This spacious training room has a metallic feel, with the floor, walls and ceiling made entirely of golden metal. It contains a dense soul guidance array. Once it is impacted by external force or energy, the soul guidance shield will activate itself. It is even enough to withstand a full blow from an ordinary Soul Emperor level expert.

Yu Nanyuan usually practices soul skills and tests the power of soul guidance devices here.

Not only that, this practice room also has many other functions. For example, the gravity is enhanced through the soul guidance array, and now the place is under twenty times the gravity of the outside world.

Yu Nanyuan casually pressed the button on the metal wall.

Along with the buzzing sounds, the gravity in the training room returned to normal, and his body was gradually adapting to the normal gravity environment.

Over the years, Yu Nanyuan has never slackened on tempering his body. If you want to become a top soul master, physical strength is undoubtedly the top priority. Whether it is the top Doukai master or the mecha master, they all need strong physical fitness to support them.

Twenty times gravity is far from his limit.

Everything is too much and too little is too much. If you hone your physical ability and push yourself to the limit, the effect will not be that good.

"Click -" The huge metal door opened and closed on both sides, and Yu Nanyuan walked out of the training room naked. His long silver hair was spread loosely, completely unable to cover up the outline of his muscular body. The skin is as white as jade, and the essence of the whole body is restrained, especially the muscle lines of the abdomen, which are simply perfect.

Through the conversation with Yu Zhen, Yu Nanyuan learned that the matter was not particularly urgent, but Yu Zhen did not tell him the specific matter in the soul guide communicator, but just asked him to come over to the Donghai City Mecha Master Association.

He simply planned to take a shower before going to the Mecha Master Association.

It was not long before Shrek Academy's admissions examination began. Wu Zhangkong thought that he had done everything he could and ended all the courses in Class Zero. Before heading to Shrek City, he was prepared to let everyone practice on their own.

This is also his usual style of conduct.

Xu Xiaoyan still likes to stay at Yu Nanyuan's house as usual. At this time, she was lazily leaning on the soft sofa and watching Soul Guide TV, holding a bag of snacks in her hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yu Nanyuan walking over shirtless. Xu Xiaoyan blushed immediately, but he couldn't help but glance at him a few more times. Then he pretended to be shy.

"Why aren't you wearing clothes?!"

"It's not like you never saw it when you were a kid. What's all the fuss about?"

Yu Nanyuan, however, was too lazy to pay attention to Xu Xiaoyan and walked into the bathroom without caring.

"I'm going to go out later, and then you can make up your own mind. It depends on whether you want to stay here or go home."

"Get out? Where are you going?" Xu Xiaoyan immediately became alert and looked in the direction of the bathroom.

"Mecha Master Association, grandpa asked me to come over." Yu Nanyuan's voice came from the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of running water.

Xu Xiaoyan relaxed and seemed to have thought of something, and said subconsciously: "My brother seemed to have gone to the Mecha Master Association early this morning. Could it be that something really happened? And I found that there seemed to be something wrong in the city today. Mechas often fly by."

"Maybe there is some official action from Donghai City." Yu Nanyuan replied thoughtfully.

The Sun-Moon Federation has always had very strict control over mechas. After all, the destructive power of the mecha is too strong. Once an uncontrollable situation occurs, it will cause huge casualties.

Even the mecha brigade affiliated with the official Donghai City rarely fly over Donghai City except when inspecting the surrounding situation as a routine.

Not long after, Yu Nanyuan walked out of the bathroom after bathing. He didn't shy away from Xu Xiaoyan and started to put on his clothes. The whole process was neat and tidy. Before Xu Xiaoyan could react, he was already ready to go out.


"Oh." Xu Xiaoyan nodded blankly, obviously with some unfinished meaning.

After Yu Nanyuan left, she couldn't help but recall the previous scenes in her mind. A charming blush appeared on her pretty face, and her cheeks were extremely hot.

Both men and women have a longing for beautiful things.

However, what followed in Xu Xiaoyan's heart was deep pride and joy.

In fact, this is quite good.

As the richest association on the mainland, the Mecha Masters Association is located in the most prosperous area in the center of Donghai City, not far from Donghai College and the Blacksmiths Association.

The Mecha Master Association occupies three tall buildings. The two tall buildings next to it are slightly shorter, but they are still about thirty stories high. The tall building in the middle is even more towering and can be regarded as one of the landmark buildings in Donghai City.

Almost every floor of the three high-rise buildings is wrapped in dark blue glass walls, which provide excellent lighting while not lacking a sense of modern technology. Under the sunlight, the glass walls scatter a dazzling colorful halo.

Yu Nanyuan used his identity certificate to drive the soul car into the underground garage of the Mecha Master Association without any hindrance. Then he took the soul elevator directly to the top of the tall building in the middle.

