Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 280 Dependence and knee pillow

Standing on the Pope's Palace on the hillside, looking down, you can have a panoramic view of half of the Wuhun Palace.

Dai Yao glanced downwards. In the real world, there were hundreds of thousands of ordinary people living in a civilian area. There were so many zombies. Dai Yao's scalp went numb when he saw them, and he said in a deep voice:

"Bibi Dong, now we are trying our best to hunt zombies in the other five areas where the density of zombies is relatively sparse. If we still cannot complete the task after killing all the zombies in these five areas, we will then go to the area where civilians live. The region will find a solution.”

Wuhun City looks like a hexagon in appearance, so it is divided into six areas.

Among them, many civilians without soul power live in one area, as many as 100,000 people, with an extremely high density. The few soul masters occupied the other five areas.

The number of zombies in the zombie world corresponds to the population in the real world. Therefore, residential areas with as many as 100,000 zombies are places that Dai Yao does not dare to go to easily.

Dai Yao, who was so angry, didn't bother to call Bibi Dong whether the pope had crowned him, so he called her by her name directly.

"Have you caught enough?"

Bibi Dong said coldly.

By now, Bibi Dong had calmed down and regained her cold attitude.

Hearing this, Dai Yao's face froze, and he lowered his hand holding Bibi Dong with some guilt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Bibi Dong didn't care and rubbed her sore wrist. In the zombie world, she is just an ordinary person and feels pain. The pain of seeing each other again after a long separation gave her a sense of suddenness.

After she became the pope, she had never been exposed to this feeling of an ordinary person again, and now she felt it differently.

She ignored Dai Yao and walked slowly to the front of the Pope's Palace, overlooking Wuhun City. After a moment, she said expressionlessly:

"You have considered it well, but you also know that the zombies in the other five areas are not only small in number, but also sparse in density. Based on the test of 10,000 zombies in four years, I still need nearly 7,000 zombies now Hunt.”

"In the other five areas, although it is safe, the speed is too slow."

"I only have half a year! You should know the consequences of not completing it."

Bibi Dong turned around, stared at Dai Yao, and said coldly.

"I know."

Dai Yao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Bibi Dong's words did make some sense. He had to be prepared to hunt zombies in residential areas.

Seven thousand zombies, half a year, means that he and Bibi Dong have to hunt and kill nearly forty zombies every day.

Back then Bibi Dong had hunted down a lot of zombies in the five major areas, and the remaining zombies were all separated. Hunting this part of the zombies may spend most of their time on the road.

But even so, for the sake of safety, the two still have to go to the other five major areas first. As a last resort, the area where civilians live will be chosen.

"In that case, let's separate ourselves. The zombies in these areas are not easy to find."

Bibi Dong leaned on the papal scepter and said calmly.


Dai Yao nodded, took out the dagger, and the black robe and mask. Just as he was about to put it on, he realized something and stopped suddenly.

Looking at the black robe that could completely cover her figure, Bibi Dong squinted at Dai Yao, the meaning was self-evident.

Taking out the black robe is Dai Yao's habitual behavior. Feeling the cold gaze cast by Bibi Dong, he smiled coquettishly and was about to take the black robe and mask back when Bibi Dong stopped him:


Dai Yao was taken aback for a moment, stopped the movements in his hands, and looked at Bibi Dong suspiciously.

Bibi Dong looked at the black robe and mask in Dai Yao's hand, and was in a daze. This reminded her of the short time she spent with the divine envoy, and made her put down her guard and her calculations...

Taking a deep breath, with a cold face, he held the papal scepter in one hand and took the black robe and mask from Dai Yao's hand with the other hand. He gently rubbed it a few times, and it turned out to be a familiar touch.

The "angel" is a beam of warm light shining into her desperate world.

However, everything in this warmth is false.

His eyes suddenly became cold, he looked at Dai Yao, and said lightly:

"Is this the god envoy outfit you deceived me?"

Dai Yao tensed up and nodded.

"I keep these two things, you go kill the zombies first."

Bibi Dong ordered.

Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't pursue this matter, Dai Yao heaved a sigh of relief, and headed towards the Wuhun City below.

Looking down at Dai Yao's leaving figure, then looking at the black robe and mask in his hands, gently stroking the lines on the mask, a complicated look flashed across Bibi Dong's eyes, she slowly closed her eyes, and whispered:

"It's just a dream after all..."

The deep voice is full of regret and regret...

When he came back to his senses, he changed into the purple clothes suitable for fighting in the secret room, and immediately flew towards the direction of Wuhun City.

at dusk.

The pale sun slowly sank into the horizon, radiating cold sunlight, adding a bit of coldness and evil to this zombie world.

