Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 201 Picking the grass jelly, the strength of teammates greatly increases


Dai Yao was stunned.

Ju Douluo's words really surprised him a bit, the dignified Title Douluo didn't care about his feelings.

Ju Douluo's excited look was clearly very interested. It was as if he and Dugu Yan were together, giving Yue Guan a feeling of revenge.


Dai Yao looked at Ju Douluo up and down and said inexplicably.

"Hahaha! What an old poisoner. Even if you are as cunning as a ghost, you still have to drink my foot-washing water."

Yue Guan laughed loudly, and the soft voice sounded a bit strange in this night.

Dai Yao's heart moved, thinking that in the original work Yue Guan and Dugu Bo talked about fighting life and death every time, but when Tang Hao appeared and wanted to rescue Tang San in Wuhun City, Yue Guan kindly warned Dugu Bo and told him not to Save Tang San and go through this muddy water.

It can be seen that the two are both enemies and friends, and their relationship is complicated.

Combined with his current performance, Dai Yao felt that Ju Douluo felt like a resentful woman who had been abandoned.

He shook his head hard to get rid of this strange thought.

Ju Douluo supported his waist and laughed heartily:

"Boy, you did a good job and treated Dugu Yan well. Now I'm going to find that old poisoner. I'll let the two boys behind you be responsible for your safety now."

Thinking that the Tang Sect Secret Records I had just read was a good time to pick the fairy grass, I cupped my fists and said:

"Your Majesty, if you are going to Sunset Forest, can you take me for a ride? I just have something to do in Sunset Forest."

Ju Douluo glanced at it and said:


"Please allow me to say goodbye so that I don't worry them."

"Young boy is quite a romantic seed."

Ju Douluo teased:

"go quickly."

He always has plenty of patience for geniuses.


Sunset forest.

A soft voice echoed over the forest.

"Hahaha, old poison! It's hard for an old friend to come here, why don't you come out and see him?"

The sound contained huge fluctuations in soul power. Feeling this powerful aura, countless soul beasts in the forest were frightened and began to run wildly in all directions.

"Juhuaguan, what do you want to do here today!"

A cold voice rose into the sky, and a dark green figure stood on the top of the tree. Dugu Bo stared coldly at the figure in the sky. When he saw the figure clearly, his eyes trembled slightly:

"Why did you bring Dai Yao?!"


Juhuaguan laughed wildly: "Old Poison, you didn't expect that the people from my Wuhun Palace actually seduced your precious granddaughter."

"Remember at the beginning, you said you wanted to leave a descendant of the Blue Scale Snake Emperor's bloodline, marry a wife and have children, but fate is such a coincidence, your descendants are still related to people from my Spirit Hall!"

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's face turned gloomy.

Dai Yao also secretly complained. Listening to Yue Guan's tone, it seemed that there was a past between Dugu Bo and Yue Guan. It's just that Dugu Bo left Yueguan in order to pass on the bloodline of the Green Scale Snake Emperor.

Dai Yao coughed lightly, cupped his hands at the two titled Douluo and said:

"Two seniors, I have other important matters here this time, so I will leave first."

Ju Douluo nodded and agreed to his request. Just when he was about to leave, Ju Douluo said:

"Although Sunset Forest is not as good as Star Dou Forest, it is still very dangerous. If you encounter danger, you can release soul power waves into the sky, and I will come on my own."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dai Yao thanked him, and then he used the eight wings of the white tiger and flew towards the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Feeling the strong soul power fluctuation behind him, Dai Yao complained in his heart:

"Ju Douluo is really a chrysanthemum. Although he has a top-notch martial spirit full of masculinity like Qiantongtianju, he has cultivated to look like that of a feminine one."

He didn't dare to stay in the situation just now. If he heard too much about the secrets of the two titled Douluo, he would inevitably worry about being silenced.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, he flew with all his strength. The forest under his feet quickly passed by, and the strong wind blew. After a while, Dai Yao saw the familiar place.

Eyes of ice and fire.

With a burning feeling in my heart, I wiped the Ruyi Baobao bag on my waist and took out the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product.

This kind of immortal product is immune to all toxins. There is a poisonous circle arranged by Dugu Bo around the Ice and Fire Eye. With the Youxiang Qiluo immortal product, you can get in without any damage.

