On an island in the middle of a lake somewhere in Douluo Continent, this place was originally a wasteland, and a palace rose up from the ground at an unknown time.

In the palace, there is a stone statue. If Han Yu were here, he would be very surprised. Because the appearance of this stone statue is that of Poseidon.

In front of the stone statue, Bo Saixi asked: "Hai Long, how is the situation?"

Sea Dragon Douluo replied: "In return for the great sacrifice, most of the people in the killing town have developed into followers of the Lord Lake God."

The god of the lake is, of course, Poseidong. Since the destruction of Poseidon Island, his strength has dropped to the current level of a second-level god. Moreover, since he has lost the power of faith in the sea, it is naturally inappropriate to call him the God of the Sea.

Not long ago, Bo Saixi had just established a relationship with him.

With Bo Saixi's abilities, it was natural that he could not see Bo Saidong's decline in strength, but it was still hard for Bo Saixi to understand the sudden change of divine status.

Poseidon's explanation for this is that since they have left the sea, it is inappropriate to call them Poseidon. When he came to the mainland, he naturally had to change his name.

Reminiscent of the destruction of Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi immediately understood that if he continued to recruit believers in the name of Poseidon, it would easily backfire. And this is the mainland. If Wuhundian knew about their poaching behavior, it would be a big trouble.

Bo Saidong was very lucky. The location where he teleported Bo Saixi and Bo Saixi happened to be near the Killing Town, and there was a large lake surrounding it. It was natural for him to become the Lake God. .

The Killing Town is the entrance to the Killing City. There are several towns like this on the mainland. Moreover, as God Shura found a successor in other planes, he no longer paid attention to the killing city on Douluo Continent.

And Poseidong planned to use this group of fallen people to return himself to his peak strength.

Listening to Sea Dragon Douluo's report, Bo Saixi nodded with satisfaction, "Hai Long, you did a good job."

"Lord Lake God said that everything is difficult at the beginning. Now we have taken the most difficult first step, and the future will only get better and better."

Sea Dragon Douluo said solemnly: "Grand Priest, there is one more thing I have to report to you. Some time ago, I met a strong man. I looked at his aura and it should be a titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall. We just met each other, and my subordinates are not sure whether he is here for reconnaissance."

Bo Saixi thought for a while and said: "Hai Long, let the people below pay attention. If there is a situation, they must be dealt with in time. If your strength is not enough, report it to me immediately."

"We are Lord Lake God's most devout believers, and we must never let Lord Lake God's faith be subverted by Wuhun Palace. We can hide when necessary."

On Douluo Continent, the most unbelieving people are those degenerates.

Ever since Bo Saixi spread his faith, these people seemed to have found their life goals and quickly gathered together. The power of faith they provided barely allowed Poseidong to maintain its current strength, at least without any further decline.

Of course, Poseidon would not restrict the behavior of these believers.

It doesn't matter if they are criminals, as long as they can provide the power of faith, they can do whatever they want. Besides, only criminals would be dissatisfied with the high-pressure attitude of Wuhun Palace. In the future, they can gather this group of believers to fight against Wuhun Palace.

The whereabouts of Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo were concealed. Ghost Leopard Douluo and several Agile Attack Soul Douluo from the Pope Palace did not find out what was going on.

Even if some followers of the Lake God were captured, the information obtained from these people was very limited.

Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo have never revealed their identities and origins. Even if they come into contact with their followers, they only know that they believe in the Lord Lake God, and nothing else is known. Moreover, only Bo Saixi and the two knew the location of the temple.

After several months of investigation, there was still no progress. Ghost Leopard Douluo reported to Han Yuhui helplessly: "Ba Zongfeng, these guys are too cunning. My subordinates have not detected anything."

Han Yu didn't mean to blame the other party, "They are a group of guys who are fighting guerrillas everywhere. It's really hard to find them. However, their followers can't run away. Those who are sure to have human lives on their hands will be killed without mercy."

Losing too many low-level believers, this Lake God will definitely not be able to sit still, and sooner or later his flaws will be revealed.

Besides, there are a few good people hanging around the killing town, so if they are killed, they will be killed, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Ghost Leopard Douluo agreed and immediately hung up the communication.

