
In an open place, there were many scholars sitting out to eat.

Dai Yao flipped through the books with one hand while eating the food carefully prepared by Feng Wutong. When he saw something wonderful, he would stop and think attentively.

Whenever this happens, Feng Wutong on the side will gently pick some of Dai Yao's favorite foods into Dai Yao's bowl. If Dai Yao is too focused and forgets to eat, she will even feed Dai Yao himself. ······

The virtuous and maid-like appearance made Mr. Li and others look at her in a daze.

"Master Li, do we still want to take action?"

The thin man asked tentatively.

Obviously, Feng Wutong's heart was tied to Dai Yao. No matter what they did, they could not change Feng Wutong's heart.

Mr. Li looked at Feng Wutong's performance, gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Do it, do it immediately!"

Mr. Li took the lead, stood up suddenly, and led the four or five younger brothers behind him to attack Dai Yao and the two men with great force.

However, before they could get closer, they were blocked by Feng Wutong. A pair of phoenix eyes, with a majesty that could not be looked directly at, lightly swept over them. Their original momentum of launching an army to investigate the crime immediately dimmed.

"What do you want to do?"

Feng Wutong said coldly.

She knew Mr. Li, he had been hanging around her since she joined Wuhun Hall.

She also knew what he was thinking. But she clearly rejected these guys very early on, and even tried to get these guys to give up with an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

However, she did not expect that they would persist in stalking and never give up, so she simply ignored them. However, she did not expect that they would still want to disturb the young master today, which she could not accept!


Mr. Li was stared at by Feng Wutong's majestic phoenix eyes, as if his shell was stuck, his words were stuck in his throat and he could not speak.

But when he thought that Feng Wutong was so indifferent to him, but so gentle to the blond man, a strong feeling of unwillingness came to his heart. Why?

Why did this man win Feng Wutong's heart?

He is the grandson of the future titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace. He has a noble status. Only he can be worthy of Feng Wutong!

Directly looking away, he shouted angrily at Dai Yao:

"Who are you to be a man who hides behind a woman? Stand up if you have the guts. I want to compete fairly with you!"

Mr. Li's loud shout echoed in this empty place, attracting the attention of many scholars who were eating. When they saw Mr. Li's appearance, they were all slightly shocked.

"Isn't this Mr. Li? Why is he here in the library?"

"If I'm not wrong, he came here for Feng Wutong, but it's a pity that falling flowers are intentional and flowing water is ruthless. The identity of Feng Wutong is not comparable to that of Mr. Li."

One person sneered.

Next to this person, a man quickly stopped him and said, "You are crazy. Mr. Li's grandfather is an eighty-nine-level Contra. Even if he is not as good as Feng Wutong, he is definitely not comparable to us. "

"You are talking about him here, don't you want to live?"

The man quickly shut his mouth.

Although they are all scholars of Wuhun Palace, it is not a respected profession. The level of soul master is the key to determine their status.

If one could achieve success on the path of a soul master, who would be willing to settle down and study boring academics?

Otherwise, there would not be a great soul master over level 20 who would be called a master.

This is one of the reasons why Mr. Li and others think that Dai Yao is not a genius.

"Hey, although that man is protected by Feng Wutong, life will not be easy after being targeted by Mr. Li!"

Many people seemed to have foreseen the scene where Dai Yao was forced to leave Feng Wutong by Master Li's tricks and was left in despair. There was a hint of ridicule on his face. After all, being favored by Feng Wutong made them envious.

What's more, Feng Wutong behaved so gently.

Before Dai Yao could answer, Feng Wutong's expression instantly became sharp. A pair of phoenix eyes stared at Young Master Li, as if two sharp knives were piercing into Young Master Li's mind.

The cold sound was like ice and snow on the plateau.

"Do you want to die?"

Incandescent flames rose up from Feng Wutong's back, and her long fiery red hair was gradually covered with incandescence. The Suzaku martial spirit possessed her instantly. The surging pressure made Mr. Li's forehead break into cold sweat and his heart beat violently.

When Feng Wutong was about to take action, a voice sounded from behind her.

"Wutong, since you are here for me, there is no need for you to take action."

Dai Yao closed the book in his hand and said softly.

Ever since he came out of the Killing Capital, the murderous aura in his body has been suppressed. Although it has been worn away a lot by constant reading, it cannot change the arrogance in his bones.

