Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 24 Arrival at Tiandou Temple

"Your Holiness! Holy Son." Ju Douluo said respectfully.

"Yue Guan! Come with us to the Sunset Forest. There are some flowers and plants that you need to recognize." Bibi Dong said lightly, still looking majestic and noble in front of others.

"Yes, Your Holiness." Ju Douluo did not ask anything. After following Bibi Dong for decades, Ju Douluo still understood Bibi Dong's temper.

"Haha, Elder Ju, you are blessed. We have found a treasure land where fairy grass grows. It is estimated that your martial soul Qirong Tongtianju fairy grass is among them." Duan Yufan explained.

"What! Fairy grass, is it true, Your Holiness?" Ju Douluo was shocked and asked Bibi Dong hurriedly.

"That's right! It is indeed a fairy grass, but you still need to recognize it." Bibi Dong said lightly, and was no longer dissatisfied with Ju Douluo.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to see the legendary fairy grass." Ju Douluo was very excited.

"Is this fairy grass really that good? It makes you so excited." Bibi Dong still did not realize the powerful effect of the fairy grass.

"Your Holiness, taking the immortal grass can even change the fate of some people who are suitable for it. For example, my martial soul is the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum. If I can take the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum immortal grass, I will definitely be able to reach the top of the 99th level of the Extreme Douluo, and even evolve the ability of the martial soul." Ju Douluo explained with an example.

"Oh! That's really good. Let's go. As far as I know, there is more than one Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum immortal grass, and there are other immortal grasses." Bibi Dong said and walked out of the Pope's Palace.

Of course, the two did not say that it was told by God.

"Yes, Your Holiness!" Ju Douluo was more active than anyone else when he heard the news of the immortal grass.

As for the affairs of the Spirit Hall, naturally someone will take over for a few days.

"I haven't left the Spirit City for a long time and went to other places. It just so happens that I have been busy with the villagers' affairs for a year, so I went out for a trip to relax." Bibi Dong said softly.

"Your Holiness has been guarding the Spirit City all the time. There are too many big and small affairs in the Spirit Hall, which delayed your time." Ju Douluo heard Bibi Dong's words and said hurriedly.

The three of them came to the outside of Wuhun City. Bibi Dong looked at Wuhun City and wondered what she was thinking.

"Your Holiness, I heard that the daughter of Sect Master Ning awakened the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda with the ninth level of innate soul power. A celebration will be held in two days. Our Wuhun Hall has received an invitation. Do you think we should go there?" Ju Douluo suddenly mentioned something at this time.

"Oh! That's a really good talent. I remember that Sect Master Ning only has the eighth level of innate soul power. Sect Master Ning came to Wuhun City to help us once before. We can go there, so as not to be accused of being unkind." Bibi Dong said lightly, agreeing with Ju Douluo's proposal.

"Teacher, let's go! According to the location on the map, it is close to the outside of Tiandou City. We may have to rest in Tiandou Temple at night." Duan Yufan said and took the lead.

"Okay, let's go." Bibi Dong smiled knowingly at Duan Yufan and followed him.

"Great Priest, the Pope personally took his disciples to the Sunset Forest to obtain the fourth soul ring. I didn't expect it to be so fast. This kid has reached level 40 in just two years." The second Golden Crocodile Priest of the Douluo Priest Hall said to the Great Priest Qian Daoliu.

"Well, I know. Fortunately, this kid has a good personality. He is worthy of inheriting the gentle side of the angel spirit. Let them go. When the Pope is not here, you can let them supervise." The Great Priest Qian Daoliu said lightly with his eyes closed.

"Feng Zhi, Rong Rong's sect celebrated you and invited the Spirit Hall?" Jian Dao Chen Xin said unexpectedly.

"Well! I tried to invite them, but I don't know if they will come."

"I'm afraid they won't. I heard that Bibi Dong has never left the Spirit City since she took over the position of the Pope." Gu Rong Gu Douluo was dressed in black, dressed similarly to Ghost Douluo, and compared with Jian Dao Chen Xin, one was white and the other was black.

