Three hundred miles east of Tiandou City.

After learning that the Qibao Glazed Sect had been destroyed, Oscar and Ma Hongjun quickly turned around and rushed towards Tiandou City.

According to Wuhun Daily, the current survivors of the Qibao Glazed Sect are only the disciples who were not in the sect when they were attacked. At that time, it happened to be the five-year agreement made by the Shrek Seven Devils.

Oscar understood that as long as Ning Rongrong went to attend the appointment, she would definitely not be in the Qibao Glazed Sect.

But before seeing Ning Rongrong, he still felt unsure.

"Xiao Ao, in my opinion, we'd better not go back." Ma Hongjun backed down.

Over the years, he and Oscar have gone through many life and death tests, and the two have a life-or-death friendship. But Tang San would not let him go. Back in the Spirit Hall, Tang San's look of wanting to kill him still made him feel scared when he recalled it.

After returning to Shrek Academy, once he meets Tang San, his life may not be guaranteed. Ma Hongjun didn't think he could dodge Tang San's hidden weapon.

"Fat man, you were just trying to protect yourself at the beginning; I believe that as long as you talk about it, Mistress and the others will not blame you." Oscar vowed.

After years of experience with Ma Hongjun, he naturally understood that Ma Hongjun's nature was not bad. In the beginning, it was only because of his physical condition that he went astray.

Ma Hongjun was still hesitant, but under Oscar's pull, he reluctantly walked towards Tiandou City.

"Is this the imperial palace?" Tang San murmured as he looked at the magnificent building in front of him.

The fourth elder beside him didn't speak, but just followed Tang San.

Now that the mainland war was about to break out, he didn't want to come here to protect Tang San. But Tang Xiao gave orders in the name of the sect leader, and he had important things to do when he came here.

But compared to these, he was more concerned about the safety of the sect.

"Fourth Elder, let's go in." Tang San turned around and said.

The fourth elder nodded slightly.

The two of them walked to the archway at the entrance to the palace, and were blocked by a group of guards in armor.

"The palace is an important place, and all the people waiting here should stay away quickly."

Tang San took a step forward and took out the token that symbolized the snowy night, "I am Tang San, and I have been ordered to come to treat Your Majesty's illness."

The guard glanced at Tang San and then at the token in his hand.

"This token does belong to His Majesty." The guard captain murmured, with no intention of letting it go.

When Tang San saw this, he scolded: "Your Majesty is in poor health now, why don't you let him go quickly! If the time for treatment is delayed, I'm afraid you will be charged with regicide."

The guard captain was not intimidated by him, and said calmly: "Haha, please come back. Your Majesty does not need to treat this little baby."

"Tang San, the guards here are all spirit masters." The fourth elder said through a message.

The Royal Knights of the Tiandou Empire are indeed the most powerful army in the army. But with the capabilities of the Tiandou Empire, it was impossible for them to form a team of all soul masters.

Even if there were, such elite troops would not be arranged to guard the gate here.

Tang San immediately discovered the clue, but he had no answer in his heart as to the ownership of this army.

"Uncle Ning said that the current person in charge of the Tiandou Empire is Crown Prince Xue Qinghe. Maybe his token will be of some use."

After thinking for a moment, he decided to take out Xue Qinghe's token. If the other party still refused to let him go, he would go back to Ning Fengzhi to discuss the matter further.

Just as he took out the token, a voice suddenly came from not far away, "Let me go."

"Prince Snow Star!" Tang San frowned slightly.

Every time he recalled Xuexing's face, the scene of Qin Ming's tragic death would appear in his mind. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to kill the opponent.

"Your Highness, this seems to be against the rules." said the guard captain.

Xuexing waved his sleeves and snorted coldly: "Tang San's coming to treat the emperor's brother has already been approved by me and even His Highness the Crown Prince. If the best opportunity is delayed, your heads may have to be moved. ”

"Your Highness, you are joking." The guard captain bowed slightly, then turned around and let Tang San and the Fourth Elder in.

"Follow me." Xue Xing said lightly, leading Tang San and the two of them towards the palace.

Facing his enemy, Tang San couldn't wait to take advantage of the opponent's back to kill him with one blow.

But in the end, reason prevailed over impulse. This is an important area of ​​the imperial palace. Once he is assassinated, he may be endlessly hunted by the Tiandou Empire in the future.

Soon after, Xuexing took them to a separate courtyard in the palace.

This is not Xue Ye's palace, but a place where Xue Beng is banned.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Tang San sensed something was wrong and immediately became vigilant.

