Three days later.

At the entrance of Oakland College, a large number of luxurious carriages were parked. Next to the carriage, dozens of heroic royal knights were waiting for the members of the Oakland Academy team.

Dean Jackson was also waiting here early. Beside him, a dark green slender figure stood quietly. Just looking at him, you can feel a cold aura.

After a while, the team members gathered scatteredly.


Seeing the dark green figure, Dugu Yan happily threw herself into his arms.

This person is one of the few titled Douluo in the mainland, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.


Dugu Bo, who had always been unsmiling in front of others, showed a loving smile and held Dugu Yan in his arms.

As they were about to set off, everyone was in a nervous and novel mood, but when they heard Dugu Yan show such intimacy to the old man in green robes, they immediately understood the man's identity and looked at him with great respect.

Titled Douluo! The most powerful man on the continent.

This time is not the same as in the later Douluo series. Titled Douluo are like cabbage. Titled Douluo are now very rare on the mainland.

"I've seen Bi Linmianxia."

Everyone said respectfully.

Dugu Bo nodded and glanced around. When he glanced at Feng Wutong and Zhu Zhuqing, he felt extreme heat and coldness respectively.

I was a little surprised in my heart. Could it be that this Oakland academy could really compete with the Wuhundian team.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, his eyes finally focused on Dai Yao.

"Boy, I've waited for you long enough, why don't you move faster!"

After saying that, he took Dugu Yan and stepped onto the carriage.

Dai Yao shook his head helplessly, turned to Feng Wutong and asked:

"Wutong, have you brought all your belongings?"

This time I went to Wuhun City and I would not come back again, so I made it clear here.

"Well, everything is ready and stored in the soul guide."

Feng Wutong replied.

"Dai Yao, why are you preparing to pack so many things? It's not like you won't come back."

Dai Yuanyi said doubtfully.

"After participating in the finals, Zhuqing Wutong and I will stay in Wuhun City and join Wuhun Hall, and will not return to Oakland Academy."

Dai Yao looked back at the college gate behind him, feeling a little reluctant. After six years, there is finally a separation.

Upon hearing Dai Yao's decision, the scene fell into silence for a time, with expressions ranging from sadness to disbelief.

Jackson stepped forward and said to everyone: "I have known about this a long time ago. You don't need to think too much. Everyone has his or her own destiny."

"You are all still teammates now. In the finals, you must show your full strength. No matter what the results are, you must not leave any regrets."


Everyone nodded vigorously.


The carriage walked slowly and unhurriedly. Dai Yao looked at Dugu Bo who had been staring at him, feeling quite uncomfortable.

Dugu Yan was abducted, and besides, there was more than one girl around him. I'm sure the parent would feel uncomfortable.

However, something else was on his mind.

I remember that on this road, a group of people from the Tiandou Empire would encounter an ambush, and the two Douluo Jugui appeared and wanted to take Tang San's life.

In the original work, Ju Douluo appeared first and wanted to kill the Shrek Seven Devils, but the appearance of the Unparalleled Dragon Snake couple and Dugu Bo delayed Ju Douluo for a while.

Finally, Sword Douluo appeared, Seven Kills was born, and the Seven Treasures shone, cutting off the martial soul fusion skills of the two titled Douluo Ju Gui. With no choice, the group of people attacking from the Spirit Hall retreated.

In this life, under his influence, Tang San probably has nothing to do with the Unparalleled Dragon Snake couple. As long as he holds Dugu Bo back, unless Tang Hao appears or someone from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect shows up in advance, Tang San will A chance to survive.

Thinking of this, Dai Yao felt slightly reassured.

Although Tang San was no longer very fearful to him, it was naturally best to get rid of him. But among the Shrek Seven Monsters, he still cares about the life and death of Ning Rongrong.

Not to mention his complicated relationship with Ning Rongrong, based on the kindness of the Qibao Glazed Sect to him, he had to take action within his ability.

"It's really embarrassing to save people from the Qibao Glazed Sect when you obviously want to join the Spirit Hall."

"According to the plot in the original work, Dugu Bo's position seems to be on the side of the Tiandou Empire. Although my appearance changed the plot, it still did not affect Dugu Bo and Tang San's friendship."

"Once Tang San is in danger, considering his attitude that he would rather die together with Ju Douluo, it will be quite difficult to stop Dugu Bo."

