During this conference, the news of the breakup between the Canaan Chamber of Commerce and Wuhun Palace was well known to all the major forces.

Ning Fengzhi even bluntly said that Canaan City is the next target for Wuhun Palace to suppress.

The principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend does not apply here. Because the city of Canaan is also their enemy.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were even a little gloating about their misfortune. If Wuhun Palace really destroyed Han Yu, it would undoubtedly be a great joy for them.

After thinking for a while, Tang San suggested: "Teacher, Mubai is an important part of our plan after all. I think we should discuss this matter with him. His opinions are very important, so as to avoid disagreements in the future and lead to What's going on?"

"Okay, go and call him over. There are some things we really need to let him know." Yu Xiaogang nodded.

Tang San moved very quickly and soon brought Dai Mubai over.

Now that they are in the entrepreneurial stage, Qibao Glazed Sect does not support idlers. As the disciples of the Li clan started a construction business in the city, the medicinal materials business was in urgent need of manpower. The Shrek Seven Devils were also assigned to different positions by Tang San.

"Master, mistress, what do you want from us?" Dai Mubai patted the dust on his body and asked curiously.

The dust rose, and the aroma of medicinal herbs hit my face. Yes, Dai Mubai is one of the managers of the medicinal materials warehouse.

Yu Xiaogang took out the handkerchief from his arms and covered his nose out of habit, "Mubai, I have discussed it with Xiaosan. There is something I need to get your opinion on."

"My opinion?" Dai Mubai was puzzled.

Normally, all the decisions of their Shrek Seven Devils were made by Tang San and Yu Xiaogang. When did Dai Mubai's opinion become so important.

After Tang San's words, Dai Mubai understood.

He himself must give a clear answer to this matter.

That was the throne, the position he had dreamed of.

Dai Mubai cried with joy and quickly expressed his attitude, "Master, Mistress, I agree. I listen to you, and I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"You see, you are in a hurry." Yu Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "Mubai, a qualified emperor will at least not reveal his true feelings easily. The throne is certainly valuable, but if you can't calm down, Xiao San and I will arrange , it is very likely to fall short.”

Tang San continued: "Mubai, first of all, until uncle (Haotian Sect Master) and I reach a consensus, this matter cannot be finalized. If uncle is interested, he will definitely talk to you. But if you are like this Performance, I’m disappointed.”

As soon as he heard that the throne would slip away from his fingers, Dai Mubai immediately became anxious. He grabbed Tang San's hands and said anxiously: "Xiao San, what should I do? I will all follow your arrangements. If I become Emperor, you are the king of the Xingluo Empire, and the master is the national teacher. You must think of a way."

Although Dai Mubai's performance was unbearable, the promise he inadvertently made was very useful in Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

Didn't he leave the family just to prove himself? Now that he has wasted half his life, he has been able to reach the rank of National Master of the Star Luo Empire, which is enough for him to defend himself.

"Mubai, I know you are anxious, but please don't be anxious yet. If I want to train you in a short period of time, the effect may not be very obvious. Let's do this. You can quit your job in the medicinal material warehouse these days and study with Xiaosan. Some ways of doing things.”

"In addition, you can also agree on some secret codes with the mistress. The mistress is very calm and efficient in handling things. It will be of great help to you if you refer to the mistress's opinions more."

Although Yu Xiaogang didn't say it clearly, it was revealed in his words that he wanted Dai Mubai to act based on Tang San's expression. Moreover, even if he becomes the emperor in the future, he will still be a puppet emperor.

Dai Mubai was born into a royal family, so he might not understand the worldly affairs, but he had been exposed to the affairs of the imperial court since he was young, so he naturally knew a lot about them.

But he had no choice. Tang San relied on the power of the Haotian Sect to help him rise to the top, or he could use the power of the Haotian Sect to support others. It's just that in the exchange of benefits, Dai Mubai can give them the greatest benefit.

Dai Mubai had already thought about it. If he became an emperor, even if he was just a puppet, he would still be an emperor. When the time comes, wouldn't it be nice if he let the national counselor Yu Xiaogang and the regent Tang Sandai handle the affairs of the state while he concentrates on his own enjoyment?

