"Teacher, I have been practicing these days and forgot the letters from home."

Ye Lingling said anxiously: "Teacher, according to the date on the letter, my grandfather should have arrived yesterday afternoon. Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

"Your grandfather?" Han Yu was slightly startled.

Ye Lingling's grandfather is coming to Canaan College. This should be considered a meeting with his parents.

"Since your grandpa is coming, I'm going to make preparations. Have you told Grandpa You about our affairs?"

Ye Lingling nodded and said immediately: "Teacher, it's not about this. It's about my grandfather, who is never late. I'm afraid that he will be in danger on the road."

"Huh?" Han Yu was surprised and quickly took the letter from the other party's hand.

"I have heard of your grandfather's name, but I haven't heard from you in the past few days. Your grandfather appeared in Canaan City or Tiandou City."

"What should I do? Grandpa usually likes to be alone. There are no strong people around him to protect him."

Ye Lingling paced back and forth in the office with a worried look on his face.

She should have seen this letter seven days ago, but in order to practice, she actually forgot about it.

"Lingling, don't worry. I'll ask people to inquire around. I've heard a lot about your grandfather. There are many people on the mainland who have benefited from him, and no one will do anything against him."

A Contra-level healing soul master, which force wouldn't treat him like a treasure?

If he is offended, even the upper three sects will be in trouble.

Ye Lingling said with a look of despair: "Teacher, what if it's the Qibao Glazed Sect?"

Han Yu patted the other party's back and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's still possible for the Qibao Glazed Sect to rush into Canaan College and kill you, but they must not attack your grandfather."

The growing healing soul master is like the growing genius fighting soul master. No matter how big the hatred is, the party who wants revenge will usually maintain restraint.

High-level soul masters across the continent are keeping a close eye on Ye Tianxin's movements. Even the Qibao Glazed Sect did not dare to kill him.

Ye Lingling breathed a sigh of relief and fell into Han Yu's arms, "Teacher, you must save grandpa."

"Lingling, don't be so pessimistic. Maybe your grandpa saw an excellent fishing spot on the road and lost track of time."

In a cave, Tang Hao looked at the old man in front of him and said lightly: "Don't pretend to be confused when you wake up."

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me?" the old man said with a vigilant look.

He had a panoramic view of everything around him. He knew that it was completely impossible to escape from the hands of this man in black robe.

"Ye Tianxin, level 83, the number one healing Contra in the mainland, am I right?" Tang Hao said.

The injuries inside his body were so severe that only Ye Tianxin in the entire continent could save him.

In order to successfully regain the soul bone from Wuhun Palace and regain A Yin, Tang Hao knew that he would never be able to complete it while being injured.

So, he came up with Ye Tianxin's idea.

After a long period of inquiry, he finally determined Ye Tianxin's location.

But after all, he was expelled from the Haotian Sect, and the Wuhun Palace wanted him again. If he showed his true identity to others, who knows if Ye Tianxin would betray him.

Ye Tianxin half-threatened: "Who are you and what do you want to do? The number of strong men I have saved is not even a thousand but also eight hundred. Aren't you afraid of retaliation?"

"Retaliation?" Tang Hao sneered: "There are only a handful of people in this world who can beat me. So, who are you looking for to take revenge on me?"

After Ye Tianxin heard this, his heart sank.

He never thought that he would be kidnapped when he just came here to see his granddaughter.

The person in front of me was obviously not trying to steal money. If you wanted to take his life, you would have done it as soon as possible and wouldn't have delayed it until now.

"You were injured, and you have a special status, so you kidnapped me?"

"Yes, as long as you heal my injuries, then I can let you go!"

Ye Tianxin sneered, "In that case, you can untie me first, and I will treat you later."

He is only an auxiliary soul master and has no combat effectiveness. If he was careful in front of Tang Hao, he might not be dissatisfied with his longevity.

However, he was not satisfied with the other party's actions. After it was safe, he would definitely investigate the other party's identity!

"Yes. But I will say something ugly first. If you see my face, or have other thoughts, this will be your burial place."

"I naturally know the current affairs!" Ye Tianxin snorted coldly.

Tang Hao didn't waste any time and immediately untied the rope.

Ye Tianxin moved his hands and feet for a while before activating his martial spirit.

After a while, Ye Tianxin wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Your injury has healed, but you should not fight with others for a short period of time."

The doctor was kind-hearted, and the Tang Hao in front of him was his patient after all. As usual, he gave the doctor's orders.

Tang Hao felt it for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, the powerful soul power fluctuation instantly knocked Ye Tianxin unconscious.

"You dare to point fingers at my Tang family, old man, I think you are tired of living!"

For two days, Han Yu only discovered that the carriage Ye Tianxin was riding in lost control and rushed into Canaan City.

But Ye Tianxin himself was not among them.

Knowing that the other party might be in danger, Han Yu quickly mobilized the people in the city to search nearby.

He did not tell Ye Lingling about this matter, for fear that the latter would be worried.

"Dean Han, I felt the remaining traces of soul power ten miles away in the east of the city. I'm afraid someone is secretly attacking him." Litian said in a deep voice.

"Did Sword Bone Douluo do it?" Han Yu asked.

Litian shook his head, "I can detect Sword Bone Douluo's aura, but someone else did it."

Han Yu frowned and said, "Dean Litian, thank you for your hard work. You should rest early. I will find the rest myself."

With that said, he rushed towards the location Litian said.

The scene of the first crime often contains many clues. Besides, Ye Tianxin was also his great-father-in-law, so he had to find someone both emotionally and rationally.

When he arrived at the place, Han Yu simply spread out his senses and searched nearby.

Soon, the figures moving in the dark night attracted his attention.

"I'm so angry. I'm so angry. You'd better not let me catch you!" Ye Tianxin cursed, leaning on his crutches.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound all around.


"I am from Canaan College, my senior is Ye Tianxin?" The person who came was none other than Han Yu.

"Finally, we meet someone. That bastard Han Yu reminds me of me." Ye Tianxin looked at the person's attire and thought he was a student from Canaan College.

"Senior, what happened to you on the road? Why are you here?"

Ye Tianxin cursed and said: "Damn, a dead rat with a Titled Douluo level has tricked me, this son of a bitch"

Han Yu did not answer his words, but analyzed who kidnapped him.

"Senior, are you sure you are a Titled Douluo?"

Ye Tianxin was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, "I'm not a titled Douluo, but I don't have the guts!"

The identity of the kidnapper is about to come out.

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