Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 157 The Shock of Wuhun Palace

Beside the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect, there was also the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Spirit Temple.

Seeing the commotion here, after the show ended, many spectators who had not yet left cast their interested glances.

"What do you want to do?"

As the eldest brother, Feng Qianli immediately stood in front of Dai Yao and shouted coldly to everyone in the Xiangjia Sect.

Tianxiang Huyanzhen was extremely tall. He lowered his head and glanced at Feng Qianli. He ignored him and said behind him:

"Ali! Come here."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then, a dejected figure walked out from the mountains of meat, it was Hu Yanli.

"Ali, since you failed, you must face your failure and apologize to Dai Yao."

Huyan said in a loud voice.

Everyone in Auckland was a little surprised. They didn't know why the grandson of Tianxiang Hu Yanzhen wanted to apologize to Dai Yao. No matter how powerful Dai Yao is, he is only a soul sect.

Even if Hu Yanli insulted Dai Yao during the competition, Dai Yao was alone after all, so he could not threaten the direct bloodline of the sixth sect in the world.

Salas on the side was stroking his beard, his eyes were thoughtful, his thin and lanky face exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, and he thought to himself:

"What a celestial phenomenon, Hu Yanzhen. Knowing that Dai Yao will definitely be a strong man who will be famous in the mainland in the future, after the defeat in the game, he immediately arranged for Hu Yanli to apologize and resolve the grievances between the two."

"Now that Dai Yao is still weak, the cost of resolving grudges is very low. If Dai Yao becomes stronger, the price will be high..."

Hu Yanli lowered his head and gritted his teeth, feeling extremely unwilling, but his grandfather forced him to apologize, he had no choice but to hesitate again and again, finally gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm sorry, Dai Yao. When the game started, I said something I shouldn't have said!"

Dai Yao snorted coldly, he naturally understood Hu Yanli's plan, and said, "Apologizing naturally requires an apologetic attitude, is it just a verbal apology?"

"I have already apologized to you, please don't push yourself too far!"

As soon as Hu Yanli heard Dai Yao's words, the anger in his heart was immediately ignited and he said angrily.

Hu Yanzhen immediately stopped Hu Yanli, looked at Dai Yao with a pair of copper bell-sized pupils, and said:

"What do you want?"

The atmosphere was a bit oppressive. Under the watchful eye of a Contra-level powerhouse, the members of the Oakland team felt a little uncomfortable, but they didn't flinch. Instead, they all walked behind Dai Yao to build up their momentum for him.

Dai Yao chuckled and said: "Since it's an apology, just slap yourself. If you want to slap it, you have to satisfy me!"

Of course Dai Yao knew Hu Yanzhen's plan. How could a light apology satisfy him. Since you are a bitch, you have to pay the price!

Hearing this, Hu Yanzhen stared at Dai Yao.

The eldest grandson Hu Yanli slapped himself, not on his own face, but on the face of their Xiangjia Sect.

But he had no choice, he had a clear understanding of Dai Yao, not only the long-coveted genius of the Wuhun Palace, but also the highest-level distinguished guest of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the future grandson-in-law of Poison Douluo.

He cannot afford to offend any of these forces. What's more, he has been in contact with Wuhun Palace for a long time and will join Wuhun Palace in the future.

Dai Yao is still the Soul Sect, and he is already surrounded by so many powerful forces. Who knows how terrifying it will be when he becomes stronger in the future.

If Dai Yao's hatred can be resolved with just one slap, it will be worth losing some face.

In Hu Yanli's disbelieving eyes, Hu Yanzhen shouted:

"Dai Yao said so and still didn't do it!"

Hu Yanli gritted his back molars, his eyes were blood red, and he made a muffled sound in his throat: "Okay! I will do it!"

Immediately, he raised his right hand and slapped himself hard on the face. With one palm strike, his body became a little crooked.


The loudness of the sound shocked everyone. A bright red palm print suddenly appeared on Hu Yanli's fat face.

"So cruel!"

This is the feeling in everyone's heart.

At this time, Dai Yao finally nodded with satisfaction. Hu Yanzhen breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"Now that you've apologized, let's go."

Immediately, he waved the red cloak behind him and left the soul fighting arena with the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect.

After Hu Yanzhen left, Salas turned back and looked at Dai Yao. The indifference on his face disappeared and was replaced by a smile.

"You are quite majestic, boy Dai Yao."

