Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 352 Refining Poseidon’s Divine Mind and Beating Flanders

The rescue of Hu Liena was a minor incident at best, and Han Yu had no intention of meeting them.

The soul hunting operation was arranged by Bibi Dong. If he rashly went to take command, others would think that Bibi Dong was not capable.

According to Hu Liena's report, since they had decided to retreat three hundred miles, there was no need for Han Yu to stay in the Star Forest. He rushed towards Soto City.

In Soto City, in order to welcome this dividend meeting.

Flanders, Zhao Wuji and others temporarily moved into the Canaan Chamber of Commerce's office in the city; and he had funded the Soto Hotel to be used as a residence for many presidents who came here to attend the conference.

In the office, Flanders said with emotion: "I didn't expect that this year's dividend meeting would be held here. Lao Zhao, it seems that the president sees our efforts."

They were notified of the dividend meeting only two days ago.

The dividend meeting is held at a rough time every year, and Flanders has already set out for half a day in order to arrive at Canaan City early. But I didn't expect to receive the latest notification halfway. He and Zhao Wuji immediately abandoned the carriage, used their martial arts to drive on their way, and soon returned to Soto City.

The reason why the notice was given so late was because at the beginning, Qian Duoduo didn't know whether Han Yu would agree to it, so it was not good to notify him in advance. After Han Yu agreed, he still needed to determine the share of the dividends for the many branch presidents, as well as some trivial matters that needed to be dealt with.

This time, the notification was hasty. Worried that people from far away would not be able to arrive in time, Qian Duoduo postponed the date of the dividend meeting for a few days.

Qian Duoduo is indeed a capable general. He set out earlier than Han Yu. He completed all the work on the carriage.

After Han Yu arrived in Soto City, he did not stay at the Soto Hotel. Instead, he found a hotel to stay at.

He didn't plan to go out before the dividend meeting started. He has absorbed most of Poseidong's spiritual thoughts, and only needs the final integration work.

Once the fusion is successful, his mental power will reach a qualitative leap and break through his spiritual thoughts.

Outside, Soto City has become increasingly lively in the past few days.

Previously, in order to resist the invasion of the Star Luo Empire, and Soto City was a city bordering the Balak Kingdom and the Star Luo Empire, many merchants and nobles had already moved here to avoid the war.

After learning about the dividend meeting, the Soto City Lord planned to use the influence of this meeting to attract some businessmen to do business in the city. To this end, he deliberately canceled the curfew and reduced taxes on small and large traders.

The entire Soto City market suddenly showed a prosperous scene.

Naturally, Flanders would not miss this opportunity. In the past few days, he had expanded the size of the Chamber of Commerce.

Duke Long has always coveted his position as district president. This time, he must seize the opportunity and completely leave Duke Long behind.

Duke Long, who was half buried in the ground, was naturally no match for Flanders and others who were in their prime. At least mentally, they had left Duke Long far behind.

A few days passed by.

Han Yu relied on the help of Void Swallowing Flame to successfully integrate Poseidong's spiritual thoughts.

With a thought in his mind, Han Yu's mental power was fully unleashed, covering the entire Soto City silently. Every plant, every tree, every flower and every scene in the city was all reflected in his mind.

Including the words and deeds of everyone in the city, he can see and hear them anytime he wants.

"It's such a wonderful feeling. I didn't expect that after a few years, my strength would make a qualitative leap again." Han Yu slowly withdrew his mental power and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Divine thoughts also have strengths and weaknesses. Han Yu has only reached the threshold of divine thoughts at present. If he wants to break through again, he must reach the god level. In the current situation, he is not in a hurry, just go step by step.

"Looks like I have to show up."

In his perception just now, all branch presidents of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce have arrived in Soto City.

The dividend meeting will be held this evening. He has promised Qian Duoduo, so he will naturally attend.

In front of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce in Soto City, Flanders served as the host. He stood at the door and welcomed the arrival of the branch presidents.

Lord Soto also wants to participate in the dividend meeting and take this opportunity to make more connections. But this was an internal meeting after all, and Flanders declined his request.

Branch presidents arrived one after another, and Flanders quickly greeted them.

"President Polo, you are well."