Xue Ye was seriously ill in bed, and there must be many guards around him. And here, it seems quite deserted, with no trace of the snowy night.

Xuexing didn't speak in a hurry, but looked behind him for a while. Seeing that no one noticed this, he pushed open the door of the house and motioned for Tang San and the Fourth Elder to enter.

Just as Tang San was hesitating, the fourth elder slowly said: "Go in."

With the strength of the fourth elder, if the other party sets an ambush, he will definitely notice it. After hearing this, Tang San no longer hesitated and followed the fourth elder into the house.

The decoration in the house is not luxurious, and the only valuable thing is probably these seats made of precious wood.

As soon as he sat down, Xue Beng's figure walked out from behind the screen on the side.

"Fourth Elder." Xue Beng bowed and saluted.

Tang San raised his eyebrows. He never expected that Xue Beng would actually know the Fourth Elder.

The Fourth Elder spoke slowly: "Prince Xue Beng, the letter you asked Yue Hua to send. Is the content above true?"

The master of Yuexuan Pavilion is the sister of the master of Haotian Sect. Xuexing learned about this by accident.

Initially, because of what happened at Tiandou Royal Academy, Xue Beng was arranged to study at Yuexuan. After Xuexing was lifted from confinement, he immediately went to Yuexuan to visit Xue Beng. By chance, he overheard the conversation between Tang Yuehua and Haotian Sect disciples.

He has kept silent about this matter. He knows that this secret is his talisman at critical moments.

Until he was suddenly called into the palace a few days ago and was placed under house arrest in the palace. He realized that something was wrong and quickly sent the letter to Tang Yuehua through some channels.

The Haotian Sect originally planned to let the fourth elder sneak into the palace quietly, but it just happened that under Ning Fengzhi's instruction, Tang San informed Tang Yuehua about Xue Ye's treatment. In the end, it evolved into Tang San and the fourth elder working together. Enter the palace.

However, the fourth elder always remained skeptical about what Xue Beng and Xue Xing told them in their letters.

"Fourth Elder, what on earth is going on?" Tang San asked quickly.

The fourth elder had no intention of explaining.

Seeing this, Xue Xing said: "Tang San, some things are not what you think. Xue Qinghe is not as glamorous as it appears. If the emperor's brother dies, this king and Ben'er will immediately die from Xue Qinghe's death. Poisonous hand."

Upon hearing that it was a power struggle, Tang San immediately lost interest. Before coming, Yu Xiaogang told him not to get into a struggle for imperial power, otherwise it would only bring trouble to himself.

Xue Beng hurriedly explained: "The soldiers in the palace do not belong to the Tiandou Empire at all. These people are soul masters transferred by Xue Qinghe. There are even strong men from the Spirit Hall in the palace."

"Martial Spirit Hall!" The fourth elder and Tang San frowned after hearing this.

The people from Wuhun Palace appeared here. I am afraid that their purpose is to take advantage of the change of power in the empire to further control the Tiandou Empire.

Seeing the effect, Xue Xing continued: "The strong man from Wuhun Palace was brought by Xue Qinghe. It is very likely that he has secretly taken refuge in Wuhun Palace. It is not even ruled out that he is a fake person sent by Wuhun Palace. ”

"Xue Qinghe's behavior has been very abnormal in these years. I should have known how a mediocre prince could suddenly show outstanding political talent overnight."

Xuexing's words were a bit shocking, and Tang San found it difficult to accept them for a moment. He said, "If I can rescue your majesty, all these issues can be decided by your majesty."

Xue Xing smiled bitterly and said: "In the past, I and Beng'er did make some bad moves due to the pressure from Xue Qinghe. But you have to believe that since Xue Qinghe dared to blatantly lead the strong men from Wuhun Palace, He must be confident when entering the palace."

"Your Highness, what do you want? How can our Haotian Sect benefit from this?" the fourth elder said calmly.

The Haotian Sect will not remain closed forever. Sooner or later, they will leave the sect and take revenge on the Spirit Hall. But it is obviously not a wise move for just one of their sects to seek revenge on Wuhun Palace. It was also their idea to unite the Tiandou Empire.

Moreover, after the war is over, Haotian Sect will definitely regain its original industry. If they support Xue Beng to come to power, they will be able to capture the market share of the original Qibao Glazed Sect in the future.

Xue Xing bowed and said: "I hope that you can expose Xue Qinghe's true colors, and it is best to get him out of the palace."

Xue Beng said quickly: "If I can ascend the throne, I can worship the leader of your sect as the national advisor, and your sect will always be a strategic partner of the Tiandou Empire, and the empire will provide policy support for your sect."

