Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 194 Dai Mubai cuts off the roots (please vote for me!)

Thinking back to the original time and space, Golden Crocodile Douluo only opened his martial soul avatars one after another, and then let Tang Hao beat him the whole time.

Tianyue's actions were in sharp contrast to Jin Crocodile.

"The Clear Sky Hammer will never be able to make waves in front of Tianyue."

As Han Yu expected, Tang San tried his best, but failed to move Tian Yue even a bit.

In the end, she was trampled by her fourth soul skill, Dragon Crocodile, and was seriously injured and eliminated.

"Xiaosan, are you okay?" Liu Erlong said with a worried look on his face.

"Aunt Erlong, surrender quickly!" Tang San shouted hurriedly.

"Hey~ Xiaosan, please stop talking nonsense, I'll take you to rest." Liu Erlong sighed.

If Tang San hadn't insisted on playing one through seven, Shrek Academy would have admitted defeat.

Now, even if they are beaten one through six by the opponent, they cannot admit defeat.

If they were to be defeated by one, Shrek Academy would be in great disgrace.

"Dai Mubai, is it finally your turn?" Tianyue showed a scary smile on her lips.

Dai Mubai, who had just stepped onto the ring, suddenly felt a breeze blowing by, and an inexplicable chill came from his crotch.

"Hmph, you are already proud of yourself for being able to fight till now. I want to see how long you can last!" Dai Mubai put on a fighting stance and snorted coldly.

In the battle just now, Tang San consumed some of Tianyue's soul power.

Tianyue is more than enough to deal with Dai Mubai of the Soul Sect and suppress the martial soul.

"Game start!"

"The third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

The muscles in Dai Mubai's body expanded rapidly, and his body attributes also increased a lot.

"Tch, amplifying soul skills, I don't understand what you think." In Tianyue's eyes, amplifying soul skills are the least helpful to the beast soul master, and are not as practical as attack soul skills.

"Stop talking nonsense, the second soul skill is White Tiger Fierce Light Wave."

A milky white light ball spits out from his mouth and flies towards the opponent.

Tianyue moved lightly, relying on the body skills taught by Han Yu, and easily dodged the attack.

Then, her pair of sharp claws became extremely bright.

He squatted down slightly and attacked Dai Mubai's lower body with both claws.


Dai Mubai tightened his legs and covered his lower body with his hands. The whole action looked very funny.

Feeling the eyes around him, in order to save face, he said: "Referee, she violated the rules!"

The referee waved his hand and signaled the game to continue.

The rules of the Soul Master Competition do not say that you cannot attack the lower three lanes.

"Dai Mubai, why are you running? Watch your moves!"

"The first soul skill, golden claws!"

A claw struck, but Dai Mubai dodged one after another.

If he hadn't felt so embarrassed, he would have jumped out of the ring and admitted defeat.

But that's not possible. This game is broadcast live across the entire continent. When people from the Star Luo Empire saw his cowardly behavior, he was completely disqualified from competing for the crown prince.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower."

Seizing the opportunity, Dai Mubai staggered and turned around.

Centered on the body, countless fist-sized golden light balls are emitted.

"How dare you try your best to do the same thing!"

"The fourth soul skill, dragon-crocodile trample!"

Tianyue's right foot suddenly stomped to the ground.

The surface of the arena made of high-strength stone bricks actually developed cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a golden soul power wave centered on Tianyue's body and spread to all directions!

The golden ball of light shot by Dai Mubai was instantly annihilated in front of this soul power.


The shock wave reached Dai Mubai, who was unable to resist and was knocked to the ground.

It's now!

Tianyue quickly rushed in front of Dai Mubai, the sharp claws on her right hand glowing with cold light.

Without waiting for Dai Mubai to react, the claws quickly fell!


A long scream sounded, and a bloody piece of Dai Mubai's lower body fell down his trouser leg to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, bright red blood spilled onto the ground.

Dai Mubai's eyes widened, his body leaned back, and he fainted.

Since Shrek's people had already left, no one stepped forward to accuse Tianyue of foul play.

The referee quickly came on and checked.

"The opponent is not dead and there is no violation! Tianyue wins this game!"

Out of humanitarian concern, Han Yu sent someone to send Dai Mubai back to Shrek's camp.

Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, had already left the scene before the game started. It seemed that she had already expected what Tianyue would do.

"It's too scary." Many male contestants felt a chill in their crotches, fearing that they might also suffer from it.

"Dirty stuff." Tianyue kicked the piece of flesh and blood on the ground an unknown distance away.

In Shrek's tent, Tang San became much more awake and asked: "Tian Heng, who is going to play next?"

Yu Tianheng was stunned and thought about it in his mind, "Tang San, didn't you arrange the order of the performances? If I remember correctly, the next one will be Mubai, and then Xiaowu."

Tang San breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Xiao Wu was coming on the stage after him.

Just now, he had consumed a lot of Tianyue's soul power. When Dai Mubai comes on the stage, there is a high probability that he can eliminate his opponent. Xiao Wu is considered safe.

"What's wrong? How could Mubai be so injured?" Not long after, Flender's voice came.

"What's wrong with Mubai?" Tang San quickly got up, wanting to see what was going on.

In front of Team Shrek's camp, several staff members said: "We are only responsible for sending people here. We don't know the specific situation."

With that said, they carried Dai Mubai into the camp.

The latter's pants were covered in blood. Flanders realized that something was wrong and quickly spent money to invite a healing soul master from the camp.

"No, Xiao Wu!" Looking at Dai Mubai's miserable state, Tang San's heart tightened.

Before he could run out of the tent, Xiao Wu, who was covered in bruises and bruises, was carried in.

[Congratulations to the host, the Canaan team advanced to the competition and completed one through seven. mission completed. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you successfully defeated Team Shrek seven times. The reward is already in the system space]

Han Yu stretched, took off the soul guide ring on his hand, and stood up to welcome the hero's arrival!

"Here you go!"

In this match, Tianyue's soul power was consumed a lot.

She was a little tired, but when she saw the ring in her hand, she suddenly beamed.

"Hehe, it looks good." Putting the soul guide ring on her hand, she couldn't help but admire it.

"Hey, teacher, you didn't take away the things inside?"

"It's just a few gold soul coins. Is this a small amount of money for me, the dean?" As he said, Han Yu waved his hand, "If you want to continue watching the game, just stay here. If you don't want to watch the game, just go back and rest."

Returning to the camp, Han Yu immediately checked the rewards.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the God of Night seed (level 1 god), the God of Destruction seed (level 1 god), Sea Heart Flame, Fire Cloud Water Flame]

"Hey, two kinds of strange fire with water attributes."

However, now that we are in the military camp, it is impossible to absorb the strange fire.

As for the divine species, these two divine species are suitable for Zhu Zhuqing and Tianyue, but their current strength is obviously not enough to start the divine test.

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