"Your Majesty, I wonder what brings you here?"

After jumping off the waterfall, Dai Yao walked to Snake Spear Douluo and said respectfully, feeling very confused in his heart.

Firstly, he has no friendship with Snake-Lance Douluo, and secondly, it’s because he is Bibi Dong’s subordinate, and Snake-Lance Douluo takes orders from the Grand Priest. Although Snake-Lance Douluo is Bibi Dong’s subordinate in the Pope’s Palace, he has always been a subordinate of Bibi Dong. The appearance is incompatible with the spirit.

Therefore, the arrival of the snake spear made him a little confused and at the same time, he also remained vigilant.

Thinking of the figure who was practicing hard under the waterfall just now, and then looking at Dai Yao in front of him, Snake Spear couldn't help but admire in his heart. Although he was already so good, he never relaxed. No wonder he could defeat the golden generation.

Although he wanted to help the Grand Priest recruit Dai Yao, he was severely warned by Bibi Dong before he came, and he did not dare to say recruiting words to Dai Yao.

After hearing Dai Yao's answer, he said helplessly:

"His Majesty the Pope sent me to teach you marksmanship. I really don't know what His Majesty the Pope is thinking. You are obviously a beast soul master of the offensive type, but you want me to teach you the knowledge of weapon souls. It's really confusing... "

He wanted to say the word "nonsense", but he quickly realized that he couldn't say these words indiscriminately, so he immediately stopped and coughed twice to relieve the embarrassment. After noticing Dai Yao's expression as if he didn't hear anything, he said:

"Okay, let's stop talking. Since His Majesty the Pope has explained it, I can't just deal with it. I have to teach you a lesson. Come with me."

Dai Yao followed Snake Spear Douluo silently, thinking about what he just said, he felt a little happy in his heart. The reason why Bibi Dong asked Snake Spear Douluo to teach him about guns must be because of the so-called second martial spirit he revealed in front of Bibi Dong, the God-killing Spear.

Of course, that was just because he deliberately exposed the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit in order not to expose it.

His God-killing Spear has a very powerful attack power, but he has not been trained to avoid being exposed all the time, and he simply uses the terrifying characteristics of the God-killing Spear to deal with the enemy.

This kind of decomposition property that can kill almost gods can kill almost anyone, but that is based on the situation that others don't know. Once exposed, it will definitely not be that easy to deal with others.

If you follow Snake Spear Douluo and train your marksmanship properly, it will be like adding more power to a tiger, fully utilizing the power of the God-killing Spear.

Now, Snake Spear Douluo obviously didn't know about his second martial spirit, so he wouldn't be stupid enough to tell him the secret of his second martial spirit.

When he came to a small hill, Snake Lance Douluo raised one hand, a snake spear appeared in his hand, and shook the ground suddenly, the soil and plants on the hill were like scalpels, bit by bit. Like a thin ribbon, it was moved aside, exposing the rocks under the hill.

Glancing at the huge connected earth and rocks, Snake Spear Douluo showed a satisfied smile, turned to look at Dai Yao and said:

"The so-called marksmanship means fast, accurate, ruthless! And most importantly, the indomitable momentum!"

"Now, your first task is to smash this rock block with the wooden gun. You can't use your soul power to protect the wooden gun. If the rock is broken and the wooden gun is not broken, it can be considered complete."

Afterwards, Snake Spear Douluo floated away, while Dai Yao stared at the rock block in stunned silence. Compared with wooden guns, rocks are undoubtedly harder.

How difficult is it to break such a huge rock with a wooden gun?

But Dai Yao was not someone who was afraid of difficulties. He chopped wood to make a gun, raised his breath, and threw himself at the big rock without hesitation.

Time flies, the sun rises and sets, and the wooden guns are broken one after another. Dai Yao gradually gets the hang of the marksmanship. It turned out that Snake Spear Douluo had told the secret from the very beginning, to be fast, accurate and ruthless.

In this task, the first thing to pay attention to is accuracy and ruthlessness, find the weak point in the rock texture, and then stab it accurately and ruthlessly, the rock disintegrates, and the loss of the wooden gun is also minimized.

But that doesn’t mean that once you find the trick, you can relax your demands on yourself.

It is indeed important to find the trick, but more importantly, those shots after shots condense countless sweats into muscle memory actions! No matter what kind of powerful enemy you face, your movements will not change!

From the beginning, a wooden gun needed to be replaced every hour, which gradually became a wooden gun a day, or even a wooden gun every ten days. The speed of replacing wooden guns has become slower, but the speed of destroying boulders has become much faster.

