Yunluo Principality, Carlo City.

After a long journey, Ning Fengzhi and his party finally arrived at their destination.

But the scenery that appeared in front of them made them freeze in place.

The property purchased by the Qibao Glazed Sect here has never been taken care of for many years. Coupled with weather erosion and disrepair, it presents a dilapidated scene.

When he first saw this scene, Ning Fengzhi didn't believe it, but after carefully comparing the location on the land deed, he was sure that this house belonged to them.

This land deed had been gathering dust in the soul guide. Because he could not find the place to go, Ning Fengzhi rummaged around in the soul guide for a while, and then he discovered the existence of the land deed. As for the previous sect leader's instructions when he handed the land deed to him, he had long forgotten about it.

Ning Fengzhi didn't carry much money with him. At first, he strongly opposed the sect's property being handed over to Wuhun Bank for customs declaration in other ways. And he had never applied for a bank card. The golden soul coins in the Qibao Glazed Sect's treasure house naturally became the property of Wuhun Palace after the sect was destroyed.

He didn't have many gold soul coins left on him, so every cent had to be spent on the blade.

"Fengzhi, it's already here. If it doesn't work, just find someone to repair it." Gu Rong sighed and said.

After traveling for more than a month, everyone is looking forward to finding a place to live. Although the place is dilapidated, it is not a problem to simply clean it up and live there temporarily.

Sea Spear and Oya stood aside, not knowing how to speak.

After these days of contact, they were very sympathetic to Ning Fengzhi's experience, but sympathy was sympathy. When the two of them set off, they did not carry much money with them. If the remaining money was given to Ning Fengzhi to repair the house, they would have no money. active on the mainland. How could they, the dignified believers of Poseidon, engage in such sneaky things?

Tai Tan whispered something in Tang San's ear. Seeing that the latter agreed, he said: "Sect Master Ning, let the disciples of our Li clan repair the houses. Most of these houses only have roofs that have collapsed. , There are no problems with the walls and foundations, they just need simple repairs.”

"Many disciples of our Li clan will still bother Sect Master Ning in the future, so the money for repairing the house should also come from us."

After hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's brows relaxed slightly.

This kind of dirty and tiring work is not something that a disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect can do. In the past, the Qibao Chamber of Commerce used the Qibao Chamber of Commerce to make a lot of money in the Tiandou Empire, and they would not give the profits to dealers in various links. With such a large base of Tiandou Empire, even the amount of money allocated to each disciple is not a small amount.

It can be said that if Ning Fengzhi can withdraw all the money from the sect disciples in the Wuhun Bank, the funds for the reconstruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect will basically be ready. However, Ning Fengzhi didn't have the guts to ask Wuhun Palace for money.

After a person dies, if no one withdraws the balance in the card according to the will or the inheritance decree at the beginning of the empire for more than a month, the money will automatically belong to Wuhun Palace.

With such a big bad debt, Wuhundian can definitely do a lot of things with the money. Part of the money for building the refugee shelter city was "sponsored" by the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"The Patriarch of the Titans understands the righteousness very well, and Ning admires him very much. In this way, according to the words of the Patriarch of the Titans. In the future, the disciples of our two sects can also live in harmony." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

Even though the sect was destroyed, the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect still acted like they were superior to others.

In order to win over the Qibao Glazed Sect, Xue Ye promised that all inner disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect would automatically obtain the lowest noble title in the empire as soon as they reached adulthood. Once you perform meritorious service for the empire, you will be promoted even faster.

However, the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect would not sacrifice their lives for the Tiandou Empire. This promise was never actually implemented. But this does not prevent the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect from treating themselves as nobles.

The status of a lord is lower than that of a baron. In a sense, he can only be regarded as a preparatory noble, but he is also a noble.

And where are the disciples of the Force Clan! They were originally the dogs of the Haotian Sect. Even if they had such benefits, the disciples of the Haotian Sect, as their masters, had already eaten them dry. How could it be their turn?

When Tang Chen was still in the Haotian Sect, the status of the clan heads of the four major affiliated sects was even lower than that of the Haotian Sect's disciples who had just awakened their martial spirits. When Tai Tan met the child named Tang from the Haotian Sect, he even had to bow and salute.

The Li clan will naturally not benefit from such a ridiculous behavior of the Haotian Sect. Even though these disciples left the Haotian Sect, they still did not get rid of their "slave status".

