Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 287 Shenying is restrained and her beauty is washed away

Papal Palace.

Under the Pope's throne, Ghost Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo stood quietly. Qingluan Douluo was a little impatient, crossed his arms and said:

"Bibi Dong, why did you call me here today?"

As a Third Enshrined Qingluan Douluo, his powerful strength gave him the confidence not to respect Bibi Dong too much.

Bibi Dong frowned slightly, but she still suppressed her anger, looked at Ghost Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo, and said calmly:

"I came to you today because of your disciples."

"Our disciple?"

The expressions of several titled Douluo who were still calm at first suddenly changed, and Lingyuan Douluo said anxiously:

"His Majesty the Pope, tell me quickly, what happened to Wutong?"

Bibi Dong shook her head and said:

"It's nothing. Now Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong have reached the realm of soul kings, but a long period of comfortable atmosphere cannot cultivate truly strong people."

"So, I'm going to send them to Death Canyon to practice for a year."

Hearing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief and began to think about the feasibility of Bibi Dong's proposal. Indeed, as Bibi Dong said, the strength of the two women has been greatly improved, and they just need an experience to test their training in the past few years.

Ghost Douluo touched his chin and said solemnly:

"I agree with His Majesty the Pope's proposal."

"I agree."

Lingyuan Douluo echoed.

Therefore, everyone's eyes turned to Qingluan Douluo. Qingluan Douluo thought for a moment, staring at the aloof Bibi Dong, wondering what her hidden agenda was.

But he obviously couldn't find any disadvantages. This was also good for Feng Wutong. His eyes flickered and he finally made up his mind:

"In that case, I agree."

"However, I'm going to say something ugly first. If something goes wrong with Feng Wutong, don't blame me for causing trouble in the Pope's Palace."

Qingluan Douluo said calmly.

But everyone could hear the determination in his voice. If something really happened to Feng Wutong, even if he was afraid of Bibi Dong, the Pope's Palace would never be able to live in peace.

Bibi Dong's expression suddenly darkened.

Noticing this scene, Lingyuan Douluo's eyes wandered back and forth from Bibi Dong and Qingluan Douluo, and he quickly smoothed things over:

"Qingluan Douluo and Feng Wutong are from our Spirit Hall, so nothing will happen to them. What's more, even though they are training, there must be a titled Douluo beside them to watch over them and protect their safety."

"This is best. If there is nothing else, then please forgive me and leave first."

Qingluan Douluo said unceremoniously. From this move, it can be seen that the struggle between the Pope's Palace and the Enshrined Palace has become increasingly fierce.

Bibi Dong shook her head slightly, indicating that there was nothing else. Qingluan Douluo's soul power moved, he jumped out of the Pope's Palace and flew towards the Enshrinement Hall.

Looking at the direction Qingluan Douluo was leaving, Ghost Douluo said in a hoarse voice:

"Qingluan Douluo is so arrogant! He is so domineering in front of His Majesty the Pope!"

He was still waiting for someone else to interrupt, when a surge of momentum suddenly came from Bibi Dong. Feeling the majesty in this aura, both Lingyuan Douluo and Ghost Douluo shrank their pupils and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, not daring to look directly at Bibi Dong.

This momentum was not weaker than Qingluan Douluo's at all, and he still felt faintly superior.

Just now, Bibi Dong was not afraid of Qingluan Douluo, but was showing weakness.

"I have my own ideas about Qingluan, so you don't need to say anything. As for Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong, you two just make arrangements."

Bibi Dong said calmly.


Ghost Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo clasped their fists and retreated slowly.

Feeling that she was back in the silent Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong sighed softly. It's been a month, and she still hasn't gotten over her experience in the zombie world.

For His Majesty the Pope, who is so high up that no one dares to look directly at her, it is a very novel experience for someone to treat her as an ordinary person and not care about her identity.

Especially after she came out of the hell she once was and could no longer trust others, the mutual trust she had spent with Dai Yao for half a year was even more unforgettable for her.

"Dai Yao, Dai Yao, you, Zhu Zhuqing, and Feng Wutong are living quite happily during this time. In that case, I will ask them to leave you. Let me see what you do!"

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but curve the corners of her mouth slightly.

It turned out that when she knew that Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong had been getting along with Dai Yao day and night, especially after they returned from the zombie world, they got closer, which made her feel a little irritated.

Obviously Dai Yao has nothing to do with her, she is the Pope, and Dai Yao is just a genius who has not yet realized his talent, but she just doesn't want to see Dai Yao, Zhu Zhuqing, and Feng Wutong so sweet.

