"Angel God, God of Darkness, Spirit Hall, and Heaven Dou Empire, all go to hell."

Tang San's eyes were scarlet red, and his whole body gradually began to swell.

All the divine power in his body continued to condense, and even the tenth divine ring, which symbolized the divine position, was absorbed into his body.

Self-destruction is inevitable.

"Tang San, I said, you chose the wrong teacher from the beginning. This is the price for your stubbornness." Suddenly, a voice sounded above everyone's heads.

Of course Han Yu knew that Tang San was not the kind of person who would give up easily. Now that he has enough strength, once he self-destructs, hundreds of millions of living beings near Star Luo City will all die! He would never allow such heavy casualties to occur at the critical moment when the mainland was about to complete its unification.

Fortunately, he left Canaan City in time and caught the moment Tang San was about to self-destruct.

Tang San was not surprised but overjoyed, "Han Yu, you came at the right time. Since you all want me to die, then you can't even think about it."

Han Yu didn't answer and lightly snapped his fingers. A wisp of black flame separated from the colorful Emperor Flame in front of him.

The Void Swallowing Flame turned into a flaming mouth and swallowed Tang San into it.

The alien fire space in Nihility Swallowing Flame's body is almost infinite. The power of Tang San's self-destruction, as long as the alien fire space is extended enough, the power of the explosion is almost negligible.

"It's over." Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue murmured softly as they froze on the spot.

A moment ago, they were still worrying about how to resist Tang San's attack. Now, all this was easily resolved by Han Yu.

"Everyone in the Star Luo Empire, listen, your emperor Dai Mubai has been killed by Tang San a long time ago. Because you have been deceived by the villain, as long as you are willing to put down your weapons, you will not be held responsible for anything. Now you can directly go home."

Han Yu didn't need to worry about Dai Mubai's life or death. The citizens in Xingluo City would definitely rush into the palace to look for him. Of course, they would never find Dai Mubai.

Seeing that they were shaken, Han Yu continued: "Currently, Davis, the only royal heir of the Star Luo Empire, will arrive in Star Luo City soon."

"The mainland will eventually be unified, and there will be no more wars in the future. Everyone on the mainland should enjoy the prosperous age that follows. Anyone who is stubborn will be severely punished."

Han Yu's words were so contagious that the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire put down their weapons one by one and returned to the city.

Most of them are ordinary residents of Xingluo City. In order to verify the authenticity of what Han Yu said, they really poured into the palace.

However, the ending disappointed him. Even though they searched every corner of the palace, they could not find Dai Mubai.

After doing all this, Han Yu greeted Bibi Dong and the other two, "Let's go, let others handle the rest. We will be very busy next."

Qian Renxue was not in a hurry to leave. She entered the city and destroyed the secret realm arranged by the Rakshasa God.

After all, the Rakshasa God is an evil god. Once someone mistakenly enters his secret realm, it is very likely that he will be corrupted into an evil soul master. Only by eradicating it completely can all hidden dangers be eliminated.

Davis arrived in Star Luo City soon after.

Entering the palace, he saw the throne that symbolized imperial power that he had longed for. As expected, he sat on it, but that was all.

All the ministers from various departments of the Star Luo Empire had been killed by Dai Mubai. Except for some scattered guards, no outsiders could be seen in the palace.

As the son of Dai Tianfeng, according to the rules of the Star Luo Empire, after Dai Mubai's death, the throne should be passed to the younger brother. As long as it is announced to the outside world, he can immediately become the Emperor of Star Luo.

But in these years in Canaan, his character was tempered. He no longer desires the throne as before.

No matter who becomes the leader of the mainland, as long as it can bring benefits to the ordinary people on the mainland and allow them to live a good life with no worries about food and clothing, this will be enough.

In the past, if it were not for the obstruction of Wuhun Palace, the Star Luo Empire would have been able to unify the continent. But now, the strength of the Star Luo Empire is not even as strong as some kingdoms and principalities within the Tiandou Empire.

Putting away his thoughts, Davis stepped down from the throne.

"The emperor is a thing of the past. The next continent will be full of vitality and prosperity."

After saying goodbye to the past, Davis also has to complete the next task.

First of all, he is the only living bloodline of the Star Luo royal family, plus he has made contributions to the empire. Many people in Xingluo City knew him.

