Poseidon Island.

"This is the aura of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, and he actually chose to sacrifice!" Bo Saixi was shocked.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is an unruly guy. How could he obediently sacrifice himself? Who on earth got his soul ring!

The scene of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's sacrifice can be seen within a thousand nautical miles. For some people who don't know why, they thought it was the arrival of the sea god.

The five sacred pillar titled Douluo rushed to the main hall of Poseidon Island immediately.

"Great enshrinement, didn't the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King go to the mainland? Why did he make such a big noise just after he came back? Could it be that he took the last step?" Sea Dragon Douluo looked nervous.

The strength of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King can only be rivaled by Bo Saixi. If his strength goes further, the balance will be broken. By then, Poseidon Island will be in danger.

Bo Saixi looked into the distance, with no emotion or anger in his eyes, "The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King didn't break through, he sacrificed himself."

"Sacrifice!" Sea Dragon Douluo and others all looked incredulous.

Not to mention whether the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's personality would make a sacrifice, there were almost no people on the mainland who could talk to him calmly.

What kind of strong man would convince him to sacrifice. After obtaining the soul ring of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, how strong will this person be? Will he be a potential opponent of Poseidon Island?

Questions came one after another. Except for Bo Saixi's calm expression, Sea Dragon Douluo and others quickly discussed countermeasures.

The sea is not as good as the mainland. Once Poseidon Island is breached, it will be difficult for them to have a chance to evacuate.

At the same time, Poseidon, who was far away in the God Realm, was also a little puzzled.

He had not deliberately paid attention to the movements of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, but the movement caused by the sacrifice could be clearly seen on Poseidon Island. It's hard for Poseidon not to pay attention.

However, when the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King returned to the sea, he was not as high-profile as before. There was indeed a lot of movement during the sacrifice, but as the sacrifice ended, the sea area immediately returned to calm. It's even as if the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has never appeared.

After searching for a long time and finding no trace of the other party, Poseidon became a little anxious.

Just as Han Yu had thought before, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was an important tool for his Poseidon to harvest the power of faith. Now that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is gone, nothing can be seen in a short time. But as time goes by, the power of faith he can obtain will drop significantly, and his current strength will also drop accordingly.

Now the power of faith in the Douluo Continent's sea areas has been harvested to its limit, and the mainland is the territory of the Angel God. When Poseidon first came up with the idea of ​​​​looking for the successor, Poseidon's heart was nowhere to be found.

For a moment, he was like an ant on a hot pot. Without the Heart of Poseidon, this godly position is not something he can get rid of if he wants. If his strength regresses, the resources and status he currently has in the God Realm will no longer exist.

Just when he was worried, a loud voice sounded in his mind.

"Poseidon, come to my palace."

"God Shura? He came to me now. Could it be that he discovered something?"

After all, he is on the side of God Shura in the God Realm. If his strength regresses, can he still become the strongest general under God Shura?

If the other party takes the initiative to speak, he has to go.

You know, God Shura has already planned to throw away his position and leave the God Realm. However, due to a trick from the Rakshasa God, the plan had to be postponed.

And Poseidon also knew that the new Shura God did not have the same influence as the old Shura God. But he followed the footsteps of God Shura, and everyone in the God Realm knew that when the new God Shura came to the God Realm, if he changed jobs and joined someone else's school, he would definitely be despised. But if he doesn't change jobs, the new Shura God will not have enough ability and will not have enough say in the God Realm Committee. Even the interests of his Poseidon will be affected.

Therefore, throwing the god out is almost the only way to break this endless cycle.

In a majestic blood-colored palace, God Shura sat on the throne of the hall with a calm expression.

"Poseidong, the goddess of life has found an heir, and the god of destruction has also found his heir in another world." God Shura told the news he had just learned.

"What!" Poseidon was shocked, "Doesn't that mean that all members of the God Realm Committee will be replaced?"

That's right, the two god kings of evil and good have found their successors. Now, the three law enforcers have decided to pass on the god's throne at the same time. In the future, won’t the God Realm be leaderless?

You must know that according to regulations, the new God King and law enforcer cannot participate in the direct management of the God Realm for at least ten years.

