In the next few days, there was no movement from Tang San and his party.

The disputes between the various forces on the mainland also temporarily fell into a truce due to the destruction of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

During this period, many people speculated that the culprit behind the elimination of the two major sects was the Wuhun Palace. But the civilians living near Tiandou City strongly refuted this view.

Quite simply, they found no trace of Wuhundian soldiers before or after the incident. Of course, they are not speaking for Wuhun Palace.

Once it is confirmed that Wuhundian's troops have appeared in the place where they lived, they will be tantamount to treason.

Eventually, those discussing the matter split into three groups. One group of people believed that this was the work of the Wuhun Palace, while the other group of people believed that this was the work of the hidden forces on the mainland.

Some even believe that the Canaan Chamber of Commerce benefited the most after the Qibao Glazed Sect was destroyed, and it was the Qibao Glazed Sect that they attacked. However, this argument does not hold water.

The Canaan Chamber of Commerce did not experience large-scale attrition, and the top management of Canaan City was not injured. It is completely inconsistent with the hypothesis that they attacked the Qibao Glazed Sect!

No matter how the people speculate, the official Tiandou Empire has no intention of explaining the outcome.

The imperial palace located in Tiandou City is still under martial law. There is no way for the outside world to know whether Xue Ye has died.

In Han Yu's office.

"Little monster, I have been guarding outside the city that night. Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo did not leave the city. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect disciples who escaped with him are still in the city. I suspect that they are hiding somewhere in the city. Department." Dugu Bohui reported.

As the saying goes, beating a drowned dog. Back then, the Qibao Glazed Sect relied on its huge size to bully the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. Today, Dugu Bo wants to get all the debt back in one fell swoop.

Han Yu waved his hand, indicating that he did not need to worry, "The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is no longer in power, old monster, why do you need to kill them all?"

Dugu Bo said with determination on his face: "The wildfire will not burn out, but the spring breeze will blow it again. This kind of thing must be eradicated!"

After a pause, he looked at Han Yu with a strange expression: "Little monster, you are not a soft-hearted person. Since the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has become obsolete, why don't we add some firepower and make them become a thing of the past?"

Han Yu shook his head, put down the quill in his hand, and said lightly: "The Qibao Glazed Sect still has value for existence. Now to find Ning Fengzhi will undoubtedly point the finger of destruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect at us."

Thanks to Ning Fengzhi's good face, otherwise Han Yu would be busy if he knew that he could not take revenge on Wuhun Palace and instead pointed the finger at Canaan City.

Dugu Bo didn't know Han Yu's next plan. If not for other arrangements, this moment would undoubtedly be the perfect time to completely eliminate the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Although Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo have not died, very few people on the mainland know that they are still alive. Kill them in a hidden place and no one will be suspicious.

"Okay little monster, I'm old and don't see things from the same perspective as you young people." Dugu Bo smiled casually and didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Han Yu stood up, walked to him, and said with a smile: "Old monster, the life span of a titled Douluo is so long, not to mention that you still have black hair. If you say you are old, are you underestimating yourself?"

Dugu Bo said angrily: "I'm just sighing, tell me what's wrong, and I won't die of old age immediately."

After joking with each other for a while, Han Yu continued: "Old monster, keep an eye on your disciples these days. I'm afraid there will be a big change in Tiandou City, and our people should not have anything to do with it."

"I will be out on business for the next two days tomorrow, and the safety of Canaan City will be left to you."

After this soul hunting operation, many hidden forces on the mainland began to prepare for action. Some people, if they don't care about worldly affairs for a long time, will develop a desire for fame and wealth in their hearts. Once these people come to the light, a bloody storm is inevitable.

After all, Dugu Bo is a high-level official in Canaan City. He has a very thorough view of things on the mainland. "Little monster, there have been many outsiders in the city recently. These people seem to be conducting reconnaissance in the city. Don't worry, I will handle it if there is any situation." ”

"Keep an eye on it, we don't rule out that these people are here to gather information. We are the ones who benefit the most from the destruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Remember, we can't let them get the blame."

At night, the Tiandou Empire Palace.

The night before the soul hunting operation begins, Xue Qinghe will prepare chronic poison and feed it to Xue Ye to drink.

That night, Xue Ye fell seriously ill in bed and could die at any moment.

When the soul hunting operation began, countless Spirit Hall warriors who had been lurking in the Tiandou Empire for many years put on the armor of the Royal Knights and entered the palace in response to Xue Qinghe's call.

Xue Qinghe didn't want to get involved in the soul hunting operation, let alone get caught in the whirlpool. He must have thought carefully before attacking Xue Ye at this point in time.