"It's okay! It doesn't matter whether they come or not. I just invited them with a little good intention. I just heard that the villagers' incidents were almost done, so I tried to invite them." Ning Fengzhi explained his actions.

In addition to inviting the Spirit Hall, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect also invited the royal family of the Heavenly Dou Empire to celebrate. After all, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect supports the Heavenly Dou Empire.

The journey was smooth and there were no accidents. Duan Yufan and the other two arrived outside the Heavenly Dou City. It was around 5 pm at this time.

"Your Majesty the Pope, Holy Son, we have arrived at the Heavenly Dou City. Let's go to the Heavenly Dou Holy Temple to settle down." Ju Douluo reported.

Even without Ju Douluo saying anything, Duan Yufan also saw the tall walls of the Heavenly Dou City.

The Heavenly Dou Holy Temple is the Holy Temple level of the Spirit Hall. The Spirit Hall is also divided into six levels from the highest to the lowest Douluo Palace, the Pope Palace, the Holy Temple, the Main Hall, the Sub-Hall, and the Branch Hall.

There are two Holy Temples of the Spirit Hall, located in the imperial cities of the two empires respectively. The Main Hall level is published in the major royal cities and some important cities, and the Spirit Halls in the four directions of the Spirit City are all Main Hall levels.

The Holy Temple level is held by the Platinum Bishop, and the lowest strength is also the Soul Douluo level. The current person in charge of the Heavenly Dou Holy Temple is a Platinum Bishop Saras who is Soul Douluo level 86.

"Let's go! Enter the city." Bibi Dong said lightly.

Then Ju Douluo took out a token, and the Tiandou City guards immediately let him pass, and he entered Tiandou City smoothly. Duan Yufan followed Bibi Dong, after all, he didn't know the way.

After more than ten minutes of shuttling through the streets, they arrived at the Spirit Hall. After all, the buildings of the Spirit Hall are all in the unified style of the Spirit Hall in the Spirit City, and they are even exactly the same, except that the size of the buildings is different, and the appearance and interior of the buildings are similar.

Not all people in the Spirit Hall know Bibi Dong, the current pope, but they know the various tokens of the Spirit Hall.

So when they arrived at the gate of Tiandou Temple, Ju Douluo just took out his elder token and let them in immediately.

"Please come in, everyone. Platinum Bishop Salas is inside. I will go in and inform him first." The guard said immediately.

"No need, we know the way." Ju Douluo refused the guard.

However, the elder in the eyes of the soldier actually had a respectful gesture, letting the other two go in first, and the soldier immediately realized something.

"Sir, don't! Sir, let me go."

Duan Yufan and the other two entered the hall, and a woman's crying voice came faintly from the side room.

"Be obedient, if you don't want your family to have any bad things."

"It's going to be bad." Duan Yufan thought secretly.

"Yueguan, you know what to do." Sure enough, Bibi Dong's tone was a little cold, and her face was still the same as always.

But Ju Douluo, who knew Bibi Dong's character, already knew that the Pope was the most terrifying at this time.

"Yes! Your Holiness." Ju Douluo responded with an ugly face, and disappeared instantly, so fast that he went to the side room where the sound came from.

It would be fine if I didn't know, but I just happened to meet him. Duan Yufan could only admit that Sarath was unlucky and happened to catch up at the right time.

"Saras!" Ju Douluo pushed the door violently.

"Which bastard dared to disturb this bishop's business." Platinum Bishop Sarath heard the noise, stopped his action, and turned back angrily.

"Elder Ju! Greetings, Elder Ju, why did you suddenly come to the Tiandou Temple? If I had known you were coming, I would have let my men notify you in advance so that I could prepare a banquet." Sarath suddenly turned around and found that it was Ju Douluo. He immediately came to Ju Douluo and bowed his head respectfully, and his clothes were a little disheveled.

However, when he looked up, he saw Ju Douluo's cold eyes.

As I wrote, I wrote another chapter.

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