
Gu Yue's first piece of battle armor was completed, and it was also a head battle armor made of spiritual alloy.

The magnificent patterns, the powerful energy fluctuations, and the ever-changing light and shadow inside all make people feel its power.

The mysterious complexity of this headband even makes it feel like a two-word battle armor.

Among a complete set of battle armor, the most difficult one to make, besides the chest armor as the core part, is the head battle armor.

Regardless of the style of a helmet or a headband, as long as it is a head armor, it will involve an increase in mental power. This requires consideration of the balance between the core array that increases mental power and other types of core arrays.

Unlike other parts of the battle armor, the soul power amplification array is basically the absolute core.

Yu Nanyuan was able to successfully make this headband, which proved that he was fully capable of making a subsequent set of spiritual alloy one-word battle armor for Gu Yue.

With a silver crown on top of her head, Gu Yue's black eyes shone with a strange gleaming purple light.

The silver headband that originally emitted bursts of buzzing and bright light became more and more restless after sensing the aura of her blood, emitting a heart-stopping aura.

The battle armor made of spiritual alloy can be directly integrated into the soul master's body. This headband made of Kong Nether Crystal is even more spiritual, but it is also more difficult to fuse.

This is also the main reason why a truly powerful Doukai master needs to participate in the production process of his own Doukai.

Only by understanding one's own battle armor will it be easier to fuse it, and the compatibility with the soul master will be higher.

Gu Yue personally participated in the design of her own battle armor. She used her mental and soul power to circulate through the core magic circle, thus leaving her own mark on this battle armor.

This is how mecha designers integrate battle armor, because they know their own battle armor well enough.

The mecha manufacturer has already completed this process when making the battle armor, so the mecha manufacturer has the most advantage in fusing the battle armor. In fact, the most powerful and top-level battle armor masters are almost all mecha manufacturers.

It is also very easy for the blacksmith to fuse the battle armor, and the method is even more simple and crude. They only need to use their own blood to resonate with the blood aura in the battle armor, and the fusion can be completed naturally. It is equivalent to a different kind of bloodshed to identify the master.

As for the mecha repairman, the situation is different. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The mecha repairman progresses quickly in the early stage. The training of the battle armor is not affected by his own sub-professional ability, but it requires more time and energy to get used to it.

Gu Yue relied on her own powerful spiritual power to successfully fuse with the silver dragon headband. The headband disappeared quietly, turning into dots of silver flow and blending into her eyebrows. Large areas of silver lines appeared on the surface of her smooth and white forehead skin.

All energy fluctuations are restrained along with these silver streaks, as if everything that just happened was just an illusion.

Under normal circumstances, only the five-ring soul king can wear a complete set of one-word battle armor, otherwise the body and the sea of ​​spirit cannot bear such a huge load.

If it were other three-ring soul masters, they probably wouldn't be able to attach even a piece of the most common one-word battle armor.

However, Gu Yue's situation was an exception.

Her battle armor is made of the highest quality spiritual alloy and will be integrated with her body, which reduces the fusion requirements. In addition, her most powerful thing is her mental power, which coincides with the characteristics of this headband, so she can integrate it so perfectly.

The first-year and second-year students present were all shaken, especially the freshmen students in class one.

This is the battle armor they dream of.

It had only been more than a month since they entered Shrek Academy, but Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue were already ahead of all of them.

Gu Yue looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile, as if she had lost the calmness and calmness of the past, and the tenderness deep in her eyes could not be concealed.

All of this was seen by Yali, who felt relieved and had some emotion in her expression.

In such a highly anticipated occasion, no girl would be able to refuse the man who loves her personally making a battle armor for herself.

Facing Gu Yue, will Na'er really have a chance?

And if Na'er insists on getting between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, even if she wins in the end, will it be what Nanyuan wants?

At this moment, various thoughts emerged in Yali's mind, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Yu Nanyuan himself took back his martial spirit, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gu Yue and smiled.

"My previous efforts have finally paid off, how do you feel?"

"The effect has far exceeded my expectations." Gu Yue pursed her lips and chuckled, obviously very satisfied with this. Of course, she was not only satisfied with the battle armor that Yu Nanyuan made for her.

However, because Gu Yue's back was turned to everyone, the students in Class One, Grade One could not see Gu Yue's current expression. Coupled with the isolation provided by the soul shield, no one could hear the content of the conversation between the two.

From Yu Nanyuan's perspective, he could just see countless scorching gazes. Among them was Xu Xiaoyan, who was pouting and unhappy.

