In the secret room.

Bibi Dongzhen lowered his head slightly and looked at Dai Yao who was sleeping soundly on his lap through the gaps between the mountains. His eyes were full of complicated meanings. One hand held Dai Yao's head to prevent him from falling, and the other hand was placed on Dai Yao's hair.

Maintaining this posture, like a sculpture, after a long time, Bibi Dong turned away and sighed softly.

There was a hint of resentment in the voice.

She took out the mask that Dai Yao wore when he pretended to be the messenger, and placed it on top of Dai Yao's face. In her field of vision, the mysterious and cold messenger seemed to be back again.

The mask has been worn in several places, showing a gray color washed away by time.

That was caused by her stroking it with her hands day and night.

However, when she knew that the divine messenger was Dai Yao in disguise, the 'divine messenger' who made her put down all her guard could never come back.

He removed the mask and focused his gaze on Dai Yao's face. On that resolute and cold face, there was a tranquility visible to the naked eye.

Bibi Dong sighed again, but this time, the sigh contained some inexplicable meaning...

Leaning against the cold stone wall on her back, Bibi Dong closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

the next day.

Dai Yao woke up. The quality of his sleep this night almost made him want to moan out of comfort. He couldn't help but rub the softness of his headrest. He suddenly froze when he remembered something.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and through the gap between the mountains, he saw Bibi Dong's cold gaze, like two sharp swords, meeting his eyes.

"Have you slept enough?"

Bibi Dong said expressionlessly.

Dai Yao swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, feeling anxious, and hurriedly stood up and said:

"Sorry, Bibi Dong. I slept so comfortably, I didn't expect you never woke me up."

He was very puzzled. He had so much murderous energy in his body that he almost lost his mind, so he acted as offensively as he did last night. But Bibi Dong was awake and kept the same posture. Why didn't he wake up all night?

"As I said yesterday, you don't have to think too much. The murderous aura in you is about to materialize. If it is not relieved, you will turn into a monster who only knows how to kill."

"I want to complete the divine examination and need your help. Moreover, you are also a rare genius in my Spirit Hall for thousands of years. As the Pope, I will not watch you lose your mind."

After Dai Yao stood up, the feeling of emptiness in his legs actually made Bibi Dong feel a little lost.

Looking at Dai Yao's slightly embarrassed look, perhaps she didn't even notice that Dai Yao's alienation made her feel a little bit of disappointment.

"Okay, how is the murderous aura in your body doing now?"

Bibi Dong asked casually.

Hearing this, Dai Yao carefully felt the murderous aura in his body. He was a little happy, but he quickly became heavy and said:

"It's better, but as long as I stay in this zombie world, the murderous aura in my body will continue to grow. Sooner or later, I won't be able to suppress the murderous aura in my body."

Bibi Dongyu squeezed her hands gently, pretending to be expressionless, and said coldly:

"It seems to have some effect. In that case, then at night, you can rest like you did yesterday."

Hearing this, Dai Yao was startled and stared at Bibi Dong, trying to analyze her true purpose from the changes in the expression on her face.

In the original work, Bibi Dong loved Yu Xiaogang wholeheartedly. Even after Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong got together, she still remained infatuated.

Now she actually asked him to rest on her slender and round thigh. This kind of intimate behavior, if Bibi Dong's character in the original work, he would definitely die after the divine test is completed!

Taking a deep breath, he refused:

"His Majesty the Pope, no need. You are the Pope, and I am just one of your ministers. Such an intimate move has crossed the line. I took the liberty to accept your proposal last night, and I am here to apologize to you."

"Now are you calling me the Pope?"

Bibi Dong's face was full of mockery.

"If you really see me as His Majesty the Pope, you dare to pretend to be an envoy of God to deceive me? In the past month, I have not seen anywhere that you regard me as His Majesty the Pope."

She seemed to be aware of Dai Yao's concerns and said coldly:

"Don't worry, as long as you help me complete the divine test, even if there is any over-the-top behavior here, I will not pursue it, and I will also let the few women around you go."

