Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 159 Taking control of the situation

Before Shen Yi announced the start of the competition, the momentum of both sides was clashing tit-for-tat, and strong energy fluctuations were faintly visible in the competition arena.

Along with the release of the martial soul, the energy impact at that moment made the white soul shield surrounding the sparring arena light up.

From the difference in the number of soul rings, we can see how powerful this new generation is. Among the seven-person team in Class 1, Grade 1, there are fully three members of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

Xu Yucheng had all four yellow hundred-year soul rings, Wu Siduo had all four purple thousand-year soul rings, and Yu Nanyuan had all four black ten-thousand-year soul rings.

The combination of soul rings with such distinctive characteristics is particularly conspicuous in the formation of Class 1, Grade 1.

In Shrek Academy, where geniuses gather, the ratio of Xu Yucheng and Wu Siduo's soul rings is relatively in line with the common understanding of everyone present. But as soon as Yu Nanyuan's four ten thousand-year soul rings, as dark as ink, appeared, the seven people in class one of the second grade were stagnated.

Watching from a distance and actually facing the pressure brought by Yu Nanyuan's four thousand-year soul rings are definitely two completely different feelings.

Moreover, among the seven people in Class 1 of the second grade, only Zhou Hanyou, who is the master soul master, has the cultivation level of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect. In terms of momentum, it is more than a bit weaker.

However, Yuanen Yehui didn't have the slightest fear. He suddenly stepped on the ground with his left foot and rushed out like a cannonball, rushing directly towards the formation of Class 1, Grade 1.

Her terrifying power made the ground emit a low explosive sound, and her body rapidly expanded and grew in size in the air, and the Titan Giant Ape Spirit completed its possession.

Among the three circles of purple soul rings around him, the first soul ring and the third soul ring flash alternately.

With the increase of the power of the Titan and the King Kong Titan, Yuanen Yehui's already extremely majestic body expanded to five meters away again, looking extremely fierce. This is also her usual fighting style, direct confrontation and crushing her opponents with absolute strength.

Yang Nianxia felt Yuan En Yehui's oppressive aura, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

He had long heard that Yuanen Yehui, the squad leader of Class 1 of the second grade, was very powerful, and he was also a powerful attack-type battle soul master like him. He has always wanted to fight Yuan En Yehui to prove his ability.

Yang Nianxia has always been very confident about his martial soul and strength.

But at this time, he had a head-on confrontation with Yuan En Ye Hui, and he realized more deeply how powerful Yuan En Ye Hui was.

Yuan En Yehui's overwhelming soul power pressure alone is by no means as simple as an ordinary three-ring soul master. It is very likely that he has reached the bottleneck of level 40. Yuanen Yehui's three soul rings clearly contained a somewhat ferocious aura, which was clearly a characteristic of hunting soul beasts and merging soul rings.

Among soul rings of the same level, the soul rings obtained by directly hunting soul beasts are usually more powerful than those given by soul spirits.

Many children who come from top soul master families will choose to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings in the early stage in order to save their mental energy and integrate high-quality and long-term souls in the future. Moreover, the soul rings obtained by hunting soul beasts can also be used to increase the life span in the Spirit Ascension Platform.

Yu Nanyuan met Yu Yaoye at the Tianhai Alliance Competition and Yuan En Yehui before him. This was the best way for the children of the big family to improve their cultivation.

Yang Nianxia roared angrily. Faced with such a strong Yuan En Ye Hui, he naturally did not dare to hold anything back.

The first soul ring and the third soul ring around him shone almost in no particular order.

The first soul skill, Golden Body, and the third soul skill, Violence, are the same soul skill types as Yuanen Yehui, and they are all amplifying soul skills.

Yang Nianxia's whole body was covered with dark golden hair, which stood erect. His strong figure expanded to three meters away, and his body surface shone with a solid and thick dark golden light.

When Yang Nianxia broke out, Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng also turned into two black afterimages passing by from the flanks, facing Ye Xingmo and He Xiaopeng who were following Yuanen Yehui.

Unlike Xu Yucheng's sharpness hidden in the darkness, Wu Siduo's figure looks more agile, giving people a sense of elusiveness.

The first soul ring shines, and the Netherworld Thrust is activated. Her figure instantly became much more illusory, and her speed suddenly increased a lot again.

Wu Siduo took the lead in finding Ye Xingmo.

Xu Yucheng's speed was only slightly slower than Wu Siduo. The dark purple pattern on the Dark Demon Sickle shone with a strange color, bursting out in a ball of black light.

The outbreak of Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng, the two four-ring soul sect-level agility-attack war soul masters, finally helped Yang Nianxia resist the pressure of Yuan En Yehui's momentum.

Ye Xingmo and He Xiaopeng on the opposite side also accelerated at the same time.

Ye Xingmo had a bright yellow long sword in his hand, and a golden star pattern lit up on his forehead.

He and Ye Xinglan are from the same clan, coming from the same large soul master family, the Ye family.