Although Yu Nanyuan helped Gu Yue design and make the battle armor, which was discussed long ago, she always felt that something was not right. But she couldn't tell exactly what it was.

All in all, she was unhappy.

The soul shield dissipated, Gu Yue turned around, and walked towards the direction of Class 1, Grade 1 with Yu Nanyuan. At this time, she had already restrained her previous emotions, and there was nothing strange about her face.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xiaoyan finally relaxed a little.

She realized belatedly that the reason why she felt uncomfortable just now was probably because of her jealousy towards Gu Yue.

Sister Gu Yue is so kind to me, and I am jealous of her. It is really inappropriate!

Xu Xiaoyan suddenly felt guilty and showed an innocent smile to Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue who were walking towards them. Then he quickly stepped forward and took Gu Yue's arm intimately.

"Congratulations, Sister Gu Yue."

"Xiaoyan, you should also seize the time and work hard to improve your mecha design capabilities. I hope that within the next two years, I can help you design and make a set of one-word battle armor. No matter what, you still need to participate in the design. Only in this way can we have a better future." Yu Nanyuan reminded Xu Xiaoyan sternly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll try my best." Xu Xiaoyan nodded repeatedly with a smile, and the last trace of worry in his heart dissipated.

Of course she could feel the concern in Yu Nanyuan's words, and that was all she cared about.

They are childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

After Yu Nanyuan chatted with Xu Xiaoyan for a few words, he looked sideways at Wu Siduo.

"For the fourth mecha repair competition, Wu Siduo, come on. I want to recover my soul power first and prepare for the next team battle."

Wu Siduo crossed her arms across her chest and coldly met Yu Nanyuan's gaze. After looking at each other for a moment, she bit her lip and moved forward, passing by Yu Nanyuan.

"I will fight for what I want, not the charity you give me. Today I am just for the honor and benefit of the class."

Xu Xiaoyan didn't think anything of Wu Siduo's words, but Gu Yue vaguely heard some other meanings.

She frowned slightly and looked at Wu Siduo's slender back, wondering what she was thinking.

Yu Nanyuan, on the other hand, didn't pay too much attention. He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate and practice to restore his soul power.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue naturally stood on both sides behind Yu Nanyuan, protecting Yu Nanyuan.

Although the third mecha manufacturing competition has ended, the shock that Yu Nanyuan brought to everyone is still hard to dissipate.

The students in Class 1 of the first grade looked at Yu Nanyuan with more and more awe. Even many people in Class 1 of the second grade were still paying attention to Yu Nanyuan.

For example, Yuan En Yehui, the monitor of Class 1 of the second grade, and Le Zhengyu, who was in an awkward position on the competition stage.

Before Shen Yi could announce the result of the competition, Le Zhengyu jumped out of the competition ring with a stiff expression.

As the future heir of the Holy Angel Family, he has been extremely talented since he was a child, and his appearance and temperament are impeccable. But today, he once again became Yu Nanyuan's foil.

These should have been his brilliance!

But Le Zhengyu is not so hostile to Yu Nanyuan and becomes that kind of classic second-generation villain.

In the three vice-professional exchange games, the first grade class has won three games in a row.

The faces of the students in Class 1 of the second grade were not very good-looking, and Yuan En Yehui didn't give Le Zhengyu a good look either, and stepped onto the competition ring without saying a word.

As the squad leader, she represented her class in the final vice-professional exchange competition.

The mecha repair competition also has a time limit of two quarters of an hour.

In the end, Yuan En Yehui narrowly defeated Wu Siduo by a narrow margin. But considering the age gap between the two sides, this game should actually be considered a close contest.

After four deputy professional exchanges and discussions, the first grade class had three wins and one loss.

Yali and others on the rostrum all nodded slightly.

In fact, not counting Yu Nanyuan, the freshmen in this class are also good enough.

"The last round of today's exchange and discussion is a seven-on-seven team competition between the two sides. Students from both sides will now take the stage." Shen Yi's calm voice sounded, kicking off this crucial team battle.

Although the secondary profession is also very important, in Shrek Academy, strength means everything.

Yu Nanyuan, who had been meditating cross-legged before, opened his eyes on time, stood up and stood at the front of Class 1, Grade 1.

Yuanen Yehui, who was opposite, also looked over with emotion.

During the half hour that Yu Nanyuan meditated to restore his soul power, Yuan En Yehui's state of mind seemed to have undergone some changes. Her eyes no longer flickered when she looked at Yu Nanyuan, only a strong desire to fight.

