Looking at the game on the field, Dai Mubai looked sad.

Like Shrek Academy, which has been singing all the way, Auckland Academy has also won 11 consecutive games and has accomplished the feat of going through seven on many occasions.

Currently, there are only three colleges that maintain an undefeated record, Oakland College, Kamikaze College, and Shrek College.

But even though they both won eleven games in a row, Dai Mubai and the others knew very well that there was a big gap between Shrek and Auckland.

You must know that they faced Blazing Academy and Tianshui Academy and passed through danger, but Oakland swept the game easily. Shrek's personal strength is very strong, but Auckland is stronger.

"Xiaosan, I'll leave it to you for tomorrow's game."

Dai Mubai said with a worried look.

Among the Shrek Seven Monsters, two were auxiliary soul masters, and they had to be replaced by Tai Lung and others who joined later. Therefore, the lineup, which was already weaker than Oakland, fell one step further.

Except for one battle to determine victory or defeat, they are almost certain to lose.

Tang San said calmly:

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely win tomorrow!"

When everyone heard that Tang San was so confident, they couldn't help but relax a little, as they had been worried.

"We have to go find Dai Yao later to see if he accepts the requirement of a certain outcome."

Dai Mubai said worriedly.

Tang San glanced at everyone's faces and said confidently: "Don't worry, I've already taken care of this matter."

Everyone was a little surprised, Ma Hongjun admired:

"Third brother, you are so amazing. You managed to get things done without saying a word."

However, what they didn't know was that Xiao Wu, who was sitting on the stone bench, managed a complicated smile on his face.


the second day.

For the vast majority of participating teams, their spots in the promotion round have already been determined. In the last few games, try to ensure that the participating team members are not injured as much as possible in order to prepare for the finals.

But Shrek and Oakland Academy are still in a tense atmosphere.

Two teams with undefeated records are destined to have a loser today.

The competition between the two teams attracted the attention of all participating teams. Even Emperor Xue Ye, who had disappeared for a long time, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of Qibao Glazed Sect, and Platinum Bishop Salas also appeared again.

People with high positions like them are busy with official duties all day long and will not stay in the royal hunting ground all the time. They will only show up for extremely critical games.

Obviously, Oakland VS Shrek is this kind of game.

"Your Majesty, today's game will definitely be extremely exciting."

Ning Fengzhi smiled elegantly, turned his head and said to Emperor Xueye.

Emperor Xueye nodded slightly:

"What Zongzhu Ning said is absolutely true. Today's showdown between two Auckland and Shrek, two of them geniuses, makes me look forward to it. I just hope that those two will not miss the opportunity to meet because it is a one-on-one match between seven people. "

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said:

"Your Majesty is unaware of something. As far as I know, Tang San and Dai Yao will decide the outcome of the team one on one."

Emperor Xue Ye's eyes lit up: "Oh?! It seems that the geniuses also cherish each other, so there will be a good show today!"

Salas' face on the side was a little gloomy.

The threat of Tang San's twin martial spirits makes even today's popes a little afraid.

Before today's game started, he told Dai Yao that he could use any means to kill Tang San on the soul fighting stage. Wuhundian can withstand the consequences of killing people.

But Dai Yao told him that he had already tried to kill Tang San.

In the preliminaries, Dai Yao tried to kill Tang San with poison, but Tang San detoxified him. If he killed Tang San forcefully, he didn't have such ability yet.

That Clear Sky Hammer is really a bit incomprehensible.

Thinking of what the Pope had told him, Salas sighed helplessly.

The previous six games have ended, and as the highlight, the battle between Oakland College and Shrek College was placed at the end.

When they saw Dai Yao and Tang San entering the spirit fighting arena from different directions, the various colleges watching the match were immediately in an uproar.

They didn't expect that two undefeated teams would actually decide the outcome of the game one-on-one.

Dai Yao, by far the most unfathomable member of the team, accomplished the feat of one-to-seven without even using his martial soul. What's more, his opponent at the time was the powerful Blazing Academy.

The martial soul was only used at the last moment of the game. It was just a glimpse, but it shocked countless soul masters and left them unforgettable.

That kind of martial spirit, just looking at it from a distance, makes people feel a sense of deep fear.

And Tang San, the core figure of Team Shrek, twin martial spirits, Blue Silver Grass, and Clear Sky Hammer, three words that symbolized unparalleledness in the soul master world shocked everyone's nerves.