As he said that, he quickly knelt down in front of the fourth elder, "If the fourth elder does not give up, I am willing to worship the fourth elder as my teacher. I only hope that the fourth elder can save the Tiandou Empire from water and fire."

This time, he did not choose to become Tang San's disciple.

In the original time and space, Tang San was not only the sect leader of the Tang Sect, but also a peerless genius with a hundred thousand year spirit ring in his hand. Xue Beng and Xue Ye were naturally willing to bet on such a future strong man.

But today is different from the past. Now Tang San is just a disciple of the Haotian Sect, and he has once been in the prison of Wuhun Palace. After all, Xue Beng wanted to ascend to the throne, and he would never choose Tang San like this.

The Fourth Elder is a powerful Titled Douluo. If he can be accepted as his disciple, the connection between the Tiandou Empire and the Haotian Sect will only become deeper in the future.

"Your Highness, I will bring your demands back to the sect truthfully. As for becoming a disciple, we will discuss it later." The fourth elder will not easily agree to the other party's demands.

Xue Xing naturally understood what the other party wanted, and he said: "Please also ask the fourth elder to help our uncle and nephew clear the river of snow."

Once Xue Beng loses his competitiveness for the throne, their uncle and nephew will be completely abandoned. By that time, the sky and the sky will really not respond, and the earth and the earth will not work.

The heir to the throne has not yet been established, and they only have this chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Don't worry, if Xue Qinghe is really involved with Wuhun Palace, he will definitely not be able to inherit the throne." The fourth elder said with a fierce look on his face.

After receiving a positive answer, Xue Xing quickly led people to Xue Ye's bedroom.

In front of the gate, there are layers of guards here, and Xue Qinghe has been waiting here for a long time.

"Uncle Emperor, where have you taken Tang San? If the time for treatment is delayed, I will not let you go."

Xuexing quickly explained: "Emperor's nephew, I informed these two of the emperor's condition on the way. I think they will be able to make a better judgment when they see the emperor."

"Your Highness, we meet again." Tang San bowed slightly and said politely.

He still didn't believe that the gentle Xue Qinghe would have something to do with Wuhun Palace. Moreover, he didn't have a good impression of Xuexing's uncle and nephew. Even if Xuexing explained that they had no choice but to do so, Qin Ming's death had become a fact. No matter how Xuexing explained it, it would be pale and feeble.

"Tang San, you go in and see your father first." Xue Qinghe sighed and stepped aside.

Xuexing knew that the other party would not let him in, so before Tang San entered the palace, he winked quickly.

All this was seen by Xue Qinghe. Moreover, he already knew Xuexing's plan.

Under the leadership of Xue Qinghe, Tang San and the Fourth Elder saw Xue Ye on the hospital bed without any hindrance.

"Father, you must hold on. Big brother has already gone to the doctor. You will definitely get better." Princess Xueke half-knelt in front of the bed, already crying into tears.

"Imperial sister, let's go out first. Just leave this place to Tang San." Xue Qinghe patted her back gently, took her hand, and stepped aside.

"Tang San, please save my father." Xue Ke said with tears in her eyes.

Tang San nodded slightly, without saying anything, and quickly came to Xue Ye's bed.

He slowly opened the quilt, and just as he was about to feel Xue Ye's pulse, he was surprised to find that there was a silent sleeve arrow in Xue Ye's hand. Before he could speak, the sleeve arrow was fired by an invisible force and penetrated Xue Ye's body.

The blood-stained sleeve arrow was finally nailed to the wall of the palace.

"Father!" Xue Ke's eyes widened, and his body went limp and fell one after another.

Xue Qinghe quickly supported her with quick eyes and hands, and then said angrily: "Tang San, you dare to assassinate my father and say who sent you here. Is it Yuexuan!"

Tang San stood up slowly, the situation in front of him was completely unexpected.

Even the fourth elder beside him didn't notice the existence of Xiujian when the quilt was lifted.

The arrow was shot from a very tricky position, piercing Xue Ye's heart and exiting from the chest. Even if the gods came at this moment, Xue Ye would not be saved.

The most important thing is that this silent sleeve arrow is Tang San's masterpiece.

"Your Majesty, this sleeve arrow was placed in Your Majesty's hand. It fired as soon as I lifted the quilt. This was not my doing." Tang San explained hurriedly.

Xue Qinghe sneered: "Tang San, since you didn't do it, then cooperate with the investigation. Someone, check Tang San carefully!"

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