Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 212 The deal with Xiao Wu [Part 2] Hypocritical Tang San

Looking at the angry Xiao Wu, Dai Yao smiled slightly.

"Xiao Wu, if you really agree to my request, I will look down on you."

If Xiao Wu truly loved Tang San, she would definitely know what the Tang Sect's hidden weapons meant to Tang San. As a hidden weapon of life, it is much more important than winning or losing a game.

I have to say that the love between Xiao Wu and Tang San is still indestructible.

Dai Yao also knew this, but he knew Tang San's character even more.

Hypocrisy, double standards.

No matter what you do, you will flaunt your own justice.

The City of Killing, saying that it was an evil place, was destroyed with the kiss of the snow-colored swan, but the Killing God Realm was used with great joy; he said that he disdained sneak attacks, but in order to erase the fusion of Ju Ghost Douluo's martial soul With the threat of skills, he killed Ghost Douluo with a sneak attack in the blink of an eye; Qianzu had just promised Xiao Wu that he would only kill evil spirit beasts, and in the blink of an eye, he killed all the spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest that were over 50,000 years old.

There are too many such examples.

In Dou Er, it got even worse.

To take all the benefits, and to find a reason for his despicable behavior, if he really can't get it back, it's for Xiao Wu, for the sake of the ten thousand year plan!

Therefore, the person hiding in secret should be Tang San, secretly waiting for news from Xiao Wu!

Just when Xiao Wu was about to leave angrily, Dai Yao stopped her.


"What do you want to do, I can't agree to your conditions."

Xiao Wu glared at Dai Yao.

Dai Yao waved his hand and said, "Since you don't agree, I won't force it, but we might as well make a bet."

When he said this, he felt helpless in his heart.

Originally, he was dismissive of making a bet, but he didn't expect that after coming to the Douluo Continent, he would still follow the Romans. In the original book, Tang San used the bet to solve many problems.

"What bet?"

Xiao Wu's heart moved.

"I found a person just now, watching us secretly, I bet this person is Tang San."

"Impossible, I came out without telling third brother, that person can't be my third brother!"

Hearing Dai Yao slander her third brother, Xiao Wu pointed at Dai Yao angrily and said.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Dai Yao waved her hand gently to suppress the anger in her heart.

"It's not too late for you to listen first and then get angry. If you win, I will agree to a one-on-one duel with Tang San. If I win, you will have to help me with Tang San's hidden weapon drawings."

Looking at Dai Yao's fiery and greedy eyes, Xiao Wu felt a little apprehensive, and said with a deep breath:

"The bet between the two sides is not fair. I won, you just agreed to a duel, but I lost, and you want third brother's hidden weapon blueprint. It's really unfair!"

"Could it be that you don't believe in Tang San's character?"

Dai Yao said with ill intentions.


Xiao Wu was speechless for a moment. Dai Yao's provocation left her with no way to refute. Thinking of the provocation she had just used to provoke Dai Yao to agree to her conditions, she didn't expect that she would receive retribution so soon.

After a while, he calmed down and said:

"Your bet is too unfair and must be revised, and how do you prove that the hidden person is the third brother? Do you want to force that person out?"

"No no no."

Dai Yao waved his hand and refused.

Directly forcing Tang San out, how to prove Tang San's hypocrisy, can't achieve the effect of planting doubts about Tang San in Xiao Wu's heart.

"Don't force that person to come out. My bet is that as long as you go back later, Tang San will stop you before returning to Shrek's rest area."

"The third brother may be worried about me, so he came out to find me. How can we prove that the person hiding now is the third brother? Your bet is not good."

Xiao Wu points out the loopholes in the bet.

"So, there are additional conditions in the content of my bet. After you meet Tang San, you might as well tell him directly that I agreed to your one-on-one request with Tang San."

"At that time, Tang San's reaction should first be anger, blaming you, and then expressing concern for you."

If the person hiding was Tang San, with Tang San's hypocritical character, knowing that Xiao Wu met Dai Yao alone and making Dai Yao agree to the terms of a duel tomorrow, he would first be angry and express his dissatisfaction with Xiao Wu's actions alone. , and then express concern.

He clearly knew Xiao Wu's actions, but he still pretended not to know.

With one tug and another, Xiao Wu, this silly rabbit, was immediately PUAed.

