Since the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, Han Yu has not been in a hurry to return to Canaan City.

He felt that it was necessary to discuss with Qian Daoliu about the sea soul master's landing on land and his subsequent plans for Poseidon Island. But before that, he used the secret room of Wuhun Palace to undergo a short period of retreat.

Enshrined in the temple.

After Qian Renxue returned to Wuhun Hall, Qian Daoliu had been taking her to practice. Seeing that the time was right, Qian Daoliu brought her to the angel statue today.

Qian Renxue clasped her hands together, knelt on the ground with a pious expression, and prayed from her mouth.

Qian Daoliu walked to the angel statue and fulfilled his responsibility as a servant of God: "God Ancestor, Xue'er has grown up a long time ago, and now has Contra-level strength. I hope God Ancestor will give Xue'er a sacred test and help Xue'er."

As if receiving some kind of summons, the angel statue emits a burst of dazzling golden light. The stone statue seemed to come alive. She opened her hands and pushed out the purest and brightest power in her palms.

It fell on Qian Renxue's forehead and turned into a golden seraph mark.

"The nine exams that countless generations of Douluo Palace Masters have waited for have finally arrived, Xue'er, you are the pride of the Qianjia." Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue with a somewhat complicated look.

Being able to witness the coming of the Nine Examinations is his great honor as a great worshiper. However, when Qian Renxue reaches the ninth test, he must sacrifice himself to open the inheritance door for the final test.

"Grandpa, I got the ninth exam, I..." Qian Renxue shared her joy with Qian Daoliu with an excited look on her face.

Qian Daoliu said with a doting look on his face: "Xue'er, you are the most talented person in the history of the Qian Family, except for the Divine Ancestor. If the Divine Ancestor can choose you as the successor to the divine throne, he must have high hopes for you. Grandpa hopes that in the future you will Practice well and never let down the expectations of the Divine Ancestor.”

Han Yu on the other side ended his short retreat.

He now only has the mental power to break through to the god level, but the physical and soul power will not be able to break through in a short time.

"Forget it, I can only think of another way."

Just as he was about to go find Qian Daoliu, a sudden change occurred over the entire Wuhun Hall.

Waves of golden light dots fell from mid-air. A soul master with low soul power would directly break through one level of soul power if he was exposed to it just a little bit. For Han Yu, the effect of this light spot was almost negligible, but he felt particularly comfortable under the bath of this light spot.

"It seems that Qian Renxue has inherited Jiukao."

After adjusting his clothes, Han Yu turned his eyes to the enshrinement hall.

At the same time, two men in black robes in Wuhun City lowered the hoods on their foreheads.

"Ouya, this is the power of the angel god. Has anyone received a high-level assessment?" Sea Spear asked with some confusion.

Among the seven sacred pillars on Poseidon Island, a large number of people pass the divine examination every year, but there has never been a situation like what happened in Wuhun Palace today. In fact, even the Holy Pillar Douluo among them did not make such a big movement that year.

Ou Ya thought for a while and said: "Perhaps, the test that the great enshrinement received back then was the reason for such movement. It seems that the Wuhun Palace will also usher in a new great enshrinement."

Hailian nodded, and then his face darkened, "If this is the case, Qian Daoliu may not have time to interfere with Wuhun Palace's affairs in order to train a successor. Even if we find him, he may not help find the Heart of Poseidon."

Qian Daoliu is the same as the great worshiper of Poseidon Island. Although they are over sixty years old, they are now in their prime in the realm of Extreme Douluo. Now that a new great priest has appeared in Wuhun Hall, the balance has been broken.

With the blessing of Shen Kao, it won't be long before this person's strength will reach the same level as Qian Daoliu. When the time comes, the strength of Wuhun Palace will skyrocket again. Can Poseidon Island still be able to cope with it?

You must know that although Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu joined forces back then, the tacit understanding between them was very low, and Bo Saixi was able to win based on geographical factors. There is no doubt that there is a tacit understanding between the two angel gods in their great worship.

Once they join forces and Qian Daoliu has murderous intentions towards Poseidon Island, they will be in big trouble.

"Ouya, this matter is very serious. We have roughly known that the Heart of Poseidon is in the hands of Wuhun Palace. Now that we have learned that there is a new big offering in Wuhun Palace, there is a high probability that they will not return it. We will return immediately. Report the matter to the great worshiper.”

The first half of Sealance Douluo's words were just an excuse for their failure. But the matter at hand was very important. They had to bring the news back to Poseidon Island immediately, and Bo Saixi would not punish them for doing something bad.

