"Oh, isn't this Mr. Dai? It's been a long time since he came to our place." The madam walked towards Dai Mubai with a smile.

Her steps are graceful, and even though she is old, her charm is still there.

"Ahem, you know my taste." Dai Mubai said pretending to be profound.

"Understand~, come on, take Mr. Dai to the Xingyue Private Room, and let Yilan dress up and go to Mr. Dai's room."

After saying that, the old bustard said with a smile: "If Mr. Dai has any further instructions, please call me at any time."

Young and promising soul masters like Dai Mubai are in hot demand wherever they go. Especially his face, although it is not as good as the readers, it is enough to fascinate thousands of girls in Soto City.

Compared to Dai Mubai's ecstasy, Zhu Zhuqing, who was far away in the Sunset Forest, looked particularly embarrassed.

The third soul ring she chose this time was two thousand years old, which Han Yu believed was the most suitable age for her.

It is true that Sun Buyu is the Soul King, but there are still many high-level soul beasts in the Sunset Forest.

"Zhuqing, you go first, I can still hold on." As a teacher, Sun Buyu knew his responsibilities very well.

Even if he dies, he must ensure the safety of his students.

"Teacher Sun, no, you will die if you do this." Zhu Zhuqing said firmly.

"Damn, these ten thousand year mist beasts are really troublesome." Sun Buyu gritted his teeth and planned to give it a try.

As the name of the Mist Beast suggests, its method is fog. Unlike the Pink Lady's poison, being in the mist of the Mist Beast will make people lose their sense of direction and eventually be trapped and die.

Not long ago, they escaped a disaster because they noticed it shortly after entering the fog. Now they are surrounded by many mist beasts. The moment the mist rises again, they may not be able to escape.

On the other side, Dugu Yan also followed Dugu Bo to Sunset Forest.

With the support of Dugu Bo's soul power, Dugu Yan was suspended in the air and flew with Dugu Bo.

Suddenly, seeing the white mist gradually rising from the forest below, the curious Dugu Yan happened to see Sun Buyu and Zhu Zhuqing who were fighting against the soul beast: "Hey, grandpa, those seem to be the teachers and students of our college."

"That's the mist beast. I'm afraid your classmates and teachers won't be able to escape." Dugu Bo said leisurely.

He has been active in the Sunset Forest for so many years, and has seen with his own eyes no less than a hundred soul masters who have died from the mouths of soul beasts, and he has long been used to it.

"Grandpa, why are you still standing there? Go save them." Dugu Yan urged.

Dugu Bo usually doesn't mind his own business, but since his granddaughter spoke up and the person he wanted to save was his granddaughter's teacher and classmate, he didn't refuse.

"Yanyan, it's safe here. Grandpa will come back as soon as he goes."

Leaving Dugu Yan at the entrance of the safe zone, Dugu Bo flashed his body and rushed over to save others.

At this time, Sun Buyu was extremely nervous.

After the fog rises, even if the soul beast doesn't take action, they will die here.

"Roar~" Several mist beasts raised their heads and roared.

The bursts of white mist spit out from their mouths quickly spread in the forest. Even late at night, the cold wind blowing from the woods could not disperse the fog.

Just when Sun Buyu felt desperate, a burst of green smoke appeared out of thin air and blocked them.

Moreover, this green smoke quickly corroded the white mist of the Mist Beast, and the surrounding field of vision became much wider in an instant.

Sun Buyu quickly turned around, saluted the old man floating in the air behind him and said, "Thank you, senior, thank you very much, senior."

"Take your students and leave. I won't save you a second time." Dugu Bo said coldly.

The next moment, the sixth soul ring under his feet lit up.

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake King Venom."

From the mouth of the phantom of the Jade Snake King, green poisonous mist was spitted out. The poisonous mist rose in the storm and swallowed up these mist beasts in an instant.

After coming back to his senses and looking at the location of the mist beast again, Zhu Zhuqing was surprised to find that there was only a pool of thick water there.

"Zhuqing, hurry up, that senior won't save us a second time." Sun Buyu quickly pulled her away from here.

"Tch, he's such a loser. He can't even lift it, let alone hold on." Yilan straightened her clothes, looked at Dai Mubai with disdain, and left the room immediately.

It was less than half a stick of incense after entering the room. No matter how touching Dai Mubai's love words were, Yilan would not look good when facing someone who couldn't fight.

"Bitch, go to hell." Dai Mubai's face was full of anger, and when he was about to rush out to kill someone, the madam ran in quickly.

Yi Lan had already explained the situation to her. For a person with a behavioral disorder, it is not easy for the madam to do this business.

"Master Dai, please calm down. I'll refund all the money to you. I'm so sorry." As she said that, she quickly put the money on the table nearby.

"Humph!" Dai Mubai picked up the money on the table and left here dejectedly.

He also knew that if the trouble continued like this, everyone in the city might know about him.

How can he still hang out in Soto City in the future?

As for those who are familiar with the business, they all know the importance of keeping their mouths shut, and generally do not tell anything about their customers.

After wandering around the city for a while, Dai Mubai also knew that his situation might not be solved by changing to another hospital, so he simply returned to the academy.

Ma Hongjun doesn't do things that fast, and Dai Mubai is not in the mood to wait for him.

At night, when Ma Hongjun came back, he just whispered softly and then there was no movement.

Dai Mubai didn't pay attention and continued his practice. He guessed that his physical condition would recover after his soul power level increased.

Early the next morning, after everyone in Shrek had breakfast, they quickly rushed to the entrance of the village.

"Ma Hongjun, what's the matter with you? What did you do last night?" Looking at the haggard Ma Hongjun, Yu Xiaogang said with an unhappy expression.

"Master, I didn't get a good rest last night." Ma Hongjun lowered his head and whispered.

Only then did Dai Mubai notice Ma Hongjun's condition. Good guy, he didn't expect Ma Hongjun to be so exhausted.

This is also easy to understand. Those old sisters-in-law must be stronger, and Ma Hongjun doesn't know how to control. The result can be imagined.

"Master, the fat man should say that there is something wrong with the evil fire. Why don't we let him rest for half a day?"

At this time, Dai Mubai would not betray him, otherwise they might not be able to deal with what happened last night.

"Teacher, let Fatty go rest first." Tang San also said at this time.

He himself has some medical skills. Although he doesn't understand why Ma Hongjun is like this, his state is definitely not suitable for practice.

As his proud disciple said so, Yu Xiaogang naturally had no reason to refuse.

He waved his hand and said: "Hongjun, you go down and rest first, but you have to make up for all the subjects you owe today in the evening."

It’s good to have a half-day rest. Ma Hongjun responded quickly: “Thank you, Master. I will practice more by myself tonight.”

On the way back to the dormitory, he couldn't help but mutter: "That eldest sister yesterday was so awesome, I'll look for her next time."

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