Inside the cabin.

Outside the window, the waterfall crashed on the boulders, splashing countless water splashes. Dai Yao and Ferdinand sat across from each other in front of the wooden table. Thinking of the past, they couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

"Dai Yao, nine years ago, I knew that your future achievements would attract the attention of the world, but I didn't expect that after just nine years, you would reach such a height, even the golden generation lost to you."

Ferdinand shook his fat head with a look of reminiscence on his face.

Dai Yao looked out the window. The magnificent waterfall seemed to have turned into the small waterfall at Xingluo Royal Academy. What was once a lonely and depressing experience, now that I look back on it, it feels a bit familiar.

He solemnly raised his hands and said, "I have to thank Grandpa Ferdinand for this. If you hadn't taken action in the first place, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Ferdinand laughed and leaned his fat body on the back of the chair. The wooden chair made an overwhelmed sound. He said cheerfully:

"I saved you originally because of my selfishness. Firstly, it was because your talent was worth cultivating, and secondly, it was because you had the power to split the Xingluo royal family."

"It's just that your growth has exceeded my expectations."

Ferdinand bluntly told his past calculations.

Dai Yao smiled and shook his head. He didn't mind. Since you want others to help you, you have to show your value.

At this moment, Feng Wutong opened the door, put the tea cup and boiled mountain spring water in hand, and was about to pour tea for Ferdinand, Dai Yao stopped him and said:

"Wutong, I'm coming!"

Taking the teacup and hot water from Feng Wutong, he poured tea for Ferdinand himself. Ferdinand deserves him to do such trivial things himself, and said, "Grandpa Ferdinand, this tea is the new one for Bishop Miles this year." You gave me two taels of tea leaves you picked, so you can try them."

Looking at Dai Yao who was pouring tea for him personally, Ferdinand's eyes couldn't help but soften a bit. He stared at the tea leaves floating in the water and said with a smile:

"This guy Miles only gave me one tael, but he gave you two taels. It seems that in the hearts of these guys, I am not as good as you!"

Dai Yao laughed and said: "That's because your status is too high, they can't reach it, right?"

Ferdinand smiled, the fat on his face was wrinkled. Looking at the two daughters Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong who were sitting quietly beside Dai Yao like daughters-in-law, he couldn't help but joked:

"You boy, you're such a blessing. During the few days I've been back, His Majesty Ghost Douluo has always complained to me. This girl Zhu Zhuqing misses you so much. His master is simply incomparable to you!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red and he lowered his head shyly.

To the two of them, Ferdinand was not like a family member, but more than a family member. He was like an elder here. Zhu Zhuqing was like a daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law.

After drinking tea, Ferdinand smacked his lips, glanced at several maids, then looked at Dai Yao, shaking his head slightly. Dai Yao understood immediately and asked the four maids to retreat temporarily.

In the small wooden house, after there were no outsiders, Ferdinand used his soul power to wrap the inside of the house to prevent the sound from leaking out. After being extremely careful, Ferdinand asked with a smile:

"Dai Yao, how do you feel after coming to Wuhun Hall these past few days?"

Thinking of the scene where he was forced by Bibi Dong after joining Wuhun Hall, Dai Yao felt sad and reluctantly said:


Ferdinand said carelessly: "Stop pretending, I still can't see you coming? Are you having a bad time! Otherwise, why would you leave the big manor in Wuhun City and come to this remote mountain?"

"Don't tell me why you want to practice hard!"

Ferdinand spoke without any mercy, Dai Yao smiled bitterly and said:

"You can still tell."

Ferdinand said with a smile: "Dai Yao, I have to say that you have taken the right step to leave Wuhun City, and you have done a good job. You are far away from the strife inside Wuhun City, and you can concentrate on cultivation."

"Bibi Dong also warned those people. Unless there is something important, your cultivation is not allowed to be disturbed."

"As long as your soul power is improved and you can defeat all kinds of tricks, you won't be able to use any of the crooked ways of others."

"However, I still have to remind you..."

Seeing Ferdinand change the subject and hesitate to speak, Dai Yao was moved in his heart and asked:

"Grandpa Ferdinand, please speak."

Ferdinand smacked his mouth a few times, thought for a moment, considered his words, and then said cautiously:

"Now we are all under Bibi Dong's subordinates, but don't get too close, this woman is a lunatic, I always feel that this woman has a tendency to want to destroy the world!"

