Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 291 The sword points at Haotian! Meet Tang San again!

"Is this little guy Dai Yao? His strength is really good. He can withstand nearly 30% of your pressure so easily. If Bibi Dong hadn't stopped him, I would have accepted him as my direct disciple."

Jin Crocodile looked at the direction Dai Yao was leaving, with his hands behind his back, showing the air of a master.

In the slightly cloudy eyes, a dim light flashed.

"Second brother, if you really want to accept him as your disciple, I will go and talk to him. As long as he agrees, even Bibi Dong will have no reason to stop you."

Qingluan Douluo frowned.

Jin Crocodile waved his hand and said: "If there is no fate, why force it? A melon that is forced is not sweet. If there is a relationship between master and disciple, this little guy and I will definitely have intersections in the future."

"Please don't interfere in this matter."

Golden Crocodile turned his head and looked at Qingluan Douluo jokingly:

"By the way, your little apprentice has quite a strong temper. For that little guy, she dares to directly contradict you. This is completely opposite to her usual well-behaved appearance!"

Speaking of Feng Wutong, Qingluan Douluo was furious and said with a wry smile:

"My apprentice is good at everything. He is extremely talented, well-behaved and diligent, but for some reason, he decided to settle on Dai Yao. No matter how hard I beat him, I can't change her mind."

"I really don't understand. There are so many men in the world, why do you have to be so devoted to this boy?"

"When it comes to Dai Yao's affairs, even I, the master, have to take the back seat!"

Seeing the funny expression on Golden Crocodile Douluo's face, Qingluan Douluo turned his head and sighed melancholy:

"Now I understand my elder brother's helpless mood towards Xue'er's determination to go to Heaven..."

Hearing this, Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Qian Daoliu, one of the two great mountains in the soul master world, had a strength that shook the world, but he could do nothing to his granddaughter.

In the enshrinement hall these years, Qian Daoliu looked worried about Qian Renxue, just like an old man who was worried about his granddaughter's life outside the home. How could he look like a peerless Douluo!

"By the way, Third Brother, it's best to be careful when going to Haotian Sect. Although Tang Chen has disappeared from the soul master world for many years, we are afraid that he will leave some back-up in Haotian Sect."

"Especially Qian Jun and Jiang Mo, these two guys are very aggressive. When they encounter the Clear Sky Hammer, which is known as the best martial spirit in the world, they are likely to get angry. You must catch them in time!"

"The annihilation of the Haotian Sect was initiated by the Pope's Palace, so let the few titled Douluo from the Pope's Palace take action first. Let's hold back our strength and make sure not to cause any casualties."

Golden Crocodile Douluo warned.

Qingluan Douluo looked serious, nodded and said: "Second brother, don't worry, I know."

Bibi Dong has become more and more powerful over the years, and the pressure on them has also increased. With Bibi Dong in control of the Pope's Palace and the great righteousness, the number of strong men will continue to increase in the future, and even several titled Douluo will be added. .

But they are in charge of the Enshrinement Hall, and under Bibi Dong's control, there may not be any titled Douluo willing to join the Enshrinement Hall in the future.

Therefore, it was difficult for them to compete with Bibi Dong. Therefore, we must preserve our own strength now.

As long as Qian Renxue returns to the Enshrinement Hall and successfully inherits the throne of the Angel God, then all the suffering will come to an end...


Under the waterfall, a thunder dragon swallowed the entire waterfall again. Dai Yao smiled happily, and he was finally able to use the Eight Extremes of Thunder to collapse alone.

With a slight leap, he jumped out of the waterfall.

Noticing Dai Yao coming to the shore, Du Juan quickly stepped forward and wiped Dai Yao dry with a towel.

After a while, the water stains on Dai Yao's body were wiped away. He counted the time and found that there were only a few days until he left for Haotian Sect.

"It's time to say goodbye to Zhuqing Wutong."

He thought silently.

It is worth mentioning that because the Enshrinement Hall suddenly sent out two super Douluo, Qianjun and Jiangmo, Bibi Dong withdrew the Demon Bear Douluo and only sent out three Douluo, Ju Gui and Ling Yuan.

But with Qingluan, Qianjun and Jiangmo, there are six titled Douluo, and three super Douluo, Dai Yao doesn't have to worry about safety issues at all.

"Haotian Sect, since you have chosen to live in seclusion, then disappear forever."

Dai Yao looked at the scenery outside the mountain pass and thought faintly.

I went to Haotian Sect this time just to find out the current strength of Haotian Sect.

After finding out the six titled Douluo owned by Haotian Sect, Wuhun Palace will definitely be wary, especially on this day when the soul hunting plan is about to start, Haotian Sect is a thorn in Wuhun's side and must be eliminated.

Although Dai Yao defeated Tang San many times, he was still a little afraid of this son of destiny in the original work. Therefore, he will unceremoniously eliminate all the forces around him.

