Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 431 The Rakshasa God falls and the Xingluo Kingdom is destroyed

Feng Xiaotian and others had already returned to Canaan City.

Early this morning, they sat together and watched the good news from Wuhun Daily, with smiles on their faces.

"It seems that it won't be long before the mainland is unified." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

The Star Luo Empire has mostly plain terrain, and Tiger Roar Pass is the most dangerous fortress in the Star Luo Empire. It has now been breached. The Tiandou army and the Wuhun Palace army will march straight in to take Xingluo City.

In the past, the Star Luo Empire relied on a powerful army, and the Tiandou army could not even attack the border, let alone penetrate deep into the hinterland. Therefore, the disadvantage in terrain is almost negligible.

But once the border defense line is lost, it will be difficult to block the enemy's attack.

Under the plain terrain, the marching speed will be very fast, and the next war seems to have lost its suspense.

"We also need to speed up the progress of the divine examination. This Tang San, who did not know when he got the divine examination, has now become a Rakshasa god, and we cannot fall behind." Zhu Zhuqing said seriously.

"When the teacher left, he opened a brand new trial tower for us around the Tianfen Soul Refining Tower. Let's go there now and concentrate on practicing there. It won't be long before our soul power breaks through ninety-nine. Level." Tianyue suggested.

Ye Lingling had already entered it before them.

The newly built Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower can only be entered by those with a title of Douluo or above.

If Dugu Bo and Li Tian didn't need to ensure the safety of Canaan City, they would have wanted to enter it and concentrate on practicing.

After breaking through Huxiao Pass, Tiandou's army was like a deserted land.

Many cities along the way gave up resistance and took the initiative to surrender.

In the previous battles of Jialing Pass and Huxiao Pass, the defensive soldiers from Xingluo's rear had already been sent to the front line, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled to defend the city.

Such a city defense configuration, not to mention whether it can resist the soul master legion of Wuhun Palace, the Tiandou Empire soldiers alone can easily break through the city.

Once Xingluo City is conquered, the continent will soon be unified.

One month passed quietly, and the Tiandou army and Wuhundian army came to Xingluo City at the same time.

Through the soul guide telescope, it was not difficult for Ge Long to see the soldiers guarding the city on the wall of Xingluo City.

"The Star Luo Empire plans to fight a battle to defend Star Luo City." Ge Long muttered.

They captured several acropolis near Xingluo City almost without bloodshed.

You must know that the Acropolis is the last barrier to defend the imperial capital, and it is impossible to withdraw the soldiers stationed in it for no reason.

Ge Long was still a little confused at first, but now that he saw such a scene in Xingluo City, he finally understood the reason for the matter.

But no matter what, if these soldiers flow to other cities, they will be a disaster after all. Maybe some of them will turn into bandits, posing hidden dangers to the subsequent security of the mainland.

Ge Long was not in a hurry to attack the city. Tang San, who had broken through to the god level, was currently in the city, and Han Yu had left after the Battle of Huxiao Pass. They had to wait for the two gods from Wuhun Palace to come to support them. Siege the city.

"Pass my military order and the entire army is to rest. Without my order, no one is allowed to leave the military camp without permission." Ge Long ordered.

After sending troops to occupy the city in the rear, the Tiandou Empire came to attack Xingluo City with less than 100,000 troops.

With the existence of the soul master legion, the role of ordinary soldiers is basically to clean the battlefield. But the methods Tang San showed at Huxiao Pass were very likely to destroy their large army.

Now that the morale of the Tiandou Empire's army is high, once there is a defeat, the next battle will not be easy to fight.

While Ge Long was mobilizing the Tiandou army, Jin Crocodile was also mobilizing the soul master army.

After Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue arrive at the front line, Tang San's threat will no longer exist. The key to whether they can break through Xingluo City still lies in their legion of spirit masters.

Star Luo City is obviously much larger than other cities.

This is the center of power of the Star Luo Empire, and the civilians living here are loyal supporters of the Star Luo Empire.

Even if they break through the city wall, when the army enters the city, they will definitely encounter resistance from the people of Xingluo City. Since we want to unify the continent, massacre of the city must not happen.

But once the army is involved in street fighting, their losses will be huge.

You know, there are many soul masters in Xingluo City. Among them, a large part serve the Star Luo royal family. These people used the residential area in the city to launch a sneak attack on the soul master army, and they were very likely to succeed.

And these people can retreat quickly based on their understanding of the terrain, and then hide in other corners, waiting for opportunities.