The status of slaves is lower than that of civilians. In this way, can the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect live in peace with them? Not to mention, the members of the Force Clan are all rough guys, and the smell of sweat can kill someone even if they are smoked.

Tai Tai's purpose of doing this was naturally to support Tang San. They have completed the renovation of the houses, which means that part of these houses belongs to them. In this way, they don't have to live a life of dependence on others, and they will have a certain say in certain matters.

As for construction technology, when they were in Haotian Sect, the disciples of the Li clan often mingled with the disciples of the Yu clan. After a long period of contact, they had mastered the basic techniques of construction.

"Master, mistress, this place needs to be repaired by the Titan clan leader. We will go to a hotel in the city to stay overnight for the time being. By coincidence, I also have some things that I need to discuss with you." Ning Fengzhi said.

As for Titan, since he is willing to repair the house, let him do it.

When the disciples of the Force Clan saw this, their faces looked slightly unhappy. Ning Fengzhi's words made it clear that they were the ones eating meat, while the disciples of the Li clan could only eat the leftovers.

"Okay, why are you standing still? Repair the house quickly and don't keep Young Master and Sect Master Ning waiting, otherwise the family will deal with it." Facing his own clansmen, Tai Tan said with an extremely gloomy face and a threatening tone.

"Mistress, take the Shrek Seven Devils to the hotel with you. Remember, you are one." Yu Xiaogang said lightly.

Thanks to his words, Tyrone was freed from labor. The disciples of the Force Clan all saw this scene, but due to the Titan's power, they did not dare to show it.

In the distance, Dugu Bo saw this scene in full view. Previously, Yu Xiaogang teamed up with Tang San to set up a trap for Ma Hongjun for the Golden Soul Coin. But now, Tai Tan had set a trap for his own people, but Ning Fengzhi didn't appreciate it very much, and looked at them with a bit of contempt in his eyes.

"A country can change its nature easily, but a dog can never change its habit of eating shit." Dugu Bo sneered.

In the past, the Force Clan was the dog of the Haotian Sect. Dugubo didn't have much contact with them at that time and didn't know how they managed to please their master. Now, the Li clan has become the dogs of Tang San and the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Dugu Bo can see it.

In order to prevent the young master Tang San from being squeezed out by the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Tai Tan actually sacrificed the dignity of the entire family and did such a bastard thing. But even so, neither Tang San nor Ning Fengzhi looked at him.

Dugu Bo was even a little curious. Three of the four single-attribute families had already moved to Canaan City. The three of them, Yang Wudi, valued dignity above all else. Why were there such big differences from the Titans who were their colleagues?

He was glad now. If he had really gone to recruit the Li clan, he might have caused some trouble.

After Ning Fengzhi and others entered the hotel, they did not close the curtains while talking because it was on the third floor. The facilities in this hotel are top-notch, at least the windows are clean. Dugu Bo, who was observing with a soul telescope outside, could clearly see the content of their conversation.

"They turned out to be sea soul masters!" Dugu Bo was shocked when he saw the text bubble displayed on the soul guide.

There are powerful soul beasts in the sea. This matter has become the consensus of the soul master community, but there are few records about sea soul masters.

A sea soul master comes to land, just like a land soul master goes to the sea. It is inevitable to be acclimatized, and it may even weaken your own strength. If there was no important matter, Dugubo asked himself, he would never go to the sea.

After coming back to his senses, he continued to monitor.

Originally, after confirming the whereabouts of Ning Fengzhi and others, he could return to Canaan City to resume his life. But in order to find out about the Sea Spirit Master, he volunteered to stay and "work overtime." And all the contributions he made to Canaan City were converted into resources for Dugu Yan to practice.

In the hotel room, Ning Fengzhi asked: "Xiao San, these two gentlemen came to the land from the sea to find the Vast Sea Universe Shield. I wonder if you have heard anything about this special soul guide?"

When he heard about the Vast Sea Cosmic Barrier, Tang San felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart. But he had never seen this thing before, and he didn't know where this feeling of intimacy came from.

"Uncle Ning, I have never heard of this soul guide."

"Xiaosan, did you notice anything strange when you were in Tiandou Palace that day? Or, did you appear in the palace with something strange in your hand?" Ning Fengzhi asked again.

Tang San shook his head again, "Uncle Ning, I don't know. The Fourth Elder who is traveling with me should have discovered something. Do you need me to send a message to Haotian Sect?"