After that, Xue Qinghe called in all the famous doctors in the Tiandou Empire, but they were all helpless about Xue Ye's condition.

Xue Ye now only has one breath left, and may die at any time.

After Han Yu entered the palace, he met Xue Qinghe in a hidden room.

"Tang Yuehua recommended Tang San to treat Xue Ye. As you know, I can't shirk this matter."

Han Yu nodded slightly, he was not surprised by this.

Xue Qinghe had an excellent reputation in Tiandou City. If he rejected Tang Yuehua's proposal, he would inevitably be accused of regicide. What's more, Xue Beng and Xue Xing are still in the palace. If such a trivial matter is made a big fuss by someone with intentions, delaying the enthronement and causing the failure of the plan, it will be troublesome.

As for why Tang San came here, I guess he was instigated by Ning Fengzhi. If they want to deal with Wuhun Palace, they must bring the Tiandou Empire into trouble.

Listening to Han Yu's explanation, Xue Qinghe nodded seriously, "Roxon, the leader of the Royal Knights, is only loyal to Xue Ye. I plan to let him have a conflict with Tang San. It would be best if both sides suffer losses."

Han Yu smiled and said: "Tang San can't come here alone, there will definitely be strong people around him. If it's someone from the Haotian Sect, that would be interesting."

He will definitely not come forward in this matter. The purpose of his coming here is to wait for the turmoil tomorrow and take the opportunity to sneak into the Tiandou Empire's treasure house and take away the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

The treasure house itself is a huge soul guide. If you break in, the treasure house will make a huge noise. The key to the treasure house is still in Xue Ye's hands. Moreover, there are many dead soldiers trained by Xue Ye in the treasury. This is also the reason why Xue Qinghe is not willing to take the risk of taking away the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

Once discovered by these dead men, Xue Qinghe will definitely be in trouble.

After tomorrow, Xue Ye will definitely die. Even if these dead soldiers bring the news out, no one will pay attention to them.

At the same time, in Shrek Academy, Tang San and others sat together, discussing the next countermeasures.

Han Yu's guess was correct. It was Ning Fengzhi who suggested Tang San enter the palace to treat Xue Ye.

At present, it is not convenient for Ning Fengzhi to show up. If he wants to inform Xue Qinghe of the murderer who destroyed the Qibao Glazed Sect, he can only rely on others.

Moreover, Tang San himself was a master of poison, so it was not difficult to find out the source of the disease in Xue Ye's body and treat it. And he also wanted to use this opportunity to pull the Tiandou Empire onto his chariot.

"Mistress, this is Prince Xue Qinghe's personal token. This is His Majesty's token. If you bring these two tokens into the palace, the Royal Knights will not embarrass you." As he spoke, Ning Fengzhi handed over the two tokens. The cards were handed to Tang San.

Ning Fengzhi's only hope to rebuild the Qibao Glazed Sect was Xue Qinghe.

The Qibao Glazed Sect was destroyed, and the sect's treasure house was naturally looted by the Wuhun Palace. Now that he only has the golden soul coins left on him, it is simply unrealistic to rebuild the sect.

Moreover, the Qibao Chamber of Commerce has already become a lamb to be slaughtered after losing the protection of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

In just a few days, the Qibao Chamber of Commerce's property had been taken away.

In the original time and space, the Qibao Glazed Sect was quickly rebuilt after being attacked; Ning Fengzhi even had funds to support Tang San and had a great relationship with the Qibao Chamber of Commerce.

The Qibao Chamber of Commerce's ability to attract money is extraordinary. It only takes half a year's revenue to rebuild the devastated sect.

Now, after being attacked by the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, the Qibao Chamber of Commerce has given up 40% of its share. Moreover, this also laid the groundwork for the Qibao Chamber of Commerce to be divided up.

The previous actions of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce undoubtedly showed the world that the Qibao Chamber of Commerce was not invincible. Since the Canaan Chamber of Commerce can get a share of the pie, how can those big families hold back their temper after seeing the Qibao Glazed Sect being destroyed?

Ning Fengzhi understood that without the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, he would at least not be living in such poverty with the help of the Qibao Chamber of Commerce. The only hope for a comeback now lies with his disciples.

After Xue Qinghe ascends the throne, it will not be difficult to regain the lost share of the Qibao Chamber of Commerce with the help of the Tiandou Empire. Therefore, he paid great attention to this matter. In the past few days, he told Tang San a lot of things to pay attention to.

