Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 124 Poseidon is great, no need to say more (4k)

The soul-guided taxi drove smoothly on the streets of Donghai City, and the towering soul-guided street lights on the roadside glowed softly and brightly. Not just the streets, but the entire Donghai City feels like it's brightly lit.

When getting into the car, Yu Nanyuan took the first step and sat in the passenger seat, perfectly avoiding the possible minefields.

Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue sat in the back row.

Xu Xiaoyan tilted his head drowsily, looking like he was about to fall asleep. Gu Yue leaned against the car window, watching the thousands of lights and shadows passing quickly outside the window. Occasionally, he met Yu Nanyuan's eyes through the rearview mirror in the car.

The driver understood and pretended to be at a loss. In this silent and ambiguous atmosphere, the soul guide taxi quickly arrived at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

"I'm here." Gu Yue opened the car door and walked out, saying only such a brief sentence.

Yu Nanyuan also got out of the car and looked at Gu Yue with a smile.

"Then I'll take Xiaoyan back."

"Yeah." Gu Yue responded coldly, then turned around and walked towards the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was still a little dazed in the soul guide taxi, opened a pair of light blue eyes and stared quietly at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue outside the window. Because Yu Nanyuan's back was turned to her, she couldn't see the expression on Yu Nanyuan's face, nor could she hear what was said between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. But judging from Gu Yue's cold expression, it seemed that the relationship between Gu Yue and Yu Nanyuan was not as close as she imagined.

The advantage is mine!

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Not long after, Gu Yue's figure disappeared from the sight of Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan. Yu Nanyuan opened the rear door and sat directly in Gu Yue's previous seat.

Xu Xiaoyan was instantly possessed by drama and rested his head on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder. Her rosy cheeks were slightly hot, and her body was not very honest. She did look a bit drunk.

Yu Nanyuan had never seen Xu Xiaoyan drink before, and he didn't know how much alcohol he drank, so he didn't think much about it. He had been used to taking care of Xu Xiaoyan since he was a child. He almost subconsciously took off his coat and covered Xu Xiaoyan's body.

The expression on the taxi driver's face couldn't help but become weird, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Today's young people are really amazing.

Xu Xiaoyan, who had been pretending to sleep before, felt the warmth and familiar scent on Yu Nanyuan's coat, and immediately relaxed. When the soul guide taxi stopped downstairs at Yu Nanyuan's house, she actually fell asleep this time.

"Excuse me, Master. There's no need to look for it." Yu Nanyuan handed the driver a large-denomination federal coin, then hugged Xu Xiaoyan and got out of the car.

About a quarter of an hour later, he took Xu Xiaoyan back home in a private soul elevator.

The soul lights in the wide flat floor on the top floor light up by themselves, and outside the transparent crystal floor-to-ceiling window is the bustling night scene of Donghai City dotted with lights all over the sky. The view in the living room is particularly wide, quiet and peaceful.

Yu Nanyuan gently placed Xu Xiaoyan on the soft sofa and rubbed his head angrily.

"Okay, don't pretend to be asleep. It's not like I didn't know you were awake a long time ago."

"Hmm -" Xu Xiaoyan snorted, pretending to be sleepy and rubbing his eyes, looking around with a confused expression.

"What's wrong, are you home?"

Yu Nanyuan was too lazy to pay attention to Xu Xiaoyan anymore, and sat on the sofa and looked at some drawings he had drawn before. Before going to Shrek City, he designed a purple-level mecha for himself, which was to lay a certain foundation for the subsequent production of battle armor.

What is drawn on these drawings are some details that may be perfected. He planned to discuss it with his grandfather in the next few days, and then began to try to make his own purple-level mecha.

Different from the battle armor, many parts on the mecha are of conventional scale. The key lies in the inscriptions on the soul guidance array in the core parts.

Although the mecha is much larger than the battle armor, its production may not be as cumbersome as the battle armor.

Xu Xiaoyan hugged Yu Nanyuan's coat with both hands, and took off his shoes with a smile. Pure white silk pantyhose wrapped her straight and slender legs, and she gently kicked Yu Nanyuan like a baby.

"Nanyuan, I'm a little thirsty. Pour me a glass of juice."

Yu Nanyuan glanced helplessly at Xu Xiaoyan, facing his pitiful eyes, but still did not say any words of rejection.

"Which one do you want to drink?"

