These days, the Qibao Glazed Sect has received support from the Haotian Sect, and the sect's situation has gradually improved.

In addition, Ning Fengzhi also purchased many properties in the city. With the current number of disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect, these properties seem somewhat redundant. But Ning Fengzhi would not do useless work. He recalled the disciples of the Li clan and allocated them to these properties.

During this period, the Li clan lived outside the city and built temporary residences on the reclaimed wasteland. But it is quite far from the city, and it is not convenient to go back and forth to the city every day.

As soon as they heard the kindness shown by Ning Fengzhi, they moved into the city without thinking.

For Ning Fengzhi, he planned to develop the Li clan into a subsidiary sect of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Nowadays, the number of disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect is too small, and it is difficult to form a large scale in a short time. Incorporating the Force Clan is like slapping a fat man in the face.

However, Tai Tan would not give up the benefits provided by Ning Fengzhi until Tang San made clear objections. You know, in order to stabilize them, Ning Fengzhi replaced many core positions in the medicinal materials industry with disciples of the Force Clan.

In front of the Qibao Glazed Sect's ancestral hall, Tang San said respectfully, "Uncle Ning, I have something important to discuss."

Then, he informed Ning Fengzhi about going to sea. However, when asked about the reason, Tang San said that he wanted to pass the test on Poseidon Island in order to gain greater strength.

Ouya also revealed some things about Poseidon Island at the beginning, and Ning Fengzhi was no stranger to this assessment.

"Xiao San, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can come forward to help with this matter. However, this trip to Poseidon Island is far away. The master also said that Poseidon Island is very repulsive to mainland soul masters. Now, the two crown princes Ouya and Sea Spear have died one after another. Once you reach Poseidon Island, I’m afraid no one will be willing to provide you with conveniences.”

Ning Fengzhi's implication was that she didn't want Ning Rongrong to take risks together. With Tang San's temperament, Ning Fengzhi thought he would take the Shrek Seven Devils with him on the adventure.

However, Tang San was very happy to hear what he said. Because he had no intention of taking Ning Rongrong with him from the beginning.

"Uncle Ning, the teacher said that the soul masters of Poseidon Island only reject the soul masters of Wuhun Palace. And not only are we not from Wuhun Palace, but we have a deep hatred against Wuhun Palace. I think they will not embarrass us enough. "

After a pause, Tang San continued to add: "Teacher and I have discussed this trip, and Mubai and I will go first for the time being. If the situation is stable, we will take Rongrong and the others with us later."

The two people had the same idea, and Ning Fengzhi naturally lost his worries, "Okay, Xiaosan, you have decided on the candidate to go to sea in the past few days. Later, Uncle Gu and I will go to discuss with the new city lord. The ship matter is not a problem. "

The new Lord of Carlo City is also a greedy guy. These things can definitely be solved with some money, so Ning Fengzhi doesn't take it too seriously. However, the medicinal materials business is currently the pillar industry of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Before Tang San left, Ning Fengzhi hoped that he could give suggestions for future development as the focus of future work.

Two days later, Ning Fengzhi, through the new city lord, secured a ship to go to sea in the port city of the Star Luo Empire. However, Ning Fengzhi did not inform him of the specific destination.

"Xiaosan, please take Tianheng with you this time." Before setting off, Yu Xiaogang suggested temporarily.

As the only two members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Xiaogang has high hopes for Yu Tianheng, hoping that he can rebuild the family. The place of inheritance is undoubtedly a great opportunity, and Yu Xiaogang will naturally not forget his nephew.

"Teacher, Senior Tai Tan will also go with me. It doesn't matter if Tian Heng follows. There will also be someone to look after me on the way." Tang San did not refuse.

Yu Tianheng's talent was weaker than that of him and Dai Mubai, so bringing him along would not affect his chances.

Not long after, the group packed their bags and boarded the carriage prepared by Ning Fengzhi.

"Xiao San, this trip is going to Poseidon Island. I'm afraid it will take a long time for you to return. Don't worry, with the teacher here, there will never be any problems with the Shrek Seven Devils." Yu Xiaogang assured with a smile.

Before setting off, Ma Hongjun also wanted to go to the sea with Tang San, but Tang San refused. Although they accepted Ma Hongjun again, the place of inheritance was of great importance, and Ma Hongjun was not qualified to take a share of it.

