Tang Hao kidnapped Ye Tianxin and then released him, which was nothing more than achieving his goal.

The only thing Ye Tianxin could do to help him was to treat his injuries.

"It seems that this rat has no motive." Han Yu smiled inwardly.

Soon, the two returned to Canaan College. The team looking for someone was also called back by Han Yu.

"Child, call your dean here quickly. I came here specifically to see him!" Ye Tianxin sat on the chair in the dean's office and said angrily.

This is normal. After all, he came all the way and no one picked him up, but he still did this.

Han Yu didn't dare to admit his identity. He didn't have any masochistic tendencies. It was not a pleasant feeling to be pointed at and scolded.

Soon, he called Ye Lingling.

"Lingling, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are already the Soul King." Ye Tianxin stood up and said with surprise on his face.

"Teacher Han, where did you pick up grandpa?" Ye Lingling couldn't help but ask, looking at Ye Tianxin's embarrassed look.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Han, what do you call Han?" Ye Tianxin walked up to Han Yu and looked at him carefully.

Ye Lingling lowered his head and said shyly, "Grandpa, he is Han Yu."

"What!" Ye Tianxin's voice rose a little higher.

Seeing this, Han Yu unconsciously took a step back.

The old man in front of me didn't have any good words. He had said a lot of swear words along the way.

"Hey, he turns out to be a virtuous son-in-law. Why didn't you say anything just now? I have no other intentions." Ye Tianxin grabbed Han Yu's hand and said with satisfaction.

The youngest dean of the advanced soul master academy, the youngest soul emperor and soul douluo in the mainland, how could Ye Tianxin be dissatisfied when such titles appeared on one person.

At the beginning, when he asked Ye Lingling to study at Tiandou Royal Academy, wasn't his purpose just to find a good husband? Unexpectedly, the task was exceeded.

"Son-in-law, please stop standing. Sit down quickly. Sit down quickly."

Han Yu laughed dryly, and the old man turned his face faster than turning the page in a book.

"Grandpa, what's going on!"

"Hey~ it's a long story."

After some explanations, Ye Lingling finally knew what happened to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, it's not Teacher Han's fault, I forgot to mention it." Ye Lingling said a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Ye Tianxin said angrily: "Looking at the good things you have done, I almost misunderstood the good son-in-law."

After a pause, Han Yu quickly took out the gift he had prepared in advance, "Senior, this is the gift I prepared for you. As long as you wear it by your side for a long time, it will have the effect of prolonging your life."

The gift Han Yu prepared was a crutch that looked like a medicinal material.

That's right, this is made of the Yanzi Fire of Creatures.

Ye Tianxin could tell the clues at a glance, "The good son-in-law is really interested. This crutch actually has the breath of life. Haha, I'm not welcome!"

"By the way, dear son-in-law, when are you and Lingling going to get married?"

Ye Lingling and the other two were startled and quickly explained: "Grandpa, the Soul Master Competition is not over yet. Besides, I still have to practice, and Teacher Han also has college affairs to deal with, so there is no rush."

Ye Tianxin snorted coldly: "Huh, there's no rush. I married your grandma when I was fifteen."

Helplessly, Han Yu gave up Ye Tianxin's thoughts after some explanations.

"Senior, there are many healing Blue Silver Grass soul masters across the continent. You can rest now. If you don't mind, just stay here with me."

Ye Tianxin had naturally heard of the Bluesilver Grass cultivation theory.

The most important thing is that the author who proposed this theory is his grandson-in-law.

"What a good son-in-law, I will definitely do my part in the family's property. In this way, I will be your name from now on and just be a teacher."

"Hey~ I have been running around for so many years, and I finally have a place to stay."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Han Yu took the lead in leaving the dean's office.

Ye Tianxin said earnestly: "My good granddaughter, you should be careful with such a husband. Grandpa, I have been here before. Such an outstanding person has never been short of beauties around him. But you can't take it too seriously, things will turn to their extremes."

Ye Lingling said angrily: "Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

The following days were somewhat calmer. The teams participating in the promotion competition also arrived in Tiandou City one after another.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Tianxin opened a small clinic in Canaan City, and he would go there for consultations in his spare time.

In the meeting hall of Qibao Glazed Sect.

After learning that Ye Tianxin appeared in Canaan City, Ning Fengzhi and others could not sit still.

"This old guy is shameless. When Fengzhi personally invited him to join our Qibao Glazed Sect, he actually refused. Now he went to Canaan City to open a clinic, which makes it clear that it was Han Yu's fault!" Gu Rong said angrily.

Ye Tianxin, who is at level 83, is the number one auxiliary soul master in the mainland.

Now that he has joined Han Yu's force, his future will be great.

Moreover, there were quite a few powerful people on the mainland who owed Ye Tianxin favors.

"Fengzhi, do you want me to take action?" Chen Xin took the initiative.

The appearance of Ye Tianxin is likely to shake the foundation of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Even if it is a dusty heart, it has to be treated with caution.

Ning Fengzhi was not in a hurry to express his position, "Uncle Jian, I think Han Yu's ambition should be more than just building an academy."

"Fengzhi, isn't it obvious that he wants to build a new city. I don't understand why Xue Qinghe would agree to him. Once Canaan City is built, it is not impossible to become the fourth largest city in the mainland with such a scale."

"Fengzhi, what do you mean, we can settle in Canaan City?" Chen Xin thought for a while and said.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "Yes, Canaan City will eventually have people to live in. Most of the refugees near Tiandou City have already settled in, and there are still many redundant houses in the city. I think it may not be feasible for some Qibao Glazed Sect disciples to live there. Not feasible."

"Fengzhi, these are two different things. How to solve Ye Tianxin's matter?" Gu Rong said anxiously.

"Uncle Bones, the top priority is the Soul Master Competition, and the championship reward is the top priority. As for Canaan City, Uncle Bones, please send some disciples there first."

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi smiled confidently: "Uncle Gu, if Canaan City is controlled by our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, do you think it is necessary for a mere Ye Tianxin to care about him?"

Hearing this, Gu Rong laughed out loud, "Haha, I didn't expect you to think of this level, Feng Zhi. However, we have to send some outer disciples to find out the news first. If Han Yu blows people away, we will make a long-term plan. ”

"Let the new disciples who have joined the sect in the past two years go. Tell them to keep a low profile and never mention the name of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

After a month, the promotion competition is finally about to begin.

In this month, except for the two substitutes and Zhu Dazhi, everyone in the Canaan team has practiced Xuantian Kung to the basic level.

"Wonderful son-in-law, Zhu Dazhi's knowledge is too short and a bit clumsy." Ye Tianxin said.

"Don't blame him, he is a child from a civilian family after all. Besides, he is also very hardworking in cultivation."

The most important thing is that with such a clean identity, Han Yu can safely train him to be his right-hand man in the future.

"Xian son-in-law, do you have any idea about the person who attacked me?" Ye Tianxin asked again.

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "I know who the murderer is, but it's not convenient to say now. Senior, please rest assured, I will definitely help you seek justice."

Ye Tianxin smiled with satisfaction and said, "Xian son-in-law, you are serious."

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