"Master said that I will definitely learn more from Xiao San. In the future, if you ask me to go east, I, Dai Mubai, will never go west."

Seeing that the other party was very polite, Tang San smiled and said: "Mubai, I'm serious. We are all classmates, so we naturally have reasons to support you in becoming emperor. Besides, we all have a common enemy."

As long as Dai Mubai is obedient, things will be easy to handle later on.

"Mubai, regarding your injury, I will definitely find a solution for you as soon as possible." Tang San said: "Currently, more than half of the medicinal materials have been collected, and I am afraid that the next few medicines will be difficult to find. But don't worry, I, Tang San, promise Your business will be done.”

"Mistress!" Dai Mubai had tears in his eyes and was extremely moved in his heart.

After chatting for a while, Dai Mubai left Yu Xiaogang's room. The first thing he did after leaving was to quit his current job.

Although in a short period of time, he lost his source of income. But for long-term investment, the money lost now is nothing to worry about.

Tang San was not idle either. After getting Dai Mubai's reply, he still needed to stabilize Ning Fengzhi.

The funds in their hands are limited and they must use their efforts in one place. If Ning Fengzhi continues with his original plan, then Tang San will have to consider his backup plan.

In the ancestral hall temporarily established by the Qibao Glazed Sect, Gu Rong sat on a chair and couldn't help but sigh: "Fengzhi, the disciples below have a lot of opinions these days."

It is easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. This statement is absolutely correct.

The disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect were accustomed to living a life in heaven and earth. Now, not only their income has dropped sharply, but they are also required to participate in labor. Moreover, there are very few entertainment facilities in Carlo City, and they have nowhere to spend their money.

At first, they were still immersed in the grief of their sect being destroyed, and they did not complain in a short period of time. But as the Titans took away the disciples of the Force Clan, someone had to do the chores, dirty work, and tiring work. Ning Fengzhi didn't have much spare money to hire servants, and it was very likely that these disciples would reveal their identities inadvertently. By then, trouble will ensue.

Therefore, even if he has money, he cannot or dare not hire servants.

"Uncle Bones, you might as well temper their tempers. The sect is now in a special period and cannot let their tempers run wild. In addition, prevent them from going to the Spirit Hall to receive soul master subsidies. Violators will be subject to clan law. "

Gu Rong suggested: "Fengzhi, I'm worried that things will turn upside down. How about this. I'll find some mutes in the city to do servant work. While improving the quality of life of the disciples, we will not leak our news. As for these mutes, as long as We take care of the food, and we don’t even need to pay them.”

For ordinary families, dumb people are money losers. Not only can't find a job, but the rice at home is in vain. In other words, a mute born into a noble family will have a slightly easier life.

The point is, few mutes are literate. Without being able to hear, they couldn't reveal the information.

Ning Fengzhi thought for a while and agreed. It's just a few more mouths on the left and right, and the current Qibao Glazed Sect can still afford it.

"Uncle Bones, you must personally check the selection of people to prevent normal people from getting involved. In addition, you can also find some blind people to work in some confidential places."

After handling a major matter within the clan, Ning Fengzhi was about to take a rest when he heard Tang San's voice.

"Uncle Ning, are you free? I have something important to discuss with you."

Even if Tang San didn't say anything, Ning Fengzhi would have guessed what was going on.

Tang San was an expert on medicinal materials, so he wouldn't ask for his opinion.

"Xiaosan, come here, Uncle Gu and I are here."

Entering the ancestral hall, Tang San bowed and saluted: "Uncle Ning, senior Bone Douluo."

"Mistress, please sit down first."

After Tang San sat down, Ning Fengzhi continued: "Xiao San, if you have anything important to do, just tell me. Uncle Gu and I will think of countermeasures for you."

Tang San didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point, "Uncle Ning, it's still what I said before. I very much agree with your decision. But I feel that supporting Mubai to ascend the throne and take control of the Star Luo Empire will have a great impact on the future." The income is higher than that of Tiandou Empire, and the investment cost is relatively low.”

"I know Mubai thoroughly. Some things will never happen again."

Ning Fengzhi didn't think so, but Dai Mubai's behavior and considerations made him unable to have any confidence.