Especially due to many reasons, he is unknown in Wuhun Palace and is not known to outsiders. Now that someone is provoking him because of Feng Wutong, he just takes this opportunity to establish his authority!

Fight back all the malicious glances around Feng Wutong and Zhu Zhuqing!

Feng Wutong was stunned for a moment, put away his martial spirit without hesitation, and backed away slowly. His obedient and obedient appearance made people wonder that Feng Wutong was not the blond man's girlfriend, but his maid.

However, when they thought of Feng Wutong's identity, they immediately put this absurd idea behind them.

As the Suzaku martial spirit disappeared, the suffocating pressure suddenly disappeared. Master Li gasped for air, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth, and turned his gaze to the blond man.

He was not willing to show his cowardice in front of Feng Wutong. He had to prove that he was better than the blond man and more suitable for Feng Wutong!

However, when his eyes collided with Dai Yao's cold eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly, and endless murderous intent rushed towards him.

He seemed to see countless bones lying at the feet of the blond man. The throne formed by the bones lifted the blond man high. Cold, evil, and majestic that cannot be looked directly at, he seemed to have seen a murderous god walking in the world!

He panicked and hurriedly backed away. His back heel hit a bump and fell to the ground, but he still rolled back in fear.

This move suddenly caused an uproar.

How could the grandson of Contra be so rude? !

Who is that blond man?

"You brat, what have you done? If you dare to touch Mr. Li, are you willing to die?!"

The thin man next to Mr. Li shouted loudly. However, his voice attracted Dai Yao. When Dai Yao's eyes swept over him, his open mouth immediately froze, as if someone had grabbed his throat tightly with his hands, making him unable to speak.

Just like Mr. Li, he rolled back and crawled back.

Dai Yao's cold gaze faintly swept over the people around Mr. Li. No one dared to look at him. He slowly approached Mr. Li and said calmly:

"From now on, if you dare to provoke Wutong again, I don't need to explain the consequences."

Mr. Li, who looked frightened, swallowed and nodded hurriedly, fearing that Dai Yao would take back his words in the next second.


He quickly stood up, greeted the people around him, and hurriedly fled from the library.

After leaving the library far away, the thin man secretly said:

"Mr. Li, this man is too arrogant. Do we have to endure it? Mr. Li, as long as you find your grandpa, you will definitely teach him a lesson..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mr. Li hit him on the back of the head with a melon seed, knocking him staggering. Mr. Li stared at the thin man and said angrily:

"shut up!"

"If you want to die, don't take me with you!"

From Dai Yao's eyes just now, he could see the murderous intent coming from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. He had only seen such murderous intent from the current saint, Hu Liena!

In other words, the blond man has talents that are not weaker than those of today's saints!

And where does Hu Liena’s murderous intent come from? He was frightened when he heard only a few words from her grandfather. The guy who came out of that kind of place was definitely not a soft-hearted person.

If he does it again, the blond man will definitely fulfill his promise.

"From now on, we will not provoke Feng Wutong again, and what happened today must not be leaked to anyone. Do you understand me?"

Mr. Li glanced around the crowd and shouted.

Everyone looked at each other for a while, then nodded and said, "I understand."

Mr. Li took a few deep breaths with lingering fear. Thinking that there was such a man beside Feng Wutong, he couldn't help but sigh. It was obvious that he could never win Feng Wutong's heart again.

After thinking for a while, he explained: "Do you know why I didn't let you leak it?"


Everyone was a little puzzled.

"This man has a terrifying talent that is no less than that of today's saints. However, there is no news about him in Wuhun Palace. You should understand the horror of it."

Hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank and they immediately understood the key. If the talent of the blond man is really as Mr. Li said, he must not be an unknown person, but there is no news in the Wuhun Palace.

It was as if a big hand had wiped away all the man's past.

Perhaps this was the reason why they couldn't find any information about the man.

Those with this kind of strength and motivation must be the top leaders of Wuhun Palace today, including the Platinum Bishop, the six Titled Douluo-level elders, and even... the current Pope!

Thinking of Feng Wutong's respectful attitude towards the man, the man's figure gradually became enigmatic.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we will definitely not say anything."

Everyone replied one after another.

The man's reputation is unknown. Someone obviously did it deliberately. If it is because of them that the man attracts the attention of many people and has no choice but to reveal his identity, then they will definitely be disgusted by the mastermind behind the scenes!

Even Mr. Li, the grandson of Contra, cannot bear such consequences.