Ten years in the divine world are thousands of years in the lower world. For such a long time, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen to the lower realm.

"I came to you today to tell you a good thing. Before we leave, everyone will recommend a candidate to assist the new God King in managing the God Realm. Currently, two candidates have been selected, namely Destruction The God of Arrogance recommended by the God of God, and the God of Emotions recommended by the Evil God King.”

"I plan to hand over the recommended quota to you. Ten years after we leave, the God Realm will be handed over to you to help manage it."

Hearing this, Poseidon's mind became active.

This is an opportunity to directly enter the God Realm Committee. Although they are nominally assisting the five new God Kings, in the past ten years, all matters in the God Realm will be dealt with in detail. It still depends on the three of them.

Since he can go one step further, why should he pass on his divine status? Furthermore, as long as he can enter the God Realm Committee, the place where his Poseidon faith spreads can be opened to other worlds. Douluo Continent seems not that important.

"It's just, Shura, your divine position."

Poseidon had also paid attention to Tang San, but now Tang San's character had completely changed, with only the desire for revenge in his heart. Letting him become Shura God would be a disaster. Moreover, Tang San has been completely controlled by the Rakshasa God, and it is impossible to correct himself. In other words, God Shura has given up on him.

As the law enforcer of the God Realm, God Shura's hell killing fields are not limited to the Douluo Continent. Almost the entire star field under the God Realm has his trial space. Those who get the title of God of Killing are all potential successors of God Shura.

"I have my own plans. Poseidong, I remind you that what you have to do now is to take care of your own business. Don't let a fire in the backyard affect your career. You must be clear about the candidates I can recommend. , you are not the only one!"

"Don't worry." Poseidon responded quickly.

It seems that the Heart of Poseidon has been stolen and that there will be problems with the power of faith. It seems that God Shura has already known about it.

However, the two god kings and the three law enforcers have not determined when they can pass on the throne. Poseidon understood that before Shura God left, if his strength declined significantly, the recommended spot would inevitably fall on someone else.

Although the upper limit of the power of faith to become a god is high, it will also make one's own foundation unstable. If Poseidon had used his strength to become a god, he would never have been in such trouble today.

After leaving God Shura's palace, Poseidon immediately gave Bo Saixi a death order. She was asked to find out what happened to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King at all costs. In addition, all residents of Poseidon Island must have several more children per household.

Since the faith cannot spread in a short period of time, let the population of Poseidon Island increase. The residents of Poseidon Island are the backbone of the source of the power of Poseidon's faith. If the population is expanded, the power of faith will at least not decline significantly within a hundred years.

After receiving Poseidon's oracle, Bo Saixi immediately ordered Sea Dragon Douluo and others to carry it out. And she quickly rushed to the Demon Whale Sea area to detect the movements of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

When Bo Saixi arrived, the entire sea area was calm.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King completed his sacrifice here. With his size, no soul guidance device could fit in it. Therefore, Bo Saixi focused his search on the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

The sea looked empty at first glance, so Bo Saixi simply sneaked into the island to search. For this reason, she specially hired the Demon Soul Great White Shark clan to help her search.

At this time, in the strange fire space of void swallowing flames.

The soul rings and soul bones obtained from sacrifices are quite easy to absorb. In just half a day, Han Yu had completed the absorption.

He stretched out his left hand, and in his palm was a mini version of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Moreover, the million-year soul ring from the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has also become the first soul skill of the new martial soul.

In terms of attack power alone, the power of this martial spirit is much higher than that of the Fire Cloud Stick. But compared to the strange fire, it pales in comparison.

It can be said that it is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the third martial spirit and rewarding him with a Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame]

"The fourth ranked strange fire is now one step closer to collecting all twenty-two kinds of strange fire."

Han Yu smiled inwardly. He did not absorb the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame immediately.

After absorbing the soul ring and soul bone of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, the soul power in his body increased significantly. The most critical trunk soul bone has reached the million-year level.

With the help of this skyrocketing soul power and this almost god-level soul bone, it would be appropriate for him to break through the divine body.

In addition to the Void Swallowing Flame, the movements of Bo Saixi and others are also under his control.