"I made the Lord Bishop laugh. I just used the Wuhun Palace behind me to show off my power."

Salas smiled and said:

"How many times have I told you, just call me grandpa, why bother calling me like an outsider."

"I've met the Bishop."

The other members of the Auckland team all bowed to each other. Salas asked Dai Yao to call him grandpa, but he didn't let them do the same.

Salas had a formulaic smile on his face and waved his hands.

"Hello, fellow students in Auckland. Dai Yao and I still have some matters to attend to. You should go back first. After the matter is over, Dai Yao will return to Auckland safely."

Everyone in Auckland looked at each other and then said goodbye to Dai Yao.

Looking at the leaving figures of several girls, Salas praised with his tongue:

"Dai Yao, you are so lucky. You have three women, all beautiful and beautiful. You are really lucky."

"Grandpa Salas, please stop teasing me. Why are you looking for me?"

Salas led Dai Yao to Wuhun Palace's exclusive office in the Soul Fighting Arena, made a cup of tea, and then said with a deep expression:

"Dai Yao, are you sure you will join the Spirit Hall after the competition?"

"Yes, Grandpa Salas. Any questions?"

Hearing this, Salas breathed a sigh of relief and joked:

"You brat, you have been in deep trouble with the Qibao Glazed Sect during this period. If you didn't know, I thought you were going to be the son-in-law of the Qibao Glazed Sect!"

"No no."

Dai Yao waved his hands repeatedly and smiled awkwardly.

If he hadn't known the plot, the three sects combined wouldn't have been enough for the Wuhun Palace to defeat. He has long been the son-in-law of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Ning Rongrong is beautiful and a rich young woman. She is rich and beautiful. Marrying her is a blessing for countless people.

Salas continued: "It's because of this incident that aroused the dissatisfaction of an elder in the Elder Hall, so I sent the Elephant Armor Sect to find trouble for you, no."

Dai Yao was thoughtful, but he couldn't tell which titled Douluo had any objections to him.

"You don't have to worry. Since you will join the Spirit Hall, and you are extremely talented, and your fourth spirit ring is a ten thousand year spirit ring, our Spirit Hall will be as tolerant to you as possible."

"The talent you have shown now will probably stop that elder, so you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, being cared about by a titled Douluo is not a good thing.

"However, don't relax. Your current strength has been noticed by the golden generation of Wuhun Palace..."

Dai Yao suddenly raised his head, his eyes froze.


Wuhun City.

Papal Palace.

On the throne, a graceful purple figure sat.

Wearing a purple and gold crown, it is extremely elegant.

Under the crown, there is a jade face that is so beautiful that it is difficult to describe in words, supported by slender white jade hands. Her lips were tightly closed, her nose was straight, and her eyes were closed like stars.

The purple silk fits the curves of the body. It is elegant and at the same time extremely tempting, making people's blood rush.

But no one among the people standing there dared to show an indecent expression. All of them are cautious and cautious.

It's a pity that no one appreciates this beautiful figure. Of course, no one dares to appreciate it.

This person is none other than Pope Bibi Dong.

Your Highness is the golden generation of Wuhun Palace and a member of the Wuhun Palace team.

Bibi Dong opened her eyes slightly and looked at Salas' memorial in her hand with an expression of interest. The slender jade legs were put together and curled up and down.

Throwing the memorial in his hand to His Highness, the golden generation, a cold voice sounded in the empty papal hall:

"Nana, you have a rival."

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Hu Liena and the rest of the Wuhundian team were a little confused.

After taking the memorial and reading it carefully, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"Nana, what's wrong with you?"

Yan beside him asked quickly.

"Oakland College has a four-ring soul sect."

"What kind of opponent is Soul Sect?"

Although Yan looked down on Hun Sect, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Bibi Dong.

Xie Yue, who was beside her, also looked over and looked at Hu Liena in confusion.

"He is not an ordinary soul sect. His second soul ring is a thousand-year soul ring, and his fourth soul ring is even ten thousand years!"

Xie Yue and Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and they exclaimed: "The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years!"

The other members of the Wuhundian team behind them became even more noisy. They are all soul sects, and they are genius soul masters with similar positions in the Wuhun Palace. They understand the horror of obtaining a ten-thousand-year soul ring on their fourth soul ring.

"Impossible! How can a soul sect absorb a ten thousand year soul ring!"

They couldn't believe it.


Hu Liena turned around and scolded, her charming face full of chilling air.