Therefore, he found a reason and deliberately pushed Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong away from Dai Yao.

Dai Yao would never have imagined that Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong would leave him in this way for a while. He takes turns sleeping with Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong every night, and now he has to return to a lonely life. I wonder how he should feel? !


Early the next morning, Dai Yao bid farewell to Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong with full of resentment.

Looking at Dai Yao's expression, Zhu Zhuqing chuckled, kissed him gently and said:

"Okay, it's not like I won't come back. Why are you making such an expression?"

Dai Yao sighed and said: "Zhuqing, Wutong, you have a safe journey."


The two girls nodded and then went to where Ghost Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo lived.

After the two daughters left, Dai Yao's life became extremely boring, and he was immersed in books all day long.

When I encounter something I don’t understand, I ask the scholars around me for advice.

At first, many scholars were a little disdainful of Dai Yao's asking for advice because the questions he asked were too basic.

But their experience of scaring Mr. Li away without retaliation made them have to look at Dai Yao in a different light. No matter how simple the question asked, they would answer it without reservation.

The knowledge in my mind continues to accumulate, and various knowledge points are connected by analogy and connection, gradually forming a systematic theory.

As for his daily life, four maids are responsible for it.

One year later.

Dai Yao closed the 300-page book, rubbed his dry eyes, and sighed:

"As expected, it is Taishan Beidou who proposed the theory of adaptability between various types of martial spirits and spirit beasts. Through the lifetime tracking and observation of tens of thousands of spirit masters, he recorded the type of each spirit ring and obtained the age of the spirit ring and other various information. data."

"After measuring the power of soul skills, I finally came up with this masterpiece. After reading it, I really benefited a lot."

Within a year, the murderous aura in his body was completely restrained, and from the outside it was impossible to tell that he was the murderous Shura Emperor. With his scholarly aura, anyone who sees him will think that he is a scholar who painstakingly studies knowledge, rather than a powerful soul master.

In appearance, he is no different from the scholars who study in the library. The only difference is that he is so handsome.

His murderous aura was completely restrained, and today was the day he left the library.

Putting the big book back to its original place, Dai Yao looked at the densely packed books in this magnificent building, and a trace of souvenir flashed in his eyes.

Just when he was about to leave, several sharp-eyed scholars who were resting saw Dai Yao leaving and said in surprise:

"Mr. Jin, do you want to leave?"

Dai Yao never said his name, so some people named him Mr. Jin based on his blond hair.

The reason why they were so surprised was because during this year, Dai Yao was always the hardest working guy.

It was getting light, and when they first arrived, Dai Yao was already in the library; and when they were about to leave at night, Dai Yao was always the last one.

Like a sculpture, he stays in front of the table by the window all day long.

Apart from eating and storing and retrieving books, there is no other activity he can find.

That's why they were so surprised by Dai Yao's sudden departure.

"Yeah, I'm leaving."

Dai Yao replied somewhat thoughtfully.

"I wish you a bright future!"

The congratulations of several scholars immediately attracted the attention of others. When they knew that Dai Yao was about to leave, they also sent congratulations.

At first, they only respected Yu Dai Yao's hard-working attitude, but as time passed, Dai Yao's questions became more and more tricky and complex.

At first, they could answer Dai Yao's questions without thinking, but gradually it took them a while to think about it, until finally, they could no longer answer it.

Only then did they realize that Dai Yao's attainments in soul master theory had surpassed that of their fellow who had been struggling for decades.

If they hadn't witnessed Dai Yao's growth, they wouldn't have believed that a person could catch up with their progress in such a short period of time.

Obviously, Dai Yao is definitely not an ordinary person with such ability. Combined with his experience in defeating Mr. Li, Mr. Jin must be a genius who has been trained in the Library Pavilion.

"I also wish you all can come up with theories that shock the mainland! The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you later!"

Dai Yao handed them one by one.

He has consulted all these people within this year, so he must thank them.

After bidding farewell to these scholars, Dai Yao found the curator who was cleaning the dust off the books and said:

"I've been annoying the curator this year."

The curator smiled and said: "You didn't disturb me, old man. I also want to thank you for adding a bit of excitement to my boring life."

As he spoke, he took out a black storage ring and placed it in Dai Yao's hand as if he was handing over a child under Dai Yao's puzzled gaze.

"My child, I have watched your growth this year, but if you want to find the truth, you must not do it behind closed doors."