Bibi Dong said this, how could Dai Yao still refuse? After a while, he said:

"Then it will be as you say."

Hearing the change of title in Dai Yao's words, Bibi Dong glanced sideways at Dai Yao and couldn't help but hum. When he was about to stand up, his feet were empty and he almost fell.

Dai Yao, who had been paying attention to Bibi Dong just now, noticed this scene, quickly supported Bibi Dong and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Bibi Dong stamped her numb legs and said calmly:


It turned out that Dai Yao was resting his head on Bibi Dong's jade leg and had not moved all night. Bibi Dong's leg had long been anemic and numb.

You know, in the zombie world, she is just an ordinary person, but even so, she would rather her legs became numb than wake up Dai Yao.

To her, this physical pain was nothing compared to the mental pain she had suffered.

Noticing this, Dai Yao couldn't help but fell silent.

A month passed.

After staying in this pale world for another month, at noon that day, Bibi Dong supported the seriously injured Dai Yao and returned to the secret room with difficulty.

On Dai Yao's back, there was a scar that was deep enough to see the bone and tens of centimeters long. Even after a quarter of an hour, blood was still oozing out.

Looking at the huge wound on Dai Yao's back, Bibi Dong's beautiful face was full of guilt. Dai Yao was injured today, all thanks to her.

"Tell me, well, why do you have to mess with those swarms of zombies?"

Lying on the stone seat, Dai Yao said weakly.

However, this stone seat was where the Douluo of the Chamber of Secrets sat. He always felt a little uncomfortable when he sat on it.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes and uttered a few words from her throat with difficulty:


In the past month, in order to hunt zombies, they had almost killed all the small groups of zombies on the periphery of residential areas. The number of zombies killed in these days has dropped significantly, and there are even days when the number that must be completed every day is not reached.

Therefore, in desperation, Bibi Dong risked his life to hunt down the larger group of zombies.

However, she failed on the first day. All the zombie groups were alarmed, forming an endless tide of corpses. In that desperate scene, if Dai Yao had not exhausted his soul power and risked his life to save her, she would have died among the residents. district.

Thinking of this, her eyes couldn't help but soften a little, and she said with concern:

"Dai Yao, are your injuries... okay?"

After Dai Yao exhaled deeply, he endured the injury and said: "It's okay. When I came back just now, I had suppressed the injury with my soul power. After the soul power is restored, the wound will heal much faster."

Hearing this, under Dai Yao's doubtful eyes, Bibi Dong walked out of the Pope's Palace, took some firewood from the forest outside the Pope's Palace, piled it in the center of the secret room, and then used pine needles to start a fire. The next moment, orange flames rose up.

However, this orange flame looks a bit pale in the zombie world, unlike the real world where fire can dispel the coldness on the body.

But it’s better than nothing.

The layout of the secret room of the Pope's Palace is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. You only need to open a mechanism to open the ventilation. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about oxygen when lighting a fire in a secret room.

Bibi Dong carefully helped Dai Yao to the fire.

The flames warmed Dai Yao's body, and the pain in his back seemed to have eased a bit. He said happily:


Bibi Dong shook her head and stared at the rising fireworks with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes. After a while, she said:

"Why did you...why did you save me today?"

Dai Yao was stunned. At that time, Bibi Dong acted alone and insisted on his own way, causing himself to be trapped in the tide of corpses.

If she had not been surrounded, Dai Yao would have dared to take the risk to save her, but she was surrounded. Even if he could use all his soul power, it would not be easy to fight his way out of the endless tide of corpses.

No sane person would risk his own life to save Bibi Dong!

However, for a month, he lay on Bibi Dong's warm and soft jade legs every night, suppressing the murderous aura in his body. Even though Bibi Dong's legs were numb, she didn't wake him up.

Whether it was to repay Bibi Dong's move, or to show mercy to the people around him and what happened to Bibi Dong, he decided to take the risk.

It was Bibi Dong's fault. If she hadn't sent Snake Spear Douluo to teach Dai Yao how to shoot, Dai Yao wouldn't have been able to fight his way through the zombies without soul power.