Gu Rong even sneered: "Dai Mubai is indeed good, but he has not grown up yet. In terms of time, we can't afford to wait. You have to know that after the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, the Qibao Glazed Sect will be in the future. Gradually fading out of the mainland's sight, we must rebuild the sect before its influence disappears, so that we can rebuild the sect's glory. We can't afford the time."

This is almost an open secret, and it doesn't matter if Gu Rong says so.

Tang San smiled and said calmly: "Senior Bone Douluo, in the past, it really took us a long time. But now that the Haotian Sect has moved to the Star Luo Empire, we can definitely work together to push Mu Bai out of the way. Get in that position.”

"Mubai once told me that if Sect Leader Ning is willing to help him, he will give the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect the same power and status that he had in the Tiandou Empire."

These are all things that interest Ning Fengzhi.

However, for an old fox, he would not express his position immediately, "Xiao San, how about this? If the Haotian Sect supports Dai Mubai, the Qibao Glazed Sect will unconditionally support Dai Mubai's ascension to the throne. However, before that, I still need to meet with Sect Leader Tang."

The Qibao Glazed Sect can only gamble once. Once it fails, it will be an abyss. Because Ning Fengzhi doesn't treat it with caution.

Tang San nodded, "Uncle Ning, I will send a message to the uncle later and talk to him in advance. After the Haotian Sect is completed, we will visit again."

"That's fine."

The migration process of Haotian Sect was quite smooth. Xue Qinghe was afraid that they would stay here and not leave. Not only did he open the door to facilitate them along the way, but even when passing some cities, the soldiers guarding the cities even urged them to speed up.

"Sect Master, I think it would be better to wait and see what happens." The second elder said solemnly: "Canaan City is indeed at odds with Wuhun Palace, but don't forget that there is the Tiandou Empire behind them. Wuhun Palace wants to keep them in power. The interests of the Tiandou Empire will definitely not conflict openly with Canaan City."

"Canaan City's main source of income comes from the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. As long as their relationship with Xue Qinghe is maintained for one day, the wealth they can earn will be endless. So, sect master, there is no need for us to contact them now. "

Regarding Tang Xiao's desire to join forces with Han Yu, the second elder gave his opinion.

Tang Xiao thought for a while and said: "Six of the new seven sects are minions of Wuhun Palace. What happened not long ago may also be intentional on their part. When the limelight passes, Wuhun Palace will probably Contact Han Yu. I am worried that Han Yu will fall to the Wuhun Palace camp, which will be very detrimental to our situation."

The second elder nodded, "Sect Master, this is indeed a problem. But now, our top priority is to build the sect's new headquarters and settle the clan members. At this juncture, I feel that doing something with a low probability of success is Not worth it.”

"Besides, we came to the Star Luo Empire for our own benefit."

"I heard that Dai Mubai, the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, is a good classmate with Tang San. If we can get greater benefits from him, why don't we support him."

After hearing this, Tang Xiao remembered.

"Second Elder, I have heard of Dai Mubai. However, Davis is now in power. Even if our Haotian Sect enters the territory of the Star Luo Empire, in order to be wary of us, the Star Luo Empire will most likely not let us touch the imperial court. Hall.”

"In Davis's current state, as long as he doesn't lose Dai Tianfeng's trust, the future emperor of the Star Luo Empire can only be him. Now pushing Dai Mubai out will not only alert the enemy, but also make Davis change his attitude toward Our view. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth it.”

When the second elder heard this, he felt that what Tang Xiao said made sense, so he didn't intend to speak. But the third elder had a different view.

"Sect Master, have you ever thought about why Davis gives us such good treatment?"

"In terms of strength, there are a lot of hidden sects on the mainland in the Star Luo Empire, and Davis can definitely find them. After the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, the influence of our Haotian Sect is constantly rising. The Star Luo Empire is another A very centralized country will not just watch us grow.”

Tang Xiao glanced at him, "Third Elder, what do you mean?"

The third elder continued: "Sect Master, I think Davis is wooing us because there is something he wants to do but dare not do and needs our help. As the heir to the Star Luo Empire, he will only do that at any cost. thing."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiao understood immediately.

"I'm afraid the turbulent situation in Lu will not end in a short time. The second elder is right, we still have to wait first."

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