"The author of the book you just finished reading recorded the growth process of tens of thousands of soul masters, and then discovered the theory that shocked the world."

"Now that you have a solid foundation, it's time to go out and see the world."

"Although you have read a lot of books in this year, it is still just a drop in the ocean to this library. This storage ring contains the hard work of the most outstanding scholars of all dynasties. It will definitely be of great help to you. It helps a lot.”


Dai Yao held the ring tightly and said solemnly.

The contents of this ring were very helpful to him, so he accepted the ring without hesitation. From the Ruyi Treasure Pouch at the waist, he took out a purple zhizhi.

"This is?"

The old curator stared at this purple mushroom, not knowing what it was, and said in confusion.

Dai Yao handed Zizhi to the old curator and introduced:

"Director, this is called Jiupin Zizhi. It has the effect of strengthening your body, nourishing your energy, and increasing your strength. It can improve your body and prolong your life. This is my reward for taking care of me this year."

"This is too valuable, I can't accept it. I understand your wishes."

Looking at the Zizhi in his hand, the old curator said in shock.

"Although this thing is precious, it is of no use to me. If you put it here, it is just a dead thing. You can just accept it."

Dai Yao persuaded.

In desperation, the old curator could only agree: "Thank you very much, child."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Dai Yao waved his hand and walked towards the outside of the library.

Looking at Dai Yao's leaving figure, the old curator seemed to see one theory after another that subverted cognition being put forward in the future, and then constantly confirmed. Because of this person's role, the entire soul master world has developed rapidly and reached its peak.

"Maybe this little guy can really study the secret of martial arts!"

The old man turned back, cleaned the bookshelf, and suddenly said in deep thought.


Back at the cabin, Dai Yao summarized the harvest of the year.

First of all, not long ago, his soul power reached level sixty, and he only needed to absorb one more soul ring to become the youngest soul emperor in history.

Even the golden generation are only at level 59 now.

However, Dai Yao was not in a hurry to absorb the spirit beast soul rings that Wuhun Palace offered him to choose from. On the one hand, he was still killing the murderous energy in his body at that time, so as to avoid distraction, it was better not to absorb the soul rings.

On the other hand, he has a deeper plan for his sixth spirit ring, which is Xiao Wu's hundred thousand year spirit ring.

Now, with Dai Yao's physique, he can absorb up to 50,000 to 60,000-year-old soul rings. Compared with Xiao Wu's 100,000-year-old soul ring, it is really a world of difference.

Even if Xiao Wu's soul ring is not very suitable for him, the increase brought by a hundred thousand year soul ring far exceeds that of a ten thousand year soul beast. Moreover, Xiao Wu is the key to unlocking the soul rings of the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python. These two soul beasts are extremely suitable for Dai Yao, and he cannot give up.

"In this case, I'd better not absorb the sixth soul ring first. When Ju Ghost Douluo goes to the Star Dou Forest to hunt the soul beasts, I will follow him in."

"Anyway, whether you absorb the soul ring or not, it doesn't affect your cultivation. Once you absorb the sixth soul ring, the current accumulation will be revealed."

Dai Yao looked at the waterfall outside the window and thought.

"The foreshadowing that was laid out at the beginning is finally time to close the net."

Secondly, it is the role of the Killing God Domain. A year of reading has made him restrained and introverted. From his appearance, it is impossible to tell that he is a genius who dominates the world.

However, Bibi Dong strictly prohibited the use of the Killing God Domain to avoid being discovered by Hu Liena. It should only be used unless absolutely necessary.

In the end, it was also his biggest achievement this year.

Through continuous research on theory, he came up with a bold idea, which was to combine the fourth soul skill White Tiger Thunder God Strike with Baji Beng to form a brand new move.

First of all, whether it is the fourth soul skill or the Baji Beng, it requires constant accumulation of energy in order to unleash the strongest attack.

Secondly, when the White Tiger Thunder God Strike is charging, it has no power to fight back and must resist the opponent's damage. If combined with Baji Beng, it can not only avoid this shortcoming, but also deliver an unimaginable blow.

Once upon a time, the White Tiger Thunder God was able to attack at the right time and place with a power comparable to that of a Soul Douluo. If Baji Beng was added to it, it would be enough to touch the bottleneck of the Titled Douluo.

Thinking of this, Dai Yao couldn't help but feel hot and wanted to go out immediately and start studying this new trick.

However, the door of the wooden house was suddenly opened. Du Juan looked at Dai Yao and said hesitantly:

"Master, Your Majesty the Pope invites you." (End of this chapter)

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