Dai Yao was filled with joy as he read through the secret records of the Tang Sect intently.

"The writing is really detailed. Every immortal grass has been drawn and annotated. I have to say that Tang San has studied the Tang Sect's secret knowledge very deeply."

Fragrant Qiluo fairy products, Qiluo tulips, star anise ice grass, fierce apricots...

Plants of jelly grass came into view, which greatly enriched Dai Yao's knowledge about jelly grass. How to pick it, store it, its efficacy and taboos were all introduced.

In addition to the fairy grass mentioned in the original work, there are also black jade sacred bamboo, earth dragon and golden melon, etc.

Of course, there are also many herbs with less effective effects, such as snow silkworm, cinnabar lotus and so on.

After closing the secret book, Dai Yao was very excited and couldn't wait to go to the Ice and Fire Eyes to pick some fairy grass and store it in the Ruyi Baobao.

"Tang San is really a treasure! Now I have gained knowledge about various types of immortal herbs from him. Although I cannot be called a master of medicine, I at least have some of Tang San's skills."

"If poison is used to assassinate those enemies of the Star Luo Empire, enough conditions have been met."

Dai Yao's eyes turned cold.

He had the means of using poison, and with the poisonous weeds growing in the Ice and Fire Eyes, he had another means of revenge.

Immediately, he had a thought:

"Tang San still has the Tang Sect's secret skills, ghost shadows, purple devil eyes, etc., as well as mechanical hidden weapons and hidden weapon techniques that can threaten titled Douluo and even gods."

Those Tang sect secret arts don't matter, but Buddha's Furious Tanglian, Torrential Rain Pear Blossom can instantly kill a titled Douluo, Guanyin Tears, and Bodhi Blood can threaten even the gods. Dai Yao covets these methods.

"It seems that Tang San has to continue to gather his wool. We can't give up halfway. This guy still has a lot of treasures."

Dai Yao licked his lips, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes.

In the original work, Tang San will also obtain many hundred thousand year soul rings and soul bones in the future. These things can be said to be the most precious things in Douluo Continent, so Dai Yao must get these things.

On the one hand, you can suppress your opponents, and on the other hand, you can strengthen yourself. It's really a win-win situation.

Of course, it was Dai Yao who won twice.

At this moment, his heart skipped a beat, and the restrictions he had placed outside were touched.

"Something has come in. Could it be some kind of wild beast? Or someone who wants to kill me?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head.

"No, since he attacked me that year, Grandpa Salas specially arranged two soul saints around me to protect me secretly. Not to mention wild beasts, not even a mosquito can get close."

"Besides, I specifically ordered them not to step into my room without my order."

"With two Soul Saints here, I know there won't be any danger, but I still have to take a look."

Thinking of this, Dai Yao stepped out of the wooden house and came outside.

He was surprised to find that the two soul saints were missing. Even if he summoned them, they still didn't come out.

"Something's wrong! There's definitely something fishy about the disappearance of the two Soul Saints! Even if they face a Soul Douluo, they can give an early warning. Could it be that a Titled Douluo is here today?!"

Thinking of this, Dai Yao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the wooden house behind him. Now, Zhu Zhuqing was still resting inside, and he had to lure the enemy away.

"Is this person an enemy or a friend?"

With his heart sinking slightly, he used his explosive step and leaped into the jungle like a bolt of lightning.


A soft moan suddenly came from the forest, and the tone seemed to be surprised by Dai Yao's speed.

A quarter of an hour later, Dai Yao was getting closer and closer to the teaching area, where Jackson was.

Under the moonlight, the dark tree trunks passed quickly, and his heart became heavier and heavier. He knew that this was the last time for that person to take action, and it also meant that he was in the most danger.

At this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In front of him, a man in black suddenly appeared, with no physical features visible at all, and nine soul rings on his body flashing.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black black black.