"Ding!" The elevator stopped at the top floor and the metal door slowly opened. The walls around the corridor are made of silver-white metal, and the ceiling and floor are spotless white. Clean and tidy, the light is discernible.

Yu Nanyuan walked to the depths of the corridor with ease, stopped in front of a door with the nameplate of the president, and pressed the metal button on the door.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

"Come in, Nanyuan." Yu Zhen's gentle voice sounded, and the door opened.

This is an office with an area of ​​at least hundreds of square meters. Unlike other places with a sense of technology and metal, the decoration of this office looks very simple. Rows of antique wooden bookshelves occupy nearly one-third of the space.

Yu Zhen was sitting on the chair behind his desk, looking at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

Perhaps because he has opened up a lot over the years, Yu Zhen broke through the bottleneck of level 70 not long ago and successfully advanced to Soul Saint. The improvement of his soul power cultivation realm has delayed his aging.

Compared to a few years ago, his appearance had hardly changed. The moderate figure, the faint smile on his face, and the gold-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose all add to his elegant and easy-going temperament.

In this office, there are two other people sitting on the sofa opposite Yu Zhen. Both of them were young men who looked to be around twenty years old. They were Xu Xiaoyu, Xu Xiaoyan's brother, and Yinluan, Yu Zhen's direct disciple.

Yinluan's temperament is somewhat similar to Yu Zhen's, and both seem to be approachable. Although Xu Xiaoyu is no longer as cold and arrogant as before, she still has a somewhat cold temperament when she is silent.

This is because the character and temperament of most soul masters will be affected by their own martial souls.

"Brother Xiaoyu, Brother Luan." Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and said hello to the two of them.

Xu Xiaoyu's cold temperament softened a lot, and she nodded to Yu Nanyuan. Yinluan smiled at Yu Nanyuan intimately.

"Nanyuan, come and sit."

Yu Nanyuan sat next to Yinluan, keenly aware of the changes in the aura in his body, and chuckled: "Congratulations, Brother Luan. Judging from your aura, you should have successfully advanced to the soul king."

"Yes, we just made a breakthrough not long ago." Yinluan always had a friendly smile on his face and nodded.

"But with Nanyuan's speed of cultivation, it shouldn't take long for you to catch up with me."

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said nothing. In the past six months, his cultivation speed has also been steadily increasing, and his current soul power cultivation has reached level 44. Before the age of fifteen, he will definitely be able to break through to the Soul King realm.

It wasn't until Yu Nanyuan and Yinluan exchanged greetings that Yu Zhen explained with a solemn expression the reason why everyone came here this time.

"Not long ago, the Federation launched an operation to eliminate sea soul beasts. Although this operation went smoothly, it also forced those powerful sea soul beasts in the deep sea to launch an unprecedented and massive counterattack. Currently stationed in Tianhai City The East China Sea Regiment has rushed to the front line and stabilized the situation. However, in the past few days, there have been cases where sea spirit beasts have been scurrying to the offshore waters and carrying out retaliatory attacks on merchant ships. Therefore, the official of East China City hopes that our Mecha Master Association can cooperate with East China Sea City. The mecha brigade patrols the surrounding offshore waters to ensure the safety of merchant ships."

"And it's not just our Donghai City. The situation in other cities in the Tianhai Alliance should be similar."

"Grandpa, do you want us to participate in this operation?" Yu Nanyuan said clearly.

Donghai City is close to the sea, and the reason why it can develop so fast is because of the highly developed maritime trade. For Donghai City officials to pay such attention, it seems that the loss after the merchant ship was attacked by the sea spirit beast was indeed not small.

"Only by engaging in actual combat can we hone ourselves better and speed up the integration between ourselves and mechas. It is impossible for an excellent mecha division to avoid actual combat. With the Eastern Navy Regiment blocking the front line, they can flee to the offshore waters. There are very few soul beasts that have a cultivation level of more than five thousand years, so they can be used as your whetstone." Yu Zhen said sternly.

"Including the three of you, our East China Sea Mecha Masters Association has decided to dispatch a total of fifteen purple-level mecha masters this time, each in groups of three. You can just take care of each other."

Having said this, Yu Zhen's eyes fell on Xu Xiaoyu again.

"Xiaoyu, you will join the mecha brigade in the future. If you can perform well in this operation, it will be beneficial to your future development."

"Grandpa Yu, I understand." Xu Xiaoyu responded respectfully, his eyes full of eagerness to try. Since becoming a mecha master, this is the first time he has had the opportunity to experience actual combat.

"Okay, you go down and get ready. We'll set off in half an hour. Remember, don't go too deep into the sea."

Yu Zhen is relatively relieved about the actions of Yu Nanyuan and the others this time.

