Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 217 At this moment, everyone seems to have turned into light

The game is still in full swing.

The last game is between Oakland College and Kamikaze College. So far, neither team has lost a game.

Everyone was looking forward to a fight between the dragon and the tiger. However, although the game did not go as they expected, the shock it brought was much more profound than the fight between the dragon and the tiger.

This is a game that everyone will remember for life.

Thousands of silver snakes slashed down from the sky, separating heaven and earth. Deafening thunder exploded continuously in their ears. Everyone covered their ears tightly and stared at the thunder god-like figure in the field, dumbfounded.

Thousand-year soul ring!

The fourth soul ring is ten thousand years! Never seen before!

The appearance of the ten thousand year soul ring completely shocked the participating teams from various kingdoms and principalities.

And when the ten-thousand-year soul ring shone, their jaws dropped.

Is this a soul skill that a soul sect can display?

Am I a fake soul master?

In just a few dozen breaths, Kamikaze Academy was defeated, and now, the strongest person in Kamikaze Academy, Feng Xiaotian, fell to his knees, unable to fight anymore.

Recalling everything that had just happened, the spirit fighting arena fell into an eerie silence.

At the beginning of the game, Dai Yao used his fourth soul skill. The first student from Kamikaze Academy to take the stage only blocked three thunderbolts before he was forced to step down. Even a strong man at the Soul Sect level only blocked ten thunderbolts.

Feng Xiaotian, the strongest person in Shenfeng Academy, only blocked more than thirty thunderbolts.

And there are more than tens of thousands of thunders in the sky!

Dai Yao put one hand behind his back, stretched out the other hand forward, holding it downwards, looked at Feng Xiaotian indifferently and said:

"You lose, Feng Xiaotian."

Feng Xiaotian struggled to get up and looked desperately at Dai Yao in the sky.

In the strong wind, Dai Yao's clothes were fluttering, his blond hair was flying, and blue-purple thunder flashed in his pupils. His domineering figure made his heart sink to the bottom.

The green wings behind him were scorched black and were looming. At the beginning of the competition, he wanted to use his own soul skill, the Wind Demon Wolf's thirty-six consecutive cuts, to compete.

However, in front of Dai Yao's fourth soul skill, he couldn't accumulate any strength at all.

Whenever he was about to accumulate power, a thunderbolt directly shattered his process of accumulating power.

Withstanding thirty thunderbolts was already the result of his efforts.

He lowered his head, with a look of unwillingness flashing in his eyes, and slammed the ground hard and said:

"I lost."

Hearing this, Dai Yao nodded slightly and withdrew the rioting soul power. The thunder in the sky gradually dissipated, the thunder also weakened, and the soul fighting field fell into silence again.

Oakland College, fourteen games, fourteen wins!

In the history of the promotion competition, there has never been such a terrifying situation. They successively defeated Blazing Academy, Tianshui Academy, Shrek Academy, Botany Academy, and Divine Wind Academy.

Moreover, it is all crushing.

Their strength proved that they were the number one academy in the Tiandou Empire.

"Oakland College wins!"

As the referee said this, everyone was amazed by the results of Oakland College, and at the same time, they were also sad that the promotion round was over.

The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time poured out like a flood, and they started cheering and celebrating as if the college entrance examination was over.

Dai Yao looked at this scene and felt a little emotional. These might be his last few days in the Tiandou Empire.

So far, he has stayed in the Star Luo Empire for nine years and in the Tiandou Empire for six years. These six years have been an important period in his life.

After six years of hard training, I experienced family and love in the Tiandou Empire.

I have met many amiable and respectable old men, many women with distinctive personalities, and a group of partners who fight side by side.

It really began to intersect with the characters in the original work, like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, deeply affecting the fate of the original protagonist of Douluo Dalu.

"Congratulations, you won first place in the promotion competition."

A voice broke Dai Yao's emotional atmosphere.

Dai Yao was stunned, and when he looked back, it was Feng Xiaotian who was speaking.

"Thank you, you are not bad either."

he said politely.

Feng Xiaotian smiled bitterly and said: "Our strength is incomparable to those of you. You can defeat us by yourself. Perhaps the Wuhundian team has met its opponent."

Hearing this, although Dai Yao was fully prepared for the Wuhundian team, he still felt a pressure.

Sure enough, just like in the original work, the Wuhundian team has accumulated so much prestige among many teams that even a genius soul master like Feng Xiaotian cannot have any desire to resist.

There are three soul kings, and the remaining four are all peak soul sects. These four soul sects, if anyone mentions them, are the absolute main force of a team, but in the Wuhun Palace team, they are only supporting roles for the three soul kings.

There are currently six soul masters in the Auckland team, and only the auxiliary soul master Luo Ling is still the soul master.

Indeed, according to the configuration, Auckland has no hope of winning. Even in Tang San's original work, he cheated, using fragments of the Eight Spider Spears as hidden weapons, and using poison to kill the golden generation of the Spirit Hall.

Although Dai Yao didn't have Tang San's ability to use hidden weapons, he could still compete with the Spirit Hall team by relying on his skills.

His cloud pattern hand was not only prepared for Tang San, but also for Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skills. Tang San used the Eight Spider Spears to resist Yuan Yue, and the roots were shattered, leaving him with a lot of energy. deep impact.

Therefore, if you want to win against the Wuhundian team, you must block Hu Liena and Xie Yue’s Wuhun fusion skill, Youmei. Then rely on Feng Wutong and Zhu Zhuqing to deal with Yan who is at the Soul King level.

In this way, there is a certain chance of winning.

"If there is a team that can defeat the Wuhundian team, it must be your Auckland team."

Dai Yao and Feng Xiaotian were talking, and Shui Bing'er led Tianshui Academy to join in.

Not only that, after hearing the conversation between these people, many teams talked about the power of the Wuhundian team, like a huge shadow, shrouding the hearts of many soul masters.

As they talked, they changed the topic to Oakland College and began to compare Oakland College with Wuhundian College.

Listening to everyone's conversation, feeling the hope placed on them, as if the team that defeated Wuhun Palace must be you, Dai Yao felt a little helpless.

This feeling is just like the finale of Tiga when he was turned into a stone statue by the evil god Gatanjie. When he was in extreme despair, everyone in the world turned their hope into light and converged on Tiga.

He wanted to say something.

In fact, I am also from Wuhun Palace.

At that time, I don’t know what these people think...

At the end of the competition, after Emperor Xue Ye gave an impassioned speech, he sent Crown Prince Xue Qinghe as an imperial envoy to lead sixteen teams from the Tiandou Empire to Wuhun City to participate in the finals.

Three days later, we officially set off.

Dai Yao returned to Auckland College. For the first time, he did not practice. Instead, he picked up his leisure time and wandered around the college with Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong. When encountering a soul master with a lower level, he would also give some guidance.

After walking and walking, we came to the sculpture of the college.

At this time, the sculptures of the nine contestants from Oakland College have been erected. The face of Dai Yao's sculpture can be seen in prototype, but it is a little less domineering and more elegant and easy-going.

Looking at this scene, Dai Yao stroked the sculpture and was filled with emotion:

“I come back again, I don’t know what year or month it is.”

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