Han Yu had a good impression of Sun Buyu. There was no doubt about the latter's teaching level, and Han Yu would not leave an experienced teacher alone.

"Thank you, Dean Han. I will do my best in the future to bring the teaching quality of the college to a higher level." Sun Buyu quickly promised.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Originally, I planned to lead the academy team myself. But now it seems that I probably don't have time. Teacher Sun, since you and I are acquaintances, I will leave the affairs of the academy team to you."

Sun Buyu was flattered and said, "Can I really do that?"

Han Yu smiled and nodded.

The main thing is that he is not very relieved about the teacher from Wuhun Palace. Moreover, Sun Buyu himself is the teacher of Zhu Zhuqing and Lingxiao, so it is easier for everyone to accept him as the team leader.

"I will arrange the teaching tasks. Teacher Sun, just lead the team according to the plan. As for other subjects, other teachers will teach them."

Hearing this, Sun Buyu felt relieved.

Then, he said with some embarrassment: "Well, Dean Han, my lover, Teacher Huang. Her current soul power is level 49, which has not yet reached the college's teacher standard, but she will soon be promoted to level 50. College Long, let’s see if we can.”

"Teacher Huang?" Han Yu's mouth twitched.

He really couldn't figure it out that these two people were actually husband and wife. Many people in Tiandou Royal Academy knew that Sun Buyu was looking for a girlfriend. The same goes for Teacher Huang. She has a lot of hookups outside.

How did these two people get together?

Of course, anyone who interacts with the two of them is consensual, and there are no unspoken rules.

Han Yu said: "Yes, but your and Teacher Huang's usual hobbies should not appear in Canaan College. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to be the dean. Of course, if you perform well, there will be a lot of resources in the college."

"Don't worry, Dean Han, we will strictly follow your instructions." Sun Buyu quickly assured.

After he left, Dugu Bo finally spoke, "Little monster, are you sure there's nothing wrong with this couple?"

Han Yu smiled and said: "They have been working in the Royal Academy for so many years and have not been reported by anyone, which proves their ability. That's it. The rest of the people, old monster, help keep an eye on them. I'll leave first. "

According to Qian Renxue's original explanation, Golden Crocodile Douluo will arrive in Tiandou City tonight. He has to arrange some things in advance and cannot stay here longer.

"Okay, little monster, you go and do your work first."

That night, under the arrangement of the Tiandou City Spirit Temple, Han Yu met the three descendants of Golden Crocodile Douluo at a hotel in Tiandou City.

"Second brother, Dean Tianchen, why are you all here?" Han Yu asked with a smile.

Jin Crocodile took Han Yu's hand, with an undisguised smile on his face, "Haha, Dean Han, I came here specifically to thank you. With your help, that brat Tianchen has now exceeded ninety Level two, officially entering the ranks of Titled Douluo.”

After a pause, he pointed at Tianyue, "This is my granddaughter Tianyue. You should have seen her in the Star Dou Forest that day."

Han Yu nodded and immediately acted like a big brother, "How are you, little Yue'er."

"I'm not young anymore, I'm twelve years old this year." Tianyue put on a fierce look.

However, after Tianchen kicked her, she immediately became honest.

"Yue'er, what are you talking about? Dean Han is the eighth person appointed by the Grand Priest, and the evolution of your martial soul is all due to Dean Han. How do I teach you? This is your attitude towards your benefactor. ? "Tianchen hates that iron can't make steel.

Tianyue lowered her head and muttered quietly.

"Haha, Dean Han, Yue'er is spoiled by me, don't take it to heart." After saying that, Jin Crocodile quickly pulled Han Yu to sit down.

After all, Jin Crocodile is the veteran of Wuhun Palace. Knowing that he was coming, Bishop Salas specially prepared a sumptuous dinner. However, he himself was not qualified to come to the scene.

"Second brother, my college is about to start school. You are here. Do you have any instructions?"

"Brother didn't say anything. Dean Han, I plan to send Yue'er to your Canaan Academy. Do you think you can give me some face and let her join the academy's team? Two years later, let her join the Soul Team. Show your face in the division competition," Jin Crocodile said with some embarrassment.

Even though Tianyue's soul power has reached level 33, in fact, her actual combat experience is better than nothing.

This time, Jin Crocodile sent her out with the intention of training her.

"Dean Han, if Yue'er is disobedient, you can teach her how you want." Tianchen added.

"Dad, Grandpa, I'm practicing well at home, why did you kick me out?" Tianyue said with a look of resentment.

Seeing this, Han Yu said: "I have no problem, but it depends on her own wishes. As for the team, I can let her be a substitute first. If her performance is outstanding enough, she can become a substitute in the future. Main players."

"Really?" Tianyue suddenly smiled, "It looks like fun to participate in the Soul Master Competition. Grandpa, then I will reluctantly stay in Canaan Academy."

She also has her own little calculations. For example, she really dislikes Hu Liena's little fox. Since Han Yu agreed, she could teach this fox a lesson in the soul master competition.

"Haha." Jin Crocodile looked at Han Yu with some embarrassment.

Speaking of which, Tianyue's behavior is indeed a bit childish.

Zhu Zhuqing was the same age as her, but if they were compared, they would be like heaven and earth.

"Tianchen, please take Yue'er out first. I have something to tell Dean Han."

"Okay father. Yue'er, let's go first. Don't disturb your grandpa from doing business."

"Dad, you are so cowardly. No matter what grandpa says, you don't dare to refute it." Tianyue said with disdain.

Tianchen was not annoyed either. A whip appeared in his hand at some point.

When Tianyue saw this, she immediately became honest.

"Dean Han, don't let Yue'er go to the territory of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. It's best not to let their people know about Yue'er's martial spirit." Jin Crocodile said in a deep voice.

Qian Renxue had told him about this before, but Han Yu had no idea what it meant.

Jin Crocodile explained: "Huh, decades ago, I fought against the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. At that time, their sect leader seemed to be called Yu Baxian, a peak level ninety-seven Douluo. In that battle, I fought him After a long time, their leader was finally killed by me, and I was forced to retreat due to his injuries."

"Later, the elder brother came forward and the matter was settled."

Speaking of this, Jin Crocodile said angrily: "If Big Brother hadn't stopped them at the beginning, they would have been wiped out long ago. There won't be so much nonsense in the future!"

Han Yu nodded.

If the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was really wiped out at that time, Bibi Dong would not let Qian Xunji go down the wrong path because of Yu Xiaogang.

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