Ouya nodded heavily, "That makes sense, we will return immediately."

Just when they turned around, Han Yu stopped in front of them, "You two, come when you want and leave when you want?"

These two guys were wearing all black in broad daylight, with the hoods on their foreheads so low, were they afraid that others would not be suspicious?

Not to mention the city guards of Wuhun Palace, who had already reported the information to Bibi Dong. With Han Yu's mental power that could cover the whole city, these two people could be said to be quite blinking in the crowd.

"You are Han Yu, aren't you the Lord of Canaan City? Why are you blocking our way? This is Wuhun City." Before Ou Ya could finish his words, his eyes suddenly widened.

During the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, the whole continent was broadcast live. As for the later part of the Wuhun Palace suppressing the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, they naturally saw it in their eyes.

Originally, they planned to search in Wuhun City first. If they found no trace of Poseidon's Heart, they would go to Canaan City to visit Han Yu. Now it seems that not only did their plan fail, but they even discovered a terrible secret.

"Damn it, you're actually going to pull off such a cruel trick, you're from the Spirit Hall!" Sea Spear shouted angrily.

"Are you afraid that we can't hear you when you speak so loudly?" Ju Douluo said sadly as he fell behind the two of them.

Not only that, half of the titled Douluo in the Elder Hall were dispatched to surround the two of them.

People on the entire street have also quietly evacuated.

"Everyone, this is all a misunderstanding. The two of us entered here by mistake. We are leaving now. Please forgive me." Ou Ya quickly hugged everyone and explained.

Ghost Leopard Douluo rubbed his hands and sneered: "Brother, this is Wuhun City. When you entered the city, how could you not see such a big plaque on the city wall. Did you go in the wrong direction? Ha, I'm afraid you are not fighting. Luo Continent’s number one idiot.”

Being retaliated like this, Ouya felt a little angry in his heart. But this is the headquarters of Wuhun Palace, and among the titled Douluo currently dispatched, many have soul powers above them.

He must be stronger, he said with an apologetic smile: "You don't know, the two of us are illiterate, so we entered your city by mistake. In this case, we will leave now."

"Hahahaha, it's a joke. You can come to Wuhun City whenever you want and leave whenever you want. Two sea soul masters, please go with me to the Pope's Palace. Our His Majesty the Pope is very hospitable." Demon Bear Douluo said with an evil smile.

With Han Yu here to control the situation, and their group of titled Douluo, these two guys can make waves. If they really wanted to take action, these two weaklings wouldn't even have a chance to blow themselves up.

After his identity was discovered, Ouya's mood sank to the bottom.

Based on the grudges between Wuhun Palace and Poseidon Island, they are afraid that they will end up here today.

"Ouya, you go first, I'll hold them back. Wuhun Palace is probably planning the entire Douluo Continent. This news is too important. You must take it out." Sea Spear Douluo said through a message.

Although Ouya didn't want to abandon his companions, this matter was very serious and he couldn't shirk it if he wanted to.

"Stop whispering here and do it."

With Han Yu's mental strength, he could hear the conversation between the two very clearly.

Since they chose to show up, these two guys will never leave Wuhun City alive.

"Bipolar static realm!" Kikui and the two men quickly took action, using their trump card as soon as they came up.

This is Wuhun City. Once a battle causes huge losses in the city, it will be a disgrace to Wuhun Palace.

"The ninth soul skill, Shadow of the Void." Ghost Leopard Douluo took action first.

Everything around them gradually stopped, and before the two of them could take action, their bodies were frozen in place.

Immediately afterwards, ghost leopards emerged from the void and pounced on the two of them.

Use killing moves as soon as they come up. This is the rule set by Han Yu for them. Especially when you are crushing your opponent with strength, it is really stupid to waste time with your opponent.

In the blink of an eye, the two people in Europe and Asia were tortured to pieces, their bodies collapsed to the ground weakly, and they became lambs at the mercy of others.

"Everyone, let the rest of the funeral affairs be left to the Pope's Palace." Ju Gui and the two moved quickly, picked up the two poor guys and rushed towards the Pope's Palace.

The other elders, seeing that the crisis was over, returned to their respective posts.

"Elder Ghost Leopard, wait a moment." Han Yu said.

Ghost Leopard Douluo has been stuck at level ninety-five for a long time. After several years, he has been unable to break through.

Han Yu thought for a while and decided to help him. Of course, this comes at a cost. Ghost Leopard Douluo is a Titled Douluo of the Agility Attack type. In the Spirit Hall, the only Titled Douluo of the Agility Attack type are Ghost Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, and three or five.