This means that Dai Yao's control over the gun has also improved a lot!

While the four maids were preparing wooden spears for Dai Yao, they looked with some horror at Dai Yao, who was shirtless, sweating, and stabbing out the wooden spears.

They were already used to Dai Yao's hard work, but in the face of such a mountain, Dai Yao still had extremely high demands on himself, and there was no perfunctory every time he stabbed.

The hill they once regarded as a giant was getting smaller and smaller under Dai Yao's gun.

Three months later.

In the valley, there was the sound of the roaring waterfall. The small hill that once was has disappeared without a trace and turned into rubble all over the ground.

Dai Yao mechanically thrust out the last shot. When he wanted to thrust out again, he was shocked to find that he could no longer find the target in front of him.

A feeling of excitement and excitement suddenly filled my heart. Dai Yao wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, turned around and looked at the damaged wooden guns that had piled up into a hill. A strong sense of accomplishment enveloped him.


He tried hard to remain calm as usual, but he couldn't contain his joy at all.

At this moment, Snake Spear Douluo suddenly appeared in front of Dai Yao, seemingly sweeping away the gravel on the ground casually, a look of deep horror flashed across his eyes.

In just three months, he completed the task that he once completed in a year. You must know that he was once a proud man, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate into a titled Douluo, but Dai Yao was nine months faster than him. !

During the trial, you cannot use any soul power. Both of them are standing on the same starting line. Is the gap between them really that big?

After swallowing, Snake Spear Douluo stared at Dai Yao carefully for a while before saying:

"Your speed is pretty good, and you have the same demeanor as I did back then. Now, you can carry out your second task, which is to stand under the waterfall and use a wooden gun to break the stones flowing down the waterfall."

He pointed to the four maids and ordered:

"You just use baskets to carry the stones destroyed by Dai Yao to the waterfall and fall down from above. Dai Yao, the test of this mission is how fast, accurate and ruthless your marksmanship is."

"The movement of the gun must be fast so that it can hit the stone; the accuracy must be accurate so that the weak point of the stone can be accurately found and smashed; the gun must be drawn hard so that there is no fear of being injured by the stone. "

"After you complete this task, you can also try to close your eyes and use your ears to sense the location of the stone to see if you can complete the task."

Snake Spear Douluo snickered secretly and stared at Dai Yao.

It took him two years to complete this task under the leadership of his master. He has never completed the so-called task of closing his eyes, shooting a gun, and breaking rocks.

His teacher also said at the beginning that no one had been able to complete this task for many years, and it has always been regarded as a legend.

He was still a little unconvinced that Dai Yao was better than him, so he used this impossible task to make Dai Yao suffer.

"Dai Yao, do you dare to accept it?"

Snake Spear Douluo asked.

Dai Yao gritted his teeth and thought, this was a hundred-meter waterfall, and the stones falling from a high altitude were accelerated by gravity to the point where no one had time to react.

Moreover, at such a high speed and with the interference of waterfalls, it is necessary to accurately find the weak points in the texture of the rolling stones, not only to break them, but also to break dozens of stones falling at the same time. , how difficult it is!

In an instant, he had to calculate the precise route of the stone and fire dozens of shots in an instant. Otherwise, he would be hit by rocks falling from the sky. Even with Dai Yao's physique, it would not be uncomfortable to be hit by rocks accelerated by gravity.

Finally, you have to close your eyes, use your hearing only to identify the direction of the falling stone, and then stab it out with a wooden spear. Is this something that humans can do?

After thinking for a moment, Dai Yao said firmly:

"I accept."

This is not just a challenge to oneself. If you want to complete your revenge, you must hold yourself to the highest standards.

In the somewhat stunned eyes of Snake Spear Douluo, Dai Yao walked unswervingly towards the waterfall.


Nine months later.

On top of the hundred-meter-high waterfall, Peacock and Cuckoo each held a basket of stones, looking at the man under the waterfall who looked like a small black dot with shock.

That man was their master, Dai Yao.

In just nine months, they watched Dai Yao go from having a bruised nose and swollen face when he was hit by rocks, and being a little fussy, and then gradually became more proficient, until now he is able to move with ease and with ease.

This kind of progress made them, the soul masters, feel incredible.

When they were resting in Dai Yao, they also experienced Dai Yao's task of stabbing rocks with wooden spears, but they couldn't even stand on the boulder, let alone draw the gun.