However, Ye Xinglan's situation is similar to Xu Xiaoyan's. Her Star God Sword is a special benign mutated martial spirit. In the history of the Ye family, the Star God Sword appeared a total of seven times. The one who appears every time will become the head of the Ye family and lead a glorious generation of the Ye family.

And Ye Xingmo's martial spirit is just the Ye family's direct descendant of the martial spirit star holy sword.

Of course, the Ye family is an ancient soul master family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the Star Holy Sword passed down in the family is also a very powerful martial soul.

On the other side, He Xiaopeng's martial spirit was like a hammer. The hammer is bright silver and the hammer head is like a plum blossom.

His martial spirit is called the Eight-Edged Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer.

The three people at the front of class one of the second grade, including Le Zhengyu who was behind, were all attack-type battle spirit masters.

Wu Siduo and Ye Xingmo were the latecomers, and they were the first to collide on the flanks.

Ye Xingmo raised his hand and pointed out the Star Holy Sword in his hand, and a bright starlight burst out from the tip of the sword. When he thrust out the sword, the golden star lines on his forehead lit up at the same time.

Under the brilliant starlight, Wu Siduo's originally illusory figure seemed to be revealed at this moment.

Although Ye Xingmo's Star Holy Sword is not a pure light attribute martial spirit, its special starlight attribute can restrain Wu Siduo's ability to a certain extent.

After all, the quality of the Nether Civet Cat's martial spirit is here, and it's not even considered a top-notch martial spirit. The most powerful one has always been Wu Siduo, not the martial spirit of Netherworld Civet Cat.

Wu Siduo's face turned cold, and she crossed her claws in front of her body, choosing to defend Ye Xingmo, who was an offensive soul master, without dodging.

Yuan En Yehui is by no means the only one with a strong personality.

A crisp buzzing sound sounded, like a long and sad cry.

Wu Siduo relied on her superiority in soul power to forcefully swing away Ye Xingmo's Star Holy Sword, and still had enough energy to launch a counterattack.

She jumped up like a civet cat, her claws covering the sky towards Ye Xingmo.

The second soul skill, Netherworld Hundred Claws!

The freshmen of this class should not be underestimated.

Ye Xingmo was horrified. The Star Holy Sword swayed in his hand, and his second soul skill was released. Star lines shot out from the Star Saint Sword, intertwining into a fine and gorgeous golden star network in the sky.

When the claw shadows all over the sky came into contact with the Star Network, they quietly melted away in an instant.

The restraint in martial arts allowed Ye Xingmo to remain evenly matched against Wu Siduo for the time being.

Yuanen Yehui obviously knew the first-year team's lineup in advance and made corresponding preparations and arrangements.

The situation with He Xiaopeng and Xu Yucheng is similar.

Facing the black light that Xu Yucheng slashed out, the eight-edged plum blossom bright silver hammer in He Xiaopeng's hand faced it fiercely, and the first soul ring next to him lit up immediately.

The first soul skill is explosion.

A series of explosions sounded in the air, and the entire space within a diameter of five meters was violently distorted and oscillated. Not only did he easily resolve Xu Yucheng's attack, but he also forced Xu Yucheng to make no progress.

He Xiaopeng's eight-edged plum blossom bright silver hammer is not just an ordinary martial spirit, it has certain spatial attributes innately.

Xu Yucheng's biggest flaw was his weak body, which was restrained by He Xiaopeng's martial soul ability.

Xu Yucheng was extremely depressed at this time, with a cold glint in his eyes.

His fighting style focused on momentum, but now he was suppressed by He Xiaopeng, and the terrifying lethality of the Dark Demon Scythe could not be used at all.

At the same time, the collision between Yang Nianxia and Yuanen Yehui also broke out.

The dark golden light and shadow of the giant bear emerged behind him, and the dark golden light blooming on Yang Nianxia's thick right arm was so rich that it was almost substantial. It was like a dark golden sun shining in the sparring arena.

The second soul skill is the Dark Demon Fist.

With the previous accumulation of momentum, even he himself could feel that this attack was at his peak state.

Yang Nianxia's eyes flickered. He was always cunning, and he knew very well that he probably couldn't stop Yuan En Yehui. But at this moment, he couldn't give in.

As a member of the Young Genius List, he seems to have finally revealed his prowess.

The second soul ring next to Yuanen Yehui also emitted a purple halo, and incandescent light attached to his huge right fist. It is also the second soul skill that explodes with full force under the two amplification soul skills.

The second soul skill is air cannon, but it is accumulated but not released.

"Boom——" The terrifying air flow centered on the collision point of the two people, and exploded loudly. It was like a thunder in the plains, the sound was overwhelming.

The incandescent and dark golden light poured into each other, and Yang Nianxia's terrifying dark gold fist and Yuan En Yehui's air cannon clashed.

The fists of the Dark Gold Bear and the Titan Giant Ape haven't really come into contact yet, and the two terrifying energies have already begun to surge crazily.