Even without releasing any breath, Dai Yao felt a sense of suffocation, as if there was a mountain pressing on his back.


He said bitterly.

"You really think highly of me."

But he calmed down immediately. Only by calming down can he have a chance to survive. Based on the original work, we are constantly screening who is coming. It is impossible for Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect, and the Haotian Sect only has Tang Hao walking on the Douluo.

And Tang Hao's ninth soul ring is a hundred thousand year soul ring, so the man in black cannot be him.

Apart from this, there was only the old sect leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, but it would be too much for a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse to attack a Soul Sect in the dark of night.

After thinking about this, Dai Yao felt certain in his heart, and his mood calmed down for the most part, and he gave a calm bow:

"Senior, I came here late at night. What's the matter?"

The man in black raised his right hand, making an orchid finger shape, and his figure was actually a bit charming:

"You are quite smart, kid."

Hearing this slightly feminine voice, Dai Yao immediately guessed who it was and was a little speechless, frightening him so miserably.

"With these iconic movements and feminine voice, anyone who has watched Douluo Dalu will definitely know the name of this Titled Douluo."

"Ju Douluo, Yueguan."

"No wonder those two soul saints didn't make any sound. When they meet Ju Douluo, they will definitely obey his orders."

"Moreover, what does this Ju Douluo want to do, must he carry out such an attack?"

Dai Yao didn't think he was smart enough to directly point out Ju Douluo's identity. If he came here hiding his identity and named it casually, wouldn't he be dishonoring him?

Pretending to be clueless, he looked at Yue Guan with wary eyes.

Ju Douluo's figure was hidden under the black clothes, and he said in a gentle tone:

"I heard that you have decided to join Wuhun Palace. I will give you two choices. One is if you change your mind, I will let you go directly. The other is to survive the time of a stick of incense under my pressure and survive. I will spare your life."

"Boy, which one do you choose?"

Dai Yao felt a flock of crows flying above his head, and was speechless.

People in Douluo Continent like to test others. It seems that Ju Douluo came here this time to use the crisis between life and death to test him.

And examine his strength.

But Ju Douluo didn't know that he had already known Ju Douluo's identity.

"I still decided to join Wuhun Palace, so I naturally chose the second one."


But Dai Yao clearly saw a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the man in black.

After the man in black finished speaking, an incense stick was inserted into the ground and gradually began to burn.

"Now, let's start!"

As the man in black finished speaking, Dai Yao was stunned. He didn't notice any pressure hanging over him.

Not only him, the man in black was also a little stunned.

He didn't hold back at all. He exerted pressure at the level of the 41st Soul Sect from the beginning, but judging from Dai Yao's performance, it seemed that it had no impact at all.

"I'm afraid that for this test, Wuhun Palace heard about my current record, so it sent someone to confirm it in person."

"Send Titled Douluo, he really thinks highly of me."

"The result of the test will be directly related to my status in Ju Douluo's heart, as well as my value to Wuhun Palace. The more I reveal, the more Wuhun Palace will value me."

Thinking of this, Dai Yao said loudly:

"Your Majesty, this pressure is too little. Please increase it."

Ju Douluo was stunned for a moment, and then immediately began to increase the pressure.

Level 42, level 43... Level 45, Dai Yao's expression did not change at all. When the pressure increased to this point, Ju Douluo's expression finally changed, hidden in his black robe.

You must know that the pressure a soul master can withstand is generally less than his own soul power, about two-thirds.

The performance of the spirit masters with weapon spirits was even worse.

Dai Yao's soul power level is only level 44, and now the pressure exerted by Ju Douluo has exceeded his soul power level.

"How abnormal is this kid's body? Not only does his expression not show any abnormality at all, but he doesn't even have a martial spirit that can be forced out."

A flash of horror flashed through Ju Douluo's heart, and at the same time there was also some joy in his heart.

"This guy's current performance has surpassed that of Nana back then. I wonder where his limit is?"