Polo is the regional president of the Haagen-Dazs Kingdom, and his status in the Canaan Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to that of Flanders, and the two have a very good personal relationship.

"Congratulations to President Flanders and President Zhao Wuji. Your performance this year has left us far behind." Polo congratulated with a smile.

"No, we're just lucky." Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki smiled and shook hands with them.

However, when Duke Long arrived next, they were not so enthusiastic.

Out of competition, the two parties simply met each other.

As many branches have grown up, Qian Duoduo appears as the president.

Qian Duoduo currently only has the strength of the Soul King. If he were placed elsewhere, he would not have the chance to be taken seriously by this group of Soul Saint Soul Douluo. But as the president of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, his work ability was not to mention, and he was highly regarded by Han Yu. Therefore, after he appeared, the group of branch presidents greeted him politely.

Qian Duoduo responded one by one, and then said: "The president will be here later. Let's go in first. The president doesn't like to be watched."

The president he mentioned was naturally referring to Han Yu. The Canaan Chamber of Commerce has a great influence in the Tiandou Empire. After learning about the dividend meeting, reporters from Wuhun Daily and citizens of Soto City came to watch.

Knowing that Han Yu had a lot of money, he would not embarrass him.

The branch presidents here are all good people, and they all know how to deal with the world.

"The president is right, please come in quickly." After saying that, Flanders and Zhao Wuji made an invitation gesture.

At the same time, among the onlookers, people with good hearing started talking.

"Isn't this rich man the president? Who is the president he talks about? Is it possible that he doesn't plan to continue to manage the Canaan Chamber of Commerce?"

Just like Blue Star's stock market, if a company's leadership team changes, investors will definitely lose confidence in it.

The Canaan Chamber of Commerce has not been established in the Tiandou Empire for a long time, but it has great influence. The outside world naturally attributes the credit to Qian Duoduo. Once the president is replaced, who knows whether the new president will be able to manage such a large share.

Of course, more people believe that the offensive faction with a lot of money and the current tense situation in the mainland would make it easier to maintain the stability of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce if a conservative faction takes over.

"It's unlikely that Canaan Chamber of Commerce was founded by Dean Han. The only person who can make Qian Duoduo take it seriously is probably him." Wang Qi, editor-in-chief of Wuhun Daily, made an analysis.

"Editor-in-Chief, are you telling the truth?"

"pretty close."

In the Canaan Chamber of Commerce in Soto City, in order to prepare for this dividend meeting, Flender opened several conference rooms in advance and used them as the venue.

Qian Duoduo did not sit in the first place, but stood next to the chair next to the main seat.

Before Han Yu arrived, they could only stand.

Han Yu did not keep them waiting and quickly walked into the conference room.

With his strength, no one in the crowd could notice his arrival.

"President." Everyone, including Qian Duoduo, bowed and saluted.

"Haha, Qian Duoduo is the president. I am not directly involved in the management of the chamber of commerce. Please sit down." With that, Han Yu sat on the front seat.

Seeing this, the others sat down.

"This is my first time to participate in the dividend meeting. Qian Duoduo, you can host it."

Qian Duoduo nodded, "The dividend meeting is also an annual performance appraisal meeting. Everyone talks about the results of this year's work and what shortcomings need to be improved."

How can you not know the results of the work of the branch presidents even if they have a lot of money? He arranged this mainly because he wanted Han Yu to hear it.

Including the zone president, there are more than 80 branch presidents. As a branch president in a prosperous city, his work results are naturally impressive, and his reporting time is also very long.

Han Yu was not directly involved in the management of the Chamber of Commerce. He only listened to the reports of these people and did not take them to heart.

Qian Duoduo had already reported to Han Yu, so Flanders, as the host, became the last person to report.

"This year's situation is special. President Flender has done well in adding additional income to his original share." Han Yu commented impartially.

Flanders was the only one who received praise, and he was a little flattered. "The President over-praised me. This is what I should do."

Han Yu did not answer the call and announced calmly: "No time wasted, Chairman Qian Duoduo announced the dividends. This year's situation is special and those whose market share has not declined will receive an additional reward."

With Qian Duoduo announcing the dividends received by each branch president, the dividend meeting was nominally over.