He walked to the square and was quickly recognized by the people passing by.

After passing the word to ten and hundreds of people, the square was quickly surrounded by people.

After the Tiandou army and Wuhundian army broke through Xingluo City, they did not occupy it. In Xingluo City, the lives of the people seemed to have returned to the past.

"His Royal Highness, you are finally back. What is happening to the empire now? Not long ago, the armies of Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire entered the city." Several people in the front row asked quickly.

As for their title for Davis, it remains the same.

Davis calmed down and explained to the crowd with a smile: "First of all, I am no longer the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, and I will not become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire in the future."

"From now on, the continent will be unified. The name of the new country will not be taken from Xingluo or Tiandou, but will be changed to Douluo Federation. From now on, kings and emperors will become a thing of the past. .The supreme leader of the continent will no longer be the emperor, but a parliament composed of many people.”

"Thanks to the kindness of the House of Representatives, I am now one of the Speakers of the Assembly."

The people present were completely confused about the new thing called parliament and did not understand the functions and powers of this institution. Furthermore, the idea of ​​imperial supremacy was deeply ingrained in their minds and was difficult to accept for a while.

Fortunately, Davis was the lobbyist. If anyone had come here to make the announcement, the people present would probably have insulted them.

After a lot of explanations, Davis finally made them accept that there was no emperor and no Star Luo Empire.

"Don't worry, everyone. The mainland will only be better in the future, and your living standards will also improve accordingly. Moreover, there will no longer be forced labor on the mainland. Even if the yamen are doing things, they still have to pay you a certain amount. "

"Your Highness, what about our deposits and loans in Wuhun Bank?" Many people asked quickly.

Among them, more than 70% of them have deposited all their belongings in Wuhun Bank. If they can't get it out, life will be difficult for them now, let alone in the future.

Davis said quickly: "Here, I can guarantee you that in five days at the latest, Wuhun Bank will return to the Star Luo Empire. All your deposits can be withdrawn by then. In addition, there are It’s a loan. The bank will not charge you any overdue fees, and the repayment amount will be recalculated starting from this month. Of course, the interest will be reduced.”

Greed is human nature, and when Wuhun Bank returns, they will of course withdraw money. But after withdrawing the money, most of them will deposit it into the bank again soon.

After all, who doesn’t want money to beget money and a constant source of wealth?

"Okay, that's all I have to say for now. Starting from tomorrow, Wuhun Daily will be redistributed in the Star Luo Empire. For more details, you can learn about it through the newspaper."

He is just a human being, and he really can't do it if he is asked to tell all the contents of the reform in one go.

Davis originally had a very high prestige in Xingluo City, so the people were naturally willing to believe his words.

In the next few days, everything Davis promised came true. The common people are of course willing to believe that the coming Douluo Federation will bring them good lives.

As for Davis, he has been traveling around the Star Luo Empire. Whenever a city is unwilling to accept the fact of continental unification, he will come forward to act as a lobbyist.

Half a year passed quietly, and the entire continent was completely unified. The base camp of the Lake Island forces was also found and completely destroyed during this period.

When they heard that the leader of the Douluo Federation was not the emperor, but the parliament, the ministers of the Tiandou Empire objected.

After all, as the victor, the Tiandou Empire should enjoy absolute dominance over the continent. Xue Qinghe is bound to become the co-owner of the continent.

But Xue Qinghe himself repeatedly refused, and most of the ministers of the Tiandou Empire entered the parliament.

Finally, under Xue Qinghe's repeated requests, the ministers agreed to his abdication.

He was originally a low-level soul master in Wuhun Palace, but his appearance was somewhat similar to Xue Qinghe. Xue Qinghe announced to the outside world that he would no longer be the leader of the mainland, and then withdrew from the stage of history.

The Tiandou royal family's parliamentary seat is inherited by Princess Xueke.

After the unification of the mainland, Bibi Dong also stepped down from the position of Pope. Qian Renxue is also a god and will not inherit the position of Pope.

Although Qian Daoliu had no choice but to come back and shoulder the burden of Wuhun Palace again.

It is worth mentioning that Yu Xiaogang, who was turned into a human pig by Tang San and soaked in a manure pit, was found. Now, he fell into the hands of Demon-Conquering Douluo and Qianjun Douluo.