In the woods, the faces of the two soul saints lurking were full of disbelief. They only knew that the people they were guarding had great potential and were very important to the Wuhun Palace.

In fact, they were a little disapproving at first. No matter how powerful Dai Yao was, could he still be stronger than the golden generation of Wuhun Palace?

As the pressure of release increased, Ju Douluo became more and more surprised. Is this a child under fifteen years old?

Everyone is competitive, and Ju Douluo is no exception. He wants to know what the talented young man in front of him from the Star Luo Empire, who is burdened with deep hatred and vows to join the Spirit Hall, can achieve.

The black robe moves automatically without wind, the turbulent pressure has begun to make the air start to boil, and the pressure of the soul power has begun to increase to level 50, and Dai Yao's face finally shows a dignified look.

Controlling the soul power pressure carefully to reach level 50, Ju Douluo was shocked to find that Dai Yao was still performing with ease. It seemed that his worries were in vain.

Finally, there was no longer any reservation, and the pressure on the soul power began to increase at a faster rate.

Fifty-one, fifty-two...level fifty-five.

Dai Yao felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, feeling a little painful. His white hair grew like crazy, his body began to swell, and the word "王" on his forehead shone brightly.

As Dai Yao's martial soul possessed him, a pressure from his original personality exploded.

Even Ju Douluo felt the pressure from his martial spirit and looked solemn:

"Sure enough, as Salas said, Dai Yao's martial spirit is extremely powerful, and its quality has surpassed the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. I have only experienced this kind of pressure from the former Pope Chihiro Ji."

"What a genius!"

After the Wuhun possessed his body, Dai Yao's body lightened suddenly, and his expression became relaxed. The white tiger in the spiritual world was still majestic in the face of this huge pressure.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the incense stick was almost burnt out, but Dai Yao was shocked to find that there was a newly lit incense stick next to it.

He raised his head and looked at Ju Douluo in disbelief, only to hear Ju Douluo say:

"That incense just now was just for fun. It doesn't matter. This incense is your test."

Dai Yao looked at Ju Douluo speechlessly and secretly cursed.

"If Ju Douluo is still not satisfied after this incense burns out, could he insert another one?"

He doubted that Ju Douluo could do such a thing.

The sacred white tiger can still withstand the pressure of ten thousand kilograms with this bloody courage, but what about one hundred thousand kilograms or one million kilograms? Under the sudden increase in pressure, the sacred white tiger began to struggle and whimper.

The meridians in the body began to expand and solidify, the soul power circulated faster and faster, and the meridians continued to bear the impact of the soul power.

Dai Yao was surprised to find that the ups and downs in his soul power caused by a month of continuous fighting began to accumulate under the pressure.

The originally impetuous Qi and blood continued to condense and squeeze, and the outgoing breath began to be restrained.

The soul pressure was still increasing. When he reached level 60, Dai Yao's body finally reached its limit. At this moment, it was difficult for him to even move a finger.

In desperation, with the sound of breaking brocade, the eight wings of the white tiger suddenly appeared, rhythmically beating behind it.

Dai Yao's face finally relaxed, and the impetuous energy and blood in his body finally settled down. This month's harvest was really extraordinary. Under the pressure of Ju Douluo, he actually broke through the forty-fifth level!

"Has it finally appeared? The soul bone is attached to the outside."

A touch of greed flashed across Ju Douluo's face, and after using his soul power to explore, he sadly thought:

"It's a pity. As Salas said, it has been completely integrated. What a good luck boy."

Thinking of the soul pressure just now, he already knew Dai Yao's normal limit, level sixty.

There was a storm in his heart.

The Dai Yao in front of him was only level 44, no, with his pressure, he had just broken through to level 45! And the pressure he endured actually reached level 60, the soul emperor level!

This is a monster!

"This guy is really a miracle, so unbelievable! This Xingluo royal family is really a bunch of idiots. They let such a good genius go and turned him into an enemy. They gave us an advantage in vain!"