Haotian Sect is just the beginning.


A few days later.

Outside Wuhun City, two carriages were placed quietly. The weather was getting colder, and the water vapor breathed by the horses gradually condensed into white mist in the air.

There were hundreds of well-dressed soldiers standing around, with their waists straight and a chilling air exuding from all over their bodies. At this moment, no one of these elite soldiers dared to make a sound, not even one breathing heavily.

Because the soul masters who are about to appear here are all beings at the top of the continent!

Dai Yao was sitting in front of the carriage, holding a book and reading it carefully. He noticed that the sky was getting later and later, calculated the time, and said secretly:

"They should be coming."

At this moment, three bright lights suddenly appeared on the mountainside where the Pope's Palace was located, rising into the sky and flying towards the outside of Wuhun City. After several leaps, three figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone. .

There are two men and one woman. The man in black is hidden in the darkness and exudes a cold air. The other man has a feminine demeanor, and the last woman has a light and airy temperament, as if she is flying.

It was Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Lingyuan Douluo.

The slightly feminine man looked at the other empty carriage, snorted coldly, and said in a feminine voice:

"Why, do we have to invite those guys from the Enshrinement Hall?"

Before the words could be finished, a majestic voice exploded in the sky:

"Little Juhua, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

Before the people arrive, the sound comes first.

A coiling dragon stick flew up from the mountains in Wuhun City, with a harsh sound breaking through the air, and hit in front of Ju Douluo, raising countless dust mist.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, three figures appeared in front of everyone. Although their soul power was not released, the suffocating pressure made the three titled Douluo in the Pope's Palace couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"To conquer the demon, you must not be rude. On this trip to Haotian Sect, we are companions and we should cooperate sincerely."

Qingluan Douluo said calmly with his hands behind his back.

But there was nothing reproachful about his tone. Demon-Conquering Douluo also knew this, so he grabbed the Coiling Dragon Staff and put it on his shoulder, and glanced at the three people in the Pope's Palace with disdain.

Although the three titled Douluo in the Pope's Palace were dissatisfied, the gap in strength could not be made up by anger. All the shame must be swallowed with broken teeth.

Seeing the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two parties, Dai Yao couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't expect that the struggle between the Pope's Palace and the Enshrinement Palace had become so intense.

Dai Yao couldn't help but wonder whether this visit to the Haotian Sect was a correct decision, but he had to shoot as the arrow was on the string. He took a deep breath, stood between the two sides and saluted each of the titled Douluo, and then said in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, although we all belong to different forces, we are all members of Wuhun Palace after all, and the target of this trip is our old enemy - Haotian Sect!"

"Only with sincere cooperation can the Haotian Sect be completely destroyed."

"I hope you will put the overall situation first, put aside disputes, and wait until the Haotian Sect is destroyed!"

After hearing this, the tit-for-tat momentum between the two parties gradually dissipated.

Ghost Douluo is Zhu Zhuqing's master, Ju Douluo has an old relationship with Dai Yao, Lingyuan Douluo and Qingluan Douluo are both Feng Wutong's masters. For their own apprentices, and Dai Yao's words are also reasonable, so it's almost A titled Douluo was also willing to give Dai Yao some face.

The three titled Douluo in the Pope's Hall were willing to relent, and the three in the Enshrinement Hall were led by Qingluan Douluo. With Qingluan Douluo's gentle wave of his hand, the two parties were no longer so tit-for-tat.

Seeing the two sides relaxing in the atmosphere, Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"Everyone, the Haotian Sect's hidden place is in the Tiandou Empire, three hundred miles east of Tiandou City. Therefore, our trip needs to go deep into the Tiandou Empire."

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we need to pretend to be ordinary people, and we need you to be patient for a while."

Demon-Conquering Douluo carried the Coiling Dragon Stick and laughed wildly:

"Hidden identity, just fight directly. Even without those guys from the Pope's Palace, just the three of us brothers can sweep away the so-called No. 1 sect in the world!"


As soon as Demon-Conquering Douluo said this, he instantly aroused the anger of the three people in the Pope's Palace. Even if they are not the opponent of Demon-Conquering Douluo, they are not weak either. They are bound to compete with Demon-Conquering Douluo!

"younger brother!"

Qianjun Douluo shouted sharply.

Looking at the stern face of Qianjun Douluo, the domineering aura of Demon-Conquering Douluo couldn't help but weaken a bit, and the Coiling Dragon Stick he was carrying was also propped on the ground.

After Demon-Conquering Douluo's momentum weakened, Qianjun Douluo raised his hands to several people in the Pope's Palace and said:

"Everyone, this little brother is right. Haotian Sect has always been a serious concern for us. Now that we are going to Haotian Sect, we must cooperate sincerely."

"Here, I apologize on behalf of my brother."

After saying that, he gently cupped his hands to apologize.