Dai Yao and Bibi Dong returned to the secret room at the same time.

After a day of killing, the two of them were exhausted, their bodies were covered in dust, and their clothes were also torn.

But perhaps because of the murderous intent, Dai Yao's mental state is surprisingly good, like a hungry person, only killing can fill him up.

"How many have you killed today?"

There were some stains on Bibi Dong's beautiful face and her hair was messy, but she didn't bother to take care of it. Today she searched her area and killed nine zombies in one fell swoop.

She was in a terrible mood.

This amount obviously cannot reach the minimum daily amount that needs to be completed. Now, let’s take a look at Dai Yao’s gains.

Dai Yao took out eleven prisms and handed them to Bibi Dong:


Looking at Bibi Dong who was silently staring at the eleven prisms in his hand, as if thinking about something, Dai Yao sighed and said in a deep voice:

"It seems that the number of zombies in these places has dropped to an extremely low level, which cannot satisfy the number of zombies we need to hunt every day."

"Perhaps we need to venture into residential areas."

After Dai Yao finished speaking, the secret room fell into silence again. After a while, Bibi Dong spoke up to break the silence.

"You are right, if you want to complete the divine test, you must enter the residential area!"

Bibi Dong gritted her teeth and said with a hint of cruelty in her tone. Even if she risks her life, she must complete the divine examination. Only by inheriting the divine throne can she completely eradicate the angel lineage!

The harshness in Bibi Dong's tone made Dai Yao's heart sink slightly, and he warned:

"Bibi Dong, you have to know that zombies in residential areas are no joke. Let me tell you, the soul power I can use in my body is not even as good as a soul warrior."

"If you're not careful, you will be surrounded by a tide of corpses, and your life will be at stake!"

"If you and I cannot trust each other, in such an environment, we will die!"

Bibi Dong was slightly startled, but after a while, she nodded.


She didn't know whether it was because she wanted to become a god, or because the 'god's envoy' desperately tried to save her in the zombie wave, but she finally agreed to Dai Yao's proposal. However, she couldn't tell which factor accounted for more.

The night passed.

"Let's go."

Dai Yao got up early and said after watching Bibi Dong bring the fighting equipment.

Immediately, the two rushed towards the residential area.

Dai Yao was in front, and Bibi Dong was behind. Neither of them spoke a word along the way. Even when they communicated, they used simple sign language and tried not to make a sound.

Because once you make a sound, it will attract the attention of zombies. Especially in residential areas where zombies are extremely dense, there is a huge tide of zombies as far as the eye can see.

Approaching the residential area, the zombies became visibly denser.

In front of Dai Yao's eyes, there were five zombies swimming around. Dai Yao immediately hid himself.

Seeing Dai Yao's actions, Bibi Dong instantly made the same choice as Dai Yao.

The two eyes met, Dai Yao made a few gestures, Bibi Dong nodded, and the two immediately separated, surrounded by several zombies on the left and right.

Use the buildings to slowly approach them.

The five zombies were still swimming leisurely, unaware that danger was coming.

The next moment, sharp sword light flashed, and the two men simultaneously chopped off the heads of the zombies on the outside, and then involuntarily passed towards the three zombies on the inside.

Just when the three zombies were about to roar, the two of them charged up again and killed two zombies. But they were no longer able to control the zombie in the center.

Once it roars, the two of them can only run away in confusion.

At the critical moment, Dai Yao put his middle finger and index finger together, like a spear, and with a click, stabbed into the neck of the remaining zombie accurately.

Immediately, he exerted force with his fingers and stirred hard. The head of the zombie was separated from the body before it even made a sound.

Following the bloody killing, the murderous aura in Dai Yao's body suddenly boiled, and the blood red in his eyes became darker and darker.

Noticing this scene, Bibi Dong was shocked, what a powerful marksmanship. At the same time, she flashed behind several headless zombies, supported their center of gravity, and slowly placed them on the ground.

This is to avoid the sound of zombies falling to the ground and attract the attention of other zombies.

But she was still anxious, worried that Dai Yao would not notice this. However, when she gently placed a few zombies on the ground and cast her eyes on Dai Yao, she immediately froze.

It turned out that Dai Yao made the same action with her in a tacit understanding. Dai Yao used a very strange posture to hold the three zombies carefully, preventing them from falling down and making a sound.

Bibi Dong hurried forward, unloaded those zombies, and put them on the ground. Looking at Dai Yao's eyes, there is a bit of approval in his eyes.

Smart teammate, let her be a little more confident in completing the divine test.