But these intimate actions are just fate after all. In the zombie world, the special care that the two received because they joined together to keep warm will still exist after returning to the real world?

In the real world, Bibi Dong is still the unattainable Pope, the woman who loves the good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang unswervingly...

After a slight silence, Dai Yao said calmly without looking at Bibi Dong's face:

"In order for the people I care about to live safely, I have to get you out."

"For the people around you..."

Bibi Dong repeated softly, and the reflection of the flames hit her face, swaying, as if it was also laughing at her wishful thinking. Although the fire was warm, her heart became colder and colder.

Dai Yao didn't notice Bibi Dong's expression and warned:

"You must not take any more risks tomorrow. Once we are caught in the tide of corpses, both you and I will die."

Bibi Dong flatly refused: "No, I have to go."

"All the zombies we can safely hunt in residential areas have been killed. If I want to complete the divine test, I must take risks!"

Dai Yao said angrily: "Are you crazy?! You have to make fun of your own life!"

"No, you don't understand."

Bibi Dong said coldly, the cold voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell.

She slowly stood up and walked to the corpse that had been sitting on the stone seat and was thrown into the corner by her. She looked down at the withered skeleton from a high position. The desperate experience she had experienced was like a flood that burst a bank and swallowed her up in an instant.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly turned blood red, filled with deep hatred. His face gradually turned crazy and ferocious. He lifted up his long, slender legs wrapped in purple stockings and stepped down hard. The sharp high heels pierced his skull hard.

But even so, she still couldn't let go. She lifted it up again and stepped down until the skull was crushed into pieces. She gritted her teeth and said:

"You don't know what the divine test means to me. Only by completing the divine test can I... I can take revenge!"

Dai Yao endured the injury on his back, stood up and walked to Bibi Dong's side. Looking at Bibi Dong venting his anger, he sighed in his heart and couldn't help but sympathize with the woman in front of him.

Although she was wrong, Qian Xunji's method of retaining her lost the bottom line of being a teacher.

Seeing Bibi Dong getting more and more crazy, Dai Yao quickly stepped forward, grabbed Bibi Dong, stared into her blood-red eyes, and drank:

"That's enough, wake up!"

But Bibi Dong ignored him and said loudly: "Who am I, why do you care about me?!"

In desperation, Dai Yao hugged Bibi Dong fiercely, trying to calm her down. Bibi Dong in his arms was still struggling, Dai Yao said softly:

"It's all over, don't torture yourself anymore..."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's pupils suddenly dilated and stopped struggling. After a while, a low sob came from Dai Yao's arms.

For many years, she was abandoned by her lover, violated by her respected teacher, and burdened with the obsession for revenge. She persisted alone in hatred and despair for more than 20 years.

She has no father or mother, and is on the same level as her daughter. There is no one around her who can share her joys and sorrows. Every time I see Qian Daoliu, I have to make excuses and bury my hatred deep in my heart.

Dai Yao's simple words of comfort easily shattered the years of ice in her heart.

In an instant, the emotions that had been suppressed for many years surged out, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

She was sure that Dai Yao had absolutely no idea about her past, so she thought that those comforting words were just Dai Yao's accidental hit on her emotional point.

Of course, because Bibi Dong's status was too high, no one dared to say such offensive words to Bibi Dong.

If Bibi Dong had not become an ordinary person in the zombie world, he would have the opportunity to get along with her on an equal footing.

Perhaps because she was too tired, Bibi Dong fell asleep in Dai Yao's arms after sobbing. Not only because of the trust brought by the 'god envoy', but also because of this period of time when she got along with Dai Yao, she relaxed her guard against Dai Yao.

Looking at Bibi Dong sleeping peacefully in his arms, Dai Yao was silent.

"It's rare for her to get a good night's sleep, so let's repay her with this month's knee pillow."

The next day, Bibi Dong woke up. She had slept particularly comfortably, as if she was in a warm embrace. When she opened her eyes, she immediately felt something strange behind her and stood up suddenly.

When she saw clearly that behind her was Dai Yao, her beautiful eyes suddenly tightened... (End of this chapter)

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