Within the Calamity Mountains.

More than a year has passed since Lingxiao and others came here to practice.

The Natural Disaster Mountain Range is very suitable for fire attribute soul masters to practice here. Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu successively broke through the soul emperor level during their training. Even Huo Lie, whose soul power level had not been broken through for many years, broke through one level in such an environment.

"Dean Huo, are we looking for the wrong target? The teacher said that there is the inheritance of the God of Fire here, but until now, we haven't even seen the shadow of the God of Fire." Lingxiao wiped the sweat from his forehead. Said helplessly.

Although the Natural Disaster Mountain Range is suitable for fire attribute soul masters to practice, there are many volcanoes here, which pose a certain threat to soul masters. In the year they had previously experienced, the volcano here had erupted at least ten times. And, on one occasion, he almost killed them all.

"Dean Han said that there is a magma pool in the deepest part of the Natural Disaster Mountain Range, and the inheritance place of the God of Fire is under there. However, we have been searching for a long time, but we have not found any trace of the magma pool. Is there something wrong with our direction?" Huo Lie whispered.

Huo Wushuang analyzed: "We have indeed been here for a year, but we move very slowly every day. Even if there are signs of a volcanic eruption, we have to turn around. Don't look at it for so long, but in fact "We didn't get very far."

"Besides, we just went down the mountain to resupply not long ago, so now we have to start from scratch."

Huo Lie really ignored this issue.

The mountain roads in the main natural disaster mountains are very difficult to walk, and it is very possible to step into the lava. With worries, the pace of their progress naturally slowed down a lot. In addition, at the beginning, they had the idea of ​​​​cultivating and stopped for too long, which led to the slow speed of travel.

Lingxiao thought for a while and said: "Dean Huo, you cover me, I can fly in the air to explore the path, so we should be able to find the direction of the magma pool quickly."

There are many fire attribute soul beasts living in the Natural Disaster Mountain Range. The soul beasts have rough skin and thick flesh, and their resistance to the environment here is very strong. Flying in the air, there is no doubt that it will become the meal in the eyes of the soul beasts.

Huo Lie said: "Yes, but you can't fly too high, otherwise I won't be able to support you immediately."

In this way, under the leadership of Lingxiao, they once again headed towards the depths of the Natural Disaster Mountain Range. With the terrain recorded when they entered and exited last time, and Lingxiao's guidance in the air, the group of people moved forward much faster.

Half a month passed before I knew it.

This time, they did not take the old road for the second half of the journey, but took another road.

Soon, the figure of the magma pool appeared in Lingxiao's sight.

"Quick, the magma pool is right ahead."

Just as Lingxiao was about to speed up, Huo Lie reminded: "The temperature here is very high. With our strength, it will be difficult to withstand such a temperature if we walk a certain distance further. Now that the destination has been determined If you don’t know the direction, then slow down and move forward slowly.”

Han Yu learned the general situation of the everyone's divine examination through the communication soul guide.

Among them, Feng Xiaotian passed the Fengshen test half a year ago. Like Zhu Dazhi, he is currently taking the third test, and his progress is the fastest among everyone.

Shui Bing'er passed the Ice God's test in the far north and was taken into the Ice God's palace for training. Shui Ningbing didn't know her progress.

It is worth mentioning that Huang Doudou and Zhang Zhenyu successfully entered the sight of the gods with the help of Zhu Dazhi's divine test. Obtained the test of God of Silk Thread and God of Moon respectively.

These two gods are not the first-level gods that Han Yu knows. They are most likely second-level gods. But for them, such a divine position is already good.

As for Ye Lingling, Han Yu finally heard the good news. During her recent practice, she officially received the inheritance of the Goddess of Life. She has obtained a god-king-level divine position, and she has surpassed everyone else in terms of the strength of the divine position.

The only ones who haven't passed the divine test are Lingxiao and his group.

However, according to the progress reported by Huolie, they have now arrived around the magma pool. If the God of Fire intends to pass on the divine throne, then they are not far away from getting the divine test.

Han Yu finished explaining the matter and conducted another short-term retreat.

This time, he has condensed the soul bone armor into the prototype of the divine costume. He only needs to fill in the last piece of skull, and the divine costume will take shape immediately.