So no matter what, they can't rush into the city. It is necessary to create the illusion of even strength outside the city, so that the soul masters in the city can take the initiative to go out of the city and fight against them.

Han Yu was not idle either.

After returning to Canaan City, he felt that Feng Xiaotian and others had entered seclusion. But he didn't go looking for them. Han Yu's goal for this trip was Davis.

He called Davis to his office and said straight to the point: "Davis, I believe you have read Wuhun Daily. Now the armies of Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace have arrived at Xingluo City. The Star Luo Empire is about to fall. , The countdown has entered. The reunification of the mainland will be unstoppable.”

Davis smiled bitterly inwardly.

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, he could only stay and work in Canaan City in order to make a living. He watched from the Wuhun Daily that the Star Luo Empire was being eaten away step by step, but there was nothing he could do.

After so long, he looked away.

First of all, Han Yu's plan to unify the continent was definitely not inspired. He probably made careful arrangements before doing so. At that time, the situation on the entire continent may not have been disputed.

The Haotian Sect was originally in the Tiandou Empire, but suddenly encountered an attack by Xue Qinghe.

At that time, Xue Qinghe had just ascended the throne, and Davis had only just begun to have the desire to usurp the throne.

If the layout started at that time, then Han Yu and the Tiandou Empire seemed to have done nothing and everything.

Shrek's group had to flee to the Star Luo Empire because they were accused of regicide by Xue Qinghe. Later, the situation of the Haotian Sect in the Tiandou Empire was worrying, and Davis took the initiative to draw them to the Star Luo Empire for his own plan.

But who could have imagined that such a subtle reaction would occur between the two of them, causing Dai Mubai to steal his palace transformation fruit.

Looking back on all this carefully, Davis always felt that there was a pair of invisible hands behind his back, pushing all of this.

It is true that Han Yu had no involvement, but when Dai Mubai returned to the land of the Star Luo Empire, he would definitely not be honest. With the help of Tang San and the Haotian Sect, he got his wish.

Of course, he could never know that Han Yu's understanding of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San was far beyond his imagination.

If Tang San and Yu Xiaogang want to take revenge, they must have a backer who can compete with Wuhun Palace. Although the Haotian Sect is powerful, in terms of size, they are far less than a fraction of the Spirit Hall.

And Dai Mubai is a ready-made revenge tool around them. Dai Mubai is a prince. Even if he usurps the throne, he can still be regarded as an orthodox prince and will not cause dissatisfaction from all forces in the Star Luo Empire.

So in all of this, Han Yu seemed to have done everything, but he did nothing.

Davis now regrets it very much. If he had not launched a palace coup, Dai Mubai would not have had the chance to become emperor. Under the leadership of Dai Tianfeng, the Star Luo Empire would at least not fall into such a situation.

"Dean Han, the Star Luo Empire must be a thing of the past. And now, I am just a member of the Canaan City Committee. I am not even a formal official. How can I provide help with a large army?" Davis said with a wry smile.

Han Yu shook his head, "After unifying the continent, there are many things that need to be dealt with. As the only royal bloodline left in the Star Luo Empire, I hope that after Star Luo City is destroyed, you can come forward to persuade the guards of other cities in the Star Luo Empire to surrender. Battlefield More than half a year has passed since it started, during which countless soldiers were killed and wounded, and countless people were displaced. "

"I don't want any more killings. It would be great if the mainland could be unified in a peaceful way."

"In addition, after the entire continent is unified, the continent will not use the name of Xingluo or Tiandou, but will be changed to Douluo Federation. The supreme ruler will no longer be the emperor of Tiandou or Xingluo, but the parliament."

"Currently, the proposed heads of the council are you, Davis, the new pope of Wuhun Palace, the royal representative of the Tiandou Empire, and Dugu Bo of Canaan City. In addition, the members of the council are the city lords of every city in the mainland."

"From now on, how the mainland develops will be discussed in parliament and decisions made through voting."

As a god, Han Yu would naturally not participate in the management of mainland affairs. After the mainland is unified, he will step down as Lord of Canaan City and Dugu Bo will take over.

"The new pope of Wuhun Palace?" Davis was puzzled.

Bibi Dong is now in her prime and should not abdicate just now.

Han Yu did not explain anything. The candidate for the new pope of Wuhun Palace has not yet been determined. Han Yu knew that after Qian Renxue became a god, it was no longer possible for him to serve as the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Whether the new pope is Sendaoliu or someone else is not something he should worry about.