At the same time, an uninvited guest came to the city of Canaan.

This person's aura is reserved, but somewhat unusual, and he acts in a flamboyant manner, obviously trying to attract Han Yu's attention.

In this case, Han Yu could only satisfy him.

In a restaurant in Canaan City, a man with golden eyes and black hair shouted loudly: "I only want fresh steak, who are you trying to fool with this kind of stuff!"

The waiter looked embarrassed and said: "Guest, the steak you want comes from a century-old bull. Our restaurant is not capable of providing you with the freshest. But this steak has been stored in the soul guide since the bull was killed. , our restaurant did not expose it to the air.”

"This is already the freshest steak you can eat in the city."

As he spoke, the waiter murmured in his heart: This guy must be here to cause trouble.

You know, the beef in their restaurant is brought from the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. The Canaan Chamber of Commerce sources its supplies from various soul-hunting forests. Unless it is eaten freshly, it is the freshest.

When the waiter felt overwhelmed, the manager of the restaurant came out and said, "Sir, please wait a moment. Someone will serve you the steak you want later."

After that, he pulled the waiter out of the private room.

The man glanced outside the private room, a glimmer of light flashing in his golden eyes.

Not long after, Han Yu pushed open the door to the private room.

In his mind, only one person could match the appearance and aura of the person in front of him.

"Beast God Ditian, why do you want to come to my Canaan City?" Han Yu asked with a smile, sitting on the seat in front of Ditian.

Di Tian transformed into a human body and entered the city, most likely not looking for trouble. Canaan City welcomes anyone, so Han Yu naturally has no reason to drive him away.

Di Tian looked stern and said calmly: "I felt the breath of that little whale on your body. It seems that you should be the one who told him those things."

Han Yu couldn't deny it.

Di Tian then asked: "I'm curious, how do you know that soul beasts cannot become gods?"

Naturally, Han Yu learned about this from the novel. However, this was a secret in his heart and he would not tell Ditian.

"Some things are not secrets. I can know them. It's not difficult."

Di Tian did not ask any more questions, but went straight to the point: "I feel your aura, and there is still a long way to go before breaking through level 100. The accumulation of soul power seems simple, but it is a long time. It can take as little as ten years, or at most. A hundred years. But I think what you lack most now is time."

For a guy like him who has lived for 800,000 years, ten years or a hundred years can pass in just a blink of an eye or a nap.

But his words undoubtedly touched Han Yu's sore spot.

At the beginning, he pushed the Rakshasa God to Tang San with the purpose of completely making the Shura God give up on Tang San. But Tang San's talent is not weak, and the Rakshasa God's test is not difficult for him.

If Tang San breaks through to the god level in the future and he is still stuck in the last step, then Tang San will have a generational advantage over him.

Han Yu didn't want to be talked about by Xiao Zhao, so the most urgent task was to take the last step.

"Your Excellency Ditian, since you said so, do you plan to help me?"

Di Tian didn't rush to answer, "I've been observing you for a while, and it seems that you don't really want to inherit the divine throne, and the series of actions you have done so far all confirm that you want to create your own divine throne."

It is not difficult for people who know something about the gods to analyze these things through Han Yu's behavior.

"So, what kind of reward do you want?" Han Yu asked in a deep voice.

In transactions, there is nothing that cannot be discussed, it is nothing more than the size of the benefits.

Di Tian smiled and said: "I just like to deal with smart people. I can also tell you a secret. For gods who create their own gods, according to the rules, you are a free god. Just like Douluo Continent, as a god A soul master can choose to join a force or become a free soul master."

"In the same way, a god who creates his own god status is equivalent to a soul master on the mainland. However, the only option a god can choose is the divine realm. If you don't choose, according to the rules, you must leave the lower realm after a hundred years. "

"The upper limit of self-created divine positions has been fixed at the moment of condensing the divine positions. If you want to continue to progress in the future, you can only get rid of the existing divine positions. This is also the reason why there is a place of inheritance on Douluo Continent. ”

"And we can help you raise the upper limit of your divine status. But in return, you need to find a way out for our soul beast clan. Due to the rules of the God Realm, our soul beast clan will never be able to turn around, so you should understand The reason why I made this request.”