Compared with the mysterious Dai Yao, Tang San, who has twin martial souls, will be even more terrifying in the future.

The two people stood at both ends of the soul fighting platform, looking at each other quietly.

The audience on the sidelines seemed to have been affected, falling into a dead silence. Their solemn eyes, with a little fanaticism, watched this peak showdown intently.

"Both salute!"

The referee announced.

On the soul fighting stage, their eyes met, Dai Yao and Tang San both saw the burning fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Dai Yao cupped his hands and said:

"Oakland College's vice-captain, Dai Yao, level 45 attack-type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit, sacred white tiger!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong white light burst out. Dai Yao's body moved automatically without any wind, his body swelled, and the word "王" on his forehead shone brightly, making him look like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The white wings on the back are spread out, with a hint of holiness, which makes people feel peaceful.

In an instant, many of the participating team members who were watching the game took a few steps back in fear, with horrified expressions on their faces. After a long while, they dared to observe Dai Yao's martial spirit. The more they observed, the more they felt the gap with Dai Yao.

"Seeing this sacred white tiger spirit makes my trip worthwhile."

A soul master with a beast soul sighed, and many soul masters with a beast soul around him felt the same way. Any beast martial spirit soul master can feel the noble aura in the sacred white tiger martial spirit.

Tang San said tit for tat:

"Deputy captain of Shrek Academy, Tang San, forty-level control system fighting spirit sect, spirit blue silver grass, Haotian hammer."

Soul power surged, a black light slowly rose and fell in his left hand, and a small black hammer appeared in his hand.

When the small black hammer appeared, the eyes of countless soul masters froze.

That is the existence at the top of the pyramid among weapon souls that has created countless brilliant martial souls in the entire soul master world. It represents a sect, represents countless strong men, and represents the most tyrannical attack and power in Dai Yao Continent.

That's the Clear Sky Hammer!

Tang San's other martial spirit couldn't stand up to an opponent like Dai Yao.

Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly. Every time the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand appeared, Prince Xue Xing would have to be scolded.

This match is not only a duel between Tang San and Dai Yao, but also a duel between the top weapon souls and the top beast souls!

The two looked at each other across a distance of hundreds of meters, not in a hurry to start the game.

Tang San stared at Dai Yao coldly, and slowly spoke, his voice forced into a line:

"Dai Yao, there was something strange about Xiao Wu yesterday. It was you who stirred up the trouble."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Dai Yao was slightly startled and smiled jokingly:

"It's me, so what?"

He was slightly happy, it seemed that he had won the bet.

This bet was beyond his control. Who could blame Tang San for not living up to his expectations? He was so hypocritical and he guessed it!

Tang San and Xiao Wu successfully planted a seed of suspicion. In the future, he must continue to apply sunshine and rain to make this seed grow into a towering tree!

Tang San didn't speak any more, his eyes getting colder and colder.

"If you can leave Wuhun Hall, I can let you live, but it's a pity that you injured Xiao Wu."

Dai Yao's behavior challenges his bottom line again and again. This man has a way to die! If he had enough medicinal herbs, he would definitely refine a top-quality hidden weapon, something like the King of Hell's Tie, and with one needle, Dai Yao's body would be gone!

The game has begun, but neither of them made a move. The air became more and more solemn. Everyone could feel the lingering chill and unanimously remained silent.

The aura was gathering more and more, and Tang San knew in his heart that he must not let Dai Yao accumulate the aura. He had seen the power of the ten-thousand-year soul skill before.

With an attack comparable to Contra level, even if he uses the Chaotic Cloak Hammer technique, he may not be able to defeat Dai Yao.

Finally, in the suffocating confrontation, Tang San took action first.

The Clear Sky Hammer dragged on the ground, plowing a long groove on the soul fighting platform. Every step Tang San took, he could make a small dent in the ground.

He swung the Clear Sky Hammer and struck it towards Dai Yao with a terrifying momentum!

As the weaker side, he can't have the slightest idea of ​​hiding his clumsiness and must go all out. Just after he came on stage, it was his most powerful method at present - Luan Po Feng!

Looking at this scene, Sword Dou Luo Chen's eyes froze slightly. The action of swinging the hammer gradually coincided with a dusty figure deep in his memory:

"Could this hammering technique be..."

The moment Tang San activated it, Dai Yao's soul ring suddenly appeared, slowly rising and falling.

