"You haven't rested all night, can you do it?" Han Yu asked.

Tianyue was in a bit of a state of excitement at this time, and she didn't even have a rest all night last night!

"It's okay, let's see my performance today!" Tianyue said happily.

Han Yu threw a towel to her and said, "Don't worry, the game is in the third game, go wash your face and calm down!"

The first two games were both brutal games, so Tianyue did not wait long.

"The third match will be between the Canaan Academy team and the Shrek Academy team."

"The first ones from both sides to appear are Tianyue and Yu Tianheng!"

"Tian Yue, this person only appeared in the first qualifying match. And in that match, she defeated her opponent without even using her martial spirit. We don't know her at all, so we might not be able to deal with her." Dai Mubai thought quickly.

Tang San pondered for a moment and said: "Her strength is most likely that of a high-level soul sect. Tianheng, you must be careful."

Yu Tianheng nodded, but when he looked directly at the other person, an inexplicable fear arose in his heart.

He shook his head and didn't think much about it. He just thought he was a little nervous.

"The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit, haha, it's pretty good!" Tian Yue said with an evil smile.

Yu Tianheng himself does not have much grievances with the Canaan team, and there are many people in the Canaan team that he knows.

"Please enlighten me." After saying that, Yu Tianheng assumed a fighting posture.

"The game officially begins!"

Following the referee's order, Tianyue quickly activated her martial spirit.

A giant crocodile with a golden body appeared behind Tianyue.

The giant crocodile actually has dragon scales on its body. Upon closer inspection, the pair of sharp claws turned out to be dragon claws!

"What a terrifying martial spirit!"

Many beast spirit masters couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts when they saw the ferocious face of the Golden Dragon Crocodile.

"I didn't expect that there was a fifth soul king in Canaan Academy! But he was used to deal with Shrek in this scene." Feng Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

The strength Tang San showed yesterday is indeed worthy of careful treatment.

At this time, the team leader of the Arena Academy was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground after seeing Tianyue's martial spirit, and said incoherently, "It's actually this martial spirit. She, she, she, she, she, is that person's descendant."

At this moment, Yu Tianheng felt like he was facing this tremor from his soul, and his knees fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Asshole, how can a soul master from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family kneel down in front of others!" Yu Tianxin shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, Yu Tianheng didn't seem to hear it.

"What a terrifying martial spirit. Even I feel a little shuddered." Huo Lie looked at Han Yu unconsciously.

"The beast martial spirit is worthy of being bloodline supreme." Han Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really boring." Tianyue curled her lips and kicked Yu Tianheng off the ring.

"Third Young Master, are we still coming?" Tai Long said tremblingly.

Tang San was not a beast spirit master, so his sense of oppression against the Golden Dragon Crocodile was not that strong.

He frowned and said: "Tailong, we can't lose this battle! Even if the opponent is the Soul King, we can't back down. Tailong, you find a way to consume his soul power. Only after I go up can I have a chance to eliminate him!" "

Yu Tianheng's performance really exceeded his expectations.

Tianyue had no soul power at all, so she eliminated Yu Tianheng.

Even Dai Mubai wouldn't have performed so poorly, right?

As everyone knows, the fear of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus King against the Golden Crocodile King has long been engraved in his bones, and it’s not Yu Tianheng’s fault. If it were Yu Tianxin, his situation wouldn't be much better.

After Yu Tianheng came back, he simply said hello and returned to the camp.

In this scene, he was really embarrassed.

"The second game, Tailong versus Tianyue."

"Silly gorilla, get out of here by yourself, or should I help you?" Tianyue smiled playfully.

She herself didn't expect that she could eliminate Yu Tianheng so easily.

If this is the case from now on, if you wear seven this time, it will be stable.

The key is, Shrek can't surrender yet!

I'm afraid Tang San himself didn't expect that it would be self-defeating.

"Hmph, come here. I, Tailong, even if I die in battle, I still have to complete the mission assigned by the Third Young Master!"

"The loyal dog of the Force clan is really a troublesome thing!" Han Yu frowned.

He has long wanted to take back the four major families with single attributes. But now, seeing Tailong's performance, Han Yu understood that he had no chance to regain the Li clan.

Dogs can never change their habit of eating shit!

"Then I can only ask you to disappear into the long river of time."

In four consecutive games, Tianyue eliminated her opponents without any pressure.

During this period, she only used her first soul skill once, which was even more efficient than Zhu Zhuqing who first penetrated Seven Thunder Academy.

"Tang San, it's your turn!" Tianyue hooked her hand downwards.

"Third brother, she is so strong. How about we give up?" Xiao Wu is just a rabbit. Facing Tianyue's pressure, she has long been unable to withstand it.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao San has completely defeated seven before. We can't surrender." Dai Mubai shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, he didn't want to face Tianyue. If Tang San could eliminate the opponent, that would be great.

"Xiao Wu is fine, my Clear Sky Hammer is not afraid of her!"

After saying that, Tang San jumped lightly and landed on the ring.

When the game started, Tang San did not use the Clear Sky Hammer immediately, but instead used Blue Silver Grass to hold Tian Yue back.

Immediately afterwards, the first soul ring of the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly lit up, "The first soul skill, the unparalleled power!"

The weight of the Clear Sky Hammer has increased a lot, and others cannot resist this powerful and heavy blow.

"Tang San, I don't like your Clear Sky Hammer very much!"

With one strike, the sharp claws cut off the Bluesilver Grass by its roots.

The third soul ring at Tianyue's feet suddenly lit up.

"The third soul skill, tearing blow!"

The extremely sharp claws swung this attack.

The power of this attack cannot be underestimated. Even hard granite will be torn into pieces in an instant under these sharp claws.


There was a harsh metal collision sound, and Tianyue's sharp claws caught Tang San's blow.

Not only that, she even left deep claw marks on the Clear Sky Hammer!

"How is that possible? What kind of martial spirit is this!"

Tang San was startled, not daring to entangle with him, and retreated quickly.

"The second soul skill, the power of gold!" Tianyue's metallic ability was improved again.

A golden light flashed on the sharp claws!

"This is the Golden Crocodile King with dragon scales. She is the descendant of that old guy, but why did she appear in Canaan Academy?" Gu Rong recognized this martial spirit at the VIP table.

"Uncle Gu, what kind of martial spirit is this? Why have I never heard of it?" Ning Fengzhi asked hurriedly.

Gu Rong sighed, "This matter has to start decades ago. Feng Zhi, I can only say that the decline of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is related to this martial spirit! If that old guy is still alive, his strength I’m afraid it’s far better than me and the old swordsman!”

Secretly, Tang Hao was naturally paying attention to this game.

He himself wanted to kill Tianyue, but he didn't dare to bet on whether the golden crocodile old man was hiding around.

After all, he only has level ninety-five soul power now, and is far from being a match for Golden Crocodile Douluo.

"Tang San, the Clear Sky Hammer is nothing more than that!"

"Don't be too happy too early!"

Tang San wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the first and third spirit rings under his feet lit up at the same time.

"The third soul skill is Haotian's Shock; the first soul skill is the unparalleled power!"

For a time, the power of the Clear Sky Hammer increased again!

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