"I agreed." With that said, Golden Crocodile Douluo snatched the sweet potato and golden dragon from Han Yu's hand.

He took it in his hand and checked it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he put it into the soul guide with satisfaction.

"Han Yu, if anything goes wrong after taking this sweet potato, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Then give it back to me!" Han Yu stretched out his hand in a begging manner.

Jin Crocodile finally understood Han Yu's shamelessness, snorted coldly, and immediately changed the subject.

"Xue'er said that you are one of the people she trusts the most. In fact, the enshrinement hall agrees with the academy matters. However, the attitude of the Pope's hall is the key to whether this matter can be completed."

He briefly explained the conflict between the Consecration Hall and the Pope's Hall.

Then, he continued: "So, I don't think you can convince Bibi Dong. You are the person who worships the temple, and you have refused Bibi Dong's solicitation! In this trip, I'm afraid you will have a hot face against a cold butt. ”

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

"If there is the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Bibi Dong's negative emotions should be purified." Han Yuxin sighed and silently prayed in his heart that this time the reward would be as he wished.

Bibi Dong is also a miserable person, and Han Yu sympathizes with her. If he could really save her, Han Yu would still be willing to save her.

"Senior, just do as you are told and leave the rest to me." Han Yu said.

"You have courage, I like you."

Seeing the hope of his granddaughter's martial soul evolving, Jin Crocodile was in a great mood and couldn't help but say a few more words.

Before leaving, he also sent someone to repair Han Yu's door.

"It seems that Qian Renxue said a lot of good things about me." He smiled in his heart, and after making sure that no one would come tonight, Han Yu sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice his soul power.

The next day, in the Papal Palace.

Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan and Ju Douluo were half-kneeling in front of Bibi Dong.

"His Majesty the Pope, Nana and the others have completed the trial, and please His Majesty the Pope grant them the title of Golden Generation!" Ju Douluo said.

"Only those who have been awarded the Purple Record Medal are qualified to become the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. Nana and the others have indeed done a good job, but it is not enough!"

The Purple Record Medal can serve as a spur to the cultivation of Hu Liena and the others. It is too early to award it now.

Bibi Dong also hopes that Hu Liena will become stronger in the future.

"His Majesty the Pope, this..." Yan is his disciple of Yueguan. If he can get the Purple Record Medal, it will be a good thing for him.

The ghost came to Bibi Dong at this time. He knelt down on one knee and reported:

"His Majesty the Pope, Golden Crocodile Douluo of the Enshrinement Hall, asked his subordinates to forward this letter to you."

Hearing this, Hu Liena hurriedly excused herself and said, "Teacher, disciple, please leave first."

After the three of them left, Bibi Dong took the letter.

After reading it, she sneered and said: "Those old guys in the Enshrinement Hall actually want to negotiate with me."

"His Majesty the Pope, do you need us to accompany you?" Ju Gui and the two asked quickly.

"No need, he's just a young boy. How can I be afraid of him? Ghost, tell Jin Crocodile that I'll be waiting for him at the Wuhun City Hotel tonight!"

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope."

The ghost moved quickly, and the golden crocodile received the message a moment later.

But this was the critical stage for Tianyue to absorb the fairy grass. Seeing that it was still a long time before night, he was not in a hurry to find Han Yu.

"Exotic fire field, open!"

Looking at the glazed field around him, Han Yu was in a very good mood.

While practicing at night, he suddenly had an insight into the realm. After constant exploration, he finally condensed the realm.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the domain, the reward for the fifth soul ring has been upgraded to one hundred thousand years! 】

[Name: Han Yu]

[Soul Power: Level 85]

[Soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple, red, red, red, red]

[Kung Fu: Burning Technique]

[Field: Strange Fire Field]

[Martial Spirit One: Fire Cloud Stick]

[Martial Soul II: Strange Fire]

"Hey, these soul ring configurations finally look better."

Having a domain means that he has officially entered the ranks of the strong.

However, he has only cultivated to the first level of the domain now. If he wants to make the domain more powerful, he still needs to work hard.

"This is the domain of the second martial spirit. Perhaps the first martial spirit can also have a domain!" Han Yu suddenly thought.

But at the moment, he doesn't have any insights. If the first martial soul reaches the ninth ring and doesn't have any insights into the realm, it will basically be considered as having no connection with the realm.

He stood up slowly and looked at the sun hanging high outside the window. He couldn't help but murmured: "It's noon, I don't know how things are going with Golden Crocodile Douluo."

He had no intention of going to the worship hall to find anyone.

Walking downstairs, he ordered some random meals.

Halfway through the meal, Golden Crocodile Douluo rushed over in a hurry.

With a wave of his hand, the waiters in the restaurant quickly started clearing the place.

"Why bother? If there is anything that cannot be said here, the place must be cleared?" Han Yu said with an unhappy expression.

"Elder Han, you have really helped me a lot." Jin Crocodile sat next to Han Yu with an excited look on his face, "Yue'er, my granddaughter, absorbed your Sweet Potato Golden Dragon. Not only did she achieve a breakthrough in soul power without any side effects, At level 30, her martial spirit has also evolved."

"Although it is not the inherited martial spirit of my family, her martial spirit is only strong but not weak."

Han Yu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and asked curiously: "What kind of martial spirit is that?"

Golden Crocodile's joy was beyond words, "It's Golden Dragon Crocodile, it's a super martial spirit!"

Above the super martial spirit is the god-level martial spirit. As for the latter, the only ones recorded on the entire continent are Qiandaoliu's Angel Martial Spirit and Bo Saixi's Poseidon Martial Spirit.

It can be said that Tianyue will definitely stand at the top of the continent in the future.

"Congratulations to Senior Jin Crocodile." Han Yu congratulated him.

Jin Crocodile chuckled and said: "What do you think of seniors? From now on, you can call me second brother. Haha, in terms of the position of the enshrinement hall, you are the eighth oldest!"

Han Yu's face tightened, "Ahem, I'd better forget about calling him Lao Ba, it's a bit nauseating."

This title is no better than Lao Liu. It's just that people here don't know, otherwise they definitely wouldn't call it that.

"I almost forgot about business. Bibi Dong promised you that she will wait for you at Wuhun City Hotel tonight. As for which private room she will be in, you will know when you get there."

"Elder Han, that woman Bibi Dong is uncertain. How about I go with you?"

Han Yu shook his head, "Second brother, you'd better take your granddaughter to hunt for souls. You don't want your granddaughter to never have a suitable soul ring. Besides, I'm the one who made an appointment with His Majesty the Pope. What does it mean for you to go?"

Hearing this, Golden Crocodile Douluo no longer pressed.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, he left quickly.

Han Yu thought to himself: Besides Yu Xiaogang, the person Bibi Dong cares about most now is Hu Liena. That guy Yu Xiaogang is still in jail. If that's the case, then let's put some effort into Hu Liena.

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