However, everyone did not disperse. There would be a dinner party in half an hour, and this half hour was also a time for everyone to communicate with each other.

Many people wanted to find Flanders, but Han Yu called him away.

"President Flanders, I heard that you have a relationship with the President. This time, the President will probably reuse you. When the time comes, don't forget us old friends."

In business, the so-called friends are only based on interests.

Flanders felt a little uneasy. He was not sure whether Han Yu knew about the news that Yu Xiaogang and others appeared in Soto City.

"No problem, I'll go over there first and I'll find you later."

In Flanders' office, Han Yu sat in Flanders' seat, while Flanders stood in front of his desk.

Han Yu spoke slowly: "Flender, I heard that you gave your disciple Ma Hongjun half a million gold soul coins."

Flanders was shocked, knowing that he could no longer hide it, so he simply said frankly: "Mr. President, this money is my personal contribution, not the money of the Chamber of Commerce. And I gave this money in the hope that my disciples, It won’t put your life in danger.”

"So, you have forgotten the reward notice issued by the Chamber of Commerce." Han Yu said calmly.

This notice was issued by him, so how could he not know what Flanders was thinking.

Since Flender gave Ma Hongjun money, this would be a good opportunity for them to have a master-disciple relationship.

At present, it seems that Flanders has not done anything extraordinary, but in the future, who can guarantee that he will not be dragged into the trap by Ma Hongjun? Han Yu didn't want Canaan merchants to become cash machines for Tang San and his gang.

Flanders lowered his head, "President, this matter is my fault. I am willing to take the blame and resign, and resign as zone president and branch president."

Han Yu glanced at him.

Flanders himself is a miser, and on the platform provided by the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, he has indeed done well. The only shortcoming is that he can be cunning; but Han Yu will not give up such a strong general to others for no reason.

"Let's cut off with Ma Hongjun as soon as possible. I know he is your disciple, but judging from the latest information I have, he has been mixed up with Tang San, Yu Xiaogang and others. They are not peaceful masters. Can you Your current position depends on you. If you want to work hard, the Chamber of Commerce will not treat you badly. With your status in the Chamber of Commerce, you and Zhao Wuji will be able to give you at least a 30% discount on these benefits. , if you leave the Chamber of Commerce, it will cease to exist.”

"If you don't have confidence in your talent, just pretend I didn't say anything. You should think carefully before making your decision."

After that, Han Yu walked out of his office.

Flanders doesn't pursue much about women or status. The only things he pursues are money, family affection and career. The choice Han Yu gave him was obvious. He had to choose between money, status and family ties.

Choosing family affection means that he will not give up Ma Hongjun, but give up everything he has.

He also thought that if he was being cunning, Han Yu would not know about it.

However, family affection barely includes brotherhood. If he leaves his current position, will Zhao Wuji and the others still have the ability to gain a foothold in the Canaan Chamber of Commerce? Even if Zhao Wuji takes his position, based on Zhao Wuji's ability, sooner or later the position of district president will belong to Mr. Long. There is even a possibility that the Soto City division's revenue will decline, and Zhao Wuji and the others will be driven away sooner or later.

These old friends have been fighting against him for most of their lives, how could they end up like this?

After thinking about it for a long time in the office, Flanders finally made a decision.

Han Yu's request was based on the fact that Ma Hongjun, Yu Xiaogang and others were conspiring together. If he could convince Ma Hongjun, maybe Han Yu could turn a blind eye.

"Hey~ Hongjun, I hope you can see clearly the true colors of Yu Xiaogang and the others." With a sigh, Flender walked out of the office.

He did not go to Han Yu, and the answer Han Yu wanted required him to prove it with actions.

Han Yu did not intend to attend the next dinner party.

In fact, after leaving Friend's office, he had already planned to leave.

Coincidentally, after Bibi Dong learned the news about Hu Liena, she used her communication soul guide to express her gratitude to Han Yu.

After that, she expressed her thoughts about the re-election meeting of the seven major sects.

Han Yu did not object or put forward any opinions.

It's just that this time is different from the original time and space. Haotian Sect has been born in advance, and they are likely to take this opportunity to regain influence.

As for the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, their remaining troops are not considered a sect at all. The remaining six sect quotas are likely to be similar to the original time and space.

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