Ning Fengzhi refused without thinking, "Xiaosan, affected by the changes in the Tiandou Palace, the Haotian Sect is not having an easy time in the Tiandou Empire. Please don't involve them in unnecessary trouble."

He would not be so kind, mainly because he did not want people from the Haotian Sect to take the credit away from him.

Currently, the Haotian Sect is still within the Tiandou Empire. They are looking for the Vast Sea Universe Cover, so they must be more energetic than Ning Fengzhi. Once they were found, the Qibao Glazed Sect's plan to seek shelter from Poseidon Island was completely ruined.

"It doesn't matter, Sect Master Ning. You can find out the information for us. We are already quite satisfied. As for the whereabouts of the Poseidon's Heart, don't worry for the time being." Ouya quickly expressed his position. After all, he had to ask for help from others, so it was hard for him to show his dissatisfaction.

"If the Vast Sea Universe Shield is really missing, it must be related to Wuhun Palace." Yu Xiaogang took over the words, "I once worked as a scholar in Wuhun Palace for a period of time, and I have a certain understanding of the internal operations of Wuhun Palace. ”

"The Wuhun Palace adopts a merit system. Those who bring huge benefits to the Wuhun Palace during the mission can be awarded the highest soul bone reward. Since it is the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire, some people will definitely be tempted. But Wuhun Palace The strong men of the Soul Palace may have taken away the seemingly useless Vast Sea Universe Shield in order to save Xue Qinghe’s face. This possibility is very high.”

Ou Ya paused for a moment and asked: "Master Jade, do you still have a relationship in Wuhun Palace? The Vast Sea Universe Shield is very important to us. If it can be confirmed that it is in the hands of Wuhun Palace, we will be very grateful."

Affected by the Rakshasa spirit in his mind, Yu Xiaogang shook his head directly, "You don't know something. In order to frame our Shrek Academy, Wuhun Palace sent all of us to the sky prison. Later, through mediation, Sect Master Ning and my father , we were released. By doing this, Bibi Dong made it clear that he was attacking everyone who had anything to do with us in Wuhun Hall. If I go to them again, these guys may not be able to help, and there is even a risk of leaking the information."

Dugu Bo heard their conversation clearly.

As Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, they stopped discussing business matters. Dugu Bo quickly contacted Han Yu through the communication soul guide.

"Little monster, the final destination of Ning Fengzhi and his party is Carlo City in the Star Luo Empire, and the sea soul master."

Dugu Bo quickly informed Han Yu of all the information he had.

After hearing this, Han Yu was slightly surprised.

At this moment, a map of the entire continent was placed in front of him.

The place where Ouya and Ning Fengzhi met was quite far from the seaside. No matter where Ouya and Hailiu came ashore, they would not be able to get here immediately.

The soul masters of Poseidon Island are not familiar with Douluo Continent, so they must inquire from many parties along the way.

"It seems that Poseidong had already noticed the moment I destroyed the Vast Sea Universe Shield. However, looking at his posture, he didn't seem to know that it was me." Han Yu touched his chin and said simply analyzed.

If Poseidon knew that it was him, he would definitely send Oya and Sea Spear directly to Canaan City. Instead of letting them search on the mainland, they would not reveal their purpose to Ning Fengzhi.

"Haha, Ning Fengzhi really can't afford to do it early. He probably wants to bind himself to the chariot on Poseidon Island."

Poseidon Island is undoubtedly a big tree in the sky. It even caused Wuhun Palace to suffer a defeat back then, but their influence on land is really limited. Of course, it is not ruled out that Poseidon Island needs to find an agent on land, and Ning Fengzhi, a former overlord, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

However, Poseidong probably never dreamed that someone could destroy the Vast Sea Cosmic Barrier and refine his divine will.

In the original time and space, in order to resist Qian Renxue's pursuit, the Poseidon's spiritual thoughts within the Vast Sea Universe Barrier desperately resisted, thus protecting Tang San's life. But because of this, without the blessing of Poseidon's divine will, Tang San was still unable to take the final step.

"Does this mean that Bo Saidong completely loses the opportunity to inherit the divine throne?" Han Yu smiled knowingly.

Poseidong's ability in the divine realm is not comparable to that of God Shura. Even if he created another Vast Sea Universe Shield, he would not be able to send it to Douluo Continent.

As for Poseidon Island, I heard that it has abundant spiritual energy and is an excellent place for cultivation. If he absorbs all the spiritual energy there, is there a chance that his soul power can exceed level 100?

Han Yu couldn't help but think about it.

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