"Teacher, I'm back." Obtaining the third soul ring this time was a near miss.

When Zhu Zhuqing told what happened, Han Yu smiled from the bottom of his heart.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Dugu Bo comes to visit. He can detoxify Dugu Yan, and naturally he can also detoxify Dugu Bo. He is not afraid that the latter will not follow the routine.

"If you have the opportunity to meet that senior, you should express your gratitude." As he spoke, Han Yu patted Zhu Zhuqing on the shoulder, "Go to class, and remember to come to my place to practice tomorrow morning."

Zhu Zhuqing broke through Soul Master and was qualified to join the first team of Huangdou for training. But since her relationship with Qin Ming became unhappy, Zhu Zhuqing could only stay in the class to practice for the time being, and it was only during the evening soul fighting training that she was allowed to participate.

That night, Han Yu practiced in the dormitory as usual.

Suddenly he looked out the window, with an intriguing smile on his lips: "Since your Majesty is here, why bother hiding?"

"Do you know my strength?" A deep voice came from the window, and then a green figure slowly appeared in front of him.

"The three teaching committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy all have the strength of Contra, among them the Chief Meng Shenji is a high-level Contra. I think, to be able to appear here quietly under his nose, Your Majesty He is undoubtedly a titled Douluo," Han Yu explained unhurriedly.

Since Zhu Zhuqing met Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo must have taken Dugu Yan to hunt for souls. With Dugu Bo's familiarity with Sunset Forest, it won't take long to complete the soul hunt.

Calculating the time, it was not difficult for Han Yu to guess the person's identity.

Dugu Bolang smiled and said: "Haha, Teacher Han is really young and promising, and he can guess my strength from this angle. Yes, I am Dugu Bo, the poisonous one."

Seeing the other party's behavior, Han Yu was sure that he was not looking for trouble, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Senior Dugu was just kidding. Senior, what do you want to see me for when you come here this time?"

Dugu Bo smiled and did not speak in a hurry, but asked: "Then you might as well guess why I came to you?"

Han Yu sat up from the bed, poured a cup of tea for Dugu Bo, and then said: "Senior Dugu is the elder of my student, and I saw the poison of the martial spirit from that student. Presumably, the senior is also doing this. Something happened."

Dugu Bo's reputation from the outside world is not very good; he is indeed very kind to his own people, but the current Han Yu is obviously not in the category of "one of his own people".

Outside, Dugu Bo is a ruthless person. Only if Han Yu behaves "smarter" will Dugu Bo be afraid.

After all, the Wuhun poison is the secret of the Dugu family. It is impossible for him, an outsider, to know about it without causing death.

"Yes, I came here just for this matter. If Teacher Han can't give me a satisfactory answer, then this is your burial place." After saying that, Dugu Bo drank the tea handed to him by Han Yu in one gulp. .

His threat was self-evident, and drinking the tea showed that he was not afraid of Han Yu's tricks.

"Senior Dugu, aren't you afraid that the water is poisonous?"

"I am an expert in poisoning, so I am still afraid of the poison you inflicted?" Pouting his lips, Dugu Bo continued: "Send me the antidote, and I will not treat you badly, and I will also agree to three conditions. "

Han Yu shrugged and said with a smile: "The favors of Titled Douluo are really tempting. However, I can't treat your situation. You should understand that your granddaughter's soul power is much lower than mine, so I can treat her Removes residual toxins from the body.”

Dugu Bo's strength was too strong. When he used the sub-fire of the Nether Poison Fire to fuse with the toxins in his body, the soul power that bounced back along the tendons was enough to injure Han Yu; and during this process, he could not use supernatural powers. Fire defends itself.

It might be okay to resist once or twice, but if it continues for a long time, Han Yu will definitely die.

"Boy, are you kidding me?" Dugu Bohan said.

Han Yu had just shown that he was confident. He thought he was saved, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

"Senior, just listen to what I have to say." Han Yu smiled confidently and then said, "I have several methods, you can refer to them."

"First, I can assist you by forcing the toxins in your body into your soul bones. In the future, when you fight, you will mobilize all the toxins from your soul bones. In this way, it will not affect your strength, and at the same time, you can mobilize them. Handy."

"But the shortcomings are also obvious. The carrying capacity of each soul bone is limited, and you may not be able to see anything in a short time. But if decades pass, as the toxins in your body continue to accumulate, even the six soul bones in your body will It’s not enough. By then, once the toxins in your body explode, you may not even be able to survive.”

This treatment method was originally given to Dugu Bo by Tang San in time and space. For Tang San, an old man like Dugu Bo would not live long at all, so solving his problem in a short time was the top priority.

However, the vitality of Titled Douluo is so strong that every time they increase their soul power, their lifespan will increase by many years.

And Dugu Bo died in the final battle (anime version). The relationship between Tang San and Dugu Yan was very ordinary, so naturally he would not help again. It is foreseeable that when the carrying capacity of the soul bone reaches the upper limit, Dugu Yan is likely to explode with poison.

The extent of the damage can even cause not a single blade of grass to grow within a radius of dozens of kilometers. And as the poisonous mist spreads, the harm will further expand.

By then, people will remember that Lord Poseidon. Invisibly, the power of faith comes.

From this point of view, Xiao Zhao San has played a big game of chess.

Dugu Bo originally thought Han Yu's method was feasible, but when he heard the consequences, he immediately calmed down.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that Han Yu was definitely not being alarmist.

"Of course, if Senior Dugu thinks that his life is not long, he can use this method." Han Yu added.

When the other party said this, Dugu Bo instantly lost his temper.

At least, the other party is indeed thinking about him, and he can't blame him, "Teacher Han, you should talk about other methods. My conditions remain unchanged. If you can cure my stubborn disease, my three original conditions It won’t change, and I will still make the decision to betroth my granddaughter to you.”

"Forget it. Dugu Yan has a good relationship with Yu Tianheng, one of the Blue and Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and one of the Blue and Electric Double Stars. I don't have that kind of background."

"Hmph, I still don't like that bastard!" Dugu Bo snorted coldly.

It seems that he is angry, but in fact, Yu Tianheng's intentions have long been obvious. He came into contact with Dugu Yan just for the sake of Dugu Bo who was behind him. Once Dugu Bo joined the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Dugu Yan would lose its use value.

A hundred years from now, will the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family and Yu Tianheng still treat Dugu Yan well?

The third update will be released this weekend. Readers, please remember to subscribe.

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