A sharpened sword is a good chopping block, and once you break through the divine body, it won't be too late to find trouble on Poseidon Island.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Breaking through the divine body cannot be accomplished overnight. While continuously forging the divine body, the six soul bones on Han Yu's body (including the external soul bones) have also transformed into soul bone armor. The only regret is that he did not find a suitable head soul bone, otherwise all the soul bones will evolve into divine armor.

The retreat continues.

Outside, after Bo Saixi sent people to search for a month, the entire Demon Whale Sea area was searched over and over, but no trace of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was found.

Although Poseidon was anxious, he could not find the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, so he could only give up on this matter for the time being.

At this time, inside the new residence of Qibao Glazed Sect.

Perhaps he was shocked by the strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Tang San has been practicing all the time in the past six months, his soul power has improved rapidly, and he is now the sixty-fifth level Soul Emperor. Compared to Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng, it is two levels higher.

However, in the past six months, he tried many kinds of medicinal materials, but failed to cure Dai Mubai.

Seeing that time was running out, Tang San decided to immediately set off overseas to find a place for inheritance. Maybe, with the gods' means, Dai Mubai can be easily cured.

"Xiao San, didn't I tell you not to think about these things before you break through to Soul Saint!" After learning Tang San's thoughts, Yu Xiaogang said with a serious expression.

When Wuhundian conquered Poseidon Island, the port city that went to sea was Hanhai City, so Yu Xiaogang met many captains there. But as the Wuhun Palace united with the Tiandou Empire to capture the pirates hiding in Hanhai City, the captains he knew were more or less implicated. The most minor case was sentenced to three years without being allowed to enter the sea.

Tang San suddenly spoke, and Yu Xiaogang didn't know who to look for for a moment.

If you rush into the sea without any preparation, nothing will happen until something goes wrong.

"Teacher, the situation on the mainland has become urgent. It can take as short as one year or as long as three years. A large-scale conflict will inevitably break out on the mainland. If I practice step by step, my strength will not be able to break through Soul Saint in one year. Once the war breaks out If it is turned on, Mubai will have no chance to compete with Davis."

You must know that during wartime, for the sake of the overall situation, officials of all sizes in the Star Luo Empire would give up fighting among themselves and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the war.

At that time, even if Dai Mubai is able to compete for the position of crown prince, considering the war situation, or to stabilize the morale of the army. Dai Tianfeng would never remove Davis, and would even send Dai Mubai to the frontline battlefield.

In an environment like the battlefield, not to mention Soul Emperor, even Soul Douluo could not guarantee his absolute safety. Davis might have interfered, causing Dai Mubai to be captured or killed, and their plan would have failed.

Every emperor of the Star Luo Empire is an iron-blooded emperor. If you want to compete for the throne, you must first not be a prisoner. In this way, it would be a dead end for Dai Mubai.

Yu Xiaogang sighed: "Xiaosan, I know all what you said. It's just that, Xiaosan, the captains I know all have problems, and it is no longer possible to take you to sea."

"We don't know much about the situation in the seaside city. Some time ago, it was reported that there were pirate ships in Hanhai City mixed in the port. Hundreds of people have been identified and killed by pirates. I am not worried about whether you will be the pirates' opponents. But Xiaosan, have you ever thought that in the sea, you fought with others and killed the captain? "

"You have no experience in going to the sea. It's hard to say whether you can find your way on the sea and return to the land. Let alone find the place of inheritance."

"This" Tang San was speechless for a moment.

These issues raised by Yu Xiaogang are all urgently needed to be resolved. Also, it’s important to find a captain you can trust. Otherwise, the leakage of news about the inheritance land would be a big trouble.

"But teacher, time waits for no one. Our only hope of turning around is to become gods. Once the situation in the mainland changes again in the future, we will have no chance to take revenge!"

Yu Xiaogang pondered for a moment and then said: "Xiao San, why not go and communicate with Sect Master Ning first. The newly appointed City Lord in the city may have some connections. Sect Master Ning has a good relationship with him, maybe through some connections , you can find a reliable boat.”

"Besides, before going to Sect Master Ning, you must come up with a flawless reason."

Tang San smiled, "Teacher, since we are going to the sea, why can't we do it in the name of going to Poseidon Island? I believe Uncle Ning won't refuse."

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