Bathed in the pouring rain and feeling the chilling thunder element permeating the air, the four maids could not help but feel shocked even though they were far away from each other and watching Dai Yao's attack.

"Master, he is finally done!"

Heron said excitedly.

The four of them witnessed Dai Yao practicing this trick day after day. Every day, he was covered with bruises. When they helped Dai Yao apply the medicine every night, they saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

Now, Dai Yao has finally completed this move and no longer needs to suffer those injuries.

Hearing these words, the partridge and cuckoo both nodded, while the peacock looked at Dai Yao with admiration and said with some suspicion:

"The power of this move is incomparable to many Contra soul skills. Could it be that it has reached the level of a titled Douluo?"

Peacock is a strong man at the Soul Emperor level, and he also has some understanding of Soul Saint and Contra's attacks, but Dai Yao's move obviously broke through the limits of Contra.

Thinking of this, her face suddenly turned horrified and full of disbelief!

The current Dai Yao is the Soul King! He has been able to perform soul skills comparable to those of Titled Douluo. What kind of talent is this that has shocked the past and the present? !

"We are so lucky to have a master like Dai Yao."

Du Juan said with admiration in her eyes.

Her words instantly aroused the same feelings among the three women. Indeed, with Dai Yao's talent, it is no surprise that his future achievements will definitely exceed everyone's expectations.

As Dai Yao's maids, their status will also rise. By then, their maid's identity will be envied and even jealous by many people.

In the spiritual world.

The cold and beautiful purple figure looked at Dai Yao blankly. The power of this move made her swallow her saliva.

"He actually did it..."

During this period of time, she was the one who was most familiar with Dai Yao. Every time Dai Yao performed this move, she would draw the thunder, and then Dai Yao could concentrate on fusing the two forces.

She knew Dai Yao's daily progress, the extent of his injuries, and even the progress of using Chaos Qinglian to repair his body. That's why she was so shocked.

If it were her, not to mention completely perfecting this move, she would be stuck at the stage of compressing soul power for who knows how many years!

She felt a little sour in her heart, envying the talents of human beings. At the same time, she also had some other thoughts about whether she would grow to the 100,000-year level in Dai Yao's spiritual world in the future.

"Congratulations, you succeeded."

With a thought in his mind, he returned to his usual indifference and said calmly.

"Then I have to thank you, but it's not all done yet. After all, you are responsible for all the work of triggering the thunder."

"My next task is to use distraction three ways. To attract thunder, compress soul power, and fuse the two. Only when I can perform this move on my own can I completely perfect this move."

Dai Yao smiled.

"In that case, I won't disturb you anymore. You can continue practicing."

Dai Yao was a little confused when he saw the Thunder Prison Vine whose attitude became colder and turned into purple droplets again.

"Forget it, the character of Thunder Prison Vine is like this. There is no need for me to think blindly. After using the Thunder Bajibeng, the endurance of my arms has reached the limit. Let me continue practicing tomorrow."

Dai Yao thought.

Time flies, and it is already late autumn. The mountains and fields in the valley are filled with golden color, and the withered yellow leaves are flying and falling on the lake in the valley.

Under the waterfall, Dai Yao practiced day after day.

Without the help of Thunder Prison Vine, it was still too difficult for him to use the Thunder Baji Beng alone. However, he was not too worried. He had already figured out the trick of distraction and three uses.

Although it's not yet stable, I'm sure I'll be able to completely learn this trick in the near future.

The beating of the waterfall made Dai Yao feel peaceful:

"If you want to completely perfect this technique, you must ask the Qibao Glazed Sect for guidance on distraction control techniques."

He gradually became enlightened.

Not only are the achievements in cultivation gratifying, today, Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong also returned from the Death Canyon.

Dai Yao personally went to Wuhun City to welcome them back from the hands of Lingyuan Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Yao without saying much. There was a soft smile on his cold face, and all his longing was reflected in this look. Feng Wutong also stood aside with a faint smile, her proud eyes full of sweetness.

Dai Yao unceremoniously took the two girls into his arms, making the men around him envious.

On the night of the first day, Dai Yaoxian and Zhu Zhuqing had a heart-to-heart talk with each other. They hadn't seen each other for more than a year. Zhu Zhuqing's coldness melted away in front of outsiders, and his voice was full of charm. Several maids outside the wooden house blushed with embarrassment.

The next day was to accompany Feng Wutong.

The clouds collect and the rain stops.

Suzaku's unique ethereal voice reached its peak and then quickly fell silent. Dai Yao stroked Feng Wutong's slender waist again after more than a year, and could feel the warm jade-like touch and amazing curvature.

"It's been more than a year. It's been really hard on you."

Dai Yao looked at Feng Wutong's flawless face in the moonlight and said with a smile.

"It's not hard. It's not very dangerous in Death Canyon, it's just that the conditions are a bit difficult."

Feng Wutong said with satisfaction.

