six passive skills of the Seraphim profession as soon as the cross was taken out.

"Well! I seem to feel that my strength has improved a little, and I feel that your soul power has improved a lot. It is indeed an auxiliary soul master. Tell me about the ability you feel." The great priest Qian Daoliu felt it and said.

"Okay! It seems that when I take out this martial soul, I can give people around me 30% of the power, movement speed and attack speed, soul power, and mental power. The five attributes increase by 10% every ten levels, and there is also a blessing called Seraphim, which can make me perfectly resurrected if I receive a fatal blow. It can be used once a year." Duan Yufan pretended to feel it and said.

"What! It can also bring the owner of the martial soul back to life. This martial soul's innate ability is too amazing." The great priest Qian Daoliu was shocked.

"Who is this Seraphim? It is also a six-winged angel. The ability of this Seraphim is to save people, while the ability of the angel is to judge the enemy. I must ask the angel to disturb him." The great priest Qian Daoliu thought secretly in his heart.

Duan Yufan obtained the six passive skills of the Seraphim, which were obtained by awakening the martial soul.

1. Holy Light Infusion, which gives itself light attribute attack, and reduces the enemy's attribute resistance by 30% when attacking.

2. Revelation: Punishment, increase its own attack speed and attack power by 30%.

3. Revelation: Hymn, increase its own soul power by 20%.

4. Pious Faith, increase the strength, soul power, mental power, movement speed and attack speed of its nearby teammates, the basic increase is 30%, and the increase is 10% every ten levels.

5. The Blessing of the Seraphim, increase its own soul power by 10%, and if it is fatally injured, the Seraphim will revive the protagonist. After resurrection once, the resurrection ability cannot be used again within one year.

Sixth, Seraph's Light, increases one's own soul power by 10%, and increases the auxiliary active skill by 30%, and increases one's own attack power by 30%.

The above release of martial soul triggers the passive effect, except for the fifth passive effect, which is very amazing.

"And it can give me light attribute attacks, reducing the enemy's attribute resistance by 30%. This is the current ability of my cross martial soul." Duan Yufan continued in a low voice.

"Very good! The first auxiliary spirit master in the entire continent is none other than you. Even the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower cannot match your auxiliary ability, but let Elder Ju take you to get the spirit ring first." Pope Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Elder Ju! Remember to get a spirit beast with light attribute and auxiliary ability, do you know?" Bibi Dong also instructed Ju Douluo lightly.

"Yes! Your Majesty the Pope, the Great Worshiper, I will look for a spirit beast suitable for this little friend even if I search the entire Soul Hunting Forest." Ju Douluo said respectfully.

"What little friend! This will be my disciple from now on, the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall!" Bibi Dong said lightly.

"I agree to become the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall, but I don't agree to be your disciple. I should enter my Worship Hall. Can you teach me?" Qian Daoliu stopped him.

"Hmph! Don't make a mistake. Although it is also an angel spirit, it is not your six-winged angel spirit. The spirit abilities are completely different. Can he live with you old men in the worship hall?" Bibi Dong refuted Qian Daoliu's words.

"Well, then! But I can call him to my worship hall at any time. Elder Ju, please go and come back quickly!" Qian Daoliu looked at the tough Bibi Dong and compromised. It was indeed different from his angel spirit ability.

"Yes!" Ju Douluo didn't dare to offend either side. Fortunately, the spirit beast requirements were the same.

"Uh! That! Can I only add spirit rings to this cross? What about my other spirit?" Duan Yufan whispered at this time.

"What!" Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu looked at Duan Yufan again.

The new book is unfolded.

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