"Sect Master Ning, don't worry. With the old slave and young master attacking, there will be no problem," Tai Tan said.

Tang San shook his head when he heard this, "Senior Taitan, you can't enter the palace with me. Now Emperor Xueye is seriously ill, and the nerves of countless people in the Tiandou Empire are tense. You have been famous in Tiandou City for a long time, once you follow Enter the palace. I'm afraid someone will make a fuss about you and even suspect that we are planning to assassinate Emperor Xue Ye."

"What Xiaosan said makes sense, but Xiaosan, have you ever thought about it. Without a strong man to follow, once Prince Xue Xing attacks you and Xue Qinghe ignores him, what should you do?" Yu Xiaogang said with a serious face.

After all, Shrek Academy has an irreconcilable conflict with Prince Snow Star. And Xue Qinghe didn't have much to do with Tang San. If something happened, placing his hopes on others would undoubtedly make him passive.

Moreover, the interest groups within the palace are complex. Some people want Xue Ye to live, and naturally some people want Xue Ye to die. Without any knowledge, Tang San and others would inevitably offend others.

"Fengzhi, how about we stay around the palace to protect Tang San?" Gu Rong suggested.

Tang San refused: "No need, Senior Bone Douluo. My aunt has already reported the matter to the Haotian Sect. Tomorrow I will enter the palace with the Haotian Sect's four elders."

"Haotian Sect has been closed for a long time, and no one will care about the identity of the four elders. If I can get Emperor Xue Ye out of danger, with Emperor Xue Ye's cover, nothing will happen to us. But if I can't cure Xue Ye Great Emperor, with the strength of the Fourth Elder, it is not difficult to take me out of the palace."

"Xiao San, how confident are you that you can cure His Majesty?" Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but ask.

Tang San thought for a while and said, "Uncle Ning, I don't know what kind of illness your Majesty is suffering from. If he died of natural old age, even if I have extraordinary powers, it will be of no use."

"Xiao San, your Majesty's health has been getting worse and worse in recent years, and he has not improved after taking medicine. It is more likely that he has been poisoned." Ning Fengzhi said thoughtfully: "If it is poisoning, the person who poisoned him must be the person closest to your Majesty. Then You should be careful."

Ning Fengzhi already had some speculation in his mind about the person who poisoned him.

The first is Xue Qinghe. Xue Ye has already established him as the prince. As long as Xue Ye dies, there is no doubt that he will inherit the throne. But it's not difficult to think about it this way. Xue Qinghe has already gained power, and there is no need for him to take the risk of poisoning Xue Ye.

As for Snow Star and Avalanche, they also had motives for poisoning. Over the years, Xue Xing and Xue Beng have already lost power. If they continue to drag on, when Xue Qinghe takes complete control of the court, they will have no chance of making a comeback.

But if the soldiers make dangerous moves, they will not have no chance of making a comeback.

No matter who the poisoner was, Ning Fengzhi did not want to have anything to do with Xue Qinghe. Xue Qinghe is his biggest investment target, and nothing can happen to him.

Yu Xiaogang added: "No matter what, Xiao San must go through this time. It is very difficult for Qibao Glazed Sect and Haotian Sect to deal with Wuhun Palace alone. We must unite with Tiandou Empire to have a chance. Chance."

As for the Star Luo Empire, the only one among them who has any connection with it is Dai Mubai, who was expelled from the Star Luo Empire. In any case, until his brother grows up, he is not qualified to challenge Davis.

Yu Xiaogang was naturally anxious. Uniting the two empires and the two sects, such a lineup would have the greatest winning rate when facing the Spirit Hall.

"Young Master, the old slave will meet you outside the palace. One more person means one less risk after all." Tai Tan patted his chest and said.

This time, Tang San didn't refuse.

His relationship with the Fourth Elder is really average. It is still unknown whether the other party will leave him behind at the critical moment.

"Xiaosan, Uncle Gu and I will wait for you outside the palace together with the Titan clan leader." Ning Fengzhi quickly promised.

There happened to be the Qibao Glazed Sect's property outside the palace. They were waiting there without being exposed.

After explaining the business, Tang San quickly asked: "Uncle Ning, how is Rongrong doing?"

Ever since she learned that the Qibao Glazed Sect had been destroyed, Ning Rongrong had been crying all day long and even locked herself in her room for several days without eating or drinking.

Ning Rongrong was his companion, and as Tang San was Shrek's spiritual leader, he felt it was necessary to enlighten him.

Ning Fengzhi said feebly, "Hey, mistress, wait until you come back from the palace before you go see Rongrong. You might as well let her calm down first."

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