Dai Yao's heart trembled. What Ferdinand said was very similar to the original work. In the original work, Bibi Dong expressed the idea of ​​destroying the Wuhun Palace. Unexpectedly, someone could already see it inside the Wuhun Palace.

For Ferdinand to be able to say such a thing, he obviously felt deeply for him, and he said with some emotion at the moment:

"Thank you for your advice!"

Ferdinand waved his hand and warned: "Don't say thank you or not between us. You know this and I know it, but don't say it out easily. That woman is not easy to mess with. Even the head of the enshrinement hall I’m a little afraid of making offerings.”

"But I have to say that under her leadership, Wuhun Palace has reached a new height."

After tasting a few sips of fragrant tea, Ferdinand continued:

"I just came back from the Star Luo Empire in the past few days, and several interesting things happened in the Star Luo royal family. Do you want to hear about it?"

"You say."

Ferdinand chuckled, thinking about what he was about to say, he laughed a little gloatingly:

"This is the first thing. You will definitely be happy after hearing it."

"Davis has not been living a good life since he returned. First, his fiancée, a girl named Zhu Zhuyun, had a quarrel with him. As a result, the Zhu family no longer supported David unreservedly as before. Si.”

"Secondly, the third prince Dai Mubai returned from the Tiandou Empire. After training, he became qualified to compete with Davis for the crown prince position. Many forces that were disappointed with Davis turned to support Dai Mubai. "

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Dai Mubai has greater potential than Davis. However, a skinny camel is always bigger than a horse. Davis can still have a slight advantage. The two princes can beat a dog's brain very fast. Out."

"We at Wuhun Palace are also secretly regulating the forces of both sides. Once someone falls below, we will help the other side. Try to consume their power as much as possible."

Hearing this, Dai Yao was also a little happy. Davis' domineering attitude at Xingluo Royal Academy now makes him a little angry when he thinks about it. However, both Davis and Dai Mubai are the heirs of Queen Xingluo. No matter who becomes the crown prince in the end, Queen Xingluo will always sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

He clenched his fists with some secret hatred, thought about something in his mind, and asked:

"Where has the former second prince Dai Yaming gone? Is there any news about him?"

Ferdinand smiled casually and said: "Dai Yaming lost one of his arms to you back then, and there was no hope of becoming a Titled Douluo, but no one would invest in a person who is doomed to fail."

"Moreover, Dai Yaming's biological mother, the noble concubine in the harem, has also fallen out of favor in recent years. The queen is also ruthless. She framed her and put her in the cold palace. She will probably not live long."

Hearing this, Dai Yao felt a bit of sadness in his heart. Although Dai Yaming's hand was crippled by him, and Dai Yaming, mother and son were all to blame for their present situation, their tragic results were more due to the Xingluo royal family's inhumane throne competition system.

Thinking of the torture he and his mother had suffered in the Cold Palace, he couldn't help but clenched his fists angrily, and his nails dug deeply into his palms without realizing it. One day, he would go back to the Star Luo Empire in person to seek justice for his mother!

And that day is not far away!

Noticing Dai Yao's angry expression, Ferdinand took a few sips of tea. After Dai Yao felt relieved for a while, he solemnly said:

"Dai Yao, what I'm going to say next has a lot to do with you."

Dai Yao was stunned: "Please tell me?"

"Do you still remember when Davis tried to get you to return to the Star Luo Empire during the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition?"

Ferdinand looked into Dai Yao's eyes and asked.

Dai Yao was a little dumbfounded: "Of course, but sending Davis to recruit me, I wonder if the Xingluo royal family has lost their minds. How can I agree to them knowing that he and I have a blood feud?"

Ferdinand chuckled lightly, and after a moment, said with a serious face:

"You are wrong. The person sent by the Dai family to recruit you was the fourth elder of the Presbyterian Church. This person is extremely powerful. He is currently the strongest person in the Xingluo Dai family who has the best chance of becoming a titled Douluo."

"Then how did it become Davis?"

"This is about the second elder. The second elder has an irreconcilable relationship with Queen Xingluo's mother. That woman knew that if you returned to the Xingluo Empire, the position of the crown prince would be changed again, so she begged the second elder to stop the fourth elder. , hand over the task of recruiting you to Davis."

Thinking of Davis's arrogant look, as if he was giving him alms to go back, Dai Yao couldn't help but sneered:

"The Dai family is really short-sighted!"

For the sake of his own selfish desires, the second elder pushed a genius like him who performed well in competitions and had amazing potential to Wuhun Hall, regardless of the interests of the family. He was really short-sighted.

