After arranging the divine examination matters for his disciples, Han Yu also started his own path to becoming a god.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Old monster, come back first. It's completely meaningless to keep staring at Ning Fengzhi's words and deeds. There are only a few choices they can make, not to mention that I have already prepared countermeasures."

After a pause, Han Yu continued: "Old monster, you have worked hard these days. When you come back, I will take Yanzi and the others to the next stage of special training. In less than ten years, they will become titled Douluo."

Originally, Han Yu had been preparing to start the divine examination very early. However, Zhang Zhenyu and Huang Doudou were planning to return to Canaan College in the near future, so Han Yu pushed back his original plan.

After all, they are all his disciples, and Han Yu will not favor anyone.

"Little monster, this has been agreed upon. I want to see what the special training you are talking about is like." A smile flashed across Dugu Bo's tired face.

He has been running around all these years, isn't it just to enable Dugu Yan to promote the Dugu family again after a hundred years?

Han Yu chuckled and said, "Old monster, after you come back this time, you won't have any missions in a short time. Just enjoy your life. You don't have to worry too much about Yanzi's affairs."

The soul hunting operation on the other side has reached a fever pitch.

The two martial soul fusion skills of Kikui and Ghost - Bipolar Stationary Field, successfully immobilized the Titan Giant Ape. Just when Bibi Dong was preparing to harvest, the Azure Bull Python lurking in the darkness quickly took action.

In order to protect Ju Gui and the two from being injured, Tieniu used his own body to withstand the Azure Bull Python's attack.

As a defensive Contra, he was not qualified to participate in this battle. But Jugui Douluo is the main force of the offense. Once they are injured, Bibi Dong will be in a tough fight. Moreover, as a defensive soul master, his body is very strong. As long as he does not hit with all his strength, he will not die directly.

Tieniu "sacrificed" himself to protect the overall situation. Such an action couldn't help but raise eyebrows at Bibi Dong.

"This old antique, if it hadn't been for what happened last time, he probably wouldn't have gone against Nana. That's all, let's just treat his merits as equal to his faults." Bibi Dong had a plan in mind.

She waved her hand casually, and an invisible force enveloped Tie Niu and threw him outside the battle zone.

Hu Liena and Golden Eagle Soul Douluo led everyone to rush over quickly and protect Tieniu among the large troops.

"Old Tie, it's a good thing you have thick skin. I'm scared of this blow." Seeing that Tie Niu was seriously injured, Jin Ying joked with a smile.

"Senior Golden Eagle, the soul beasts from the outside are coming. We must not let them affect the teacher." Hu Liena said anxiously.

The huge dragon head of the azure bull python emerged from the water, and its lantern-sized eyes were fixed on Bibi Dong in mid-air: "Humans, this is not the place you should be, get out of here quickly."

"It's a joke, the majestic forest emperor can actually have whims." Bibi Dong said with a sneer.

They had already attacked the Titan Ape, and they were all deadly. It was impossible for the Azure Bull Python not to notice. But he still said this, which proved that he did not have the confidence to defeat Bibi Dong. In terms of momentum, he was already lagging behind.

The azure bull python's face was gloomy. The existence under the lake had been awakened by Han Yu not long ago.

The power of those guys was beyond what he and the Titan Giant Ape could compare to. The main reason why they can live here is to protect the real core of the forest from outsiders.

Once those guys show up, Bibi Dong can escape with her own strength, but they can't. If someone wakes them up, will those guys let them go?

"Killing God Realm!" Bibi Dong took the lead in attacking.

The cold and violent aura spread instantly, and a thick layer of ice condensed on the Lake of Life.

"The sixth soul skill, Golden Rui Flowing Clouds."

"The fifth soul skill, Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts!"

Countless ghost shadows flew towards the two hundred thousand year soul beasts along with the golden glow.

"Second brother, can we fight again!" The azure bull python swung its body, the ice on the lake surface quickly broke, and the snake's tail slammed towards the lake surface.

The water column rose into the sky, and when it was about to fall, it turned into icicles to resist the opponent's attack.

The Titan ape did not speak, but beat his chest with both fists.

Then, he jumped up and aimed directly at Bibi Dong.

As the leader of the enemy, as long as Bibi Dong is captured, the crisis they face will be overturned.

It's a pity that after these years of training and the blessing of the new divine test, Bibi Dong is even stronger than before.

Not all gods are as stingy as the Rakshasa God. The gods behind the New God Test are quite generous and do not require Bibi Dong to rely on her own strength to integrate divine power.