Even with the use of soul power, the Soul King-level peacock tried his best to stab one without breaking it.

After realizing the difficulty of this task, they were sincerely shocked by Dai Yao's progress. Apart from the shock, there is also a deep admiration.

Living with Dai Yao day and night, they became more and more familiar with Dai Yao. Although he was a bit harsh at times, the faint sense of equality he treated them on weekdays made them intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

But they are very aware of the status gap between them and Dai Yao, and the women around Dai Yao are all talented and beautiful women who are second to none on the mainland. The feelings in their hearts can only be buried deep in their hearts.

They even thought that it would be nice to be his maid and be with him forever.

The peacock martial spirit opens its tail and the feathers on its back are extremely gorgeous. This is asking if the people below are ready.

The long-legged egret raised his head and noticed the strange phenomenon above the waterfall. He turned his head and asked Dai Yao, who was blindfolded: "Master, are you ready?"

Dai Yao bowed with a gesture, indicating that there was no problem, then clenched his spear and prepared to welcome the stones falling from the waterfall.

Seeing Dai Yao's signal, the egret summoned its martial spirit, and a crisp cry echoed in the valley.

After receiving the signal, the peacock on the waterfall looked at the cuckoo and tipped the basket in his hand. In an instant, dozens of stones fell downwards with the sound of breaking wind.

Under the waterfall, Dai Yao covered his eyes and tilted his head slightly, listening to the sounds around him, feeling peaceful in his heart.

Eliminating those noises one by one, only the sound of rapidly approaching piercing the air remained. The subtle movement of the air allowed him to outline the location of the stones in his mind.

The slight difference in air flow, and his long experience of stabbing rocks with spears, allowed him to quickly determine the weak points of the rocks.

The sound of breaking through the air became louder and more mixed, and the spear in his hand unknowingly tightened.

I saw dozens of stones falling down quickly and approaching Dai Yao very quickly. The four women's hearts seemed to be lifted up. They were so nervous that they forgot to breathe and stared at the motionless Dai Yao.

Dai Yao started the task of breaking rocks with his eyes closed four months ago.

When Dai Yao completed the second task, Snake Spear Douluo grimaced and asked Dai Yao to try blindfolding himself and break the rocks, and then he never came back again. He had already been severely hit by Dai Yao's progress, and he didn't want to be hit again.

In four months, Dai Yao made rapid progress and experienced a bruised nose and face. Now, he can break nineteen stones without any damage.

Today, Dai Yao is challenging twenty stones, which is also his ultimate goal.

Accompanied by the rumbling water, the stones quickly approached Dai Yao. After a few seconds, the twenty stones appeared above Dai Yao's head. The partridges were so scared that they closed their eyes.

But the next moment, a scene that dazzled everyone appeared.

The wooden spear in Dai Yao's palm was like a peacock spreading its wings. With Dai Yao's hand as the center, it stabbed twenty shots upward instantly. When Dai Yao finally put away his gun, the shadows of the twenty guns were still in the air.

At the same time, there was an explosion in an instant, and twenty boulders exploded like fireworks at almost the same time. Only people with very sensitive hearing can tell that that one explosion actually contains twenty consecutive sounds.

Small stones exploded like fireworks and fell into the lake.

The long-legged egret was extremely happy, jumping up and down, and shouted excitedly:

"Master, you succeeded!"

The peacocks and cuckoos falling in the sky also looked at Dai Yao with joy. Hearing the joyful voices of the three girls, Partridge cautiously opened his eyes. After seeing Dai Yao unscathed, he was also infected by the atmosphere full of joy.

Under the waterfall, Dai Yao untied the black cloth covering his eyes, opened his eyes gently, adapted to the sudden increase in light, looked at the four maids, and then looked at the waterfall flowing down.

The tense muscles suddenly relaxed. He looked up at the small patch of sky surrounded by mountains. He took a deep breath and said with emotion:

"it is finally over!"

Now, he is sure that his marksmanship has been mastered! Even if you encounter a soul master of the same level, you can deal with them with only a wooden spear. I can't imagine how terrifying it will be when he uses the God-killing Spear!

Feeling the soul power surging within his body, he laughed dumbly and said:

"I didn't expect to have already broken through level 50. It's really a double blessing. I not only completed the task, but also broke through the soul power level."

He didn't use those prisms to break through. He didn't take any shortcuts. With his own efforts, when he completed the task, he broke through naturally.

Now, it's time to get the fifth soul ring! (end of this chapter)

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