Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 23 Complete the First Divine Test

Duan Yufan exited the Pope's Palace and returned to his room, where he meditated and cultivated his soul power as usual.

Two hours passed unknowingly. At 6 p.m., the last group of villagers returned to their villages and their homes one after another. The villagers slowly began to resume their previous lives.

Other places also started their annual martial soul awakening rituals a few days ago.

In the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi's daughter is awakening her martial spirit in the main hall.

"The eldest lady's martial spirit is the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, with innate soul power level nine." The guide who awakened the martial spirit for Ning Fengzhi's daughter announced to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"Okay! Rongrong is so impressive. He has one level of innate soul power higher than your father." Kendo Chenxin said dotingly.

On the other side is a small village in the Tiandou Empire.

"This is innate full soul power, hey! It's a pity that it's the Wasted Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass. What a pity. What's your name? I'll give you a certificate."

"My name is Tang San."

"Tang San, right? Although he is a useless spirit blue silver grass, he is full of innate spirit power. Do you want to join our spirit hall?"

"But I have to go back and discuss it with dad first."

"Okay! If you want to join our Wuhun Hall, you can come to Notting City Wuhun Hall in one month."

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, when the last family of villagers returned to the village, a voice appeared in Duan Yufan's mind.

"The first test of the Good God Test: The test of treating all infected people is completed, the affinity of the good heart is increased by 15%, and the passive skill of the blessing of the good heart is rewarded."

"The blessing of a kind heart: Whenever the successor suffers fatal damage, it will automatically defend for twelve hours. During this period, it will ignore any attack damage below the god level and have dozens of remaining skills."

"The second test of the Good God Test: dispel the carrier of the most purified evil thought body. The time limit is ten years. The reward is 15% of the kindness heart affinity. Other rewards are to be determined."

"I finally completed the first test. I was actually rewarded with a skill, which is a life-saving skill to protect myself. But what does the content of this second divine test mean, a carrier of evil thoughts?" Duan Yufan said that he was not interested in the content of the second test at the moment. Understand.

"Hey! No matter, the time limit is ten years, you can always find it. As for the reward for the first test, it is probably due to the last incident. The kind God King gave a life-saving skill for the smooth growth of his successor." Duan Yufan thought secretly.

Spirit world. . . . . .

"This is the maximum limit given by this God King. He was accidentally attacked to death last time. Fortunately, this kid's martial spirit has such a heaven-defying ability, but there should be limits. I hope these ten blessings can make the successor Growing up smoothly, it took hundreds of thousands of years to finally have such an heir," the kind-hearted God King whispered.

"Haha, I hope this kid will grow up as soon as possible. It won't be long before he can finally get rid of this shameless person, Evil. Hehe." The kind god king left the light pillar and appeared in a neat, warm yellow and gorgeous palace. The appearance of a little girl appeared in the palace. Gong Gong smiled softly, as if he thought of something happy.

. . . . . .

"Junior Brother Xiaofan, I'm in!" At this time, a girl came from outside the door, interrupting Duan Yufan's thinking about the second test.

Who else came to the residence behind the Pope's Palace but Hu Liena. Hu Liena dared to come back from the college after class.

"Come in! Senior sister."

"Hey! Xiaofan, I already have level 37 soul power! What level are you at?"

"Haha! Anyway, he is taller than senior sister."

"You, please tell me."

"I'm going to get the soul ring tomorrow."

"Woo! You're three levels behind in soul power again. As your senior sister, I'm under a lot of pressure, do you know?"

"Senior sister, there's nothing I can do! I can't suppress the increase in soul power, hey! I'm distressed."

"You! Humph, I'm really irritated. Let's go. The teacher asked us to have dinner together."

"You should have told me earlier, senior sister."

Duan Yufan and Hu Liena were fighting and quarreling with each other. They walked out of Duan Yufan's room and went to a side room to have dinner. Bibi Dong was already waiting for them.

"Okay, you two, stop messing around and sit down to eat!" Bibi Dong smiled gently at the two people who were still preparing to fight. Bibi Dong now smiled more and more at the two disciples.

"Hello, teacher!" Duan Yufan and Hu Liena had no choice but to stop and say hello in unison.

"Sit down and eat, especially Xiaofan has been busy this year and hasn't had a good meal. He is an eight-year-old boy and is not as tall as Nana." Bibi Dong teased Duan Yufan.

"That's right, many eight-year-old boys are as tall as me." Hu Liena also joked.

Duan Yufan was helpless. He was only a little over 1.4 meters when he was eight years old, while Hu Liena was almost 1.6 meters tall when she was 12 years old.

"You are still smiling. Look at Xiaofan's soul power being higher than yours. He is already level 40. By the way, Xiaofan hasn't obtained his fourth soul ring yet. Tomorrow the teacher will accompany you to Sunset Forest to obtain his fourth soul ring. "Bibi Dong then remembered that Duan Yufan had reached level 40 a few days ago.

"Thank you, teacher." Duan Yufan sat down and said.

"It's normal for a teacher to lead his disciples to obtain soul rings. It's just that you have to go to the academy a few days later. Stop talking and start eating." Bibi Dong took the lead and used her chopsticks.

The meal was spent in warmth. An hour passed, and Duan Yufan and the other three returned to their respective rooms.

"It's been a year and Dugu Bo Poison Douluo hasn't come to Wuhun City. It's also good that sister Nana Xieyue can almost eat the fairy grass." Duan Yufan didn't know much about the fairy grass, but Ju Douluo did.

Duan Yufan meditated for a while before falling asleep and resting.

The next day, Bibi Dong came to the Pope's Palace and sensed Duan Yufan's arrival, and opened her eyes.

"Xiao Fan, you got up so early, let's go, let's go!" Bibi Dong got up from the Pope's seat and walked down.

"Good morning, teacher, but wait a minute, I need to bring someone with me. I passed the first test of the Kind God King and obtained a life-saving skill. The important thing is that the Kind God King told me a treasure land, which is right in the Sunset Forest."

"There are many flowers and plants in the treasure land that can improve cultivation. I think Elder Ju may know them. If you get the flowers and plants in this treasure land, I think Sister Nana and others can eat them to improve their soul power by at least 5-8 levels, and also improve their physical fitness." Duan Yufan said that the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire were told to him by the Kind God King.

"There is such a thing. Yue Guan really likes to play with flowers and plants. His martial soul is also a chrysanthemum. It is really possible that he knows it. Come on, call Elder Ju to the Pope's Palace." Bibi Dong immediately ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." A soldier at the door of the Pope's Palace answered.

The soldier who went to call Ju Douluo came to the Elders' Court and entered a courtyard full of various flowers and plants. This courtyard was Ju Douluo's courtyard.

"Elder, His Holiness the Pope asked you to go to the Pope's Palace for something." The soldier said respectfully.

"Oh! Got it." Ju Douluo was fiddling with flowers and plants early in the morning. When he heard Bibi Dong's summons, he immediately put away the pot for watering the flowers. He didn't dare to neglect it and walked out of the courtyard quickly, even ignoring the soldiers.

So Bibi Dong and Duan Yufan didn't wait for a few minutes before Ju Douluo came to the Pope's Palace.

Let's get the fairy grass first.

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