Yu Nanyuan stepped forward with calm eyes, and Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan immediately followed behind him. After that came Wu Siduo, Ye Xinglan, Xu Yucheng and Yang Nianxia.

The people present in Class 1 of the second grade are class president Yuan En Yehui, forging committee member He Xiaopeng, design committee members Bai Hanying, Le Zhengyu, Ye Xingmo, and a pair of twin sisters Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tianer.

Duan Hunxiao, the control soul master who was the deputy squad leader of Class 1 of the second grade, did not come on stage. At this time, he was looking at Yu Nanyuan with a complicated expression.

With Yu Nanyuan around, his powerful musical field-controlling soul skills had no chance to be used. When he faced Yu Nanyuan half a year ago, he suffered a serious backlash.

For the sake of the overall situation, Yuan En Yehui decisively asked sisters Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tian'er to replace Duanhunxiao and become the control-type combat soul masters in this seven-person team.

When the two parties were sharing their names, Yu Nanyuan instantly recalled something when he heard the names Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tian'er.

These are the twin sisters who represented the Sea and Land Academy in the Tianhai Alliance competition in his previous life. They possess the martial soul fusion skill Ice and Snow Forest.

Now it seems that the twin sisters should have successfully entered Shrek Academy.

Zhou Hanyou has long light blue hair, a tall figure, and a delicate face with a cold look, looking like an proud snowy plum.

Zhou Tian'er has exactly the same appearance as Zhou Hanyou, but his hair color is a very rare light green. Her personality was completely opposite to that of her sister Zhou Hanyou. She looked at Yu Nanyuan with interest as she smiled sweetly.

Just as Yu Nanyuan recognized them, they also recognized Yu Nanyuan.

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie from Class 1 of the first grade also had a deep impression of the twin sisters.

Although they have never played against each other, in the Tianhai League, both of their teams made it to the semi-finals of the three-person team competition for junior soul masters, so they naturally have a certain understanding of each other.

After all, each may become the other's potential opponent in the finals.

It's a pity that Zhang Yangzi's team of four lost in the semi-finals to a team from Tianhai Intermediate College, which was a team composed of all three-ring soul masters.

But they seemed to have heard later that Zhou Hanyou and three others, who represented Hailu Academy, won the championship in the junior soul master three-person team competition.

Zhang Yangzi said in surprise: "Are they the twin sisters who competed in the Tianhai Alliance competition?"

"Yangzi, you have a good memory." Xie Xie chuckled.

"Would you like to ask for a soul guide communication number later? We are all from the Tianhai Alliance, so we are half fellow villagers. We can prepare for adulthood in the future."

"What preparations?" Tang Wulin looked over doubtfully.

Xu Lizhi chuckled and said, "Xie Xie should be talking about the college's Poseidon Dating Conference."

"Li Zhi, I remember that you came out of the inner courtyard. So, you know it very well." Xie Xie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Tell us quickly what you know."

"It's useless to tell you now. Only inner court disciples can participate." Xu Lizhi shook his head innocently. At this point, he subconsciously looked at Ye Xinglan on the sparring ring with dark eyes.

If I confess my love to Sister Xinglan at the Poseidon Dating Conference, will there be a chance?

Everyone suddenly ended their conversation at the same time, and their eyes fell on the competition arena again.

The battle that symbolizes the pinnacle between the first and second graders is about to begin, and both sides have already formed their formations.

On the first grade side, Yang Nianxia is at the front. With the Dark Golden Bear Martial Spirit, he is definitely the best human shield in the team.

Wu Siduo and Xu Yucheng, who were agility-type combat soul masters, were on the flanks, slightly behind Yang Nianxia, ​​half a step behind them, and between them was Ye Xinglan.

After the four people were Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan. Yu Nanyuan is in the middle, directly behind Ye Xinglan

The formations of Grade 1 Class 1 are very similar, with Yuan En Yehui and Yang Nianxia facing each other, He Xiaopeng corresponding with Xu Yucheng, and Ye Xingmo corresponding with Wu Siduo. Le Zhengyu was directly behind the three of them like Ye Xinglan.

It was only when Zhou Hanyou, Zhou Tianer and Bai Hanying came here that there was a difference.

Yu Nanyuan and the others formed an equilateral triangle formation, while Zhou Hanyou and the others formed an inverted triangle formation.

Sisters Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tianer were in the front, while Bai Hanying was at the back.

"In the last half minute, both sides are preparing." Shen Yi's voice came from the rostrum.

"Five, four, three, two, one, start!"

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