Yunluo Principality, this is a principality within the Star Luo Empire. The person who managed this country was the founding Duke of the former Xingluo Empire. The Emperor of Xingluo at that time was worried that his great achievements would disturb his master, so he enfeoffed him and eventually established the Yunluo Principality.

This country is much smaller than the Kingdom of Barak, and there are only two sizable cities in its territory.

The city where Qibao Glazed Sect owns real estate is Carlo City, the second largest city in Yunluo Principality.

"Master, we have arrived in the Principality of Yunluo, and we are still three days away from Carlo City." When they arrived at a temporary resting place, Ning Fengzhi informed Yu Xiaogang of the situation.

Yu Xiaogang nodded and then sat on the grass nearby. He put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said with emotion: "The sky of the Xingluo Empire is almost the same as that of the Tiandou Empire, but the human heart is completely different."

The situation within the Tiandou Empire is complicated. Only half of the citizens recognize the rule of the Tiandou Empire, while the other half either recognize the rule of the Spirit Hall or the respective kingdoms and principalities. Overall, it's like a mess.

As for the Star Luo Empire, no matter these kingdoms or principalities, they all obey the orders of the Star Luo royal family. Even the Wuhun Palace's influence here is far less than one-tenth of the influence it has in the Tiandou Empire.

The Star Luo Empire implements strict management on many aspects within its territory, which is why all the current upper three sects and two of the lower four sects are within the territory of the Tiandou Empire.

These big sects and big families are the targets of severe attacks by the Star Luo Empire.

Even though Dai Tianfeng ascended the throne with the support of the Haotian Sect, he still did not abandon his national policy and continued to suppress the Haotian Sect's power in the Star Luo Empire. Not to mention powerful organizations like Wuhun Palace.

"Teacher, Mubai told me that the Star Luo Empire is a powerful and independent country. Even if the Spirit Hall wants to set a trap on us, it will most likely be difficult to do so." As he spoke, Tang San couldn't help but feel a hint of laughter at the corner of his mouth. smile.

"Xiaosan, I've been thinking about a lot of issues these days." Having said this, Yu Xiaogang sat up straight and said in a more serious tone, "Just tell me, how sure are you that you can cure Mubai?"

Seeing this, Tang San quickly thought about it in his mind, "Teacher, I can't guarantee it. If there are enough medicinal materials, the probability will reach 70%, or even higher."

Speaking of this, he seemed to understand what his teacher meant.

Ning Fengzhi's idea was to continue to have enough power to overthrow Xue Qinghe's rule and re-establish an emperor to support them.

But this road is doomed to be full of thorns. Not to mention whether Xue Qinghe can be brought down, just finding a suitable candidate to inherit the throne is a headache. Moreover, it is hard to say whether this person will be like Xue Qinghe after he ascends the throne.

After all, the throne obtained through rebellion did not come from the right path. After taking the throne, there is a high probability that someone will be chosen to take the blame.

The Star Luo Empire was different. Dai Tianfeng was old and he had not abdicated. Dai Mubai regained his male body, and relying on his experience of defeating Davis in the Soul Master Competition, it was easier for him to obtain the throne. Even if Dai Tianfeng arranges for their brothers to compete again, Tang San is still confident that he can help Dai Mubai win.

Yu Xiaogang took over the conversation, but his voice was obviously much softer than before, "Xiaosan, we will not reject Sect Master Ning's proposal, but at the same time, we must have our own plans. I think Mubai is comparable to His brother is much more stable, and even if Mubai is really unable to compete for the throne in the future, we still have other options."

Tang San nodded solemnly.

With Ning Fengzhi's power, he was fully capable of stirring up trouble in the Tiandou Empire's court. Even if they failed to support Dai Mubai, they could still follow Ning Fengzhi's idea and overthrow Xue Qinghe's rule. No matter what, Tang San and the others could achieve their goal in the end.

After resting for about a stick of incense, Yu Xiaogang stood up and said, "It's almost time to rest. Let's set off quickly."

After that, he walked towards the carriage.

Ning Fengzhi did not refuse and took Gu Ronggang to get in the car. Suddenly, Gu Rong's expression changed and he shouted: "Everyone get out of the carriage and spread out."

Immediately afterwards, the Bone Dragon Spirit appeared behind him.

"Young master, be careful, someone strong is approaching." Tai Tan quickly protected Tang San and Yu Xiaogang behind him, looking ahead with a solemn expression.

"Sealance, be careful. There is a powerful Titled Douluo and a Soul Douluo ahead." Sealance Douluo Ouya said with a wary expression.