Looking at Dai Yao's short blond hair, Feng Wutong said with regret, "By the way, Master, why did you cut your hair?"

"Long hair is not convenient for cultivation."

Looking at Feng Wutong, who was leaning on his shoulder and still looking regretful, he couldn't help but scratch her nose and said with a smile:

"Okay, it's no big deal. I have something to ask you now."

"What's up?"

Feng Wutong raised his head and opened his eyes, a little confused. In the corner of the eye, there is still a bit of lingering charm.

Dai Yao's expression straightened and he said seriously: "I want to ask you to ask your teacher, Qingluan Douluo, to come out of the mountain. Soon, I will go to the Haotian Sect."

"Haotian Sect! Aren't they hiding in the world? Why should they go to Haotian Sect?"

Feng Wutong exclaimed.

I have to say that the reputation of Haotian Sect is really great. The number one sect in the world dominates the mainland. The world's number one martial spirit, the Haotian Hammer, has left too many incredible things on the continent.


Dai Yao nodded and said: "They are indeed in seclusion, but under the leadership of Bibi Dong, the Wuhun Palace has the confidence to unify the continent. In order to reduce the resistance, the first step is to take action against the Haotian Sect."

"But the Haotian Sect has been hidden in the world for many years, and we currently don't know their strength. Therefore, in the name of communication with the younger generation, we test the reality of the Haotian Sect."

"Although the Pope's Palace will send four titled Douluo, I don't think it's safe. We lack a strong person who can determine the universe. Only the Enshrined Palace can have such a strong person."

"So, I want to ask you to ask Qingluan Douluo to come out of the mountain, and even send a few more to worship him."

"Well, young master, don't worry, I will definitely convince my master!"

Feng Wutong nodded and said firmly.


One day later, worship in the temple.

After telling Feng Wutong that he was going to Haotian Sect the night before, only one day had passed before Qingluan Douluo summoned Dai Yao to the Enshrinement Hall.

The first time he entered the worship hall, Dai Yao was attracted by the surrounding murals. Angels hunted demons and sealed demons. After browsing all the murals, his eyes finally settled on the magnificent angel statue.

"This is an angel statue. The enshrinement hall has inherited the guardian angel god to this day. Now the great enshrinement is the owner of the angel spirit."

Feng Wutong introduced Dai Yao.

After looking at the angel statues that appeared many times in the anime, Dai Yao nodded and said:

"Let's go, take me to see Qingluan Douluo."

Feng Wutong nodded and led Dai Yao through the worship hall.

Opening a huge door inlaid with gold, an extremely empty palace appears in front of you. On the surrounding walls, there are various expressions of Qingluan carved on it, whether they are happy or sad, or fluttering their wings to fly, or gathering their wings and feathers. Various sculptures are lifelike.

The whole palace was filled with a light and majestic atmosphere, as if a divine bird was resting in it.

In the center of the palace, a green figure stood with his back facing him. He was clearly Qingluan Douluo.

"Wutong, please step back and let Dai Yao tell me this matter."

Qingluan Douluo did not look back, and his cold voice echoed in the palace.

"No, teacher, didn't you agree? Why do you want me to leave? If you don't agree, I will never go out!"

Feng Wutong insisted.

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo sighed without leaving a trace. His usually well-behaved disciple lost his sense of proportion once he encountered something related to Dai Yao, and even dared to disobey his own orders.

"Okay, Wutong, just follow Qingluan Mian's arrangements and go down first."

Dai Yao smiled at Feng Wutong.


Feng Wutong still wanted to persist.

"Don't you listen to what I say?"

Dai Yao's face straightened, and Feng Wutong was helpless. He looked at Qingluan Douluo's back pleadingly, then obediently pushed out the door and closed the door.

With the dull sound of the door closing, Qingluan Douluo slowly turned around and looked at Dai Yao, who had a bookish look on his face, and couldn't help being shocked. Where did that sharp-edged young man go?

He frowned slightly, and a surging aura swept towards Dai Yao in an instant!

Feeling this pressure, Dai Yao was shocked, then calmed down and seriously resisted this pressure.

No matter what Qingluan Douluo wants to do, he must resist this pressure first. This is the prerequisite for him to be recognized by Qingluan Douluo.

Looking at Dai Yao, whose expression remained unchanged, Qingluan Douluo let out a light sigh. He had used ten percent of his strength to exert this pressure. Even an ordinary soul emperor would be suppressed and unable to move. This was also what Feng Wutong felt. It was the limit of what he could support, but Dai Yao seemed to have no feeling at all.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his fingers and moved toward Dai Yao. The pressure that was already surging began to increase dramatically!


The surrounding glass began to tremble violently as the pressure increased, and Qingluan Douluo's face became more and more shocked. Even a strong man at the Soul Saint level would be overwhelmed by this pressure.

But Dai Yao only shed a few drops of sweat and didn't even take a breath!