Although Qianjun Douluo's attitude was not very sincere, it gave everyone a step down, so the expressions of the trio in the Pope's Palace softened a little.

Dai Yao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Compared with his arrogant younger brother, Demon-Conquering Douluo, Qianjun Douluo was undoubtedly much more rational. If it hadn't been for him, unimaginable conflicts would have broken out between the two sides.

By then, whoever still wants to go to the Haotian Sect will be fine if they don't kill each other.

"Your Majesty, it's a long way to Haotian Sect. Let's set off now without further delay."

After several titled Douluo were attracted by Dai Yao's words, Dai Yao came to the carriage and introduced:

"There are two carriages, and the decoration materials are the same. There is no distinction between superior and inferior. In order to avoid conflicts, the three His Majesty's in the Pope's Palace are asked to sit separately from the three His Majesty's in the Enshrined Palace."

The three titled Douluo in the Pope's Palace looked at each other for a few times, and then unanimously chose the one on the left. Demon-Conquering Douluo still wanted to fight for it, but was stopped by Qianjun Douluo and had to give up his plan.

Qianjun Douluo and Qingluan Douluo looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then rushed into the carriage on the right.

After several titled Douluo were seated, Dai Yao boarded the carriage in the Pope's Palace, transformed into a groom, lightly raised his whip, and the carriage galloped away.

Under his leadership, the carriage behind was also whipped by a Contra, following the carriage in front, rushing towards the sunset.

The wheels are rolling, bringing up billowing smoke and dust, and the drama that is shaking the entire continent has slowly begun...


Haotian Sect, Iron Chain Bridge.

Standing on the frost-covered iron cable bridge, the mountain breeze was strong, and Tang San's long water-blue hair was fluttering like ocean waves.

After looking at the gate of Haotian Sect, he moved his eyes and glanced at the countless disciples of Haotian Sect gathered in front of the gate of Haotian Sect. Their eyes were either hostile, contemptuous, disgusting or incomprehensible.

Aunt Tang Yuehua, without a trace of soul power, was wearing a close-fitting silver cheongsam, dignified and luxurious. The thin layer seemed to not feel the slightest cold, and she was looking at him with a worried look on her face.

The sect leader Tang Xiao, a majestic man like his father, was looking at himself at this moment.

The mountain wind was cold, but Tang San's heart was extremely determined, his blood seemed to boil, and his hands clenched tightly unconsciously.

"I must let my father recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. I must not disappoint my uncle and aunt. Let me bear all my father's sins!"

Looking at the cliff that was just like before his death in his previous life, Tang San felt inexplicable emotion in his heart. He was also forced by the sect and faced the same cliff, but today, he would never accept his fate!

His eyes suddenly became firm, as if there was a raging fighting spirit burning, and the murderous aura in his body began to boil. The regrets of the two lives were all due to today's battle, and his whole person's state was raised to an unprecedented peak!

He suddenly raised his head, with eyes full of fighting intent, and instantly passed through a distance of several hundred meters and bumped into the Seventh Elder, who was standing on the chain bridge like an immortal, as if weightless.

The fighting intent in those eyes shocked the seventh elder!

"Good fellow, this boy's fighting spirit makes me feel a bit threatened! However, if you want Tang Hao to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, he must first pass me!"

The seventh elder thought silently in his heart.

"Seventh Elder, whoever leaves the distance between the two mountains will be the loser, how about that?"

Tang San pointed forward with one hand as an invitation, and smiled gently.

Like an aristocratic knight, the ceremony of inviting a duel, with such a standard and elegant temperament, even Tang Yuehua couldn't help but nod secretly. Even she can't find anything wrong with it.

That handsome appearance made many Haotian Sect women blush with embarrassment. In their hearts, they didn't seem to hate Tang Hao that much.

The seventh elder nodded and waved his right hand, and the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his right hand out of thin air. There were no lines on the Clear Sky Hammer, only nine soul rings shining gently.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black!

Titled Douluo!

The nine soul rings, like sharp swords, pierced into Tang San's eyes, shocking his heart. He didn't expect that the seventh elder was actually a titled Douluo!

However, at this moment, the seventh elder did not look at Tang San. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the snow-covered mountain peak in the distance.

Not only him, but the remaining four elders and the sect leader Tang Xiao all fixed their gazes in the distance.

Noticing the changes in several elders, the disciples of the Haotian Sect also turned their gazes in the direction where the elders were looking, and discussions gradually began.

In the distance, a figure gradually emerged from under the snow-capped mountains. He had short golden hair, was confident and determined, and not too arrogant. He looked like an elegant scholar. However, his next words aroused the excitement of the disciples of Haotian Sect. Uproar!

"The so-called No. 1 sect in the world is just a group of cowardly people. Today I want to see if your Clear Sky Hammer is worthy of the title of the No. 1 martial spirit in the world!"

Tang San suddenly turned around, and when he saw the appearance of the person coming clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank!

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