It is a dangerous move for a sea soul master to land on land. The strength of a sea soul master will drop sharply after leaving the sea. Even though Ouya is a level ninety-two titled Douluo, on land, he can't even defeat a level ninety-one titled Douluo. At best, he has the strength of a top Contra.

Right now, the powerful Titled Douluo not far from them far surpassed them in terms of soul power and aura. Once they take action, they will definitely die.

This is land, and the Wuhun Palace contains most of the powerful titled Douluo people on the mainland. The two of them are not sure whether that person is a strong person from the Wuhun Palace.

"Damn it, the other party has also discovered us. If it is the strong men of Wuhun Palace, our mission may not be completed." A sea spear appeared in Sea Spear Douluo's hand.

This is his martial spirit, and he is ready to take action at any time.

Wuhun Palace has great influence in the Tiandou Empire, so the two of them specially chose to land on the mainland from the Star Luo Empire. Wait for the situation to be clear before heading to Tiandou City.

It’s just that recently there has been another soul hunting operation, another change in the Tiandou Palace, and the recent confrontation between the two empires. In desperation, the two of them could only choose to stay dormant in the Star Luo Empire for the time being.

Not long ago, they heard that the war crisis between the two countries had been resolved, so they set out for the Tiandou Empire. Unexpectedly, they met Tang San and others halfway.

The two sides were at war with each other for a moment, and Bone Douluo took the lead in testing the other side with soul pressure.

"So strong, I have only seen such strength in Sea Dragon Douluo." Ou Ya said with some difficulty while resisting the soul pressure.

Bone Douluo and Sea Dragon Douluo both have level ninety-five strength. But after leaving Poseidon Island and heading to land, even Sea Dragon Douluo may not be Bone Douluo's opponent.

"They took the lead, Ouya assisted me." Sea Spear Douluo had a cold temperament. Seeing that the other party took the lead, he would naturally not back down.

"Sealance, wait a minute." Ouya quickly dissuaded him.

Wuhun Palace has a very large number of Titled Douluo, but the Titled Douluo in front of him may not be the strong one in Wuhun Palace.

Before the identity of the opponent is determined, taking action hastily may result in the loss of an ally.

Yes, if the other party is not from Wuhun Palace, Ouya intends to cooperate with the other party. They are not familiar with Douluo Continent, and having someone familiar to guide them will save them a lot of trouble.

"Are you from the Spirit Hall?" Seeing that Sea Spear Douluo had no intention of taking action, Ou Adam shouted immediately.

"Martial Soul Hall?" Ning Fengzhi's face changed slightly when he heard the voice.

"Fengzhi, they should not be from Wuhun Palace." Bone Douluo breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax his vigilance.

Ning Fengzhi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Uncle Gu, do you know them?"

Bone Douluo shook his head, "Feng Zhi, their soul power aura is very unfamiliar, and they have water attribute soul power. I have never heard of a water attribute titled Douluo on the mainland."

After Ning Fengzhi heard this, he fell into thinking again.

Gu Rong's words can rule out that the other party is a minion of Wuhun Palace. If they can be recruited, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will have three titled Douluo at once, and the reconstruction of the sect will be just around the corner.

However, the Qibao Glazed Sect's enemies are not only the Wuhun Palace. In the process of doing business, they have more or less offended those hidden sects.

At this time, the name of Qibao Glazed Sect was revealed. If the other party was an enemy, it would be a big trouble. If they really take action, they will still suffer. There were only two people on the other side, but they were bringing their whole family with them.

Once Gu Rong is restrained, the remaining disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect may suffer.

After weighing for a moment, Ning Fengzhi replied: "We are not the soul masters of Wuhun Palace. Which force are you from?"

Hearing this, Ouya and Hailiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, "We are not soul masters of Wuhun Palace, and we have no ill intentions. In this case, why don't everyone sit down and talk?"

Gu Rong did not speak immediately, but looked at Ning Fengzhi hesitantly.

"Uncle Bones, I think we can talk to them. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect needs to be rebuilt. After Uncle Jian leaves, if we can recruit more strong men, the sect's reconstruction work can be advanced a lot." Ning Fengzhi said came up with his idea.

Gu Rong thought for a moment and felt that Ning Fengzhi didn't say much. But he didn't think that these two titled Douluo were casual cultivating soul masters. Even if you don't want to join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, it is still necessary to win two allies for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"Okay, you can come here. But I'm going to say something ugly first. If you do anything inappropriate, I will take action immediately."