Hearing this, Han Yu fell into thinking.

With the help of Ditian and even the Silver Dragon King behind him, his path to becoming a god will be much smoother. However, solving the historical problem of the soul beast clan is not something he can do with his strength. At least, not in the short term.

In addition, the God Realm Committee absolutely prohibits soul beasts from becoming gods. In this case, wouldn't it mean that we have to declare war on the entire God Realm?

Han Yu, who has a God's perspective, understands that the correct solution is to arrange the soul beast clan to other planets tens of thousands of years later. However, this also cannot bypass the God Realm Committee.

After thinking for a while, Han Yu suddenly thought of it.

"Since the existing rules do not allow it, then create a new rule."

Han Yu's idea was to create a small world for the soul beast clan by relying on the space attributes of the Void Swallowing Flame. This small world will be independent from the Douluo God Realm, and the God Realm Committee will naturally have no control over it. Moreover, after becoming a god, it is not difficult to merge all the flames into Emperor Flame and open up a small world.

Thinking of this, he said: "I can agree to your request, and I will find a new way out for the soul beast clan. But it will take some time, at least."

Di Tian stretched out a finger and said, "Ten thousand years, within ten thousand years after you become a god, if you find a new way out for the soul beast clan, it will be considered as fulfilling our agreement."

After a pause, he continued: "Are you lacking a head soul bone? If you can get a powerful head soul bone, and then fuse it with the soul bone armor to make it a divine armor. In this way, your breakthrough will be relatively easy. Some."

The head soul bone is linked to spiritual power. On the Douluo Continent, there are only a handful of spiritual soul beasts that Han Yu can like.

First of all, there is the million-year-old Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. Han Yu's heart is indeed moved by his age, and according to the agreed terms between the two parties, Di Tian will definitely show it as long as he asks.

But the only problem is that this guy has no soul bones. A million-year-old soul ring is certainly valuable, but without soul bones, absorbing his soul ring becomes unnecessary.

If he still fails to break through level 100 after possessing the head soul bone, it would not be too late to rely on the power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

After thinking about it, Han Yu set his sights on the guy who was second on the list of the top ten ferocious beasts.

"Your Excellency Ditian, I wonder if you have a head soul bone suitable for me?"

You know, Di Tian and Evil Emperor are mortal enemies. He was very happy to take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate it.

As expected, Di Tian said with a smile: "In another continent, there is a guy with a cultivation level of nearly 800,000 years. He is a spiritual soul beast. Whether it is his soul ring or soul bones, they are very suitable for you."

"Another continent?" Han Yu pretended to be confused.

He knew the existence of the Sun and Moon Continent, but this was the Sun and Moon Continent thousands of years ago. He didn't know what the specific situation was there.

Di Tian smiled and explained: "Douluo Continent is only a part of this world. On the other side of the sea, there is a continent slightly smaller than Douluo Continent, as well as some larger islands, which have formed a certain degree of civilization. ”

"The navigation technology on the Douluo Continent is backward, and the top experts have no idea of ​​​​seeing the end of the sky, so it is naturally impossible to discover the existence of that continent. In terms of the strength of soul masters, the strength of the Douluo Continent is indeed stronger than that mainland."

"However, the people there have advanced soul guidance technology. At least in terms of mid-level combat power, they will crush Douluo Continent."

Only a ninth-level soul guide can harm a titled Douluo. But even after ten thousand years, ninth-level soul masters are still very rare, and it will take many years for one to appear.

Since we have decided to hunt down the Evil Emperor, it would also be a good idea to get the soul guidance device technology from the Sun Moon Continent and bring it back for Lou Gao and the others to study.

After saying that, Di Tian stood up and said, "After you have arranged your affairs, come to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest to find me."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Han Yu stood up slowly. He was bound to win this trip to the Sun and Moon Continent. Moreover, with Di Tian as his guide, he would not get lost at sea.

Of course, this time when I go to sea, I will definitely not take a boat.

But he was not in a hurry. Before that, he had to make the necessary preparations.

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