However, when she saw Dai Yao's murderous eyes, her heart sank suddenly. Only then did she realize that Dai Yao had just come out of the killing capital, and his mind was full of killing. If he lost his mind, the consequences would be disastrous.

what to do?

Let Dai Yao resolve his murderous intent and then help her? By then, the day lily will be cold, and the divine test has already failed.

But if Dai Yao is allowed to take the risk and stay in the Rakshasa Divine Examination, the murderous aura in his body will only accumulate deeper and deeper, and even completely change his personality and turn into a murderous monster!

Dai Yao must stay with her, but perhaps because of the special emotion brought by the 'God Envoy', she doesn't want to ruin Dai Yao's future.

Controlling Dai Yao with murderous aura is tantamount to walking on the tip of a knife. If she had been crazy, she would definitely choose this path, but because of the existence of the 'God Envoy' back then, her thoughts became less extreme.

But she couldn't find a way to have the best of both worlds. Weiwei was silent, like an ostrich, ignoring this predicament.

Skillfully took out the prism from the zombie's head, put it in the bag, and then followed Dai Yao to continue hunting the zombies. Sure enough, there were a lot of zombies in the residential area, and five of them were hunted down after a while.

I guess today's mission can be completed.

However, there are too many zombies in the residential area. Most of the zombie groups they are looking for are twenty or even hundreds of zombie groups that make one's scalp tingle.

That's something they can't mess with.

You can only find some small groups of zombies to hunt. However, even so, they barely completed the daily tasks.

A month passed.

The two of them returned to the secret room exhausted. Both of them were in a state of distress. Although they washed up, it was of no avail.

Bibi Dong's long, smooth and shiny purple hair had become dull, and her gorgeous long dress was full of damage, with a piece broken here and a piece there.

Even though they worked so hard, they still completed their daily tasks, but only by a few. The reason is that they dare not touch too many zombie groups.

Bibi Dong looked at Dai Yao, who was becoming more and more gloomy with murderous intent, and asked:

"Dai Yao, how are you?"

Dai Yao took a deep breath, suppressed the murderous aura that seemed to be gushing out, shook his head fiercely, trying to wake himself up, sweating coldly, and gritted his teeth:


In the Rakshasa God Examination, it seems that he has deep malice towards Dai Yao, who has the Shura domain. After a month of killing, the murderous aura in Dai Yao's body rapidly expanded, reaching the point where he was about to lose his mind.

Moreover, in the zombie world, there are only endless zombies, and the indifferent Bibi Dong, who can't express the depression in his body. Therefore, he does not realize how serious his condition is.

"You don't have to hold on. If you continue like this, you will go crazy."

Bibi Dong frowned, her beautiful eyes full of complex meanings.

"No, I have to help you complete the divine test!"

Although his brain was a little confused, Dai Yao still said these words firmly. Only by completing the divine test can the people he cares about live safely.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong bit her teeth, stared at Dai Yao, and shouted coldly:

"You're going crazy yourself, why do you care about those people?! You can do as much as you can, can't you just let yourself go?"

In this world, there are only two people, Dai Yao and her.

After a month of getting along, not only did we become more and more understanding and trust each other during battle;

Moreover, Dai Yao entered the divine examination for the sake of the people she cared about, Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong. Even if she was almost lost her mind due to the murderous aura, she was deeply infected by the heavy sense of responsibility she still insisted on.

Although Dai Yao is not a 'god envoy', she realizes Dai Yao's true nature in the zombie world.

There was a world of difference from the men she had met before, Yu Xiaogang and Qian Xunji!

"But, only in this way can you let Zhuqing and Wutong go, right?"

Dai Yao said calmly.

That matter-of-fact tone made Bibi Dong deeply shocked.


She cursed under her breath.

He stood up, walked slowly to Dai Yao's side, and slowly knelt down. Seeing this situation, Dai Yao couldn't help but have a hint of doubt in his murderous eyes.

But Bibi Dong ignored it and said calmly:

"Lie down."

For some reason, Bibi Dong's weird situation made Dai Yao couldn't help but obey her words and slowly lay down.

Bibi Dong put Dai Yao's head on her lap. As soon as Dai Yao opened his eyes, he was filled with grandeur. Bibi Dong said in a cold voice:

"No more eyes?"

Dai Yao quickly closed his eyes.

"You don't have to think too much, this is to make you more comfortable, to see if it can relieve the murderous aura in your body, and let you stay in the divine test and help me hunt zombies."

Bibi Dong said calmly.



Dai Yao responded.

Resting on the soft headrest, smelling the mischievous aroma that entered his nose, Dai Yao felt more and more comfortable, his thoughts gradually emptied, and he fell asleep unconsciously... (End of this chapter)

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