"Orange juice, freshly squeezed!" Xu Xiaoyan cheered cutely and lay on the sofa without any image.

Yu Nanyuan left and returned, poured two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice and placed them on the table in front of him, and then continued to look at the drawings of the mecha design. But he felt that Xu Xiaoyan's little feet were becoming restless again, so he simply asked without looking back.

"What are you doing again?"

Xu Xiaoyan took a sip of the orange juice in the glass cup, and put a pair of delicate ankles on Yu Nanyuan's shoulders with twinkling eyes. She had just mustered up the courage to say something, but she still backed down at the critical moment.

"Turn on the soul guide TV."

"Isn't the remote control right in front of you?" Yu Nanyuan sighed tiredly and looked sideways at Xu Xiaoyan.

As Yu Nanyuan turned around, the hem of the blue-gold floral skirt that fell on Xu Xiaoyan's knees slid down again. The expression on his face froze for an instant, and at this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Xu Xiaoyan noticed Yu Nanyuan's strangeness and felt more guilty. She thought Yu Nanyuan had seen what she was thinking.

"What's wrong?"

"You're gone." Yu Nanyuan replied calmly.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was at a loss, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized what he was doing, with a blush on his pretty face. The long eyelashes trembled lightly, and because of the strong shyness in her heart, there was a layer of mist on them.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..." Slightly hasty footsteps suddenly sounded in the empty living room.

Xu Xiaoyan clenched the hem of her skirt with both hands and ran away quickly. A pair of soft light blue twin ponytails swayed from side to side, drawing beautiful arcs in the air. When she passed the door of Yu Nanyuan's room, she caused the wind chime hanging on the door to make a crisp sound.

The swaying wind chimes have been unable to calm down for a long time, and the crisp sound of the wind chimes continues to echo here, just like the state of mind of Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan at this time.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan clearly realized that they had all grown up. You can no longer play as unbridled as you did when you were a child. Perhaps this is the price that comes with growing older.

Next, how should he deal with the relationship between himself and Xu Xiaoyan?

Yu Nanyuan's heart was confused for the first time. Xu Xiaoyan is undoubtedly one of the people he cherishes most. That's why he is so confused.

At this moment, the soul communicator on the crystal table suddenly vibrated.

Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath and clicked on the screen of the soul guide communicator. What comes into view is a picture of a beautiful and quiet night scene.

The bright silver moon hung high in the night sky, and its silver brilliance fell across a valley. Na'er was leaning against the window edge of the wooden house, her hands supporting her smooth jade-like chin, her pale silver eyes intertwined with the moonlight, giving her a sense of déjà vu.

There is a caption below the picture: Junior Brother, why don’t you reply to my message?

Yu Nanyuan is even more confused now.

The arrogant little girlfriend Gu Yue, the enthusiastic and proactive senior sister Na'er, and the heart-thrilling childhood sweetheart Xu Xiaoyan. When the three of them get together at Shrek Academy, it will be such a classic scene.

At the same time, Wu Changkong’s dormitory.

Tang Wulin was completely naked and soaked in the dark green water. The rich steam evaporates from the pool water, bringing a strange smell. There is the fragrance of plants and a light fishy smell. The two blend together and constantly change.

After the dinner, Tang Wulin, who was stimulated, approached Wu Zhangkong and asked him to help him break through the second seal.

Wu Zhangkong frowned slightly. From his perspective, Tang Wulin's body was like a cooked shrimp, turning completely red, and even his body began to twitch slightly.

And Tang Wulin himself was indeed suffering from intense pain. He only felt as if he was surrounded by a blazing heat. But compared to the last time he broke through the seal, it was much easier. At least the pain was within the range he could bear.

Wuchangkong raised his right hand, ready to use his ice-attribute martial spirit to help Tang Wulin cool down at any time.

He had never heard of Tang Wulin's recipe for combining these four spiritual creatures. If he hadn't understood Tang Wulin's character, he might have been tempted to take action.

The next moment, a faint golden light suddenly lit up between Tang Wulin's eyebrows, which looked vaguely like a magical golden rune.

As soon as this rune appeared, pale golden lines spread from the center of his eyebrows to his whole body, and the fine network of golden lines spread all over his body almost in a breath.

Tang Wulin's breath also became much calmer, and he seemed to have gradually adapted to the burning pain. The golden patterns on his body flickered, exuding strange energy fluctuations. That was not soul power, but qi and blood energy that was so rich that it was almost substantial.