Although the Ice and Fire Eye belonged to Dai Yao, he did not have the ability to maintain it. Firstly, he did not have the strength to keep the Ice and Fire Eye in the perilous Sunset Forest, and secondly, he did not have enough time.

Without protection, soul beasts will naturally continue to enter, and the Ice and Fire Eyes will gradually decline.

Therefore, he used some herbs from the Ice and Fire Eyes and hired Dugu Bo to be responsible for their protection.

At first, Dugu Bo wanted to use Dai Yao's inability to protect the Ice and Fire Eyes to bargain, but when Dugu Yan's elbow was turned out, he hired Dugu Bo at a very small price.

At this time, Dugu Bo would always lament that girls are outward-looking.

Looking at the Yuanyang Pot getting closer and closer, Dai Yao's heart gradually became hot.

"Baby, I'm coming!"

After reading the Secret Records of the Tang Sect, Dai Yao's knowledge about fairy grass has been enriched a lot. These are treasures that can not only greatly improve the soul master's soul power level, but also strengthen his foundation and build a solid foundation. The path of a soul master becomes smoother.

Dai Yao is like a hard-working old farmer, constantly picking needed herbs.

Of course, he still left the roots of these herbs, and after many years, they will grow again under the nurturing eyes of ice and fire.

The herbs with the Ice and Fire Eyes really dazzled him, and he needed to use special picking techniques, otherwise the precious herbs would lose their efficacy.

There were some precious fairy grass left, but Dai Yao did not pick them off. These fairy grasses are indeed extremely precious, but they are not of much use to Dai Yao.

As long as there are enough medicinal herbs, there is no need to pick these naturally raised heaven and earth spiritual creatures, just let them continue to grow quietly.

Anyway, when Dai Yao wants to use it, he can just pick it up.

After an unknown amount of time, his waist became a little sore. As an offensive soul master, his physical fitness was extremely strong, which showed how long he had been picking it.

But when he looked up, he was shocked to find that he had only picked a small part of the ice and fire herb.

"Forget it, let's stop picking. So far, I have picked a lot of herbs. For me, it is enough. There is no need to pick them all."

"I don't know how many thousands of years it took the eyes of ice and fire to give birth to these herbs. Now this lush scene cannot be completely destroyed just because of my greed."

"It seems that these immortal grasses will grow into hundred thousand year soul beasts in the future. As long as I have no use for them, I will leave them to future generations."

Dai Yao rubbed his sore waist and thought with emotion.

He really didn't know how Tang San managed to pick all the common herbs, leaving only a messy scene for Dugu Bo.

Isn't Tang San tired?

Turning his eyes, he looked at the red and blue mandarin duck pot, licked his lips, and a greedy and evil smile appeared on his face.

This spring with ice and fire eyes was his biggest gain from coming here.

After all, those herbs were of little use to him. He took two top-notch jelly herbs, namely Star Anise Ice Grass and Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, but the medicinal effects remained in his body, and taking other herbs would be more of a loss than the gain.

He took out ten large jars made of jade and filled them with ice springs and Yang springs respectively.

These two spring waters can be described as highly poisonous to those who have not taken Star Anise Ice Grass and Agni Fire Apricot Jiaoshu.

In the original work, Tang San used these two springs to kill the demonic ax whale group, leaving people unable to survive or die.

After ten tanks went down, the water level in the Yuanyang Pot dropped a little.

Putting the vat of icy Yangquan into the treasure bag, thinking of Queen Xingluo, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"In the future, I will definitely let you taste the taste of these two springs! If I don't let you suffer all the torture, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

Mother's hatred is unforgettable!

"From now on, ordinary enemies will be killed directly. Those who commit heinous crimes will be executed with these two springs!"

One day later.

"You bastard! You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

One day later, when Dugu Bo saw the mess somewhere in the botanical garden, his eyes suddenly turned red, his anger grew, and his soul power rioted.

Dai Yao glanced at Dugu Bo calmly:

"Why, this Binghuo Liangyi Eye belongs to me, even if I pick all the herbs, it's my own business."

Seeing Dugu Bo's angry look, Dai Yao secretly cursed.