Ghost Douluo was under the direct jurisdiction of Bibi Dong, and the third and fifth ministers were on the same level as Han Yu. He could not mobilize these three people at all.

And Han Yu needed help from a Titled Douluo-level agility-attack soul master for some matters. Taking Ghost Leopard Douluo under his command is a good choice.

"Eight offerings, what are your instructions?" Ghost Leopard Douluo walked over and said respectfully.

"I see that you are having a hard time breaking through. I wonder where you are stuck?" Han Yu asked.

Ghost Leopard Douluo felt happy. Under normal circumstances, worshipers would not ask about other people's soul power levels, let alone ask them in such detail. Han Yu asked this, most likely because he wanted to help him.

"Eight offerings, I have made a breakthrough in the accumulation of soul power. But the second offering said that my understanding of martial spirits is not thorough enough, and I always feel that I still lack some firepower."

Han Yu nodded.

After thinking for a while, he tapped his finger between the other person's eyebrows. Possessing god-level mental power, he could transfer all his understanding of the martial spirit to the other party with just one finger.

"This is this." After receiving new information in his mind, Ghost Leopard Douluo froze on the spot.

He didn't know whether he was surprised by Han Yu's methods or excited about the sudden fortune. After a long time, he came back to his senses.

"Thank you very much for the kindness of Ba Cang Feng. I will follow Ba Cang Feng's instructions."

No one would take the initiative to help unless he was a father and son. Ghost Leopard Douluo knew the secrets well and quickly expressed his attitude.

Han Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Go and have a good retreat. If anything happens, I will contact you."

"I obey my orders."

Ghost Leopard Douluo moved quickly and disappeared from Han Yu's sight in the blink of an eye.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong sat on a high seat, assuming a lazy posture.

The two Juguis threw the two Ouya to the ground casually, and then said with respectful expressions: "His Majesty, they are the Sea Spirit Masters."

Bibi Dong casually glanced at the two people on the ground, "Wake them up!"

Ouya and Hailiang have been destroyed, and even if they wake up, they will not be able to take action against Bibi Dong.

Under Yue Guan's instruction, a healing soul master simply treated the two of them.

"I remember you." Bibi Dong said in a cold tone.

Ouya slowly opened his eyes and looked at Bibi Dong in front of him, his expression becoming extremely complicated.

Back then, when Wuhun Palace attacked Poseidon Island, Bibi Dong was also with the team. At that time, Ouya saw that she was of low strength and extremely naive, and thought she had been deceived, so he let her go.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Bibi Dong would become the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and would even put them to death.

Yue Guan said angrily: "Back then, Poseidon Island killed the powerful Titled Douluo from my Spirit Hall. I didn't expect that you would dare to come to land."

"Hmph, we are here to ask for the Poseidon's Heart from your Wuhun Palace on the orders of the Great Enshrined One. If you are willing to return the Heart of the Poseidon, after we return, I can persuade the Great Enshrined One to not take the blame for what you have done. "Ouya snorted coldly.

There was quite a movement just now, and Qian Daoliu must have known about their arrival, but he still had no intention of showing up. Ou Ya already understood that he had fallen into the hands of Wuhun Palace, so he planned to use these words to find out the whereabouts of Poseidon's Heart.

Bibi Dong was unmoved and said casually: "For any reason, I, the Spirit Hall, can let you go? Haha, back then, Poseidon Island didn't think about friendship. I, the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall, killed you at will. Today, I will personally collect this blood debt!"

"Hmph, Bibi Dong, I regretted not being able to kill you back then, otherwise you wouldn't be where you are today." Ou Ya roared angrily.

Bibi Dong waved her hand, "Gui Mei, Yue Guan, tomorrow's Wuhun Daily will say that the Poseidon Island soul master sneaked into the mainland with the intention of stealing Wuhun Palace's confidential information, and has been executed on the spot by me. In addition, remember to match two picture."

There is nothing more heart-breaking than killing someone. Bibi Dong was still not satisfied, so she continued: "You two, tell me about the people you met along the way. With the grievances between Poseidon Island and Wuhun Palace, you will not come here directly. Tell us , if this is the news I want, I might be able to spare your life."

Ning Fengzhi treated them well, and Ouya would rather die than say anything for the sake of this friendship.

"It's such a pity that you would risk your lives for Ning Fengzhi and those guys. Gui Mei, Yue Guan, take action."

"Bibi Dong, Lord Poseidon will remember us. Wuhun Palace should be prepared to face Lord Poseidon's wrath."

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