Even Dai Yao's two external soul bones were not forced out. Qingluan Douluo gradually became a little less interested. What was the point of this test?

With a grasp of the five fingers, the pressure disappeared immediately. Looking at Dai Yao who took a deep breath to adapt to the stress-free environment, Qingluan Douluo praised:

"I haven't heard much from you for almost five years. I thought you had disappeared from everyone. But when I saw you today, I found that you have not slowed down the progress of cultivation, but have become more terrifying."

"Thank you for your careful teaching to Feng Wutong."

Dai Yao cupped his hands and said.

This sentence made Qingluan Douluo's face look ugly, and he said coldly:

"I have one condition for going to Haotian Sect."

"What conditions?"

"Then let Feng Wutong be your wife, and let that disciple of Ghost Douluo be your concubine."

Qingluan Douluo stared at Dai Yao. Although he did not release the pressure, Dai Yao felt an even more terrifying sense of oppression.

But Dai Yao still said without thinking:

"Impossible, I will never abandon Zhuqing!"

Qingluan Douluo snorted coldly, and said with a hint of anger in his tone:

"Then let her have no identity and follow you without any reason? She loves you so much that she gave you the most precious thing so easily. If you don't give her an identity, are you considered a man?! "

"Even if she is willing, as her teacher, I will never allow her to let herself down! If you want me to go to Haotian Sect, then you must agree to my conditions!"

Looking at the picture of Qingluan Douluo saying, "I won't help you if you don't agree," Dai Yao was not very angry. He knew that Qingluan Douluo was also doing it for Feng Wutong's good.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Your Majesty Qingluan, if I agree to your terms, do you dare to hand over the phoenix tree to me?"

Qingluan Douluo was stunned.

Dai Yao didn't give him time to think, and continued:

"For your conditions, abandoning Zhu Zhuqing, doesn't it mean that I am a villain who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals? In this case, do you still dare to believe that I will treat Wutong well?"

"In addition, it's not that I didn't give Wutong an identity. I told her a long time ago that I was willing to regard her as my wife, just like Zhuqing, and made it known, but she rejected my proposal."

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo fell into deep thought. After a while, he looked deeply at Dai Yao and said:

"You have convinced me, but I don't believe that Wutong will give up being your wife. I need to ask her personally."

With a light wave of his right hand, the door slowly opened. Qingluan Douluo looked at Feng Wutong who was eavesdropping outside the door and said helplessly:

"Come in."

Then Qingluan Douluo asked Dai Yao whether he had promised her his wife's identity. After receiving a positive answer, Qingluan Douluo flashed to Feng Wutong, pointed angrily at Feng Wutong's forehead and said:

"Girl, why would you give up such a good opportunity! Do you know how much criticism you will suffer if you are around this kid without status?"

"You will definitely regret it in the future!"

Feng Wutong smiled lightly at Dai Yao, and although his tone was calm, he said firmly: "Teacher, no matter what the outcome is, I accept it."

"I will be his for the rest of my life!"

"Get out! Get out!"

Qingluan Douluo pointed to the door, turned away from Feng Wutong, and shouted coldly.

After Feng Wutong left and the door closed, Qingluan Douluo said fiercely:

"Boy, you heard it too. This girl has recognized you, and I can't change her mind. But if you let her down in the future, no matter who protects you, or whether you run to the end of the world, I will definitely find you. You, and then kill you!"

At this time, Qingluan Douluo was not like the world-famous super Douluo, but an old father who was helpless towards his daughter.

Dai Yao nodded and said:

"Your Majesty Qingluan, don't worry. Wutong and I met at Xingluo Royal Academy. After so many years of ups and downs, how can I let her down?"

Qingluan Douluo sighed and said helplessly, like an old man in his twilight years:

"Well, with your words, I feel more at ease. I have agreed to accompany you to Haotian Sect. Not only that, I will also take Jiangmo and Qianjun with me. Now you don’t have to worry about your own safety, just do something bold!”

Hearing this, Dai Yao couldn't help but get excited. The Demon-Conquering Qianjun are all ninety-sixth level super Douluo, plus the ninety-seventh level Qingluan Douluo, and the four titled Douluo from the Pope's Palace, there is no need to be careful. To test it out, you can just call Haotian Sect directly!

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dai Yao cupped his hands and thanked him.

Qingluan Douluo waved his hand and said: "Okay, please step back..."

Dai Yao thanked him again, then opened the door, said goodbye to Feng Wutong, and flew towards his cabin.

In the enshrinement hall, looking at Dai Yao's leaving figure, Qingluan Douluo no longer had the aloof demeanor of the past. Instead, he said to a shadow in a somewhat cordial manner:

"Second brother, how are you?"

In the shadows, dull footsteps gradually came out, and a burly figure gradually came into view.

Being called the 'Second Brother' by Qingluan Douluo is naturally the second enshrined person in the enshrining hall today - Golden Crocodile Douluo!

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