"Ha, you beast!" Bibi Dong's eyes were slightly cold.

She did not release her soul skill, but instead stretched out her right hand at will.

"His Majesty the Pope, the attack power of the Titan Giant Ape is extremely powerful, so be careful." Yue Guan saw this and shouted loudly.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, Bibi Dong's attitude clearly underestimated the Titan ape. If the majestic Pope of Wuhun Palace died in the soul hunting operation. Once the news leaks out, not only will there be chaos within Wuhun Palace, but the forces outside may also unite to attack Wuhun Palace.

Thinking of this, Yue Guan didn't dare to think too much and hurriedly rushed to Bibi Dong's position.

"Second brother did a good job." The Azure Bull Python laughed, and then a loud roar came from his mouth.

This bull roar is not an ordinary bull roar, but he is using his talent field - the field of slowness.

"Oops!" Caught off guard, Yue Guan was hit instantly.

His movement speed was slowed down more than ten times, and even if he tried his best, he still couldn't break free.

Thanks to Ghost Douluo's timely support, otherwise he would have become a living target long ago.

However, the focus of Yue Guan's attention was not on himself, but on Bibi Dong not far away.

"Take care of yourselves, why would I need your help?" Bibi Dong said calmly.

At the same time, the dark sickle mark hidden under the nine-curved purple gold crown shimmered slightly. The next moment, a huge scythe exuding a strong dark aura appeared in her hand.

The Titan Giant Ape didn't take it seriously, and slammed his boulder-like fist towards Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed sharply, and she quickly waved the Dark Scythe in her hand.

The sickle blade emitted a dark light, and wherever it passed, the space seemed to be cut open, leaving a deep black mark.

"Human, pay the price for your arrogance!" The Titan ape shouted, and he concentrated all his strength on his fists. Back then, he even penetrated a huge mountain with the power of this punch.

The sickle and the fist were intertwined, and a burst of black smoke instantly filled the air, making it difficult to see the battlefield situation for a while.

"Second child." Tian Qing Niu Python was shocked.

This black smoke was no ordinary smoke. The Azure Bull Python felt the breath of death in it.

"It's such a familiar scent. Could it be that the gods have come to the lower realm?" In the deepest part of the Star Forest, the black dragon slowly spoke.

After thinking for a while, he gave up this guess.

The gods of the God Realm will not go down to the lower world for no reason. If they really discover their existence, they can go straight here instead of fighting the Azure Bull Python guarding the door.

"It seems that he is the inheritor of the gods. The power of the God of Darkness should be very helpful to me. Haha, the blow not long ago made me feel a little palpitated. If I can get the power of the God of Darkness, I can Why fear that person?"

If Han Yu comes here, he will be surprised to find that the person who just spoke is none other than the golden-eyed black dragon king Di Tian who will be ranked first among the top ten ferocious beasts in the future. In front of him, there were several ferocious beasts and a chubby ice silkworm crawling.

The powerful power contained in Han Yu's blow awakened them, and Di Tian felt a familiar aura from it.

But a long time passed, and he really couldn't remember the source of this aura.

If he hadn't been worried about the cleansing of the God Realm, he would have left here long ago and gone to the mainland to look for Han Yu.

Now, the inheritor of the God of Darkness is coming to his door. As long as he absorbs this power, he is fully capable of competing against ordinary gods and buying precious training time for his master.

Just as he was about to take action, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

The owner of the voice is none other than his master, the Silver Dragon King who escaped from the battle in the God Realm millions of years ago.

"Lord, why is this? Why don't you let me take action?" Di Tian asked in confusion.

However, the Silver Dragon King only gave him orders instead of discussing with him.

In Douluo Continent, Di Tian may be an invincible existence, but in front of the Silver Dragon King and the gods, he is just an ant.

After offending the God of Darkness, if the other party follows the clues and takes over them all at once, there will be no hope at all. Although the Silver Dragon King hates the gods of the divine world, it does not mean that she will lose her most basic judgment.

Ditian will not be able to figure these issues out in a short time. But the Lord gave a command and he must obey it.

outside world.

After the black smoke dissipated, the Titan ape's figure fell helplessly from the sky. If you look closely, you will find that the Titan Ape's chest has been completely cut open. On the way down, his body gradually split into two parts.

The blood-red 100,000-year-old soul ring rose into the sky with bursts of blood light, floating over the Lake of Life.

On the periphery, the soul beasts that were originally entangled with Hu Liena and others fled after feeling the pressure of the soul rings.

"Teacher succeeded." Hu Liena looked at the hundred thousand year soul ring with excitement.

