At night.

The Wuhun City Hotel was as lively as ever, and no one noticed that the Pope of Wuhun Palace was here today.

As soon as Han Yu came to the door, a girl with short hair stopped in front of him.

At first glance, I don't think she is very beautiful, but if you look closely, you can feel a strange charm from her.

"You must be the Han Yu the teacher calls you, come with me!"

The girl's voice was a little hoarse, but very calm.

She is Hu Liena. Han Yu recognized her identity.

Hu Liena didn't say a word while leading the way. In her eyes, she didn't realize how strong Han Yu was, she just thought he was a boring person who disturbed her teacher.

When you reach the top floor, the door to the private room opens automatically.

Before Han Yu could speak, a cold and forbidding breath came from the room.

For a moment, Han Yu felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he could faintly hear the roar of a fierce ghost in his ears.

"This is Bibi Dong's realm of the God of Killing!" Han Yu thought to himself.

He didn't expect Bibi Dong to take action suddenly, and was caught off guard immediately.

If it had been before, he might have needed to rely on strange fire to resist, but now.

"Exotic fire field, open!"

Glazed heat waves rose from his feet, quickly swallowing up the cold air around him, and forming a protective barrier around Han Yu.

"He actually has a field, and in the confrontation with the teacher, he was not at a disadvantage. Oh my god, he is a strong man at the same level as the teacher." Hu Liena, who was very close to Han Yu, naturally felt it clearly.

Now, she no longer had the previous contempt, and instead looked at Han Yu with some awe.

"Now that you're here, come in."

In the first confrontation, neither side took advantage.

As Bibi Dong finished speaking, Hu Liena walked in with Han Yu.

Today Bibi Dong also wore a simple long dress and sat at the dining table.

Hu Liena came and stood behind her.

"Sit down." Bibi Dong said calmly.

Han Yu sat opposite her, and even though they were some distance apart, he could still smell her fragrance.

"I am surprised that your strength has reached this level. Even I have to admire her vicious vision this time."

"It is an honor for me to be praised by His Majesty the Pope."

Bibi Dong's face suddenly turned cold, "What? You rejected my invitation and instead joined the Enshrined Hall. Now, do you want to use the name of the Enshrined Hall to show off your power here!"

Han Yu calmly picked up a bite of food and started eating.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the worship hall is more sincere."

"Really? Then do you want to see my sincerity?" Bibi Dong said with a strange smile.

Hu Liena, who was standing behind her, felt that her teacher was a little strange for a moment.

Although Han Yu could not feel the power of Rakshasa, at that moment, the strange fire in his body became alert at the same time.

The strange fire is naturally capable of restraining these evil things. Only if the Rakshasa god likes him can he be a ghost.

Han Yu is not afraid of Bibi Dong, but if they fight here, it will definitely cause heavy casualties.

"Your Majesty, this is not necessary. If you are willing to agree to allow my new college to be established, I will pay you a reward that you cannot refuse."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's face looked normal, and she said: "Tell me about your bargaining chip. Only if I am satisfied can this matter be revealed."

Han Yu nodded.

The next moment, a sunflower appeared in his palm.

"This is Tianhu Huanxin Kui. I don't need to say more about its effects."

"Teacher, I feel the desire from the martial spirit." Hu Liena suppressed the impulse in her heart and whispered in Bibi Dong's ear.

Bibi Dong turned around calmly, and there were some waves in her heart.

Anything that can connect martial souls will definitely be of great benefit to them.

The fairy grass that Han Yu has taken out so far, except that the martial spirits of Dugu Bo, Ye Lingling and Zhu Dazhi have not evolved, the chance of success in evolving the martial spirits is already more than half.

Bibi Dong made eye contact with Hu Liena and confirmed that what Hu Liena said was true.

"On other terms, I can agree to it." Bibi Dong frowned and said.

Opening another college would shake her foundation. When everyone comes to the worship hall, it will only make her more and more passive.

Han Yu reiterated: "No, I only have one condition: support the establishment of the new college and support me in becoming the dean of the new college!"

After saying that, he shook the Sky Fox Huan Xin Kui in his hand.

Hu Liena poked Bibi Dong, her eyes full of desire.

This fairy grass was specially selected by Han Yu. It was most suitable for Hu Liena's martial spirit, so she naturally couldn't resist it.

"I have only one condition. Students who graduate from the New College must accept the arrangements of the Pope's Palace!" Bibi Dong began to compromise.

She has always regarded Hu Liena as her own, and she would not miss anything that was beneficial to his cultivation!

"No, my aim is that after graduation, students can freely choose the forces they join." Han Yu emphasized.

Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this. If this were the case, in addition to losing some talented soul masters, the one who would benefit the most would be their Pope's Palace.

After all, the threshold for accepting a new member of the Consecrated Hall is very high, and they must have the potential to become a titled Douluo before they can value him.

As for the Pope's Palace, they need to be responsible for the staffing of the Spirit Palace across the continent. They want soul masters of all levels.

"One plant is too few. If you have five plants, I can promise you!"

"His Majesty the Pope, one of these rare things is rare, and within ten years, a person can only absorb one. If you want so many, with all due respect, people will explode and die!"

"Different types are fine too."

"No, five plants are too many. His Majesty the Pope, you can ask Ju Douluo, he will definitely know the value of these immortal herbs!"

Bibi Dong naturally knew that the fairy grass was valuable, but it was not that easy to get her to compromise.

Although she didn't know the function of the fairy grass, if it was used well, it could cultivate many geniuses, and they would still be loyal to her.

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "At most three plants, this is my limit, I can't get any more."

"Deal." Bibi Dong smiled slyly.

Han Yu waved his hand casually, and three fairy grasses fell into Bibi Dong's hands. He specially selected the other two fairy grasses that were suitable for Xie Yue and Yan.

Since they were all doing things for Wuhun Palace, there was no need for him to be so stingy. The layout is bigger.

Besides, without the help of the strange fire, it was hard to say whether they could defeat Ye Lingling and the others in the soul master competition.

This transaction finally came to an end with both parties making huge profits.

However, Bibi Dong still needed to communicate with Xue Ye about the opening of the new academy in the Tiandou Empire.

Now that the other party has accepted his benefits, he will naturally be able to handle this matter well.

After all, to become the Pope of Wuhun Palace, you still need to have the most basic credibility.

After Han Yu left, Bibi Dong said to Hu Liena: "Nana, don't let me down!"

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