The energy core of each purple-level mecha contains a huge amount of energy, possibly more than the total soul power of a soul emperor-level soul master. This is the advantage of the mecha, which can store a large amount of energy with its energy core.

Moreover, the strength of the three Yu Nanyuan is also extraordinary, enough to cope with most situations.

Half an hour later, Yu Nanyuan and the others arrived at the top floor of the building on the right.

Three tall mechas stood in the open area. These three mechas are all about ten meters in height, and are covered in purple paint. They are clearly three purple-level mechas.

The Sun-Moon Federation clearly stipulates that each level of mecha must be covered with a corresponding color of paint. Therefore, the level of the mecha can be judged from the main color of the mecha.

However, there are some differences between these three mechas.

The purple-level mecha in the middle is mainly painted in purple, supplemented by silver paint. The overall appearance is a colorful silver-purple color, and the whole body is full of streamlines, giving people a very light and agile feeling. Especially the three pairs of silver folded wings on the back, as if blending into the air.

There is also a fifteen-meter-long purple-gold spear inlaid in the middle of the folded wings, highlighting its identity as a melee attack mecha.

Modern mechas are mainly divided into two categories, one is melee attack mecha, and the other is long-range attack mecha.

This is Yu Nanyuan's exclusive mecha.

At this time, the three of them stood in front of their own exclusive mechas, ready to go. They wore combat uniforms made of special materials. Except for their faces, the skin of their entire body was closely adhered to each other by the combat uniforms, making them look heroic.

The colors of their combat uniforms also correspond to the colors of their martial arts spirits and mechas.

Xu Xiaoyu's exclusive mecha is decorated with blue in addition to the purple main body. It is the same type of melee attack mecha as Yu Nanyuan. The weapon used by this purple-level mecha is an ice-blue giant sword, which looks a bit like the Wu Zhang Kong Sky Frost Sword enlarged.

Yinluan's exclusive mecha is green and purple, but it is a long-range attack mecha. The main weapon is the thunder cannon behind him.

The barrel is over eight meters long and can be fired by hand at any time. Inspired by the large amount of energy carried by the mecha, this thunder cannon is enough to explode with power close to the full power of the Soul Emperor within a kilometer range.

However, the long-range attack mecha's own defense is relatively weak.

The emergence of mechas once overturned the status of soul masters on the mainland. Because ordinary people with strong bodies can also control mechas to a certain extent. But the limit for ordinary people is to pilot yellow-level mechas at best. When it reaches the level of purple-level mecha, only a soul master can control it.

"The test is completed and the combat conditions are met." A low electronic sound echoed in this space, and the glass windows on the ceiling shrank to both sides, revealing the blue sky.

The top floor of the building suddenly turned into a wide platform.

"Brother Luan, Brother Xiaoyu, let's go." Yu Nanyuan reminded with a smile, jumped up first and entered the cockpit on the chest of the exclusive mecha. He is also full of expectations for this actual battle.

Normally, there are only two positions inside the mecha: the driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat. In order to facilitate operation, the driving position must be completely integrated with the mecha and must be standing. Of course, there are supports all over the body, and the passenger seat is right next to the driver's seat for sitting.

This design is to be able to switch to the co-pilot seat at any time when the main driver has a problem, thereby maintaining combat effectiveness. Especially when traveling long distances, this configuration is quite useful.

But among civilian mechas, this is a good place to lead people.

The chest armor is closed, making the inside of the mecha a sealed space. Yu Nanyuan's fingers moved quickly on the blue light screen in front of him, confirming the various indicators of the mecha.

After confirming these, he took out his mecha identity card and inserted it into the card slot. A line of small green characters appeared on the screen, showing the permissions his mecha had obtained, that is, the places it could travel on the mainland.

Currently, Yu Nanyuan's mecha can only travel in Donghai City. If you break into other cities without permission, the local city defense system can be shot down directly.

From here, we can see how strict the Sun-Moon Federation is in controlling mechas.

Yinluan reminded Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyu through the mecha's internal communication system: "Nanyuan, Xiaoyu, pay attention to maintaining the formation."



Faint flames instantly shot out from the feet and backs of the three mechas. In the next moment, Yu Nanyuan and the other three had already controlled the mecha to fly into the sky.

At the same time, twelve more purple-level mechas in the Mecha Masters Association took off, and a total of fifteen purple-level mechas flew toward the eastern sea.

There is a special navigation system inside the mecha that can guide the direction. Through navigation and radar, it is also possible to avoid flying objects that may collide.

When everyone took off, countless air defense radars in Donghai City scanned them immediately. The ID card with access authority then releases a response signal.

Soon the fifteen purple-level mechas of the Mecha Masters Association left the airspace above Donghai City. As the sun rises, the vast blue sea clearly appears before everyone's eyes. This scene is particularly shocking.

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