"In the future, we will train him into a titled Douluo and let him deal with those war madmen from the Star Luo Empire. I really want to know what their idiots' expressions are like!"

Ju Douluo thought excitedly.

The two soul saints were even more horrified and could hardly close their mouths. The pressure Dai Yao is under is already comparable to them. How many levels are they and how many levels is Dai Yao only? !

They looked at each other and could see each other's thoughts. They must hug Dai Yao's thigh tightly and hug it hard!

"Your Majesty Ju Douluo, I have reached my limit, please stop."

As soon as the external soul bone was released, Dai Yao reached his limit. Therefore, he directly pointed out Ju Douluo's identity and told him to stop making trouble. He really couldn't handle it anymore!

"Oh, it turns out you kid has known my identity for a long time."

A feminine voice sounded, and Ju Douluo's black robe turned into ashes and floated in the air, revealing Ju Douluo's slightly feminine face.

Thinking of the series of shameless actions just now, even though he was a titled Douluo, he felt a little ashamed. If another Titled Douluo finds out, where can he put his old face!

"Your Majesty, no third person will know about what happened tonight."

Dai Yao swore.

This is the title Douluo's face, Dai Yao doesn't dare to tell it.

The two soul saints jumped out quickly, knelt on one knee and said:

"Sir, there will never be a fifth person who knows."

"So best."

Ju Douluo's face turned green and white, then he said reluctantly.

"Dai Yao, how did you know my identity?"

"Your Majesty, Bishop Salas has long told me that there is a powerful Titled Douluo who will come to protect me. The most active Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall on the mainland is you and Ghost Douluo."

"Based on the characteristics, I guessed it was you, Your Majesty."

Ju Douluo snorted coldly. He knew what the characteristics were without saying anything. He walked to Dai Yao on cat steps and said softly:

"You are right. I was indeed sent to protect you until you arrive at Wuhun City."

"Moreover, we have already investigated the real culprit behind the killing of you in Shi Nian."

"Oh, who is it?"

Dai Yao asked excitedly.

He once suspected that there was a behind-the-scenes person behind the years, but he was not sure. He vowed to make them pay the price.

Ju Douluo smiled and said:

"That's the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. What, are you afraid?"

Dai Yao said seriously:

"I will definitely avenge this revenge. Give me a period of time, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family must pay the price in blood. Moreover, with the support of the Wuhun Temple, I will not be afraid of them."

Ju Douluo smiled and nodded:

"That's right, don't worry, you will definitely have the opportunity to kill your enemy in the future."

Dai Yao's heart moved, knowing that Ju Douluo was talking about the future soul hunting plan, although it is indeed easy to take revenge with the help of the Wuhun Temple, but for some reason, Dai Yao always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, do you know about Tang San? He has twin martial souls, and the second martial soul is still the one who belongs to the Clear Sky Hammer."

Ju Douluo said solemnly:

"Of course, it's thanks to you that you forced his Clear Sky Hammer out. Otherwise, if he continues to hide, he will definitely become a serious problem for Wuhun Palace."

"Can you find a chance to kill him?"

"Not now, in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, killing Tang San will undoubtedly tear the face of the Heaven Dou Empire, now is not the time, moreover, we can't leave even if we kill him."

"Don't worry, we have our own arrangements."

Ju Douluo comforted.

Thinking of this, Dai Yao was speechless. Wasn't this a waste of his efforts? I have my own arrangement, isn't it just to intercept and kill them when they go to Wuhun City?

At that time, it would definitely not be successful.

But it doesn't matter, since he can defeat Tang San once, he can definitely defeat Tang San a second time.

There will be no rules like those in the competition the second time, and Tang San won't be so lucky by then.

Having said this, Ju Douluo's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Dai Yao, I heard that you have an affair with Dugu Bo's granddaughter of that poisonous snake?"

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