Dai Yao was a little emotional.

"Forget it, let it go."

Fifteen teams, with thousands of people in each group, set off in a mighty manner.

Stepping out of the gate of Tiandou Imperial City, the sun rises and sets outside the window, and the scenery changes, crossing towns, wading across rivers, and crossing mountains.

Every time they arrived in a town, they were supplied with supplies. Under the protection of the 500-meter Royal Knights, wherever they went, they were received in the highest form, and they did not encounter any trouble.

Looking at the respectful city lord in front of him, Dai Yao felt the taste of power for the first time.

The city lord, who controlled the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, showed a flattering smile in front of him. It was the first time that he received such a huge impact.

This is no longer like the previous life, where the focus was only on the story of Tang San and the Shrek Seven Monsters around him, but a real understanding of the class gap on Douluo Continent.

Everything is inferior, only the soul master is superior!

The emotion passed in a flash, and the group embarked on their journey again.

Halfway through the journey, more than ten days passed quickly. Under the leadership of the Royal Knights, the carriage gradually drove into a canyon. This road is very remote, but it can save dozens of miles.

Both sides of the canyon are extremely high, and there are cliffs on both sides.

Looking at the scenery in the canyon through the window of the carriage, Dai Yao's heart skipped a beat.

"This kind of terrain is an excellent place to set up an ambush. This should be the place where the Wuhun Palace set up an ambush in the original work."

He stuck his head out of the window and looked at the Shrek Academy carriage in front of him, with a slight chill in his eyes.

How should Tang San deal with this time? Then Soul Fighter Lor Diara of Wuhun Palace should not be so miserable.

Every time he was about to take action, he would be stopped by Ju Douluo.

His soul power suddenly stopped several times, causing him to be in a terrible state. When Dai Yao read the original work, he felt pity for Contra.

In front of their carriage in Auckland were Blazing Fire, Heavenly Water, and Divine Wind. Further ahead is the carriage from Shrek Academy. Of course, there are also carriages from some colleges further ahead.

These five core teams were placed in the center for protection.

"Stop, everyone on alert!"

The captain of the Royal Knights raised his hand, as if he noticed something, his falcon-like eyes wandered around, and he shouted.

All the carriages stopped instantly, and the order was banned.

All the soul masters of the participating teams were shocked. Just as they were about to ask what happened, they discovered that the fluctuations in soul power were spreading at the tops of both sides of the canyon, and they all raised their heads in unison.

Countless stones fell like heavy rain. The faces of the Royal Knights were extremely serious, but the faces of many contestants from the Soul Master Academy had relaxed expressions.

With so many soul masters here, what do they need to worry about?

Five hundred soldiers of the Royal Knights, standing with spears, were like a steel defense line, blocking all the stones.

"What the hell, there are actually robbers who dare to attack us?"

Looking at this scene, Dai Yuanyi looked in disbelief.

"I don't know, it's better to be careful. Everyone, stop practicing. Let's get off the bus as soon as possible."

"Although Poison Douluo and the dean are here, there is no need to worry about safety. But no matter what, we must be careful."

Feng Qianli's face looked a little solemn.

Everyone quickly got off the carriage.

After hearing Feng Qianli's orderly instructions, Jackson nodded secretly. Even Poison Douluo stroked his beard in affirmation.

Although this child is not as talented as Dai Yao and Shrek's group of monsters, his cautious character makes up for these shortcomings. In time, he will become a legendary powerhouse.

However, at this moment, Dugu Bo's hand hanging in the air suddenly froze. They looked at each other and saw the horror and solemnity in each other's eyes.

At the top of the canyon, they detected several extremely terrifying auras.

There was a steady stream of stones in the sky, and the five hundred Royal Knights gradually became unable to support themselves. Stones continued to fall and stack up, like a city wall, separating the carriages of each participating college.

At the same time, falling rocks continued to hit various colleges.

"Quickly, activate the martial spirit!"

Almost at the same time, various martial spirits appeared, and thousands of spirit rings lit up at the same time. The yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings shone with a soul-stirring light.

Under the obstruction of various soul skills, the falling rocks were blocked.

But before everyone could take a breath, a whistle sounded, and thousands of men in black rushed down at an alarming speed.

The soul rings flickered, and these thousand people were all soul masters, and there were more than thirty powerful soul kings and above!

Soul Saint, Soul Douluo, there are several such powerful people!