In addition, Oscar also gave up the idea of ​​going to the sea because of Ning Fengzhi. As for Tai Lung, as a dog of the Tang family, he is obviously not qualified to serve on the table.

We brought Titan with us just because he was very strong and he could handle some situations encountered on the road.

When setting off, Ning Fengzhi gave Tang San a lot of gold soul coins. Part of the money was given to them as travel expenses, and more was used to establish relationships on Poseidon Island.

However, Tang San had no intention of going to Poseidon Island in the first place, so the money naturally fell into his pocket.

Shortly after Tang San and others left, Ma Hongjun took advantage of the night to leave the Qibao Glazed Sect.

His destination is the southernmost part of the Star Luo Empire, where he will receive a different inheritance.

"Third brother, since you don't take me, don't blame me for not taking you, hahaha." In the night, Ma Hongjun's laughter was extremely scary.

Yu Xiaogang had never paid attention to Ma Hongjun. It was not until the third day after he left that Oscar could not find anyone for several days in a row, so he told the story.

But Yu Xiaogang didn't care about this. Ma Hongjun was just a faggot, and he didn't care whether he lived or died. Moreover, since Ma Hongjun defrauded Flender of money, he has lost his use value.

Nothingness swallows the world inside the body.

Han Yu slowly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura emerged from his body, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

[Name: Han Yu]

[Title: Fire Emperor]

[Strength: Quasi-God]

[Soul ring configuration: red red red red red red red gold]

[Kung Fu: Burning Technique]

[Field: Strange Fire Realm, Dragon Flame Realm)]

[Martial Spirit One: Fire Cloud Stick (Dragon Pattern Version)]

[Martial Soul II: Strange Fire]

[Martial Spirit Three: Deep Sea Demonic Whale King]

"The only thing left to become a god is to break through the hundredth level of soul power." Han Yu clenched his fists.

His next target is Poseidon Island, which has the strongest soul power aura in the entire Douluo Continent. If he absorbs it all, he will most likely break through to level 100.

However, Han Yu did not want to prove the way to kill the god. He did not intend to kill all the tens of thousands of creatures on Poseidon Island. After all, he destroyed Poseidon Island, and the image of Poseidon that these people looked up to in their hearts collapsed. In the future, they will no longer provide power of faith to Poseidon. If that's the case, why bother massacring the city?

(PS: Massacre will be harmonized)

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding void swallowing flames instantly dissipated, and Han Yu returned to the sea again.

The body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, with only half of its body left, suddenly fell into the sea. As for the half of the body that disappeared, it was swallowed by Han Yu during the retreat.

As a million-year-old soul beast, the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is also a rare treasure.

As soon as the body sank into the sea, it was dragged away by another deep-sea demon whale.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King had informed his wife of the news before making the sacrifice. According to the memory in his mind, the deep-sea demon whale just now was probably the Demon Emperor.

However, compared to the original time and space, now she has only swallowed half of the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, so her strength must not be as powerful as the original time and space.

Han Yu looked away from the sea and glanced around.

The moment the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King appeared, many demonic soul great white sharks around him sensed the smell. At this moment, they were quickly approaching here carrying the soul masters from Poseidon Island.

"Just in time."

When he absorbed the soul ring of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, the coordinates of Poseidon Island already appeared in his mind.

Since someone offered it to him, he had no reason not to accept it.

"Who are you? Where is the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King?" The leader of the Poseidon Island warrior held a spear, the tip of which was pointed directly at Han Yu.

"I'm very happy to meet the people from Poseidon Island, but I don't like the tone of your words." As he spoke, Han Yu waved his hand. Except for the man who just spoke, the rest of the Poseidon Island soldiers, including those under them, The demon soul Great White Shark was all reduced to ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The man had a nervous look on his face, and his hands holding the spear could not stop shaking.

In just one face-to-face encounter, all his subordinates were killed and wounded. More importantly, he didn't even see clearly when the other party made his move.

"You, you. Do you want to be an enemy of our Poseidon Island?"

Han Yu glanced at him and said calmly: "Go tell Bo Saixi that I will attack Poseidon Island in three days. If she still has some conscience, let the residents of Poseidon Island be evacuated. Otherwise, those who resist will be killed. No mercy!”

"What a big tone, big offering"

The man wanted to say more, but the Demonic Great White Shark beneath him failed to live up to his expectations. He turned around and fled in the direction of Poseidon Island with him on his back.