At the same time, there was some desire in her heart, longing for herself to get a hundred thousand year soul ring.

"Ha, you humble beast." Bibi Dong stood in mid-air, the murderous look in her eyes no longer concealed.

"Is this the strength of the Pope?"

Yue Guan and Gui Mei transformed into Bibi Dong's little fans, staring directly at each other.

"Second brother!" The Azure Bull Python's eyes were red, and its rapid breathing could still be clearly heard a hundred meters away.

However, all the Titan Giant Apes were instantly killed by Bibi Dong with one blow. He was the only one left, so how big of a wave could he make?

"Ghost, Yue Guan, follow me and take down this beast."

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope." The voices of the two Juguis were sonorous and powerful.

If Di Tian doesn't take action, there will naturally be no surprises in the soul hunting operation.

As another bloody hundred thousand year soul ring rises, the real test has just begun.

Although a hundred thousand year soul ring is not like a ten thousand year soul ring, it will dissipate within an hour if no one tries to absorb it. But it was impossible for Bibi Dong to absorb the soul ring of the Azure Bull Python after absorbing the Titan Ape's soul ring.

The process of absorbing a 100,000-year-old soul ring is already extremely long, not to mention that these two guys have great resentment against Bibi Dong. They cannot absorb it in less than a month.

Finally, Bibi Dong made up her mind and planned to absorb two hundred thousand year soul rings at the same time. Although this is extremely risky, once successful, the rewards are equally huge.

In the Wuhun Palace.

During Bibi Dong's absence, all decisions in the palace were made by Qian Renxue. Qian Daoliu was behind her, providing her with some advice and teaching her management skills.

After learning that the soul hunting operation ended successfully, Qian Renxue finally let go of her worries.

Before Bibi Dong left, she told her to arrange the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, and it was time to put it on the agenda.

"Grandpa, the Haotian Sect violated the agreement with you and came out openly. The situation in the mainland is extremely tense now, and it is impossible for us to attack them. The re-election meeting of the seven major sects arranged by my mother will become the main event for the Haotian Sect to come out. Show." Qian Renxue informed Qian Daoliu of her thoughts.

Use the platform of Wuhun Palace to build momentum for Haotian Sect? Only a fool would do this.

This time the re-election meeting of the seven major sects is nominally to select the new upper three sects and the lower four sects to deal with the current complex situation in the mainland. But in fact, it is necessary to select the seven major sects that are willing to cooperate with Wuhun Palace.

After the announcement is issued, the common people of the two empires may be indifferent to it and even support what Wuhun Palace is doing; but those smart nobles will discover the fishiness in this as long as they think about it for a moment.

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue dotingly and said slowly: "Xue'er, you are right. But this time the seven major sects' re-election meeting must be done fairly enough so as not to let those who are interested People will make a big deal out of it.”

"The Haotian Sect is a group of madmen, and I never expected them to keep their peace. The fact that they dare to go to the Tiandou Palace to seek skin from Xuexing proves that they have plans to leave. With the help of the Tiandou Palace Incident, they will be exposed. It’s just to advance their plans.”

"After recuperating for more than ten years, their strength must have improved significantly compared to before, which is also where their confidence lies. I heard that Tang Yuehua of Yuexuan is the sister of Tang Xiao, the leader of Haotian Sect. But with this thing?"

Qian Renxue nodded.

When she thought of Tang Yuehua, she became extremely angry. When she was lurking in the Tiandou Empire, she did not see through Tang Yuehua's identity. Later, Princess Xueke entered Yuexuan to study, and her contacts with Tang Yuehua became more frequent. Tang Yuehua occasionally asked her to disappear, but she always opened the door for convenience.

Now think about it, she also has a certain responsibility for Haotian Sect's emergence.

Qian Daoliu smiled lightly and said, "Xue'er, Tang Yuehua's actions must have been under the instruction of Tang Xiao or the elders of the Haotian Sect. The training resources she purchased from the Tiandou Empire over the years were enough to transform the Haotian Sect."

"The Haotian Sect has never thought of surrendering, and the temporary hibernation is just to come back again. Therefore, Xue'er, you should understand that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change."

"What if the Haotian Sect participates in the re-election meeting of the seven major sects? Our Wuhun Palace will let them enter the venue regardless of the past grudges. At that time, with a simple publicity, the outside world will think that our Wuhun Palace intends to fight with them regardless of the past grudges. The Haotian Sect is reconciled; it has made great contributions to the peace and stability of the mainland."

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