"Ouya, go ahead." Sea Spear Douluo nodded in agreement.

After all, walking on the mainland without the guidance of local people is very likely to cause unnecessary trouble. But they are not stupid either. They will not be completely convinced before confirming the identity of the other party.

"Master, you and the mistress should come here too." Ning Fengzhi turned his head, thought for a while and said.

Even if they fail to win over each other, with Yu Xiaogang's sharp tongue, at least the two sides will not become enemies. Another point is that Ning Fengzhi can be regarded as showing kindness to Yu Xiaogang.

Both sides stepped forward, and met each other a hundred meters away from the carriage.

Ning Fengzhi was a little curious about Ouya and Sea Spear's attire. This kind of clothing clearly is not common on the mainland.

Yu Xiaogang was the first to speak. He had already seen the identity of the sea soul master twenty years ago.

"Are you sea soul masters?"

Oya and Sea Spear were instantly alert. Yu Xiaogang escaped from them in the beginning, but they did not recognize Yu Xiaogang as he was just a great soul master at the time, and his appearance was very different from what he looks like now.

Before they could speak, Ning Fengzhi took the lead and asked, "Master, why did you say this?"

Ning Fengzhi had also heard about the sea soul master. It's just that he is not very clear about the origin of the sea soul master.

Perhaps realizing that his previous words were inappropriate, Yu Xiaogang explained: "Back then, I was in Wuhun Palace, and Qian Xunji was the Pope of Wuhun Palace at that time. I don't know what he thought, Wuhun Palace." The Soul Palace actually sent an army to the sea to attack a place called Poseidon Island. The final result was that the Soul Palace returned with a disastrous defeat, and I even heard that a powerful person with a title of Douluo died. I also went to sea with them at that time. But my strength is low and I can only watch the battle from the outside.”

Of course, the actual situation is different from what he said.

In order to gain knowledge, Yu Xiaogang rushed to the front. It was only because he was extremely weak and did not kill the residents of Poseidon Island that he managed to save his life.

However, Yu Xiaogang's attitude is also obvious. These were all done by Wuhun Palace, and he has already severed ties with Wuhun Palace.

"So you are really not from Wuhun Palace?" Ouya neither admitted nor denied their identities.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were slightly cold and he said in a cold voice: "The Wuhun Palace destroyed our Qibao Glazed Sect and thousands of disciples died tragically. We will definitely seek revenge from the Wuhun Palace!"

At this time, Ou Ya recalled the contents of Wuhun Daily. The Qibao Glazed Sect was indeed destroyed, but the explanation given by Wuhun Palace was that unknown forces were responsible. The portraits of Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong happened to appear on the Tiandou Empire's wanted notice.

The face matched perfectly, and Ou Ya finally confirmed Ning Fengzhi's identity, "I heard that the Qibao Glazed Sect was not destroyed by unknown forces, so how could it be related to Wuhun Palace?"

Tang San snorted coldly at this time: "The Wuhun Palace will not be stupid enough to admit in the Wuhun Daily that this is what they did. The so-called unknown forces are just their excuses. As a victim, Uncle Ning even more How could he admit the wrong person if he escaped from the hands of Wuhundian?"

Ouya didn't answer, and was silent for a moment before changing the subject, "Since you know about Poseidon Island, we won't hide it anymore. We are ordered by the Great Enshrinement to go to the Tiandou Empire to find the Heart of Poseidon. If you all If you have any clues about Poseidon’s Heart, we at Poseidon Island will not treat you badly.”

The Vast Sea Universe Cover (Heart of the Poseidon) had long been destroyed by Han Yu. And when he took it away, Ning Fengzhi didn't notice him.

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly and said: "You two might as well come with us to Yunluo City. To be honest, the power of Wuhun Palace has penetrated into every aspect of the Tiandou Empire. If you go now, you will probably end up in Wuhun Palace. "

Ning Fengzhi naturally has his own thoughts. Since Poseidon Island can defeat Wuhun Palace, it can also make Wuhun Palace dare not retaliate. This is enough to prove the power of Poseidon Island. If you can get in touch with them and get support. Not to mention that there is hope for revenge, at least there is no problem with the reconstruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Ning Fengzhi added: "Don't worry, we have spies in the Tiandou Empire. When the situation becomes clear, you can at least avoid unnecessary trouble by entering the Tiandou Empire."

Ouya and Hailiang looked at each other and decided to follow Ning Fengzhi's suggestion.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you all. After the mission is completed, we will truthfully report your help to the great worshiper."

"Haha, please!"

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