Not only did he take advantage of it, but it also made Xiao Wu burst into tears of gratitude, thinking that Tang San cared too much about him, which was why he went too far just now.

"How about it, if you are not satisfied at all, you will win. Can such harsh conditions make up for the unfairness of the bet?"

Dai Yao smiled softly, but this smile was so charming in Xiao Wu's eyes.

For Dai Yao, this bet was actually just a casual move.

With the relationship between Xiao Wu and Tang San, it is absolutely impossible for them to be broken up by this little trick.

But the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an anthill. Once successful, it will be a huge gain.

Not only were the seeds of suspicion planted between Tang San and Xiao Wu, but if Xiao Wu didn't default on his debt, he would have acquired extremely lethal hidden weapons such as the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus and the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle, as well as a large number of Ordinary concealed weapon.

This seed may bear amazing fruits in the future!

Even if you lose, it doesn't matter. For him, there was no loss. He had originally planned to fight Tang San in a duel.

After thinking carefully, Xiao Wu said with certainty:

"Okay, I agree!"

She believed in her third brother, and she didn't believe that Dai Yao could predict things so accurately. If there was any discrepancy, Dai Yao would lose.

"Okay, I'll leave first and wait for your news."

Dai Yao removed the soundproof cover, looked at Xiao Wu with a half-smile, then turned around and left, turning into a moon-white shadow and speeding towards the spirit fighting arena.

Looking at Dai Yao's leaving figure, Xiao Wu said with a proud face:

"Hmph, even if you are as cunning as a ghost, you still have to drink my foot-washing water! So many conditions have to be met, how is it possible! Brother, you don't have to worry about tomorrow's game, Dai Yao will definitely agree to the duel!"

Jumping and jumping in the forest, getting closer and closer to the Soul Fighting Platform, the joy in my heart almost overflowed.

"Hehe, I'm going back soon. If the third brother doesn't show up yet, I will win this bet! Dai Yao, Dai Yao, you should be watching in secret now. Don't be lying then. !”

However, at this moment, a voice rang in her ears, startling Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, what have you been doing?"

Xiao Wu looked back and her heart skipped a beat because the person who came was really her dear third brother.

Thinking of the bet, he didn't dare to look into Tang San's eyes and said nervously:

"Brother, you... why are you here?"

Tang San smiled and said: "I see you haven't come back for a long time, so I came out to look for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's tense heart immediately relaxed. I was just worried that I might not meet the first condition of the bet.

It was really abominable that Dai Yao's blind cat was actually being treated like a dead rat. She was indignant in her heart, but there were two conditions.

Thinking of the bet just now, Xiao Wu's two onion-like index fingers touched each other and said coyly:

"Brother, I just went out to look for that Dai Yao."

Tang San frowned and said, "What are you looking for him for?"

"I...I saw that you have been worrying about tomorrow's game, and I didn't know how to get Dai Yao to agree to a certain victory or defeat, so I wanted to share your worries and found him alone."

"Unexpectedly, after I explained the conditions, he readily agreed."

Xiao Wu stared at Tang San's face closely, trying to see his reaction clearly.

After hearing Dai Yao's agreement, Tang San was secretly happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he said angrily:

"Xiao Wu, why do you want to meet Dai Yao alone? Why can't you discuss it with me first?"

Seeing Tang San's angry look, Xiao Wu's heart skipped a beat.

Afterwards, Tang San seemed to calm down and said to Xiao Wu with a worried look:

"Do you know how dangerous Dai Yao is? If I knew that you and Dai Yao were meeting alone, do you know how worried I would be? How cruel Dai Yao was during the last soul fight! If something happens to you, I will also I won’t live alone.”

As he spoke, Tang San held Xiao Wu into his arms, trembling with fear as if he had almost lost his treasure.

However, in this situation, Xiao Wu, who should have been extremely moved, now felt as if she had been showered with cold water, her hands and feet were as cold as ice.

Tang San's reaction was exactly the same as what Dai Yao said about the bet!

Why? why?

The bet is second, why does the third brother say the same thing as Dai Yao? !

She was puzzled and confused.

Sensing something strange about Xiao Wu on his shoulder, he loosened his arms and looked at Xiao Wu's frowning expression. His heart skipped a beat and he asked anxiously:

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? Did I hurt you?"

Xiao Wu forced out a smile and said:

"No, brother, I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go back and take a rest."