Yu Xiaogang needs to atone for the wrong things he did back then.

On the other side, Han Yu left Wuhun Palace and will no longer hold any position in the mainland.

The divine assessment of God Shura is over, and the new God Shura has gone to the God Realm. The old Shura God revealed a loophole in the rules of the God Realm to Han Yu.

Han Yu's divine position was created by himself. As long as he did not explicitly join the God Realm, he could travel back and forth between the God Realm and Douluo Continent at will for a hundred years.

Spirit world.

Poseidong gradually regained consciousness.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the angel god to have such a back-up plan."

After Qian Renxue became the Angel God, the Angel God Palace was no longer an ownerless thing. Poseidong's body was ejected and hung on a tree outside.

Because the thrones of the five great god kings have been passed down, the god world has been temporarily busy. Naturally, no one discovered the good things Poseidong did.

Moreover, since the power of the island in the center of the lake was completely destroyed, Poseidong's strength dropped to the level of a priest.

Now that he has lost another arm, he is the weakest existence in the God Realm.

In less than a month in the God Realm, Bo Saidong's strength has regressed from the peak of a first-level god to the current priest. It is impossible to say that he has no resentment towards Han Yu in his heart.

With his current strength, let alone revenge, he would have to turn around and run away when he met Han Yu.

"Hmph, Han Yu, you must die a good death. Don't fall into my hands in the future!" Poseidong gritted his teeth with hatred.

As a priest, he cannot leave the divine world, and no one cares about it anymore. Moreover, he is not even a lake god now, it is enough to be called a river god.

He knew that his only hope of making a comeback was to leave the God Realm. In the starry sky outside the God Realm, he found the right opportunity to make another breakthrough for his strength.

Of course, compared to improving his own strength, Poseidong wanted to go to a planet without faith and spread his faith. After all, the process of improving the strength of gods is very long, and the power of spreading faith cannot come quickly.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him, "I heard that you are looking for me?"

"Who?" Bo Saidong turned around suddenly, his face full of horror and fear, and said incoherently: "Han Yu, you...how did you come to the God Realm?"

Han Yu smiled faintly, "It's nothing. It's time to settle the accounts between us. Bo Saidong, you were so rebellious back then, why are you so weak now?"

Bo Saidong cursed, if he had the strength at his peak, he would have fought Han Yu for 300 rounds. Not now. With the strength of the priest, how could he be Han Yu's opponent?

"Shura, why are you here?" Poseidong pointed behind Han Yu and said.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the opponent to turn around, Bo Saidong used all his strength to escape outside the God Realm.

But before he flew far, a ball of black flames enveloped him.

"How come, when did you..." Poseidong was horrified.

In fact, Han Yu has been here for a while. Seeing that Poseidong didn't "wake up" before, he didn't bother him with any words. But he had already been marked by Han Yu. With just one thought, he would be engulfed in alien fire.

Destroying the body of a god does not completely murder him. As long as the spiritual mind survives, it can be resurrected again.

Han Yu took this into consideration and directly swallowed the flames with nothingness, swallowing his spiritual thoughts into his belly and becoming the nourishment for the strange fire.

Back on the mainland, Han Yu did not forget his agreement with Di Tian.

With the help of strange fire, a small divine realm was opened for soul beasts on the Douluo Continent.

All soul beasts on the mainland that are over 100,000 years old can enter it. Moreover, there are rules belonging to the soul beast clan in the Small God Realm, which are not restricted by the God Realm.

Next, Han Yu resurrected Huo Yunhe and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, fulfilling his original promise.

Five years later, Feng Xiaotian and others all broke through to the god level.

Before Han Yu left the mainland, he set the tone for the future development of Canaan College.

The soul guidance department of the college has also begun recruiting students from all over the continent.

Moreover, Han Yu left eighteen strange fire trial towers in Canaan College. In the future, as long as someone can conquer any strange fire, they will break through to the god level.

After doing all this, Han Yu took all the gods on Douluo Continent to the God Realm.

With their joining, the pattern of the God Realm has changed.

Han Yu became a being above the gods, and the God Realm was no longer controlled by the five god kings.

The starry sky is vast, and Han Yu leads the gods in the divine world to fight against the unknown.

Complete book. (End of chapter)

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