Many participating soul masters looked at the black soul ring in disbelief, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. The lowest ten thousand year soul ring requires a soul king to absorb it. This Dai Yao is the soul sect!

Completely shattered their cognition.

The five teams from the Tiandou Empire were much calmer. They had seen a lot in the qualifiers. But when he saw the ten thousand year soul ring for the first time, the exaggeration on his face was no worse than that of these soul masters.

The third soul ring lit up instantly.

"White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation!"

The originally exaggerated figure swelled again, the muscles bulged like marble, the originally loose moon-white gown bulged, and the exposed muscles on the chest glowed with a dark golden sheen.

The whole person exudes a fierce aura, which is intimidating.

It was as if he was not looking at a person, but a ferocious beast. Even Huo Wushuang and Dai Mubai, who are known as the most powerful offensive spirit masters in this promotion competition, are far inferior to this kind of momentum.

Looking at the approaching Tang San, Dai Yao's eyes showed a solemn look.

He must treat Tang San with the most caution.

He bent his body slightly to accumulate strength, and then fully charged it like a bow and arrow. Then, with a bang, the rocks under his feet exploded, and Dai Yao's whole body exploded away like a cannonball.

"Baji collapse!"

With a loud shout, the fist in his hand was like fine iron, violently colliding with Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.


With an explosion, the two of them were shaken backwards by the powerful counterattack.

Dai Yao only took three steps back, while Tang San took ten steps back. This is the difference in physical fitness between the two.

Looking at Dai Yao not far away, a flash of horror flashed in Tang San's eyes. If it weren't for the powerful effect of Blue Silver Grass, he would have taken even more steps back!

What he didn't expect even more was that Dai Yao actually dared to confront the Clear Sky Hammer head-on with his fist!

How can a body of flesh and blood collide with the Clear Sky Hammer without fear of being smashed into pulp? !

The surprise in his heart flashed away, and he stepped on the ghost shadow. With the help of the force of the counter-shock, he turned around, and the Clear Sky Hammer that was originally raised high turned the force of the counter-shock into the boosting force of the next hammer. With a harsh sound breaking through the air, he killed Dai Yao again.

Ning Fengzhi stood up suddenly and said with some horror:

"This is... the random cloak hammering technique! It's really amazing! At such a young age, you can actually perform this Haotian Sect's unique skill so skillfully!"

Not only him, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin behind him said sadly:

"What a Clear Sky Hammer, what a Clear Sky Sect. I didn't expect that such a genius would appear despite you being hidden from the world. It seems that our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will never be able to become the number one sect in the world!"

Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly and became angry with Prince Xue Xing again.

And the cold light in Salas's eyes became colder and colder. Twin martial souls were definitely not something this untouchable could possess. And since he is from the Haotian Sect, he will definitely be a huge threat to the Spirit Hall in the future and must die!

At this moment, Tang San no longer had any scruples.

For Boss Dai, for Xiao Wu, and for himself, Dai Yao must be defeated or even killed.

He believed that with his random cloak hammering technique, no one could block the final blow. Although he could only use forty-eight hammers now, it was more than enough to deal with Dai Yao!

Not just him, almost everyone feels this way.

The No. 1 sect in the world and the No. 1 martial spirit in the world are like a mountain standing across the hearts of everyone. The Clear Sky Hammer's reputation in everyone's hearts is too great. They believed that even the mysterious Dai Yao would have absolutely no chance of victory under this chaotic cloak hammering technique.

For the second and third strikes, Dai Yao continued to resist with the Baji Beng. When everyone thought that he was at the end of his rope and could only survive, Dai Yao assumed the Baji Beng posture again.

Looking at Tang San rushing towards him, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes:

"Rose the cloak?"

He had been preparing for today's battle for a long time, and now it was finally time to test it.

With a thought, the soul power in the Dantian was like a flood opening, rushing out in an instant and rushing into the right arm along the meridians.


With the help of the Haotian Hammer's tempering effect, the soul power in his right arm accelerated, compressed and condensed. When Tang San used the fourth hammer, the Baji Beng with twice the compressed soul power was finally formed.

Bajibeng cannot be compressed from the beginning, it must be compressed layer by layer, just like the random cloak hammer method. Compressed soul power cannot be used in advance, after all, the meridians cannot bear the sudden compression of soul power.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, the punch and the hammer collided again.

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