At the moment when the two collided, an even more violent roar sounded again, causing the soul shield around the sparring arena to burst out with dazzling light, clearly bearing a strong energy impact.

Because Yuan En Yehui was now more majestic and taller, her punch came from top to bottom, directly creating a huge deep pit on the ground.

Yang Nianxia was in the center of this deep pit, her legs sinking deeply into it, her eyes turned white, and even her consciousness became blurred.

And his right arm dropped down weakly, his breath was weak, and he was extremely embarrassed.

In the confrontation with Yuan En Yehui, Yang Nianxia's most proud power was ruthlessly crushed.

Yuanen Yehui's martial spirit is a Titan Giant Ape, which is not inferior to the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. Yang Nianxia's martial spirit is just a weakened version of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, and his martial spirit is inherently weaker than Yuanen Yehui.

What's more, Yuan En Yehui's soul power cultivation level has now reached level 40, and he can completely crush Yang Nianxia in all directions.

The scene in front of them was beyond the expectations of all the students in Class 1, Grade 1. No one could have imagined that Yang Nianxia, ​​who possessed the powerful Dark Golden Bear martial spirit, could not even block Yuan En Yehui's blow.

The terrifying air waves and violent soul power fluctuations generated by Yuan En Yehui's defeat of Yang Nianxia even affected Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng around them.

Wu Siduo moved flexibly, avoiding the center of the air wave. Xu Yucheng did the same and quickly distanced himself.

Ye Xingmo and He Xiaopeng immediately seized the opportunity to launch an offensive, and the balance of victory and defeat seemed to tilt in an instant.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Yang Nianxia's mouth, and she finally regained consciousness. But in the next moment, he saw Yuan En Yehui's fist magnified in his sight again.

His heart seemed to have been completely destroyed by Yuan En Yehui, and unspeakable fear and despair arose in his heart. Facing Yuan En Ye Hui, a soul master of the same type, he had no chance.

Now, he might be able to experience for himself what Luo Guixing felt when he faced Yu Nanyuan before.

The two control soul masters from Class 1 of the second grade also took action.

Zhou Hanyou slowly raised her right hand, and four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, danced around her. A faint white halo was released from her body, and a cool air flow suddenly appeared on the sparring ring, making her look full of coldness, and even her face became as white as snow.

The third soul ring and the second soul ring sparkled one after another.

The aura on Zhou Hanyou's body suddenly changed, the white mist on her body suddenly solidified, and her skin turned into a strange ice blue.

Her martial soul is the ice spirit among the elemental martial arts, and her third soul skill is also called ice spirit, which is a rare elemental amplification soul skill.

Under the amplification of the third soul skill Ice Spirit, two ice cages were activated instantly, restricting Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng.

Perhaps such an ice cage cannot trap Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng for too long, but it is enough to slow down their movements.

After Zhou Hanyou's ice cage, Zhou Tian'er also moved toward Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng, and the first soul ring under his feet lit up.

A layer of soft green light quickly surged on the ground, and thin thorns grew rapidly. In the ice cage with limited space, the entanglement of thorns and vines is unavoidable.

Zhou Tianer's martial spirit is a wood spirit, which is also an elemental martial spirit. The two sisters cooperated very well.

Yuan En Yehui, Ye Xingmo, and He Xiaopeng all arrived in pursuit. Le Zhengyu, who had released the Holy Angel Spirit, also rose into the sky. He held the Holy Sword of Light and looked down at Yu Nanyuan and others on the opposite side from the air, ready to go. .

The cooperation of the seven people in Class 1 of the second grade was as flawless as if they had gone through countless rehearsals. Everything is moving in their favor.

But at this critical moment, three cages made of silver chains bloomed with bright silver light, covering Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Yang Nianxia.

In a flash of silver light, the figures of Wu Siduo and the others disappeared. The attacks of Yuanen Yehui and the others naturally fell into the air.

Yu Nanyuan looked ahead calmly, and the deep halo rippling from the fourth soul ring around him converged.

The three Wu Siduo reappeared, but changed their formation.

Ye Xinglan faced off against Ye Xingmo from the same clan, while Yang Nianxia faced off against He Xiaopeng. Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng were teleported to Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tian'er.

In the end, only Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan were left to face Yuan En Yehui and Le Zhengyu.

This is another effect of Yu Nanyuan's fourth soul skill space cage in chain form. He can teleport anyone or anything in the space cage according to his own wishes.

The situation took a sudden turn.

This is the essence of a control-type soul master. He can control the overall situation and change the situation in an instant.

Even the four elders of Poseidon Pavilion, Yali, Mr. Cai, Zhuo Shi and Feng Wuyu, who were on the rostrum, subconsciously sat upright.

Yu Nanyuan used to suppress his opponents with absolute strength, but he had never shown such field control ability in front of them.

Yu Nanyuan's strong personal strength easily made them ignore his identity as a control soul master.

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