After a farce, Dai Yao and Feng Wutong returned to the table. The people around them looked at Dai Yao with gradually more dignity.

He was able to scare Mr. Li away without even using a soul skill. He was definitely not an ordinary person.

Noticing Feng Wutong's slightly strange expression, Dai Yao asked doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"Sir, I can obviously teach him a lesson, so why bother doing it myself?"

Dai Yao smiled and said: "This is not a simple provocation. This is a matter between men. How can I just sit back and watch the woman who covets me? I have to teach him personally to completely dispel his thoughts."

Hearing the words 'my woman', Feng Wutong couldn't help but blush on her face and gave a shy 'hmm'.

At this moment, a fiery red figure suddenly sat down next to Dai Yao. The lines on his clothes seemed to be flowing with magma, releasing a shining light.

A heat wave gradually spread.

Seeing this person, people around him couldn't help but have a touch of respect on their faces. Because this person is one of today's golden generation, Yan!

"I said Dai Yao, you can do it. I haven't seen you for several years, and you immediately drove away the man named Li. Tell me, what method did you use?!"

Yan looked at Dai Yao up and down and said in surprise.

Different from Tang San's murderous intent exposed in the original work, after a month of accumulation, Dai Yao has been able to condense the murderous intent into a thread, which is completely invisible to those who have not witnessed it.

Dai Yao did not raise his head and said casually:

"Why are you here? Could it be that you have gone through the experience of Death Canyon and want to take revenge on me?"

Yan waved his hands repeatedly, smiled, looked at Feng Wutong jokingly, and then said:

"What revenge? When you were still a Soul Sect, I was no match for you. Now that you have become the Soul King, I am stupid to want to fight you! I am here this time to ask you for advice. !”

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Dai Yao raised his head and asked.

Yan hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "I am here this time to ask you for advice on how to chase a girl?"

"Chasing Hu Liena?"

Dai Yao bluntly stated Yan's purpose.

Yan smiled helplessly and said, "Is it so obvious?"

Feng Wutong covered her mouth and chuckled: "Yan, everyone knows about your thoughts about Sister Na, you are the only one who is still kept in the dark."

Yan's face was startled, and then he asked Dai Yao:

"After so many years, Nana should know my thoughts, but she has always kept a distance from me. I really don't know what to do."

"Especially after Nana came back from the Killing City, she became even more indifferent to me, as if she had someone she liked."

"Tell me, there are so many girls around you, you must know how to please them. I feel like if I don't do something, Nana will leave me forever!"

Looking at Yan with a pleading look on his face, Dai Yao sighed, patted his shoulder and said:

"Yan, give up. Hu Liena can't possibly like you."


Yan still doesn't give up.

"Because you are not handsome enough. Hu Liena likes handsome people. Although you are good, you cannot meet Hu Liena's standards."

Dai Yao told the cold truth.

"Impossible, Nana is not such a superficial person!"

Yan said in disbelief.

Dai Yao shook his head slightly. Although handsomeness was the factor that impressed Hu Liena, the more important factor was his strength. If he was not strong enough to conquer Hu Liena, he would definitely not be able to impress Hu Liena.

Obviously, Yan does not meet Hu Liena's requirements in terms of appearance and strength.

"Then there's nothing you can do. In fact, if you ask me, you won't get the answer you want."


"Because I've never chased a girl?"

Dai Yao said matter-of-factly.

"Ah?! How is that possible?"

Yan was shocked.

He originally thought that he could pursue outstanding girls like Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong and let them live in harmony because of Dai Yaoru's compassionate methods.

Unexpectedly, according to Dai Yao's words, he had never pursued a girl at all.

"Then why are there so many girls around you?"

Yan asked.

"That's because we are chasing him."

Before Dai Yao and the others could speak, a cold voice intervened in the conversation between the three of them.

Turning around, he saw the elegant and refined iceberg goddess sitting next to Dai Yao. The happy smile on her beautiful face made countless people look at her for a moment.

It was Zhu Zhuqing.

Yan lost his thoughts for a moment and asked Chaofeng Wutong in disbelief: "Is it true?"

Feng Wutong nodded affirmatively: "Well, we are chasing him."

In an instant, Yan's world turned gray-white. Why did girls like Zhu Zhuqingfeng Wutong, who was not inferior to Hu Liena, or even worse, swarm after Dai Yao.

But when he pursued Hu Liena, he got no response!

For the first time, he felt the absurdity of reality. (End of chapter)

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