"Sure enough, it improves Qi and blood." Wu Zhangkong looked at Tang Wulin with narrowed eyes. He was convinced that there must be secrets in Tang Wulin's body.

It is simply incredible that a person's Qi and blood can be so strong that it can appear in such an almost substantial energy fluctuation.

In the spiritual world, Tang Wulin's consciousness appeared in that strange palace again, his tone full of surprise.

"Did I succeed?"

"Yes, you succeeded." Old Tang's gratified voice sounded. There was a flash of golden light, and a golden figure condensed into shape.

Tang Wulin found that Old Tang's figure seemed a little clearer than last time.

Old Tang smiled and said: "It seems that in the past two years, your physical realm has improved very quickly, and your soul power has also made significant progress. Your situation is much better than I expected. This may be your innate talent and opportunity.”

For some reason, Tang Wulin felt a bit of pride and pride in Old Tang's tone.

"Opportunity? Old Tang, are you talking about the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline in my body?"

"Yes, this is your chance." Old Tang nodded and said: "In this world, only you can absorb the blood power of the Golden Dragon King. In other words, the blood power of the Golden Dragon King is destined to belong to you. You Breaking through the second seal so easily for the first time just proves this point. You are different from other people in this world."

Tang Wulin didn't understand the meaning of Old Tang's words. He couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "But Old Tang, didn't you say before that I would face a test every time I broke through the seal? Even..."

"That's because I misjudged your physical condition." Old Tang smiled calmly and said firmly.

"As long as you don't slack off, breaking through the first nine layers of seals will be a matter of course. This way I can feel more at ease."

When the Dragon God split into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King, I don't know how long it has been since now.

Tang San had only been a god for a few decades, and his understanding of the Golden Dragon King was limited. What's more, after the Golden Dragon King self-destructed, he forcibly integrated the divine core into Tang Wulin's body.

How much bluff is there in the harsh words spoken by the Golden Dragon King?

Tang San didn't know anything about this.

Tang Wulin broke through the second seal so easily. As Tang San's spiritual clone, Old Tang naturally attributed this to the Poseidon bloodline in Tang Wulin's body.

In his opinion, the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline was most likely drawn and suppressed by the divine nature of the Poseidon's bloodline, thereby eliminating the domineering and ferocious nature of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline.

Poseidon is great, needless to say.

Tang Wulin looked stunned and said blankly: "How can I be considered as not slacking off?"

"Just like you have done in the past two years. The more you train your body, the easier it will be when you break through." Old Tang smiled.

"Okay, keep working hard. After this breakthrough, you will more truly feel the benefits brought to you by the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline. As for what kind of surprise it is, you can explore it yourself."

Since then, the study life of everyone in Class Zero has become calmer again.

Under the guidance of Xie Xie and others, Tang Wulin gradually got out of the shadow of the disillusionment of his beautiful dreams when he was young, and worked harder and harder in cultivation.

Wu Zhangkong also informed everyone in advance that they would take part in the Shrek Academy admissions assessment in six months. Except for Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, the other five people in Class 0 worked hard not to fall behind.

After that night, Xu Xiaoyan and Yu Nanyuan still got along as before the next day. The two of them seemed to have tacitly ignored the matter. And this also completely stopped Xu Xiaoyan, who had finally worked up the courage.

She is in no rush to break the relationship with Yu Nanyuan, since she enjoys equal treatment anyway. Only by having a well-founded basis for advance and retreat can we be sure of victory.

Half a year passed in such a blink of an eye.

In the spacious training room, Yu Nanyuan was holding a golden spear and practicing the marksmanship taught to him by Yun Ming.

This spear is not his martial spirit, but a soul guidance device. The corners of this training room are filled with soul guidance devices that he has made over the years, including close combat soul guidance devices like this golden spear, and various long-range soul guidance devices such as soul guidance rays and soul guidance cannons. .

After practicing a set of marksmanship smoothly, Yu Nanyuan put on another ice blue spear and carefully understood the difference.

At this moment, the soul communicator he carried rang.

Yu Nanyuan stopped what he was doing, tied his slightly messy silver hair behind his head, and then connected the soul communicator.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

"Nanyuan, come to the Mecha Masters Association."

Shushu wants a monthly pass, woo woo.

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