The fourth elder also followed the trend and ignored it, but he was also a mediocre person.

Ferdinand shook his head: "That's not the case. I know the elders of the Dai Elders' Association very well, and it's not what you think."

"The second elder is stubborn and stubborn. He believes that the laws of our ancestors cannot be changed. He had a conflict with the fifth elder who wanted to stand up for you. He also looked down on the traitors who betrayed the Star Luo Empire."

"Therefore, Queen Xingluo has really found the right person. With the second elder's temperament, he will never allow you to return to the Xingluo Empire."

Dai Yao thought for a moment, understood the second elder's character, and couldn't help but ask:

"What about the fourth elder? Is he just watching like this? Let this guy Davis do whatever he wants?"

Ferdinand explained: "The martial spirit of this fourth elder is White Tiger. You should understand his situation."

The White Tiger Martial Spirit was bound to become the Prince of Xingluo and participate in the competition for the throne of Xingluo. If he failed, he would definitely die. However, the four elders became a member of the Council of Elders. Dai Yao's heart moved:

"what do you mean?"

Ferdinand nodded: "You are right. These four elders were once princes who competed for the throne. They have a close relationship with the same mother as the prince."

"At that time, his talent was the best among his generation, but he saw his brothers killing each other with his own eyes. He was so disheartened that he deliberately gave up training and waited for his brother from the same mother to inherit the throne. , and he graciously pardoned him.”

"So, he came to the Presbyterian Church and became an elder with the support of the great elder."

"However, just because he was the lucky one to survive the competition for the throne, he violated the ancestral system and was targeted by the second elder from time to time."

"Therefore, when Davis came to seek help and wanted to deal with you, he just stood aside and handed the task over to Davis."

Hearing this, Dai Yao actually laughed a little absurdly. One elder was stubborn and the other was laissez-faire. His fate was actually decided by such two weirdos.

It made him feel absurd, but also deeply sad.

Ferdinand continued: "After you rejected Davis and sent back the news of joining Wuhun Palace, it will be impossible to reconcile your relationship with the Star Luo royal family and the Dai Elders' Association."

"Especially your talent. It alerted the great elder who had already reached the ninety-sixth level. He went out in person, taught the second elder and the fourth elder a lesson, and then began to secretly weave a big net against you!"

"With that guy's sophistication, once this big web is successfully woven, I'm afraid you can no longer hide in the Spirit Hall. You must return to the Star Luo Empire in person to resolve all the grievances!"

"Right now, our Spirit Hall hasn't had any stalemate with the two empires yet, so we may not be able to help you much by then."

The ninety-sixth level titled Douluo made Dai Yao's pupils shrink slightly. The original book did not mention the titled Douluo of the Star Luo Empire. Unexpectedly, the Dai family actually hid such a powerful person who had reached the Super Douluo level.

However, there were dozens of titled Douluo fighting fiercely at Jialing Pass near the Tiandou Empire. When the Haotian Sect came out of the mountain, except for the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, the other five elders and five titled Douluo went to the star. The Luo Empire rushed to help.

It can be seen that the situation in the Star Luo Empire is not optimistic, and there should be several titled Douluo.

Hearing this, Dai Yao couldn't help licking his lips, with a ruthless look on his face, and sneered:

"Don't worry, Grandpa Ferdinand, I've been waiting for this day! Since they want to attack me, I won't just let them go. When the time comes, I will definitely give them a surprise!"

"If I go back again, my account with them will be settled!"

Hearing Dai Yao's categorical words, Ferdinand was slightly stunned, then smiled boldly, patted Dai Yao several times and said:

"Okay, be ambitious! Although our Wuhun Temple can't help you much, if you encounter danger, our Wuhun Temple will definitely not stand idly by."

"Practice hard, I'm waiting for that day!"


Dai Yao nodded heavily.

After Ferdinand left, Dai Yao once again entered into a state of cultivation where he forgot about food and sleep. After joining Wuhun Palace, his relaxed mentality suddenly disappeared without a trace. His debt with the Xingluo royal family would eventually have to be repaid by himself!

However, the next day, an unexpected person suddenly appeared.

In the gap in the eastern valley, a thin figure like a javelin, holding a snake spear, stood quietly at the mountain pass. The sharp edge made Dai Yao see a bit of Sword Douluo.

This person is Snake Spear Douluo! (end of this chapter)

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