The second day of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has officially begun.

The crowd was roaring, and the sky was filled with excitement.

The Soul Fighting Arena, which can accommodate 80,000 spectators, was packed with seats, especially those who had just arrived in Tiandou Imperial City and felt regretful knowing that they had missed yesterday's wonderful match.

Although there was no shock as yesterday when the ten thousand year soul ring appeared, several other powerful teams appeared today.

That is the Five Elements Academy.

Today, Dai Yao and a group of people from the Auckland team came to the Tiandou Soul Arena with the mentality of watching the battle.

Why do you say watching a game? Because there are only five games every day, the Auckland game has already been played in yesterday's opening ceremony. Today, I can just rest and explore the strength of other teams.

Apart from a few rough guys, the only one who came with Dai Yao today was a girl called Dugu Yan.

Because Feng Wutong's soul power level was only level 36, he didn't want to waste time watching the game and stayed in the academy to continue training. And because Zhu Zhuqing's opponent tomorrow is Blazing Academy, as an important figure in dealing with Blazing Academy, she also stayed in the academy.

Dai Yuanyi's soul power has reached level 39, and he is close to breaking through the bottleneck. After thinking about it again and again, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going out and stayed in the academy to practice.

And Luo Ling, because of her destiny, somehow stayed in the academy with him.

"Today's first game is between Shrek and the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, while the two games between Thunder Academy and Shenfeng Academy are ranked last."

Dugu Yan looked at the preview information in the spirit fighting arena and read.

"The match between two powerful teams is indeed the highlight." Dai Yao said with emotion.

"It seems that Shrek Academy still can't escape this disaster."

Dugu Yan held Dai Yao's arm and chuckled.

Yesterday, Auckland's battle with Elephant Academy replaced Shrek's match with the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, so their game was moved to today.

But there is no doubt that no one will be optimistic about Shrek Academy, which is not well-known.

Amid cheers, the two teams appeared on stage.

Five minutes later, with everyone watching in shock, Shrek Academy swept the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy out of the competition.

Countless exclamations of astonishment rang out, and even Dugu Yan was a little shocked.

Although the strength of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy is not as good as that of the first team, its overall strength is still much stronger than that of ordinary colleges. However, they did not expect that they would be swept away so easily by Shrek Academy.

And it took less than five minutes.

Compared with the astonishment of others, Dai Yao was much more surprised.

"Shrek's first game is still the same as the original cast. At most, Oscar, the auxiliary soul master, has been replaced, and the strength of several people has also changed."

"Dai Mubai is still a soul sect, but only at the forty-level level. Tang San is also a soul sect, but his fourth soul ring has changed from a terrifying ten-thousand-year soul ring to an ordinary thousand-year soul ring."

Dai Yao went to the Eye of Ice and Fire first and snatched Tang San's opportunity. Tang San, who had not taken the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot, was unable to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring.

"It seems that the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years can only be my exclusive honor."

He thought silently.

Shrek's overall strength has become weaker, but he can still defeat the Tiandou Royal Academy team so easily, which is slightly beyond Dai Yao's expectation.

Thinking back to the game just now, he couldn't help but sigh:

"As expected of Tang San. Although his strength has been weakened a lot, through his excellent control and precise control of the game, he can still firmly grasp the rhythm of the game, allowing the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy to show its strength. and achieve victory.”

Dugu Yan next to him had bright eyes and said regretfully:

"Shrek's control-type soul master is very powerful. He controls the rhythm of the game better than me. But it's a pity that his martial soul is just an ordinary blue silver grass."

As a control-type soul master, Dugu Yan had a deeper understanding of Tang San's operations during competitions, who was also a control-type soul master. She knew very well that she could not be as light-weight as Tang San.

Dai Yao smiled and shook his head as he thought: "His martial spirit is not an ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but the Blue Silver Emperor whose martial spirit quality is comparable to the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"why are you laughing?"

Dugu Yan tilted his head, his long eyelashes were like willows in spring, casting a faint shadow in his eyes like a deep pool. Hearing Dai Yao's chuckle, he said doubtfully.

Dai Yao replied: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect that someone would be more accomplished in the control system than my Yanyan."

Hearing Dai Yao's compliment, the corners of Dugu Yan's mouth raised slightly.

After Shrek Academy came off the field, he immediately started changing his clothes.

It turned out that even though they swept through the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy and avenged their humiliation at Tiandou Royal Academy, the weird clothes they wore made them ridiculed.

Therefore, after the game, they changed out of the shit green clothes they wore during the game without hesitation.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan smiled and said: "Their dean is also a talent, he actually designed the competition clothes like this."

Dai Yao sneered. In the original portrayal of Shrek Dean Flanders, he was a smooth, sophisticated and greedy and stingy figure, but overall, he was still a good person.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel a little worried.

Ma Hongjun's martial soul is the top beast martial soul, Evil Fire Phoenix, and Oscar is innately full of soul power.

These two people are ordinary civilians. Logically speaking, shouldn't these two people be responsible for awakening in Wuhun Palace? Moreover, with the talents of these two people, they will definitely be trained as core disciples by Wuhun Palace.

But why did these two people end up in Shrek Academy by coincidence?

In other words, it was Dean Flanders who used some means to make these two people give up the Spirit Hall. You know, in the original work, their attitude towards Wuhun Palace was originally neutral, at least they were not opposed to it.

After Tang San's life experience was exposed, the two of them followed Tang San to rebel against the Spirit Hall.

Why don't the two of them go to the Spirit Hall, the holy land of many spirit masters? The development will undoubtedly be better, and the two of them will also improve their family conditions.

In addition, after Shrek established the school, it recruited more than forty soul masters. Due to Shrek Academy's harsh recruitment conditions, all those who can be recruited by Shrek Academy are talented soul masters.

But among these people, only a dozen people graduated in the end, so where did the others go?

Not to mention, their college didn't even qualify for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. I don't know how many students missed the most dazzling experience in their youth.

Time passed by, and the last two games arrived.

The opponents in the two games between Kamikaze Academy and Thunder Academy came on the field with their heads down and had no desire to win at all. It was as if meeting these two teams determined their defeat.

Seven people from Kamikaze Academy can fly into the sky. Their strong strength shows the heritage of a veteran team, easily sweeping their opponents.

In the Thunder Academy, the five people have lightning attributes and are extremely powerful.

What’s even more surprising is that the martial spirit of his captain Yu Tianxin is the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, the best beast in the world!

Not surprisingly, Thunder Academy easily defeated its opponent.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Yu Tianxin found Dai Yao's figure in the rest area of ​​Auckland. The two looked at each other across the distance, as if sparks were flying.

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