Having been with Xiao Wu for so long, Tang San naturally knew that she wasn't telling the truth, but seeing the pain on her face, he didn't hesitate to ask more questions. He would ask after Xiao Wu had calmed down.

Thinking of this, Tang San supported Xiao Wu and said with a smile:

"Oh well."

"I'll help you back to the auditorium to rest first, and you can take care of yourself. However, I must thank you for helping me out."

Hearing this, looking at that familiar appearance, Xiao Wu had a thousand thoughts in her heart. She didn't know what to say, so she said silently:



Auckland rest area.

"Hey, Dai Yao, you are finally back."

A fate of generation.


Dai Yao nodded and didn't pay much attention. His stern eyes immediately scanned the Shrek rest area and found that two people were missing from the Shrek Seven Devils.

Tang San and Xiao Wu.

He sneered in his heart, pointed to the place where Shrek rested, and asked Feng Wutong next to him:

"Wutong, have you noticed when Tang San from Team Shrek disappeared?"

Feng Wutong thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"not sure."

Dai Yao's heart sank. If he couldn't be sure when Tang San left, he couldn't be sure that the hidden person was Tang San. However, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a free chess piece, whether it succeeds or fails.

Even if Xiao Wu couldn't take off Tang San's pendant, as long as he got stronger and stronger, Tang San wouldn't be able to threaten him.

At this moment, a green shadow came into view.

"Why, you are paying so much attention to that Tang San, but I know when Tang San left. Just call me sister and I will tell you."

Dugu Yan's pink and fragrant tongue licked her red lips, the corners of her mouth raised a charming arc, and she said to Dai Yao.

In the past, Dai Yao did not tell her true age, which made Dugu Yan mistakenly think that she was a good match for him. But when they went to the Star Dou Forest, she realized that she was several years older than him.

Girls always care about their age.

Hearing this, Dai Yao glanced around and found that everyone was looking at him with ambiguous eyes.

So he pulled Dugu Yan aside, and the cheers of Fighting Soul gradually disappeared. He stared at that charming face, then leaned into her ear and said softly:

"elder sister······"

The hot air was exhaled and sprayed on the smooth and jade-like neck. A blush immediately appeared, and even the earlobes turned into a bright red.

Because she is older than Dai Yao, Dugu Yan always wants to pretend to be a royal sister in front of Dai Yao, but after getting a little more intimate, Dugu Yan, who looks like a royal sister, turns into a quail because of her sensitivity and shyness.

Looking at Dugu Yan's shy look, Dai Yao sighed: He is really good and fun-loving.

"Tell me, when did Tang San leave."

Dai Yao asked.

Dugu Yan suppressed the shame in her heart, turned her eyes, looked in the direction of Shrek, and explained:

"I am a control soul master. In the soul fighting arena, I need to be aware of everything that happens. When watching the game, although I cannot know everyone's every move, there are a few key people. But I noticed."

"Just like Tang San, when you left for a few minutes, Tang San left with you."

Dai Yao immediately became excited. The time Tang San left coincided with the time the mysterious man appeared. Tang San was most likely that mysterious man!

In this way, even if his bet cannot be completed, he can still plant a seed of suspicion in Xiao Wu's heart, waiting for it to take root and sprout in the future!

"Thank you, Yanyan."

Dai Yao suddenly picked up Dugu Yan and said excitedly.

Soon after, Dai Yao came to Feng Qianli and said sideways:

"Captain, I will appear tomorrow."

Feng Qianli thought deeply:

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow's opponent is...Shrek! Do you want to continue fighting with Tang San?"

"Yes, and I want to have a battle with Tang San to determine the outcome!"

Dai Yao said calmly, but Feng Qianli could feel the determination in Dai Yao's words.

"You finally said it. In fact, we were all waiting for you to say this. Everyone thinks that a person like you will definitely not give up the opportunity to fight again with a genius like Tang San."

Feng Qianli smiled and patted Dai Yao's shoulder. As he spoke, Dai Yuanyi, Luo Feng and others came up one by one and surrounded Dai Yao with smiles.

"thank you all."

Dai Yao was a little moved.

"Thank you for everything. I, Dou Yu, am today and participating in this promotion competition all because of you. No matter what you do, we will support you!" Dou Yu said with a serious face.

At this moment, Dai Yao's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head suddenly, looking in the direction of Shrek, and found Xiao Wu behind Tang San with a look of despair.

Could it be that the bet was successful?

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