According to the agreement with Di Tian, ​​he rushed to the Star Dou Forest.

With his current strength, even if Canaan City is far away from the Star Forest, it only takes him one day to reach it.

He rested for a while in Soul Beast Town and waited until dawn the next day before flying towards the core of the Star Dou Forest.

It is worth mentioning that since the fall of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, the Lake of Life has become the territory of the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant Emperor. But they were just showing the door to Di Tian and others.

When Han Yu saw them, they were teaching other spirit beasts that invaded here. If it were the little Yakuza, they would become evil spirit beasts that bully the weak.

Feeling Han Yu's aura, Di Tian's figure appeared out of thin air above the Lake of Life.

The three brothers of the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor felt his aura and quickly knelt down to surrender.

Di Tian ignored them and went straight to Han Yu, "I didn't expect you to come so fast. Can you keep up with me?"

Han Yu smiled lightly and said, "Just give it a try."

Di Tian's cultivation level is only 800,000 years old, but his strength far exceeds that of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, his figure had already appeared a thousand meters away.

"Okay." He laughed, and Han Yu followed closely behind.

His body has reached the level of a divine body, and his ability to fly in the air is not comparable to that of ordinary Extreme Douluo.

No matter how fast Di Tian displayed his speed, his body was always level with the opponent.

Half a day later, the outline of the sea appeared not far in front of the two of them.

Di Tian warned: "The situation on the sea is complicated. There are many powerful and stupid guys. Follow me and remember not to fall behind."

Han Yu agreed.

He himself didn't expect that the speed would be so fast when moving at full speed.

The physical strength of human beings is far inferior to that of soul beasts. If it were not for the divine body that had previously broken through, Han Yu would have felt a little weak after flying for such a long time.

This time, he intuitively felt the width of the sea, especially the real deep sea area, where the water was all black, and he really responded to the phrase "water is dark and deep."

Ten days later, the outline of the continent appeared in their sight.

"Wait." Han Yu stopped Di Tian.

Di Tian smiled and said: "As a human soul master, you are proud to have followed my footsteps for so long. If you want to rest, wait first, there is land ahead. After landing on land, you can rest there for a day."

Han Yu shook his head. If he wanted to rest, he would have done so long ago and would not wait until now.

He warned: "We don't know much about the situation on this continent. The costumes of you and me may seem ordinary on Douluo Continent, but here, they are likely to be regarded as different."

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better for us to be cautious."

He wanted to know how to make a high-level soul tool. If he alerted the enemy and was defined as a wanted criminal in the entire continent, he would not get what he wanted.

"They're just scum, just kill them." Di Tian snorted coldly, his eyes completely unmoved.

Han Yu shook his head, "Fighting and killing can only solve the immediate problem, but not the root of the problem. First observe from a distance for a while, and then sneak in."

For the sake of the future of the soul beast clan, Di Tian would naturally not go against the grain on such a trivial matter.

Han Yu and the two flew high above the coastal cities on this continent. At such a height, nothing could be seen on the ground.

Han Yu immediately unleashed his mental power and continued to explore the situation in the city.

First of all, this continent is indeed called the Sun and Moon Continent, but it is not yet completely unified. The Blue Moon Empire and the Tianyang Empire occupy a total of 80% of the continent's land, and some principalities and states stand on the remaining 20%. The buffer zone between the two empires.

At present, the situation here is relatively stable, and the two empires have no momentum to unify the Sun and Moon Continent.

As for the history of the Sun and Moon Continent, Han Yu knew little about it, and he had no interest in who finally unified the continent.

However, the costumes here are somewhat similar to those in coastal cities on Douluo Continent.

Putting on new robes, Han Yu and Di Tian quickly disappeared into the city. With the strength of the two of them, it would be difficult for people here to notice that they fell from the sky.

Walking on the streets of the city, Di Tian couldn't help but ask: "Our destination is the Demonic Forest, why are we here?"

Han Yu explained: "We need money. The currency here is different from the Golden Soul Coin in Douluo Continent. We have to exchange some money first for future actions."