"How dare you be so arrogant in front of the Pope!"

After everyone in the Wuhundian team at the rear calmed down, she continued:

"What's even more terrifying is that he is only thirteen years old now!"

The age of thirteen was like a bomb, causing huge waves in everyone's hearts.

If this wasn't the news confirmed by the Tiandou Empire's Spirit Temple, they would have started to question it long ago.

They are all the proud sons of heaven. They are all in their early twenties now. They have only reached the forty-plus level of soul power after being carefully trained by Wuhun Palace.

The man on the memorial was only thirteen years old. Not only had he reached level 40, he also received a ten-thousand-year soul ring in his fourth soul ring. What a terrifying talent this was!

After reading the memorial, Hu Liena's chest rose and fell, like the undulating sea surface, extremely tempting.

"Your Majesty, I want to know, since Dai Yao is such a genius, why didn't he directly join the Spirit Hall? Instead, he joined an unknown academy in the Heaven Dou Empire to participate in the competition."

"Aren't you going to compete with us?"

Hearing Hu Liena's words, Bibi Dongguan smiled, and that smile seemed to eclipse the entire Papal Palace.

"Yes, he just wants to compete with you."

"What I didn't tell you is his identity. He is the prince of the Star Luo Empire."

"The prince of the Star Luo Empire? Isn't he a spy sent by the Star Luo Empire?"

Hu Liena had some surprise on her face.

"You don't need to pay attention to this. Whether Dai Yao is a spy after joining Wuhun Palace will naturally be the responsibility of the person in charge of this aspect."

"Because of his status, he knows that after he joins the Hall of Spirits, he will definitely be treated differently by you, and he will not even take advantage of the allocation of resources."

"Therefore, he went to Heaven Dou and joined an ordinary academy. He wanted to prove to us in the competition that he is stronger than all of you!"

"He's going to defeat you in the competition!"

Bibi Dong shook the purple gold scepter in her hand, and the waves that penetrated it made everyone feel shocked. She really wanted to see what kind of sparks would happen when Dai Yao collided with the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

She had fallen into hell and understood how painful Dai Yao's heart was in such a depressing environment as the Xingluo royal family.

A look of contempt flashed across Yan's eyes, and he replied to Bibi Dong:

"Your Majesty the Pope, it's not that I look down on Dai Yao, but that he is too young. If he were older, I would still care a little more, but now he is only a soul sect, how can he be our soul king? opponent!"

Bibi Dong glanced around and found that neither the golden generation of Wuhun Palace nor other team members paid much attention to Dai Yao's challenge, and scolded him coldly:

"It's normal for you to have such a view, but what you don't know is that in the competition just a few days ago, Dai Yao easily defeated several soul sects from Elephant Academy with his own strength!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank.

Although they don't look down on the Elephant Armor Academy, they still have some strength. At least a few soul sects have it.

Even for Yan, who has the strongest attack power, it will not be easy to defeat the Soul Sect of the Elephant Armor Academy, which is known for its defense. But such a configuration was defeated by Dai Yao alone, which shows Dai Yao's terror.

After hearing Dai Yao's record, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace finally began to face their opponents.

Hu Liena said coldly: "Your Majesty the Pope, we understand. Since Dai Yao wants to use us as a stepping stone, we will never hold back!"

Yes, Dai Yao's behavior was undoubtedly using them as a ladder for promotion in Wuhun Palace! As the arrogant golden generation, how could they endure it?

"Okay, it's good if you have this heart. You are indeed the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. You are the younger generation of Wuhun Palace in the past hundred years and the geniuses among geniuses!"

"So, your spirit is even higher than when I was young."

"I agree with Dai Yao's choice to stay in the Tiandou Empire to create an opponent for you, to make you nervous and to spur your cultivation. I hope you will not disappoint me."

It turns out that the reason Dai Yao was able to stay in the Tiandou Empire was because Bibi Dong secretly promoted it, in order to train the golden generation.

I just don’t know whether it was the whetstone that broke the knife, or whether the knife was sharpened.

Hearing this, the Golden Generation understood the Pope's good intentions and felt warm in their hearts. They quickly knelt down on one knee and thanked:

"We will bear in mind His Majesty the Pope's painstaking efforts!"

Seeing this, Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction.

Dai Yao, who was far away in the Tiandou Empire, didn't know yet that he was already hated by the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Bibi Dong’s new model looks really good today

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