Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 3 Awakening the Martial Soul

"You two should follow me." Pope Bibi Dong continued.

"Yes! Your Holiness." The two people around Pope Bibi Dong also received the order at the same time.

. . . . . . .

Duan Yufan followed Deacon Mo to the Wuhun Hall Square. Under the orderly arrangement of the Wuhun Hall patrol team, although there were many people, it did not seem very chaotic.

"Parents stop!"

"Xiao Fan, you go in. There is no cost for awakening the Wuhun, so you don't need to worry." Deacon Mo took Duan Yufan to the place where the Wuhun awakened.

The square was divided into two areas. The place near the Wuhun Hall was the ceremony site for awakening the Wuhun. It was intercepted by patrol guards. Because the awakening of the Wuhun cannot be disturbed, parents cannot enter except for the children who want to participate.

"Okay, Uncle Mo! I know." Duan Yufan responded to Uncle Mo.

"Well! Xiaofan, don't be stressed! Just proceed normally, but you have to work hard and strive to awaken a good Wuhun." Deacon Mo encouraged.

"Thank you, Uncle Mo! Then go in first."

Duan Yufan passed by the patrol team, and the patrol saw that it was a child of about six years old, so he let him go immediately.

As soon as Duan Yufan entered, a staff member of the Spirit Hall immediately signaled Duan Yufan to line up.

Wow, there were five Spirit Awakening Guides, six spirit rings, which meant that they were five Spirit Emperors, and there were more than 20 children in front of the five Spirit Awakening Guides.

More children came in one after another, and Duan Yufan immediately went to the side with fewer people to line up.

In front of Duan Yufan was a little girl, who may have noticed someone behind her, and immediately turned her head to look at Duan Yufan.

The little girl had a chubby face, which was very cute, but she turned around after looking at Duan Yufan.

Six-year-old Duan Yufan was not tall, just over one meter tall, so he could not see what spirit the child in front of him had awakened, but he could hear the voice of the awakened spirit guide.

The most awakened are beast spirits, most of which have innate spirit powers between two and seven. Most of them awaken to level four and five spirit powers. Occasionally, there are children without innate spirit powers. After all, they are in the spirit city, and most of them have innate spirit powers, but they are not high.

There is a special registration person next to the spirit awakening guide. Every time a person awakens, he will register his name, spirit ability, innate spirit power, etc.

More than ten minutes passed, and soon it was Duan Yufan's turn to awaken the spirit. The little girl in front of Duan Yufan began to accept the guide's spirit power to lead out the spirit in her body.

A bird appeared on the little girl's right palm.

"Flying Swallow Spirit, child! Come and put your palm on the crystal ball to test the innate spirit power." The guide said the name of the spirit, and then continued to test the innate spirit power.

The crystal ball lit up soon! The brightness at least occupied 80% of the crystal ball.

"Innate spirit power level eight! Very good, child, go over there to register." The guide said happily. This is the first genius with innate spirit power level eight today, so naturally the guide is also very happy.

Duan Yufan looked like a genius. His innate eighth-level soul power talent was already very good. He didn't expect that this cute little girl was actually a genius. Duan Yufan thought secretly, but he didn't have time to think about anything, because the next one was himself.

Duan Yufan tried to suppress his nervousness. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous. After all, this was related to his position in Douluo Continent, just like the moment when the college entrance examination scores came out.

"Child! Don't be nervous, just stand still." The guide said soothingly, and then input soul power into Duan Yufan to guide the martial soul in his body.

After a while, Duan Yufan just felt very comfortable, but after two minutes, the martial soul did not appear.

"Uncle, has it started?" Duan Yufan asked nervously, because his own martial soul did not appear on his palm.

"Uh! Strange! It shouldn't be, judging from the root bone, it's true that she is more than six years old! Why hasn't the martial soul appeared yet." The guide looked at Duan Yufan strangely.

Duan Yufan looked at the guide's strange expression and his heart sank. He wouldn't even have a useless martial soul.

"Child! Wait a minute, I will continue to increase the output of soul power and awaken your martial soul for you." The guide increased the soul power input into Duan Yufan's body.

Level 10, level 20, level 30 Then the guide could not control the soul power, and all of his soul emperor-level soul power was absorbed by Duan Yufan. Duan Yufan had already closed his eyes at this time, and it seemed that something was about to appear in his body.