Of course, Han Yu's goal was not only to hunt down the Evil Emperor, but the method of making the soul guide was also a top priority. If you want to do this, you will definitely need to spend a lot of money to clear the way.

Among the soul beast clan, there is no concept of monetary transactions. As long as they value something, they will snatch it directly if they have sufficient strength. There is no such thing as trading at all.

"Now that you are a human, you must act in a human way. If you think this is very cumbersome, just follow me and watch carefully." Han Yu reminded.

Ditian didn't pay much attention to this. The person involved, Han Yu, wasn't in a hurry, so why was he anxious. What's more, this place is very far away from the Evil Forest, and it is impossible for the Evil Emperor to detect his aura.

The overall appearance of the buildings on the Sun and Moon Continent presents a simple style. Compared to Douluo Continent, this place seems to be much behind.

As for soul guidance devices, although many people on the Sun Moon Continent are engaged in research, they are far from being popularized. That is, the lowest-level storage soul guidance devices are not as expensive as Douluo Continent.

The currencies implemented here are copper coins, silver coins and gold coins from low to high. Among them, one silver coin is equal to one hundred copper coins, and one gold coin is equal to one hundred silver coins.

Converted into purchasing power, one gold soul coin here is equivalent to one hundred gold soul coins on Douluo Continent.

As a result, gold coins are rarely used here, and most of them use the price of silver coins as the settlement method. Because the gold coins here are really made of gold. The Golden Soul Coin is just a layer of gold on the surface, but is actually a common metal inside.

If you are penniless, the fastest way to get money is to go to a pawn shop. Of course, there must be something prerequisite.

Some common gadgets in Douluo Continent have become rare items here.

The bald shopkeeper of the pawn shop looked at the glass bottle that Han Yu took out and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "This is the best white glass!"

In fact, this is not colored glass, not even crystal, but very ordinary glass.

Han Yu said calmly: "As you can see, I don't know how many gold coins the shopkeeper will use to purchase this item."

"Gold coins?" Guangming Ding, the owner of the pawn shop, was stunned because few people would make such a request.

He quickly took out the banknotes from under the counter and did a simple calculation on the paper.

"Guest, do you want to pawn it or sell it? If you pawn it, the price will be lower, and you can redeem it before the six-month period is reached. Of course, every time you redeem it one month later, A certain amount of interest will be added.”

"If you sell it, the price will be higher. But your things will belong to the pawn shop, and if you want to get them back, you must accept our re-offer."

"How much can I get from selling it?" Han Yu couldn't help but laugh.

He never thought that one day glass bottles would be so valuable.

The pawnshop owner Guangming Ding said: "If the settlement is in gold coins, then I can give you a hundred gold coins. If it is in silver coins, I can give you eleven thousand coins."

"Is there any difference between gold coins and silver coins?" Han Yu asked puzzledly.

In Douluo Continent, no matter whether the price is calculated using copper soul coins, the total price will not change. And here, if you choose to settle with gold coins, it means losing a thousand silver coins, which is equal to ten gold coins when converted.

Guangmingding said helplessly, "You two are from big cities. The gold coins are uniformly allocated by the empire. Our annual share in Haicheng is very small. If it is divided equally among each chamber of commerce, the number will be much rarer. If you go At the auction house in the city, even though the price quoted is gold coins, the actual payment is in silver coins of the same amount."

He said a lot in one breath. In short, the empire has strong control over gold coins made of pure gold, and ordinary chambers of commerce are not qualified to collect gold coins.

"Well, you give me fifty gold coins and five thousand five hundred silver coins, and I won't raise the price. Just treat it as a friend." Han Yu said with a smile.

The price given by Guangmingding naturally has some room for improvement. Han Yu's non-negotiable approach made Guangmingding immediately smile. Moreover, there is a huge price premium for collectibles, and you can make a lot more money by finding the right seller.

He immediately arranged for a clever man to take out the money.

The moment he saw the gold coins, Han Yu couldn't help but complain, "These are obviously small gold bars, but they are called gold coins."

"By the way, you said there is an auction in the city. Could you recommend it to us?" Han Yu became interested.

Soul guidance device production manuals are relatively easy to find at auctions. Now that they are here, why not try your luck.

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