The Binghuo Yinyanyan belonged to him long ago, he could deal with it as he wanted, and it was not Dugu Bo's turn to criticize him. And in the original book, Tang San picked all of them, and I don't see you being so angry.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's expression froze, and he suddenly realized that this botanical garden no longer belonged to him, so he smirked to resolve the embarrassment:

"Okay, Juhuaguan is ready to leave, when are you going back?"

Dai Yao's heart moved and he replied:

"Go back now."

The purpose has been fully achieved, and there is no need to stay here any longer.

Just as he stretched his eight wings and was about to leave, Dugu Bo stopped him.

Looking back, I found that Dugu Bo's face was a bit serious:

"Dai Yao has something to say that I must tell you."

Dai Yao looked serious:

"You say."

"You can join Wuhundian, but I won't let Yanyan follow you."


Dai Yao was a little anxious.

Dugu Bo waved his hand and said, "Listen to me, I don't object to you being together."

He turned around and looked at the boiling Binghuo Liangyiyan with deep eyes:

"It's just that the situation in the mainland is becoming more and more treacherous. Even as a titled Douluo, I can feel that there is a danger of overturning at any time."

"I understand your idea of ​​joining Wuhun Palace, and I will not stop you. But the internal conflicts of Wuhun are far beyond your imagination. There are factional disputes and line battles. Although the current Pope is powerful, But what exactly she wants to do, the old man still can't understand."

"Her personality is fickle. If you join the Wuhun Palace, with your talent, you will definitely be able to be reused by the Wuhun Palace."

"In the storm that will sweep across the continent, you are destined to stand at the center of the storm. With the character of the pope, I don't know how to train you."

"But what is certain is that there are dangers all around you."

"I believe you have the ability to protect yourself, but Yan Yan cannot. Therefore, after you join Wuhun Hall, Yan Yan will stay with me."

"Perhaps, when I can't control the situation, or when you have grown up, I will hand over the wild goose to you."

Dai Yao understood Dugu Bo's thoughts. Although he didn't want to be separated from Dugu Yan, he still said:

"Senior Dugu, this still depends on Yanyan's own choice. If she stays, I have no problem with it, but if she wants to join Wuhun Hall with me, I will do my best to protect her safety."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo nodded deeply.

"That's fine. You go, treat Yanyan well."

Dai Yao nodded, flapped his eight wings lightly, and flew into the sky.

After a while, he came to Ju Douluo's side.

"Your Majesty Ju Douluo."

Dai Yao cupped his hands.

Ju Huaguan nodded, and said softly: "Let's go."

Led by Title Douluo, they flew out of the Sunset Forest at an extremely fast speed in a very short time.

Juhuaguan suddenly turned his head and said:

"Boy, I have a few things to warn you."

"You say."

Dai Yao's heart trembled.

"I advise you, don't get too close to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the closer you are, the worse it will be for you."

As he said that, a cold and stern look flashed in Ju Douluo's eyes.

Dai Yao knew that what Ju Douluo said was good for him, but there were some things that he couldn't go against. He knew exactly how the Qibao Glazed Sect treated him. After joining Wuhun Hall, he severed ties with the Qibao Glazed Sect. Wouldn't he be ungrateful? Generations?

"let it go."

Dai Yao said sadly.

Seeing that Dai Yao didn't make a statement, Ju Douluo wasn't angry either. He was always surprisingly tolerant towards geniuses, but he just had a little extra heart.

"Secondly, you have now been paid attention to by the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. They asked me to tell you that soon, they will definitely give you a good lesson in the finals and let you wash your neck."

Ju Huaguan smiled, looking forward to Dai Yao's reaction.

Dai Yao chuckled:

"Then please tell them, Your Majesty, to deal with them, you can destroy them with your hands."

You are welcome in the golden generation, and Dai Yao will not be a modest son. If you want to win their respect, you have to beat them with your fists!

Stretching out his hand, covering the small mouth that was opened in surprise, Ju Douluo didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement:

"Have the guts, I'll send a letter to a few of them right away! You have to be prepared."


Back in Oakland, Dai Yao immediately summoned his teammates who were training under Jackson to distribute the precious medicine.