"My Lord Bishop, help me quickly, my soul power has been sucked out by this child, and I can't let go." Duan Yufan's guide shouted loudly to the people standing behind the five guides.

Duan Yufan's guide's shout attracted the three people who were watching the awakening ceremony not far away. In the middle was a girl about ten years old, with fair skin on her face. She had a moving temptation at a young age.

Behind him stood two adults, dressed in golden clothes, standing enchantingly, and one was dressed in black, exuding a cold breath.

"What's going on!" The bishop came over and asked.

"I don't know! When I awakened the martial soul for this child, all the soul power was inexplicably sucked away." The guide said helplessly. He had awakened countless martial souls for others, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"Hmm! Could it be that a top-level martial soul is about to awaken? I will input soul power into your body, hold on." The bishop used his soul power and released his soul rings. Eight soul rings appeared instantly, and it turned out to be a Soul Douluo-level strongman.

A Soul Douluo-level sitting in the hall shows that the Spirit Hall has great expectations for the day of the martial soul awakening.

"What's going on! Even I have raised my soul power to a level above Soul Emperor, but this kid is only emitting a faint light." The bishop looked at Duan Yufan in surprise, but he did not stop outputting soul power.

At this time, Duan Yufan's consciousness came to his own spiritual space.

"Ding, enough energy detected! Now loading the Warrior system for the host. This system now opens two professions for the host based on the host's cognition. Please choose a profession." A cold and ruthless voice sounded in Duan Yufan's mind.

The bishop and the guide outside finally let go of their hands that input soul power, and watched Duan Yufan's whole body glow.

"System! I actually came to the system to choose a profession?" Duan Yufan looked at a panel in front of him, and two figures appeared. One was a female profession wearing golden clothes and six wings behind her, with twin hands clasped in prayer.

The other was wearing dark purple clothes and holding a dark purple sickle. The whole person looked at Duan Yufan with a seductive posture. There was a confirmation button under the two figures.

"These are the two professions of Seraph and Savior." Duan Yufan was shocked. Duan Yufan had played these two professions for several years and was very familiar with the costumes of these two figures.

"System can only choose one! Can't both be chosen at the same time?" Duan Yufan asked in a dilemma.

"No, please host as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Duan Yufan walked to the panel and looked at the two professions in a dilemma, looking at this and then that.

"No way! It can only be like this."

Duan Yufan quickly raised his hands and clicked two confirmations with his left and right hands at the same time.

"Haha! Only children make choices, I want them all, I am really a smart ghost." Duan Yufan laughed and said after clicking the two confirmation buttons at the same time.

"Host! You, ah." The system shouted in shock, and the system disappeared, leaving only two professions, and the panel cracked.

"Hmph! A system actually wants to control me. I decide my own destiny. I didn't expect that this retarded system would collapse. Wake up! The power of the Seraphim."

Duan Yufan returned to reality. The sky suddenly changed from blue to white. The sky above the entire Wuhun City turned into a golden sky. A golden holy light column enveloped Duan Yufan.

"This is! The angel power has descended. No, it's not the angel power, but the light energy similar to the angel power. Wuhun Square." A white-haired old man was meditating in a golden palace. He suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, a woman in the Pope's Palace was also shocked and disappeared from her seat in an instant.

"This is!"

A singing voice came from the holy column that enveloped Duan Yufan. No one could understand it. Slowly, a huge figure with six wings appeared behind it.

"God! Please have mercy on the world!" After saying that, it turned into a huge, spotless white cross and sneaked into Duan Yufan's body.

Seeing this six-winged seraph, the patrols and bishops of the Spirit Hall all knelt down, and the children who had received the spirit awakening had fainted. Under the shining of the holy light, everyone felt an unprecedented peace in their hearts and knelt down involuntarily.

"Greetings to the Lord Angel God!"

"Such a powerful and holy light energy, comparable to the energy of the Lord Angel God, this child!". The white-haired old man also knelt on one knee and thought to himself.

When the white-haired man raised his head, Duan Yufan was no longer there.

"Bibi Dong! You dare."

Duan Yufan shook his head and came to a hall.

There is no need for the system at all. Pfft, the system was crashed by the protagonist, and the system will not appear later.

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