"No one is allowed to approach the Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower without my permission. Anyone who violates this will be responsible for the consequences." After giving the explanation, Han Yu flew away from the academy.

"Oh my God, is this Mr. Han a Titled Douluo?"

"Stop talking about it. Pass on what Mr. Han told you as soon as possible. If you violate it, don't work with me in the future." The construction team leader said with a serious face.

Their duty is to build houses according to the drawings. As for the use of these buildings, that is not their concern.

The college was about to start, and Han Yu quickly arranged for Ye Lingling and others to enter the college.

Looking at the huge dormitory area, Ye Lingling and others were stunned on the spot.

"You came here in advance to enroll. You can choose which room you want first. Otherwise, in a few days, you will have to wait for the unified arrangement of the college." Han Yu said with a smile.

His residence is a villa with a garden. In terms of luxury, it is naturally far superior to the student dormitory. Of course, the environment of teachers’ apartments is better than that of student dormitories.

"Teacher Han, why don't you give me a recommendation? In the past, we were all assigned dormitories by the college. Now we are asked to choose by ourselves, and we don't know how to choose." Dugu Yan said.

"Then let's take the first floor. The five of you are all members of the academy team, and training will be more frequent than ordinary students. If you choose the first floor, there is no need to climb up and down. It is relatively easier. Of course, don't be too happy. Morning, if there are better students in the academy and your cultivation attitude is not correct, you may be eliminated at any time, you understand!"

Han Yu's words suddenly made them feel a sense of urgency.

"The construction team will all leave the academy tomorrow. From tomorrow until the start of school, you can go to any mimicry training ground, and no one will fight with you. As for the Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower in the middle of the academy, you should not go there for the time being. ”

Ye Lingling and others agreed, and immediately they began to choose dormitories.

The dormitory is for two people, and there is only one boy in the team, Zhu Dazhi. It is very likely that a roommate will move into his dormitory in the future.

Seeing that they had all chosen a place to live, Han Yu hurried back to the dean's office.

There was a long queue in front of his office early this morning.

These people have soul power levels above level 50, and they are all here for interviews.

After hearing that Dugu Bo had joined Canaan College, there were indeed many more applicants. Many of these came because of the title Douluo's name.

On the mainland, the number of Titled Douluo is extremely rare, and the ratio of powerful Soul Douluo to Titled Douluo is less than ten to one.

Excluding those powerful men who are hiding in the world, there are only ten titled Douluo who are still showing up.

Dugubo had been waiting in the office early.

Yesterday, Xue Ye officially announced that Han Yu and Dugu Bo were appointed as deans of Canaan College. As honorary deans, Dugu Bo also had to personally control the recruitment of teachers.

"Little monster, you're finally here. I interviewed two people just now, and it's hard to explain." Dugu Bo was furious at the two interviewers ahead of him.

Han Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, the teachers and students from Wuhun Palace will probably arrive the day after tomorrow. The academy will not be short of teachers in a short period of time, so we try to recruit as many capable people as possible, and we don't want to be just trying to fill up the numbers. ”

"That's fine, I'll check it myself."

As the door to the dean's office opened again, the three interviewers walked in at the same time.

The appearance of these three people is extremely vulgar, and they cannot pass just by looking at their faces.

The teacher's ability is one thing, but appearance is also very important.

If female students see these three people, they should not call them hooligans.

However, Han Yu did not intend to reject them directly, but wanted to hear what they had to say.

"Three of you, why don't you introduce me?"

"My name is Bu Le."

"I'm Goose Kao."

"My name is Tianya."

Poof~ Han Yu spat out all the water he just drank.

Dugu Bo didn't know why, so he sent a message and asked: "Little monster, is there any problem?"

"This is a big problem." Han Yu frowned.

If he remembered correctly, these three guys were famous flower-picking thieves. If they were to become teachers in the academy, it would be a wolf in the sheep's den.

"Old monster, help me keep an eye on them. If they dare to enter the academy privately in the future, we will kill them without mercy!"

After a pause, Han Yu said: "Three of you, if I remember correctly, Bu Le was once tied up in front of the Wuhun Palace in Sotuo City for public display."

Hearing this, Bu Le's face darkened.

He thought that no one would know about his affairs in Soto City, but he didn't expect that Han Yu in front of him would actually know.

He was shocked, and he had already begun to think about retreating.

However, his two companions Tianya and Ekao still refused to give up.

"Dean Han, we don't know Bu Le, can we become teachers in the college?"

"Three of you, Wuhun Hall has reported your matter to this dean. Please come back. If this dean finds out and you enter the academy without permission, then don't blame this dean for being rude."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dugu Bo stood up with a serious face. Nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black suddenly appeared at his feet.

"Your Majesty, please spare your life, we are leaving now."

In a flash, the three of them disappeared.

"Little monster, are these three guys?"

Han Yu nodded, "It's just what you thought, just three lewd thieves."

After speaking, he held his forehead. At the beginning, they were just a bunch of scum, and it is estimated that not many people would be interested in him this time.

As expected, the person in the next round of interviews was a complete jerk.

Han Yu even suspected that he was from the acrobatic troupe.

Until the evening, Han Yu had not recruited a suitable person.

"Little monster, you don't have to work too hard. When the college becomes famous in the future, there will naturally be suitable people." Dugu Bo patted Han Yu on the shoulder, with some comfort in his words.

He watched the entire recruitment process. He even suspected that a competitor was deliberately trying to mess with them.

"Old monster, how many more people are there?"

"Not much more, there are four people outside the door."

Han Yu waved his hand, and as the door opened again, another interviewer walked in.

"Teacher Sun, what are you doing here?"

The visitor was none other than Sun Buyu. What surprised Han Yu was that the treatment at Tiandou Royal Academy was much better than that here. Why would the other party want to apply here? Could it be that his personality charm is too strong?

Sun Buyu explained: "Director Han, no, no, no, Director Han. Something happened to Qin Ming and you. Aren't I afraid that I will also be targeted? I have lived a long time, and I don't want to be involved. Get involved in high-level struggles.”

In fact, he was also gambling. In Tiandou Royal Academy, he is a little transparent.

The two thighs he originally hugged left one after another, and he would not be very comfortable in the academy in the future.

It's better to go to Han Yu's new college. After all, they are acquaintances, so they have a backer.

"Now that you have thought about it, I congratulate you on joining Canaan College."

There are two chapters left, updated during the day

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