Hearing that this precious medicine can not only increase the soul power, but also strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, several people were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

When someone was still suspicious, Dai Yao said directly:

"Both Wutong and Zhuqing have taken these precious medicines, don't you believe it?"

Hearing this, several people immediately dispelled their worries.

The herbs that Dai Yao distributed to his teammates were not the top fairy grasses, and there were not many fairy grasses in his hands. It wasn't that the amount of jelly grass was not enough, that was why the teammates were not given jelly grass.

It's just that he felt that his relationship with the team members was not very deep. Compared with the relationship between the Shrek Seven Devils, there was no sense of sharing the joys and sorrows.

He is unwilling to give the fairy grass for free, but even ordinary herbs are a great fortune for the Oakland players.

According to the characteristics of each person, herbs suitable for them were given, and after a long time, they all came out.

Everyone was shocked to find that their soul power had increased by one or two levels.

Especially Dai Yuanyi and Feng Wutong, who were originally level 39, suddenly broke through the level 40 mark! After reaching the soul sect level, you can hunt the fourth soul ring.

Seeing this situation, Dai Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two obtain the fourth soul ring, there will be six soul sects in Auckland, and the staffing is second to none among all teams in the competition.

After the breakthrough, Dai Yuan's sword energy condensed all over his body, and it was extremely sharp.

He looked at Dai Yao excitedly, then knelt down on one knee, crossed his hands and placed them on his shoulders. He completely lost his usual frivolity, lowered his head and said gratefully:

"Thank you, Dai Yao, for today's kindness. If there are difficulties in the future, as long as you say a word, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side!"

Dai Yao took a deep look at Dai Yuanyi, and he found that the action Dai Yuanyi made was the highest thank-you gift among nobles.

"Dai Yuanyi's identity is not simple."

Thinking silently.

"It's okay, we are teammates, this is just a small thing, and it doesn't deserve your gratitude."

Dai Yao smiled and said that he did not think that Dai Yuanyi would be able to help him in the future.

On the other side, Dou Yu, Luo Feng, and Luo Ling, after taking the herbal medicine, not only did their soul power increase by two levels, they could also feel that their bodies seemed to be much lighter and a lot of black matter was discharged. .

Immediately looked at Dai Yao gratefully.

For them, with ordinary backgrounds and mediocre soul power, Dai Yao's herbal medicine today has directly changed the trajectory of their lives. They don't know how to thank Dai Yao.

Dai Yao just waved his hand slightly and didn't care.

Feng Qianli's soul power reached the soul sect level, so he only improved one level. He solemnly said to Dai Yao:

"Thank you."

He is an extremely stable person and never makes promises easily, but now he is thanking Dai Yao, which shows the ups and downs in his heart.

"It's okay. If you want to thank me, you should wait until after the competition is over."

Dai Yao smiled.

And Feng Wutong had already stood behind Dai Yao, with her eyes slightly lowered, looking like a maid.

He bit his lip lightly, as if he had made up his mind.

As for Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan, Dai Yao would not give these simple herbs. The former Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone Zhu Zhuqing has taken it, and now it has not fully digested the potency. As for Dugu Yan, after the competition, Dai Yao has something more precious to give to him.

After dozens of days passed.

Dai Yuanyi and Feng Wutong both obtained the fourth soul ring, and Auckland's strength greatly increased.

It is worth mentioning that Feng Wutong's fourth soul ring, like Zhu Zhuqing, was sacrificed by a soul beast. When she followed Jackson to hunt spirit beasts in the forest, she was inspired by his Suzaku god-level martial spirit, and a flame bird living in the crater sacrificed directly to her.

Not only did the soul ring last for seven thousand years, far exceeding the limit of the fourth soul ring, but it also gained the exclusive domain of the Suzaku Martial Spirit, the Suzaku Domain.

As a result, Feng Wutong's strength greatly increased, becoming the strongest player in Auckland second only to Zhu Zhuqing.

Thinking of this, Dai Yao couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Zhu Zhuqing was like this, and Feng Wutong was like this. He got such a powerful soul ring without suffering. But he always had to endure bone-breaking pain to get such a powerful soul ring.

It's really irritating to see people compare to each other.

A month has flown by and the promotion race is about to begin.

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