Han Yu took out the remaining soul-guiding submersible from the soul-guiding device without panic, sat on it, and looked quietly in the direction of Poseidon Island.

The moment the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King appeared, Poseidon, who had been paying attention to the movements in the sea, quickly received the news.

"Does this guy want to destroy Poseidon Island?" Hearing Han Yu's words, Poseidon became furious.

If placed in the God Realm, with Han Yu's current strength, he could kill him with just one move. But no, now is the period when Shura God is inspecting him, and he must not go down to the world in person.

He was completely aware of Han Yu's current strength. Although Bo Saixi has level 99 soul power, her soul power is the same as Han Yu's. But there is a gap at level 99. With Bo Saixi's strength, he is no match for Han Yu in one move.

Moreover, when the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King appeared, the flash of black flames made Poseidon's heart palpitate. He believed that if the flames fell towards Poseidon Island, even if he forcibly controlled Bo Saixi's body, he would not be able to compete with it.

However, the entire God Realm has not seen a self-created god for many years. Han Yu's move was undoubtedly to take the route of creating his own godly position.

A few years ago, the Divine Realm Council established a constitution. Whenever gods who create their own gods come to the God Realm, no one is allowed to target them in any way. This resulted in that even if Han Yu ascended to the God Realm, Bo Saidong was still unable to do anything to him.

"No, he must not destroy Poseidon Island!"

On Poseidon Island, there are his most devout believers. These living forces must not be slaughtered, otherwise his strength will be seriously reduced.

At the same time, before the man returned to Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi learned about Han Yu.

"Who is Han Yu? Is there such a person on the mainland?" Sea Dragon Douluo asked in confusion.

The name Han Yu was naturally told to them by the God of the Sea. Otherwise, in a place like Poseidon Island where there is little information, it may take a long time to find out.

Sea Star Douluo frowned and said: "It should be a strong man on the mainland who has only risen in recent years. Unexpectedly, he was the one who received the sacrifice of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. If it is the ninth soul ring, his strength may be able to compete. But if it’s a twin martial soul, and this is the ninth soul ring of his second martial soul, then”

Both martial souls have cultivated to the ninth ring level, and their strength must not be lower than level ninety-eight. Coupled with the soul ring of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, his strength could only be level ninety-nine.

Everyone's eyes turned to Bo Saixi in unison. Here, only she can compete with the other party.

Bo Saixi said in a deep voice: "He decided to attack Poseidon Island, but he gave us time to evacuate. Perhaps, he didn't want to make matters worse. Hai Long, transferred all the residents on Poseidon Island to Seahorse City. "

Seahorse City is the city on the edge of Poseidon Island. Once the battle starts, there is a high probability that it will not be affected. Of course, it's not that Bo Saixi doesn't want these residents to evacuate. How could they build enough ships to move so many people in just three days?

Concentrate them all in Kaiba City, and by then excluding that place from the war zone, they may be able to avoid disaster.

"Dear Worshiper, we have no grudge against Han Yu in the past. Could it be that Eurasia and the others offended him when they were walking on the mainland?"

Bo Saixi said in a deep voice, "I don't know, but he was able to obtain the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's sacrifice. It is very likely that he reached some kind of deal with the other party. If this is the case, he does have reason to attack Poseidon Island."

Han Yu was alone, but when he received the oracle from Lord Poseidon just now, it was obvious that Lord Poseidon was very afraid of him.

Of course Bo Saixi understood that Han Yu must have the power to destroy Poseidon Island. However, she is not very worried. At the critical moment, Lord Poseidon can still get up.

The upper levels decided on countermeasures, and the lower level soul masters of Poseidon Island evacuated to Seahorse City in an orderly manner.

The size of Kaiba City is considered the largest city within Poseidon Island, so it will not be very crowded to accommodate the residents of the other six cities.

In addition to people being moved there, food and water resources must also be moved at the same time. After all, no one knew how long the battle would last, and during the war, no one had time to care about the situation in Kaiba City.

Of course, a small number of the relocated residents questioned Bo Saixi's decision. But after being told that it was an oracle from Lord Poseidon, they had no choice but to shut up.

If you disobey Poseidon on Poseidon Island, you will be expelled from Poseidon Island at least, or even be sentenced to death in public in serious cases.

Three days passed quietly, and Han Yu, who was sitting on the soul-guided submersible, slowly stood up.

"Old dog Poseidon, I want to see how low your strength will fall if you lose these loyal believers."

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