After nearly 1,500 people swooped down, they immediately divided into 15 small groups and surrounded the 15 teams separated by boulders.

Looking at this scene, almost all the soul masters from the participating teams turned pale.

Such a terrifying lineup is enough to kill all of them here.

"Children, lean together, defend shoulder to shoulder, and stand behind me!"

Jackson's expression changed and he quickly ordered.

Dugu Bo was protecting Dugu Yan, his expression was stern, his face sank like water, he sensed a rather familiar aura from those auras. Looking at the constantly surrounded soul masters, he murmured:

"This kind of lineup can be counted on the fingers of the entire continent. Could it be that they are really here?"

"Using so many strong men, what is their purpose?"

Looking at the soul masters surrounding them, he clearly felt that there was no killing intent on those soul masters. Especially when looking at Dai Yao's eyes, there is a faint respect.

But only Shrek Academy had an extremely powerful collision of soul power, one of which even reached the Contra level.

Upon realizing this, his heart skipped a beat. These soul masters must have been sent by Wuhun Palace! That's why Dai Yao, who is about to join the Wuhun Temple, has no killing intent.

Their real goal is their year-end friend—Tang San!

Thinking of this, eager to rescue, he glanced at Dai Yao, who had a calm expression and no panic at all, took a deep look, and then said:

"Dai Yao, you already knew this would happen?"

Dai Yao shook his head.

"Then why didn't you panic at all?"

Dai Yao explained with a smile: "Only a few forces in the world can handle such a terrifying lineup. The soul masters of the Shangsan Sect have very obvious martial soul characteristics. The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire do not have such With this ability, you can lurk around Wuhun City without being discovered."

He pointed to the sky and said with a smile: "Presumably, these soul masters can only come from that place."

Hearing this, one of the leading men in black among the soul masters surrounding them coughed lightly and reminded Dai Yao. Obviously, although Dai Yao did not say the name of that force, it is obvious that smart people already know it.

I have to say that the style of the painting is a bit strange as they are still chatting here while being beaten to death.

"In this case, I'll leave Yanyan to you."

Dugu Bo sent Dugu Yan to Dai Yao, and when he was about to leave to rescue Tang San, Dai Yao said faintly:

"Senior, do you want to save Tang San?"

Dugu Bo paused in his steps, turned back and looked deeply at Dai Yao, a dim light flashed in his green pupils, and said:

"You want to stop me?"

"No, I want to know, what kind of kindness does Tang San have towards his senior, so that he wants to help him even if he offends the Spirit Hall?"

Dai Yao's lips moved, but others couldn't hear what the two of them were saying.

This time Tang San didn't have the grace to save Dugu Bo's life. He was the one who saved Dugu Bo's granddaughter, but he was Dai Yao! He didn't understand why Dugu Bo wanted to save Tang San at all costs?

Could it be that the will of the world is really irresistible?

Dugu Bo obviously thought for a while, as if he was trying to find an answer to Tang San's behavior, and replied:

"Tang San is my old friend. Since he is in trouble, I must lend a helping hand."

Although Dugu Bo is a vicious and sinister person, he still has the spirit of a market person in his heart. A friend who recognizes him will do his best to help.

Dai Yao secretly shook his head, it's just a pity that your contribution cannot be remembered by Tang San. Jialingguan is full of green and serene city, and after ten thousand years, it will all be replaced by running water.

He noticed the uncertainty in Dugu Bo's tone. If he was asked to follow Tang San, he would not be as lucky as in the original work. Under the iron heel of the Wuhun Empire, even a strong man like Dugu Bo would only turn into A house of dead souls.

For Dugu Yan's sake, Dugu Bo's impulsive behavior must be stopped. Moreover, a great killer like Dugu Bo could never be sent to Tang San's side.

So, he analyzed for Dugu Bo:

"Senior, as a Titled Douluo, you should be more aware of the terrifying aspects of Wuhun Palace. The number of Titled Douluo there is even more shocking."

"With all due respect, all the forces now combined can probably stop Wuhun Palace."

"Haotian Sect and Wuhun have been feuding for a long time. This is a matter between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect. Even if you don't help Tang San, no one can blame you."

This is a moral excuse for Dugu Bo.

Finally, Dai Yao cupped his fists and saluted:

"Senior, please consider carefully for the sake of Yanyan."

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