"Davis, as the mainland's decision-maker in the future, I hope you will not forget your original intention and serve the mainland wholeheartedly."

Davis nodded solemnly.

Although he cannot become an emperor, at least his talents will not be overwhelmed. Moreover, although the Tiandou Empire was the executor of the unification of the continent, they did not gain much benefit.

Xue Qinghe is not the future co-owner of the continent.

After the matter was done, Han Yu left Canaan City again.

In front of Xingluo City.

After several days of waiting, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong arrived at the front line.

"His Majesty the Pope, Young Master, when will we launch a general attack?" Golden Crocodile Douluo asked hurriedly.

"Has Tang San been moving recently?" Qian Renxue couldn't help but ask.

Arriving in front of Xingluo City, the aura that disgusted her became even stronger.

She knew that this was definitely Tang San's lair. Moreover, there is a high probability that the statue of the Rakshasa God is also in the city.

Golden Crocodile Douluo shook his head, "I'm sorry, young master, our people can't go deep into Xingluo City at all. Then Tang San, I heard that after appearing in the city square a month ago, he was never seen again. According to his own words, He should be 'protecting' Dai Mubai."

Bibi Dong sneered and said: "I can no longer feel Dai Mubai's aura. Since they have obtained the divine examination at the same time, Dai Mubai is very likely to become a stepping stone on Tang San's path to becoming a god."

"Grandpa Jin Crocodile, reorganize your troops immediately and attack the city now. Tang San was injured by Dean Han, and he hasn't been seen for such a long time. There is a high possibility of recovering from his injuries. We must not give him a chance to breathe!" Qian Renxue said seriously! said.

Golden Crocodile did not hesitate and immediately conveyed the order to attack.

Before Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong arrived, he had already made targeted arrangements. The army received the order and quickly sounded the drum of attack.

Tang San in the secret realm of Rakshasa naturally sensed Qian Renxue's aura.

The Rakshasa God and the Angel God are two opposing gods, so it is normal for them to sense each other's aura.

"Damn the Spirit Hall, there are actually two gods!"

Tang San looked ugly.

After becoming a god, he originally planned to go to the Star Dou Forest to avenge his original killing. But the battle at Huxiao Pass was urgent, and he had to go to support, but he was injured by Han Yu again.

I originally thought that I would rely on these empire supporters in Xingluo City to wait for him to recover from his injuries. Well now, two gods came to Wuhun Palace, and he could no longer avoid the battle.

As for revenge, he has no free time now.

In desperation, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and fight.

Among the first-level gods, the Rakshasa God can only be ranked in the middle and upper reaches, comparable to the Angel God. But the strength of the God of Darkness is far above him. Since the "fall" of Poseidon, the strength of the God of Darkness can be ranked among the top two of the first-level gods.

How could Tang San withstand the mixed doubles match between the two of them when he was injured again?

Not long after joining the battlefield, Tang San fell into a disadvantage. The morale of the Star Luo City guards also gradually declined.

Now it seems that the defense battle of Xingluo City initiated by Tang San is a complete joke.

If we really dig into it, Tang Xiao's plan to annex the mainland was an unrealistic fantasy. He thought that as long as Wuhun Palace didn't show up, everything would be fine.

Little did they know that Wuhun Palace was waiting for them to initiate the war.

It's too late to say anything now.

Tang San's artifact, the Clear Sky Hammer, was no match for the Angel Holy Sword and the Scythe of Darkness, and was shattered on the spot.

He is at the end of his rope!

"Bibi Dong, do you think you can kill me!" Tang San shouted angrily.

As for Qian Renxue, he didn't know her at all. I have no idea where she came from.

After all, in the original time and space, if Qian Renxue had not taken the initiative to reveal his true body, Tang San would have only thought that Xue Qinghe had taken refuge in the Spirit Hall, and he would never have thought that the real Xue Qinghe had been killed long ago. But Qian Renxue, the young master of Wuhun Palace, will replace him?

Tang San knew that he was no match for Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue alone. If Han Yu joins the battlefield, he will definitely die.

Since you are destined to lose, let the enemy pay the price!

"No, he's going to blow himself up!" Qian Renxue was horrified.

No matter how weak Tang San was, he was still a first-level god. The self-destruction of a god is enough to devastate all life within hundreds of miles. And she and Bibi Dong would probably be hit hard too. (End of chapter)

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